• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 481 Views, 11 Comments

Lurking Within The Woods - ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

All of Ponyville is in terror, as something from the Everfree Forest has been attacking and eating the residents.

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Chapter 2: The Ponyville Police Department

“We must always remain diligent, Deputy Sheriff Hum Free,” said Blue Knight. “Ready to pounce on crime whenever it rears it’s ugly head.”

Blue Knight had been sheriff of Ponyville for only a few weeks, but he always took the law seriously. He had light brown fur, with a green mane and tail that sported blue streaks in it. His cutie mark was a police shield on a black ticket book, representing his love for upholding the law. He’s rarely seen without his blue vest. He was originally from Canterlot, and a prominent unicorn family (though he himself is an earth pony) but moved away from the scorn of his snobby family because he had a son out of wedlock (named Polaris, whom he has full custody of).

“Oh yea, we need to keep an eye out for litter bugs and loiterers,” Hum Free responded sarcastically.

Hum Free is the resident “burn out” given that he’s never held any job for very long. He’s a pegasus pony, tall and lanky, with aqua fur and a wavy, dirty blonde mane and tail. His cutie mark is tiny musical notes on a bar, representing his special talent for being able to hum any song from memory. He became Blue Knight’s deputy because he figured being a cop in Ponyville would be a very cushy job, since there are very few crimes to report. Though he rarely gets to just sit around, because Blue Knight always wants to stroll around town looking for possible “offenders.”

“Would it kill you to take this seriously, Hum Free?” asked Pencil Pusher.

Finally, there’s Pencil Pusher, the secretary of the “police force.“ A female unicorn with light brown fur and a dark brown mane and tail, she sports a typewriter cutie mark, representing her ability to type anything exact precision. Since there isn’t a lot of paperwork to do due to lack of crimes, she also acts as foal sitter to Blue Knight’s young son, Polaris.

“Easy for you to say,” said Hum Free. “You get to sit in a cozy office, while me and Blue Knight gotta go out and patrol the so called dangerous streets.”

“Don’t forget I also have to look after Polaris,” she retorted. “Not that I mind, he’s a good kid. Still, I don’t get to sit around as much as you think.”

“Enough with the bickering, already,” commanded Blue Knight. “Now, Deputy Sheriff Hum Free, it’s time for our patrol of the town.”

“Aw, come on, Blue,” groaned Hum Free.

“That’s Sheriff Blue Knight,” he interrupted his deputy.

“As apposed to the other sheriffs in this massive town,” the deputy sheriff sarcastically replied.

“Listen, Deputy,” exclaimed Blue Knight. “I don’t have to put up with your snark. There are tons of other ponies in town who’d love to have your job.”

“Like who?” retorted Hum Free. “I don’t think Pencil Pusher has the time with all the vital ‘paper work.’ Plus she has to watch your kid.”

As much as Blue Knight hated to admit it, Hum Free was correct. There was nopony else in town who’d even applied for this position. They were stuck with each other.

“Ok, fair enough,” said Blue Knight. “In casual conversation, you can refer to me as Blue. But, outside the station, please address me as Sheriff.”

“Yeah yeah,” he groaned once more.

Just then, Rainbow Dash and Twilight burst into the sheriff’s station. Blue Knight, given his Canterlot upbringing, immediately bowed at Twilight’s presence.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle,” he greeted. “You honor this station with your presence!”

“I’ve told you time and time again, Blue Knight, that Twilight will do,” she said. “I’m more a princess in title than anything.”

“Don’t bother, Twi,” said Hum Free. “Sheriff Stick in the Mud here is all about traditions.”

“Deputy!” sniped Blue Knight. “We do not address royalty by some silly nickname!”

“These guys are cops?” Rainbow Dash asked Twilight.

“I assure you, that I am a serious police officer,” exclaimed Blue Knight.

“Serious as a bucking heart attack,” Hum Free said under his breath.

“Don’t use such language in front of royalty!” screamed Blue Knight.

“For Celestia’s sake!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Enough with the squabbling! We got a real case for you bozos!”

“What? Somepony vandalize a wall?” chuckled Hum Free.

“For your information, smart mouth, there’s a dead body near the Everfree Forest!” barked Rainbow Dash.

“A body?” Blue Knight and Hum Free both said in surprise.

Fluttershy was still inside her cottage, drinking some tea for comfort, when she got a knock at her door. She figured it would be Rainbow Dash and Twilight. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see two stallions standing at her porch.

“Oh my…” she squeaked. “Who are you?”

“Ma’am, I’m Sheriff Blue Knight,” he introduced himself. “This is my deputy, Hum Free.”

“Oh…hello Hum Free,” greeted Fluttershy, recognizing the deputy. “I see you have a new job.”

“Yeah, real excited for it,” he sarcastically replied.

“Anyway,” Blue Knight interrupted. “Your friend, Rainbow Dash, and Princess Twilight Sparkle have informed us that you found something by the Everfree Forest?”

“Y-y-yes,” Fluttershy stuttered, beginning to tear up again. “It was s-s-so awful.”

Blue Knight and Hum Free hadn’t dealt with a crying witness before, and weren’t quite sure how to handle the situation. Finally, Rainbow Dash intervened.

“Look, guys,” she began. “Fluttershy can’t handle seeing the body again. I can take you both to it. Would that be ok?”

“It’s a bit unorthodox,” said Blue Knight. “Normally it’s good to have a witness.”

“Well…um…Angel is who showed me the b-b-body first,” replied Fluttershy.

“If your husband is willing to show us the scene, that will work just as well,” said Blue Knight.

“Oh…um…he’s not my husband,” she blushed. “He’s my bunny.”

Angel hopped up from behind her, with his usual stern look.

“A bunny?” questioned Blue Knight.

“Trust me, Blue, that’s no ordinary rodent,” said Hum Free.

Blue Knight gave Hum Free an annoyed look.

“Pardon me…Sheriff,” he sighed.

“Alright then. Mr. Angel, please take us to the scene,” said Blue Knight.

Confused at first by the formality, Angel took Blue Knight and Hum Free to the bush where the body had been discovered. Rainbow Dash decided to stay with Flusttershy for comfort, while Twilight followed the sheriff and his deputy. Angel stopped in front of the bush and Twilight decided to use her magic to part the brush. There were three audible gasps from the sight they saw.

“Oh my,” gulped Blue Knight.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Hum Free.

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Twilight. “Do you think it was some sort of animal attack?”

“Well…it’s possible,” said Blue Knight, going in for a closer look at the body. “I don’t see a cutie mark. That’s going to make identifying the victim difficult. Have there been any missing pony reports, Deputy?”

“Not that I’m aware of,” responded Hum Free. “There aren’t any real features to make out any more. I don’t think we can handle this on our own, Blue.”

“Princess, do you think you could use some sort of spell to identify the body?” Blue Knight asked.

“I don’t know any spell like that on a deceased pony,” said Twilight. “But I may be able to find somepony who can!”

Author's Note:

Sheriff Blue Knight, Deputy Sheriff Hum Free, and Deputy Pencil Pusher were created by my best friend Ravebrony42 who gave me permission to use them for my story. I'll do my best to represent them well, and keep the balance between dark and comedy consistent.