• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 4,628 Views, 79 Comments

Want - DongleKumquat

Rainbow Dash's dreams come true, and fame begins to change her in more ways than she could imagine.

  • ...

Chapter 4

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"Want" EqD Post

Want Ch. 4 in Google Docs

Chapter 4

They reached the exit at the end of the hallway and stopped. Two large, husky pegasi dressed in black suits emerged from the darkness and stomped up to their side. Rainbow Dash looked up at the one towering over her. Huge teeth poked out of his closed mouth, his brutish face adorned by a clean-cut scar stretching over his cheek and eye.


She wasn’t sure what was more startling, his impossibly low and silk-smooth voice, or the fact that he actually spoke.

“You enjoyin’ the view?”

She glanced quickly away at the ground. The guard chuckled lightly. He sounded like a radio star.

“Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna hurt you. My job is to do the exact opposite, in fact.”

She looked back up at him from the corner of her eye.

“Dash, this is Silvertongue,” said Spitfire. “He and I go way back.”

“Further back than I care to admit,” chuckled Silvertongue. “I knew Spitfire before she could even fly.”

“He’ll be your main guy,” said Spitfire. “If you ever have problems with a crowd, he’ll be there to handle it.”

“Well, I’m not famous yet,” said Dash. “What are we waiting for?”

Spitfire chuckled. ”Alright, miss showoff. Here.” Spitfire handed Rainbow Dash a black cloth big enough to be a blanket. “Put this over yourself. And quick, we’re running late already.”

“What? What for?”

“Just do it.”

Dash grabbed the blanket with her teeth and flung it over her head. She couldn’t see anything.

“Make sure it’s completely covering your face.”

“What the hay is this f-”

“Later. Now, when I tell you to go, walk forward slowly. Ok?”


“I’ll guide you with a hoof as we walk, but when I tell you to stop, stop as quickly as you can and hold completely still. Got it?”

“I- I guess.”

“We’ll be getting into a jet. I’ll tell you when we’re there, but you have to stay covered the entire way. Ready?”

“Y- yeah. Wait, a jet?”

“Alright, guys. Barricade em’.”

Dash heard the doors open, and suddenly, thousands of camera shutters and screaming fans. Her heart shot up into her throat.

“Oh horseapples.”

“Alright,” said Spitfire. “GO!”

Dash started forwards, completely blind to anything in front of her. She walked as close to half her normal pace as possible. But why did Spitfire have to hide her? Everypony needed to see the brand new, athletic, incredibly good-looking Rainbow Dash!

“BACK AWAY, MAKE ROOM! QUESTIONS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED!” yelled the bodyguards as the endless shutter of cameras came like the sound of torrential rain. Dash heard the crowd trying to yell over each other.





“Keep going, we’re doing good,” Spitfire said in Dash’s ear. She despised hiding herself from the world. If she was to become famous all over Equestria, what better place than to start right here?

The guards grunted and yelled as they pushed the crowd backwards. They began to slow down, until finally, Spitfire yelled, “Ok, stop!”

Dash froze in place, keeping every muscle as still as possible.

“There’s a set of stairs in front of you,” said Spitfire. “Keep the blanket covering you.”

Spitfire guided Dash up the stairs. A door opened.

“Ok, it’s open! Go in!” yelled Spitfire. Dash entered, feeling her way through the hole. The door shut, and Spitfire sighed. “K, you can take it off now.”

“Thank Celestia,” said Dash as she grabbed the cloth and pulled it off. Her eyes were met with a mob of ponies outside the door with cameras as they pushed and shoved to get a glimpse inside the window. Dash leaned away. “Woah."

“As you can see, rumors spread at the speed of sound. First lesson in fame, never say something publicly that our staff hasn’t approved.”

“But can’t they see in here?”

“Nope. The windows are blacked out from the outside.”

Dash looked around. Whatever vehicle she had entered could only be bought by ponies with innumerable amounts of money. Beige-colored recliners and furniture lined the cabin. Marble and oak-wood counter tops adorned a kitchen, just under a flat-screen TV built into the wall. A large hot tub sat in the corner, already hot and bubbling.

“Woah,” said Dash.

Spitfire chuckled. “Welcome to the JON! Also known as, the Jet of Necessity. We use this if we need to get places secretly.”

“Secret?” said Dash, half-scoffing at Spitfire. “There’s nothing secret about this thing!”

“Yeah, well. We’re working on that.”

Suddenly, the jet lurched up into the air and hovered above the crowd in the hedge garden below.

Spitfire jumped into one of the recliners and hit the side of the cabin twice. “You might wanna hang on.”


The engines roared, and the jet shot forward. Dash flailed backward into the couch and yelled at the top of her lungs, holding on to whatever she could. Spitfire laughed and threw her hooves in the air. The jet leveled out and Dash looked out the window to see Ponyville speeding past them and out of sight.

“Why in Equestira do we need a jet?” She demanded. “I mean, I understand the secrecy and everything, but we do have wings. Couldn’t I have just kept the blanket on?”

“That’s why we named it the Jet of Necessity. Because it’s not actually necessary. Besides, wouldn’t it be kinda hard to fly with a blanket on?”

“Well. I guess.”

Spitfire shrugged. “I kinda like the jet. She laid back in the seat and propped her legs up on a nearby table. In an attempt to keep up the cool status quo, Dash copied Spitfire and propped her legs on the same table. Spitfire chuckled at this.

“What?” said Dash.


Their eyes met. Once again, they looked at each other for much longer than Dash would have liked. She looked away and tried to find something else to focus on, but Spitfire hadn’t stopped.

“You know,” Spitfire began, her dynamic dropping ten levels. “When I said that nopony had done anything like that for me before, saving my life and everything...”

Surprised at the sudden change in conversation, Dash looked back at Spitfire.

“...I sorta lied,” she finished.

“What do you mean?” Dash said, her curiosity piqued.

Spitfire bit her lip and broke her stare. “My parents. They died trying to save me and my brother.”

Silence filled the room. The jet engines dulled to nothing but a whisper. Dash didn’t know what to say. She felt like she should say something, but nothing came to mind.

“I- I’m-” She stuttered.

Spitfire groaned and put her face in her hooves. “Oh. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine, It-”

“I shouldn’t just randomly bring up stuff like that. It’s totally inappropriate.” Dash saw Spitfire’s face turn dark orange behind her hooves.

"It's really no big deal," said Dash.

Spitfire looked back at Dash, a mix of uncertainty and joy etched into her expression.

“What happened to them?” asked Dash.

Spitfire paused. “Ah, let’s not talk about it. Somber is my least favorite mood.” She smiled.

Dash had great difficulty figuring out why this topic of conversation had come up. Past family members were the last thing she had expected to discuss with the most famous pony in Equestria.

"But when you did the rainboom-" Spitfire continued, deep in thought. "I don't even know how to describe it. It changes you. I've been doing and saying things lately that I never would otherwise. Like just randomly blurting things out about my dead parents."

Again, Rainbow Dash had nothing to say. Her mouth opened as she tried to form words, but only stutters came out.

"But at the same time," Spitfire continued, "I'm just really happy." She laughed. "It's so weird, I feel all confident and optimistic about everything all the time, and Soarin’s been acting weird too. It’s like it has this effect on ponies who see it...” She stopped in thoughtful silence. “Just imagine when you do it in Manehatten.”

Dash’s head began to fill with millions of outlandish scenarios. Effect? What did Spitfire mean by feeling “optimistic and happy?” Was this why the Wonderbolts’ personalities were nothing like she imagined they would be?

What would happen if she did it in Mane Arena?

The jet began to slow down. Spitfire looked out the window. “Ah, we’re here!”

Dash looked out her window. They had come to a flat plain that stretched out to the horizon, as far as the eye could see. Several lines and circles were painted on the surface in a pattern, making a large bulls-eye. The jet slowed to a halt in midair and slowly lowered to the ground.

“Welcome to the middle of nowhere!” said Spitfire as she got up and flipped a switch that opened the door. “C’mon.”

“But-” Dash took a few hesitant glances out the windows. “What if somepony sees me?”

Spitfire smirked. “Good, you’re thinking like a famous pony. Don’t worry, we have teams of unicorns stationed around the field with visibility enchantments. Don’t ask me how it works, I have no clue.”

“Awesome.” Dash followed Spitfire out of the jet and adjusted her eyes from the ambient lighting inside the cabin to the blinding sun.

“Jeez, what the hay took you guys? We’ve already got the lines painted!” said Soarin’, as he the Wonderbolts walked up to them.

“Can it,” said Spitfire, shooting him a look. “Alright guys, take five miles around the field, half-speed.”

The Wonderbolts took off, and to her own surprise, Dash took off immediately after them.

After going to entire day without flying, the wind blowing through Dash’s mane felt incredibly refreshing. As far as she could see, this truly was the middle of nowhere. The brown ground met the blue sky in every direction.

She then found herself flying next to a yellow stallion with a long, firey mane and bright, amber eyes.

“Hey,” he said, extending a hoof to Dash. She was amazed at how alike he and Spitfire sounded. “I’m Rapidfire. I’m Spitfire’s brother.”

“I know,” she said, taking his hoof and shaking it. Either she had finally come to terms with reality or she was still stuck in a very long dream, but she managed to suppress any outward showing of excitement. “Name’s Rainbow Dash.”

“I know.” They laughed. “So. I hear that Sonic Rainboom of yours is quite the sight.”

“Hay yeah,” she said, smirking with pride. “It has this weird effect on you when you see it, so I’d be careful.”

He laughed. “Oh, really? And what kind of effect is this?”

“You start feeling all optimistic and happy about everything.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed Soarin’ acting a little... giddy lately.”


“Yeah, he’s been going on and on about it all day. It got pretty annoying. But he’s pretty annoying in general, so it’s normal.”

Dash laughed. She had never thought the Wonderbolts to be real, actual ponies, they had only been deities and idols to her.

“But listen,” said Rapidfire. “If you have any questions about anything, or you just want somepony to talk to, I’m always here. I know how it is, being new and all.”

She smiled at him. “Cool. Thanks.”

He winked at Dash, then returned to flying.
