• Published 7th Feb 2012
  • 4,631 Views, 79 Comments

Want - DongleKumquat

Rainbow Dash's dreams come true, and fame begins to change her in more ways than she could imagine.

  • ...

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Dash’s skull pounded and throbbed against the softness it lay on. She tried to move, but her body roared in painful protest. Her mind filled with an unprecedented feeling of despair, she opened her eyes in a desperate attempt to find happiness in one of her other senses, only to be met with bright, blurry visions of yellow and orange. Continuing her search, she closed her eyes and sniffed the air. Surprisingly, it carried pleasant hints of shampoo and fresh linen. Each inhale she took blew a sweet flurry of fruity elation through her mind, yet the bubble of pain inside continued to fight back.

Another peculiar presence came to her attention. It seemed to encompass everything, as if it filled her from head to hoof. Serene and fluttering, like the same presence she felt when basking in the warm glory of the sun. Suddenly, a deep surge of desire for this presence bubbled up inside her. The throbbing in her head didn’t matter now. Nothing else at all mattered, as long as this warmth stayed with her. With her forelegs, chest, stomach, and legs wrapped around it, she pulled it in closer. She squeezed vast quantities of heat and happiness from its soft, plush surface. She began questioning the reality of the situation, as this sort of thing only happened in the weird dreams she had. Trying to derive every bit of warm euphoria from the dream she could for as long as she could, she nuzzled her head into the back of its neck. Then, much to her delight, it pulled her in closer. It wrapped its own forelegs around Dash’s and hugged them tightly to its chest. Then, something happened that exploded joy into Dash’s heart: It made a noise, a sort of soft, content sighing noise - a simple yet cacophonic symphony of sweet sonority.

It enjoyed her company, just as she enjoyed it. Despite the pulsating pain in her head and inability to move, it seemed like the only thing in the world she really wanted.

Then, a different noise came from behind her. She couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but it sounded like... snickering. Curious as to who had made the sound, she released the warmth next to her and sat up. She rubbed her sore eyes and opened them to the morning sun shining bright through a balcony window. Squinting, she looked around and saw Soarin’ standing just in front of a doorway with a very surprised look on his face.

“Uhh- what- Hi, Soarin’,” she gurgled.

He remained silent, frozen in an amused state of disbelief. Dash had never seen him with such an expression.

“Soarin’? A- are you ok?”

Slowly, through her blurred stupor, two and two began to come together. She looked around at the lavishly adorned room, decorated with granite, marble, golden chandeliers, microfiber carpet, and silk-white curtains. She made eye contact with Soarin’ again, then looked at the yellow mass lying on the bed next to her.

Her eyes slowly widened, and her mouth unhinged.

“AAAAAAHH!” She jumped out of the bed and shot into the ceiling corner with her back against the marble-columned wall.

Spitfire sat up, mane a disheveled catastrophe, and looked around with squinted eyes for the source of the commotion. She found Soarin’ and sighed.

“Soarin’? What-” Suddenly, she brought her hooves to her temples as she winced in pain. “Soarin’, what’s going on? Where are-” Her eyes found Dash’s ghost-like expression against the ceiling. She looked at Soarin’, his eyes flitting back and forth between the two mares. Then, she looked down and found Dash’s imprint in the feather-top sheets. Her eyes widened, and her face flared with the brightest orange Dash had ever seen. She silently muttered a rather harsh expletive.

The silence screamed in their ears. No pony moved or made a sound. Dash glanced at the doorway to the balcony outside. Her brain yelled at her body to move, but it refused. Spitfire began to feel around the lines of the imprint, as if trying to make reality out of the situation.

“WELP!” Soarin’ suddenly yelled, giving Dash and Spitfire a start. “This is sufficiently awkward, so I think I’m just gonna leave you two alo-”

“You’re not going anywhere,” Spitfire said suddenly. She raised her head and looked at Soarin’ with an expression that hid an extreme and almost demented fervor, of which Dash was relieved not to be on the receiving end. Spitfire’s lips parted, and she spoke with a calm, disturbed composure.

“What happened last night?”

“What- I- I don’t-”

What. Happened.”

Baffled by her sudden change in demeanor, Soarin’ threw his hooves in the air. “How the hay should I know? I woke up in the hallway with a bunch of mares I don’t even remember meeting, and I’ve been knocking on doors all morning looking for you, and well...” He took a side glance at Dash. “I found you.”

“Soarin’?” called a smooth, deep voice from the hallway. Silvertongue’s large, brutish face peeked around the corner of the doorway. “I’ve been looking all over fo- Oh, are the young lovebirds awake?”

Lovebirds?” said Soarin’.

Silver!” squealed Spitfire. She jumped out of the bed and grabbed Silvertongue’s shoulders. “What happened last night? What happened? Who was there? Who saw us? Where was the p-”

He held a hoof over her mouth. “Woah, throw some breaks on the carriage kid, there’s nothing to worry about. As soon as Soarin’ ordered that bottle, we practically quarantined five city blocks. Nothing got in or out.”

“What about press? What about Paparazzi?!”

“We erased memories, destroyed cameras, the whole shebang, I even wiped the other bodyguards. As of now, I am the only witness to the events of last night inside Hoofbeat. Figured it was worth it, you know, with the celebrating and all.”

Spitfire let out a palpable sigh of relief. “But- what happened? I don’t remember anything!

Silvertongue glanced at Rainbow Dash, who had now landed on the piece of carpet furthest from Spitfire. “Do you really wanna know?”

“Why? Is it bad?

I kinda wanna know,” said Soarin’.

“Well, see, I may have accidentally erased your memories along with everypony else’s.”

“W- what?” said Spitfire.

“Wait,” said Soarin’. “Are you sure they aren’t just hung over? Because I feel hung over.”

“Well,” said Silvertongue. “That’s the thing, I’m not entirely sure. The symptoms of memory deletion are pretty similar to hangovers. Depends on the unicorn that does the magic...” Silvertongue looked at Spitfire, her face a white tone of pleading and desperation. He sighed. “I don’t know what happened.”

Thoughts began running through Spitfire’s brain at a million miles an hour. Last night, the one segment of time she needed to remember, and it had escaped her completely. Something had happened, something amazing. She could feel the euphoric broken record replay in her memory over and over again.

“But look,” Silvertongue continued. “All I know is this. Last night was the most epic party I’ve ever seen. Everypony was so excited. The way they danced, how they acted with each other was very... sensual. And passionate. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Wait,said Dash. “You said you were the one that erased everypony’s memories, right?”


“So you do know what happened last night. Right?”

The color returned to Spitfire’s face. She looked at Silvertongue with the same inquirous expression. He looked back, apparently deep in thought. “Soarin’, wanna get breakfast?” he said. “These two need time to themselves. I’ll tell you all about it.”

“I’m down,” Soarin’ said as he followed Silvertongue into the hallway.

“Hey! HEY!” shouted Spitfire. Soarin’ turned and winked as the door slammed shut behind him, and the silence deadpanned the room once again. Spitfire fell on her rump as she exhaled a frustrated sigh.

The white, silk curtain ruffled in the crisp, morning wind, embellishing the open balcony that led to a world of millions of newly-acquired Manehatten fans that would shower Rainbow Dash with unconditional love and attention. Every part of her being wanted to go, to leave Spitfire alone in the lavish hotel suite and get away to the center of attention.

Then, as if she had read Dash’s mind, Spitfire broke the silence.

“If you left,” she said, her voice hushed and nervous. “I wouldn’t blame you.”

Noises from the bustling street below had made their way through the window on a golden ray of morning sunshine, casting a brilliant mosaic of rainbow on the wall as it passed through the crystal chandelier. The smell of freshly baked croissant and espresso wafted in with the breeze. Dash sat, staring at the back of Spitfire’s ruffled mane as she faced the closed door.

“I-” Dash managed to say. One of Spitfire’s ears twitched. “I can’t just leave.”

Spitfire slowly stood up. She turned around and met Dash’s eyes. Her expression unchanging, she began walking toward her. Dash’s brain desperately tried to make sense of this. She had been here before. She couldn’t handle another kiss. She would lose herself entirely.

Spitfire stopped directly in front of her. She stared at Rainbow Dash the same desperate and confused way she always had. The curtain around the window continued to ruffle silently as the breeze carried in more scents of baked pastries.

“I don’t know-” Spitfire began. She swallowed and took a deep breath. “I don’t what’s happening. And I don’t understand it. I wish I knew.”

Something underneath her hooves caught her attention, and she looked down. Two Wonderbolts flight suits lay on the soft carpet, entwined in a pointless struggle for each other. Dash looked down as well, still trying to retrieve her memory. The incessant hustle-and-bustle of downtown Manehatten continued to deliver fresh breakfast smells through the window. Dash expected Spitfire to say something.

Then, Spitfire laughed through her nose. She began chuckling. Dash looked up at her with a quizzical expression. Spitfire took a breath and laughed out loud.

“Dash,” she began. She looked up with the goofiest grin Dash had ever seen. “I think we slept with each other.”

As Spitfire fell into fits, Dash could only stare, completely befuddled.

“How is this funny?

“I don’t- I don’t know,” Spitfire squealed.

A smile tried to make its way across Dash’s face. “Are you ok? Should I... you know... get help?”

Spitfire fell over clutching her stomach. “I’m sorry- I don’t- I’m trying-”

She had officially snapped. Dash could do nothing for her. And peculiarly enough, she found this fact quite amusing. Suddenly, she broke out in laughter as well. Spitfire noticed this, and she began laughing even harder. Tears streaming down her face, she struggled for breaths as she lost control of her abdominal muscles. Dash began laughing simply for the sake of laughing. She didn’t know why or how, but she simply stopped caring, as if her worry blew away in the breeze coming through the window.

A few moments later, Spitfire caught her breath. “Sweet Celestia, I needed that,” she said as she stood up.

Dash tried to stand up while catching her own breath. “I- I still don’t understand- how this is- so funny.”

Spitfire looked at Dash. She had never really appreciated the way her dark-rose violet eyes complimented her cyan coat.

“You know what I need?” she said.


“Breakfast. That smell through the window is really getting at me.”

Dash sniffed, and her stomach grumbled in response. “Well where can we go? There’s gotta be hundreds of ponies down there. We’ll get mobbed!”

Spitfire smiled. “A natural celebrity, Dash. Always assuming the worst.” She glanced out the window. “Don’t worry. I’ve got it taken care of.”

Dash had learned to trust Spitfire, no matter how vague she may be. “Well, my head’s still killing me. I hope this place has caffeine,” she said as she followed Spitfire to the door.

Spitfire smiled. "More than you can ever want."


Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, and two huge pegasi dressed in black suits stepped through the double doors into the biggest room Dash had ever seen. Gigantic crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Golden murals of pony mythology cascaded down the walls like a waterfall, sparkling with gems and rubies. Huge red pillars connected the floor to the thirty-something story high ceiling, encircling the check-in counter at the dead center of the lobby. The plain, black marble floor reflected the ceiling like a mirror. Mail pegasi flew in and out of the windows in well-organized chaos. Above the doors to the Manehatten streets, “Hôtel Cheval” was printed in large, cursive letters.

“Welcome to the most expensive room in Equestria,” said Spitfire.

To Dash’s surprise, no pony had immediately mobbed them. She wondered how Spitfire knew where they were going. They seemed to be walking towards a separate part of the room where a large group of ponies stood waiting to get in. Spitfire walked up to them and tapped one on the shoulder.

“Excuse us.”

The brown earth-pony turned around. His eyes shot wide open as he let out a sharp gasp. This caused the pony behind him to do the same. He stepped aside, letting the giant bodyguards and two Wonderbolts fliers pass, ogling them as they walked by. In a perfect chain reaction, the group of waiting ponies parted as they realized who had appeared in their midst. Dumbfounded murmurs and whispers echoed around as they walked through. Dash watched as Spitfire smiled and acknowledged random ponies in the crowd.

They walked up to a check-in counter where a blue pegasus dressed in a tuxedo was scribbling away at a long piece of paper.

“Si vous avez une réservation, s'il vous plaît, attendre à-” He made eye contact with Spitfire. His eyes began flitting nervously between Dash and the bodyguards. “Ah,” he said. “Mademoiselle Spitfire. And ze amazing Rainbow Dash. My apologies, please follow me.” Spitfire raised her eyebrows at Dash.

They walked into a room full of ponies that, given the attire of the wait staff, seemed very plain and cafe-like. The furniture consisted of nothing more than wooden chairs and tables. The bright morning sun shined through the glass storefront as hundreds of ponies went about their daily lives in the downtown streets. They walked through the dining proper and the noise dulled to a light murmur as they drew stares from every corner of the room.

The host stopped at a small table next to the glass window with two chairs facing opposite each other. A small, glass vase sat in the center with a purple tulip casually hung over the edge.

“My sinzerest apologies, zis is ze only open table. I can kick somepony out madame, if you like.”

“Nah, this is fine,” said Spitfire.

As Dash and Spitfire sat down, the host took a deep breath and wiped his brow with a handkerchief. He took a side glance at the two towering bodyguards on either side of him.

“So, eh, mademoiselles, may I interest you in zome of our fine espressos?”

“I’ll have a latte,” Spitfire began. She squinted and rubbed her temples. “And gimme a couple extra shots. I need it.”

“Ah, I see.” Dash noticed his hoof shaking as he scribbled on the pad of paper. “And eh, for you, mademoiselle Rainbow Dash?”

“A mocha’s fine,” said Dash.

“Ah, oui. Bon sélectionnés mademoiselles, I shall return shortly.” He took to the air and darted to another end of the restaurant.

“Mocha, huh?” said Spitfire. “You don’t strike me as a chocolatey kind of mare.”

Dash laughed. “I’m sorry, was I supposed to?”

Spitfire shrugged. “If you’d like.”

Dash began looking around at the not-so-lavish decorum of the cafe. “I don’t get it. If the waiters here are so fancy, then why isn’t the cafe fancy?”

“Because they have the greatest pastry chefs and baristas in the world in here.”


“So they cut back on costs by not having a golden statue in the middle of the lobby spitting outrageous amounts of water every day.”

“How do you know so much about this place?”

Spitfire smiled. “I always stay here whenever we have a show in Mane Arena, which is rare in itself. It’s some pretty good alone time. I always come to this cafe and sit by the window. Watch all the normal ponies doing normal things.”

A flash went off in the corner of Dash’s eye. She looked out into the cafe and saw every eye facing her direction. A few ponies had taken out cameras, dodging back and forth to take as many different angles as possible. She turned back to Spitfire, who now had a huge smirk on her face.

“What?” said Dash.

“Oh nothing. You just remind me of... me.”

A small crowd had begun to form outside the window. Some of them had cameras as well. Dash tried her best to pay no attention.

“Spitfire,” she began.

Spitfire scoffed. “Please. Just ‘Spit.’ ‘Spitfire’ takes way too much effort.”

Dash laughed. “Ok. Spit.”

“Yes, Dash?”

More and more cameras began flashing as the crowd became larger.

“What happens when I do the rainboom?”

Spitfire’s smile faded. “What do you mean?”

“Like... what do you see? What does it look like?”

Spitfire looked out at the crowd. “Well. There’s the huge epic explosion, which basically turns into a rainbow and covers the entire sky. And when the shockwave hits you, you start feeling all warm and relaxed. And stuff starts happening that makes you really happy.”

“Like what stuff?” said Dash.

“What do you mean?”

“What happy stuff happens to you?”

Spitfire pondered for a moment. “Why do you wanna know?”

"Just... curious."

Spitfire looked back out the window. “Well. I see my parents. And I’m back with them. I remember it so vividly, but when it’s from the rainboom, it’s actually happening.”


Just then, an earth-pony broke through the front of the crowd outside. “Rainbow Dash? RAINBOW DASH? RAINBOW DASH!” He ran up to the window and began pounding the glass, his voice muffled and barely audible. “RAINBOW DASH! I LOVE YOU, RAINBOW DASH!”

Dash didn’t dare look nor acknowledge it. She snuck a glance at Spitfire, who seemed to have lost it.

“RAINBOW DASH!” He fell to his knees with his face and body pressed against the window, producing a rather unattractive screeching sound. “Please, Rainbow Dash please, have my foals... have my foals Rainbow Dash! HAVE MY FOALS!” He began bawling against the glass, coating it in a pitiful mixture of tears, saliva, and mucus. Several ponies in the crowd had already begun filming.

The host burst through the kitchen doors, carrying two tall coffee mugs. “Ok mademoiselles, zis will be-” he stopped dead as his eyes met the scene.

Dash firmly planted her hoof on her face.


Silvertongue walked down the long, golden hallway as a pungent air of exhaustion and regret formed in his wake. He caught glimpses of himself in the mirrors that hung along the wall at ten-or-so foot intervals. His bloodshot and droopy eyes decreased the effect of his cut, brutish face he was so proud of, yet it seemed all too natural. Hypnotized by the incessant images of himself, he had nearly forgotten about his unicorn assistant he had brought with him.

“I don’t understand,” she said. “If they’re already as wasted as everypony was saying, then why do we need to bother with erasing their memories?”

“They aren’t wasted,” said Silvertongue. “They’re completely sober.”

“But... how? I’ve never seen Spitfire act like that with anypony. Ever.”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t know either.”

They rounded a corner and came to a dead end, where a door outlined with marble and granite murals heavily contrasted the other plain, red doors they had passed in the hallway.

“Ok. Everything from when they opened the bottle and drank, up until now.”

“That’s a pretty long time frame,” she said. “They’re gonna wake up with a heck of a headache.”

“Just do it.”

“If you insist.”

She backed away from the door and pointed her horn directly at the knob. Her eyes squinted as she began silently glowing an almost blinding pink. A white beam quietly leaped from her horn to the door. Silvertongue sat and watched as he felt the warmth from the room quickly rush past him, leaving a cold stillness in the air. The assistant's horn dimmed. She jumped back as she breathed in a heavy lungful of air. She looked at Silvertongue as if he had just tortured a small animal. A tear ran down her cheek.

Why?” she breathed. “Why them?”

Silvertongue remained silent as he stared at the door. The assistant started down the hallway without him. He heard sobs as she rounded the corner, and out of earshot.

He sighed. “Sorry kids.”

< Chapter 7 | Chapter 9 Coming Soon! >

Comments ( 19 )



Good chapter on the whole, been looking forward to this,

Silvertongue, y u do dis? :fluttercry:


Continental drift updates faster than this story.

That said...I like it as much as ever. It is -the- definitive SpitDash for me. Huzzah! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Spitfire.png :rainbowwild:

Finally! Another great chapter.:pinkiehappy:

Edit: Just please don't take four months to finish the next chapter.

Well that made no sense whatsoever...

Also, this story dropped significantly in my rating due to mind wiping magic. :facehoof:

Quite good so far.

On a technical note; chapters 4 and 6 are missing links to the next chapter in Google Docs.

Mind wiping? Can't say I expected that.

Wow! That beginning chapter story everything!
auwagh, I cannot express my feelings about this amazing story!

April 26th - Chapter 6 "Chapter 7 Coming Soon"
August 27th - Chapter 7
November 29th - Chapter 8 "Chapter 9 Coming Soon"

Please don't...

But seriously amazing story, my favourite actually just can't wait for next update hope it won't take so long. Again. Thank you very much for your talent.

Why.... What was the point if that!!!!! AAAAGGHHHHRERRR he better get explaining or twilight sparkles going to have to slap a filly :twilightangry2:

WAIT I GET IT............ADJUSTMENT BUREAU:trixieshiftright::coolphoto:

This memory thing is *quite* intriguing!

SO glad this updated!

Excellent execution here, I love how you handled the Flamebow sex part; making it so they unambiguously slept together, yet leaving details up to the reader. Thats a good call. I came up with some awesome details in my head. Its best they stay there.:scootangel:

Comment posted by RDash deleted Aug 9th, 2017

Wow, absolutely amazing. This has gotta be my favorite on this site, by far. Keep it up!

Beautiful story thus far.
It will be murder waiting for the next chapter, but it's worth it.

Man I need this next chapter none of my favorites have updated in a couple weeks but I guess that means this chapter'll be 20% cooler

Man, this needs to update or be marked as complete. I can't take being led on like this:fluttercry:

Still waiting!
I need a conclusion! :twilightsheepish:

Sorry, having a nostalgic trip through all my stories. I really like this one. Please author!

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