• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 479 Views, 11 Comments

Lurking Within The Woods - ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

All of Ponyville is in terror, as something from the Everfree Forest has been attacking and eating the residents.

  • ...

Chapter 3: EBI Special Agent J. Edgar Hoofer

The next day, Sheriff Blue Knight and Deputy Hum Free waited with Twilight at train station for the arrival of her special expert. Naturally, Hum Free wasn't being patient.

"Is he ever gonna get here?" complained Hum Free.

"We've only been waiting for twenty minutes, Deputy," replied Blue Knight.

"Who is this guy, anyway?" asked Hum Free.

"Princess Celestia informed me she had recently commissioned a special organization to handle strange cases," said Twilight. "She figured my friends and I couldn't handle them all."

"You guys do seem to attract a lot of crazy stuff," commented Hum Free.

"Yes, but we've never dealt with...this sort of issue," said Twilight. "Animal attacks from the Everfree Forest are scarce. The last known case of a pony being killed by something from the forest was nearly a century ago."

"It doesn't feel right," said Blue Knight. "Why would the animal just leave it there? Seems like there were too many remains."

"I'm still sick from thinking about the site," said Hum Free.

"I can't blame you for that, Deputy," said Blue Knight. "It was a horrible thing to see."

"Hopefully this expert can help us out," said Twilight. "I haven't met him before, but Celestia speaks highly of him."

Just then, the train arrived in front of the station. Out walked a tall, unicorn pony. He had white fur and a slicked back black mane; he was wearing a black suit jacket with a white shirt and black tie. On his face (besides a very serious expression) were thick, black sunglasses. His cutie mark looked like an illustration of an eye. The others didn't know what to make of this pony, he just stood there a moment, glancing at them before finally approaching them.

"Pleasure to meet you, Princess Twilight Sparkle," he began in a serious voice.

"You as well," said Twilignt. "And you are...?

"I'm Special Agent J. Edgar Hoofer," he replied. "With the EBI."

"What the hay is that?" asked Hum Free.

"Equestrian Bureau of Investigation," Agent Hoofer answered. "My job is to deal with cases of an unusual manner. From what I've gathered thus far, this is such a case."

"How do you already have info on this?" asked Hum Free.

"You certainly ask a lot of questions, Mr. Hum Free," quipped Agent Hoofer.

"How do you know my name?" Hum Free asked in shock.

"Obviously, Princess Twilight told him in advanced Deputy," said Blue Knight.

"You'd be incorrect, Mr. Blue Knight," retorted Agent Hoofer. "I have detailed files on you and the rest of your force."

"I'd hardly call, three ponies a force," Hum Free said.

"Numbers aren't what's important, Mr. Hum Free," retorted Agent Hoofer. "It's all a matter of how you do your job."

"Finally, somepony else gets it," exclaimed Blue Knight."If only you were my deputy."

"I think Agent Hoofer would like to get on with the case already," said Twilight.

"If you all wouldn't mind," agreed Agent Hoofer.

The four made their way to the scene.

"Has the body been moved since it was discovered?" asked Agent Hoofer.

"Well, we don't really have a morgue," explained Twilight. "The best I could really do was place a spell over the body to keep it from decomposing any further."

"Not a bad strategy," Agent Hoofer complimented. "This will work best with the crime scene less tampered."

"What exactly do you do?" asked Hum Free.

"You'll see, once we get to the crime scene," said Agent Hoofer.

After more walking, and more moments of silence, they made it to Fluttershy's cottage. Agent Hoofer knocked on her door and Angel answered.

"Good afternoon, sir," greeted Agent Hoofer. "I'm Special Agent J. Edgar Hoofer with the Equestrian Bureau of Investigation."

Angel simply arched an eyebrow.

"I'm here to investigate the incident near the Everfree Forest," he continued. "But first, I need to speak to the owner of this home. Is she in right now?"

Angel slowly nodded and went to get Fluttershy. After a moment, the still traumatized mare came to the front door.

"Can I...can I help you?" she asked timidly.

"Ma'am, I'm Special Agent J. Edgar Hoofer with the Equestrian Bureau of Investigation," he said again. "I've been sent by Princess Celestia herself to investigate the incident that occurred near your cottage the other day. But first, for proper paperwork, I must ask you some questions first."

"Oh, um, ok..." she replied. "I suppose I understand that. You can all come in."

Agent Hoofer and the rest followed; Twilight immediately gave Fluttershy a comforting hug.

"Would any of you like something to drink?" asked Fluttershy.

"No thank you ma'am," replied Agent Hoofer. "It's best to just get things going. Now, do you know who first found the body?"

As Fluttershy told Agent Hoofer what happened, Blue Knight took out a notepad and took notes.

"Um...well...I think Angel did," Fluttershy began. "But I'm not...really sure. I...I just noticed none of my animals were in the house, and I went out and...they were all hiding in my chicken coop."

Agent Hoofer turned his attention to Angel.

"Are you the one who found the body?" he asked.

Angel slowly nodded his head.

"But I'm guessing you weren't alone," he continued.

Angel nodded again.

"I think I'm ready to see the scene of the crime," he said. "Princess Twilight, I suggest you stay here with your friend. Can you put down your spell from here?"

"Of course," Twilight answered.

"Officers, show me to the scene," motioned Agent Hoofer.

Blue Knight and Hum Free took Agent Hoofer out to the area where they too had been shown the body.

"I should warn you in advanced Agent Hoofer, it's not a pleasant sight," said Blue Knight.

"I understand, Sheriff," Agent Hoofer assured him.

Blue Knight and Hum Free moved the brush aside to reveal the body. It was still in it's original state, thanks to Twilight's spell. Despite the horrific site, Agent Hoofer remained composed.

"You are indeed correct, Sheriff," said Agent Hoofer. "It's certainly unpleasant."

"It's just an simple animal attack, right?" asked Hum Free.

"That's still uncertain, Deputy," answered Agent Hoofer.

"And I forgot to ask, what is your special talent?" asked Blue Knight.

Without saying anything, Agent Hoofer used his horn to levitate his sunglasses and rest them on his head. His irises were a milky white that almost blended into the regular whites of his eyes. Added to that, his pupils weren't black, but a very light grey. Blue Knight and Hum free were quite surprised by their appearance.

"Are you blind!?" exclaimed Hum Free.

"Deputy! That's a rude question to ask," chastised Blue Knight.

"No need to worry about my feelings, Sheriff," said Agent Hoofer. "I assure you both I have perfect eyesight. You could call this a mere...side effect to my special talent."

Agent Hoofer walked closer to the body. He began to widen his eyes, and his horn began to glow brilliantly. Next, the magic from his horn looped around his eyes, and two bright white beams shot out of his eyes and began scanning the body. Finally his stopped the scan and everything went back to normal, and agent Hoofer returned his sunglasses to over his eyes. The two police officers stood there in awe.

"WOW! THAT WAS COOL!" exclaimed Hum Free.

"Calm yourself, Deputy," snapped Blue Knight. "But yes, I must admit, that was impressive. Were you scanning the body?"

"You are correct, Sheriff," answered Agent Hoofer. "My special talent is, in simplest of terms, perception. Even I'm not certain how it works, but with my magic I'm able to essentially gain information from scanning anything. I can read a book simply with my magic and remember it all word for word. A side effect from it though is a sensitivity to bright lights. Hence these special sunglasses."

"So now you know the information of this pony?" asked Hum Free.

"Correct as well, Deputy" said Agent Hoofer. "Victim is male, Earth Pony, though I'm sure that was obvious even with the remains the way they were. He appears to be a young adult, his cutie mark, when he had one, was a polishing device. His name was...is Shoeshine. I would guess with that name and cutie mark, that his special talent was polishing horseshoes. Anyone in town by that name?"

"Not that I'm aware of," said Blue Knight. "It's pretty easy learn the names of everypony around here."

"So, he could have come from anywhere," said Hum Free.

"Manehattan," answered Agent Hoofer. "Possibly here to visit somepony. But, I don't think this was a mere animal attack."

"Why?" both Blue Knight and Hum Free asked.

"I find it strange that no other animal tried to forage the remains of the body," continued Agent Hoofer. From my scan it's clear that all the remains from when he was attacked are still here. It's almost as if the animals of the Everfree Forest were...spooked into staying away from this body. Stranger still, the bite marks are not from any animal of recordings. They don't match any particular species. Clearly sharp...but I don't think naturally."

"You mean, something sharpened it's own teeth?" asked Hum Free, now a bit scared.

"Or somepony," said Agent Hoofer.

"Are you trying to say that...this pony was eaten by...another pony," gasped Blue Knight.

"The current evidence points to yes," said Agent Hoofer.

"A cannibal pony!" exclaimed Hum Free. "You ever heard of this!?"

"Only in storybooks," said Agent Hoofer. "Tales almost as old as Equestria. But they were just that, stories. I have never heard of a true life story. But, I suppose there is a first time for everything."

"Oh this is fanbuckingtastic!" Hum Free exclaimed sarcastically. "I didn't want things to stir up like this!"

Author's Note:

And there you have my new chapter! Good be back on this story after such a long hiatus. Finally glad to introduce the character, J. Edgar Hoofer. Once again, thanks to user rem-dog for helping me come up with the name for Agent Hoofer. And despite the long hiatus, this was an idea I've had since I first came up with this story.

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you're welcome :twilightsmile:

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