• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 1,698 Views, 35 Comments

Everything Ends... - Harold_Genhi

Octavia is alive. Her relationship with Vinyl has blossomed, but something still remains.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Unity Living

I stare at her. I am not afraid, happy, or surprised. The tingling sensation on my neck hairs only confirms a numbness that had taken me. The string of the box fits in my teeth as I lift them and carry them into the house. The chaos in my thoughts is too much to form anything coherent. I wanted to tell her what had happened, show her the scar that Eyn had carved into my body. Maybe she could help protect me. I needed her help, but the more I found the desire of having her close, the more I focused on my own being. This whole concept of Eyn, the trek into the woods, and the blossoming relationship with my roommate guided my life into that of one run on fear or feeling instead of logic. I desired that class back in my life. I demanded it.

“I purchased some muffins from the bakery. I bought your favorite.” I didn’t even know what was in the box, yet I spoke those words with such clarity and confidence that, after scanning my memories of the void from point A to point B, a faint outline emerged.

My body functioned perfectly as I stared into Eyn’s eyes as he pulled his mouth off of mine. A small spider web of saliva still branched our mouths, but numbness had taken me. A million bugs skittered across my skin before it evolving into a stony cold surface. I stared at him and smiled defiantly as he did the same.

“It is time to go home, Octavia.” The soft words fluttered through the air and into my ears.

“Yes, my love…” My heart stops at the memory of those words leaving my mouth. I stand at the edge of the stairs, lungs constrict, and eyes widen slightly.

“Are you feeling okay, Tavi? Any gnarly scars?” She jumps down the stairs. I can feel her eyes piercing against my backside. I couldn’t let her see my burning face.

I twist my flank to the side, revealing the scar to her as much as I wish I could have hid it. The sudden catch in the air almost let the words déjà vu escape my lips, except she didn’t have a psychopath bearing down on her, forcing his lips onto hers. I quiver with disgust. It wasn’t just lips on lips kiss. I remembered his tongue crossing the boundary. Worst was feeling my own tongue joining with his, and I enjoyed it. My schedule before jumping into bed grows with an addition of a double amount of mouthwash.

“He didn’t do that did he?” Vinyl asks.

The answer flashes across my head, but instead I say, “I bought your favorite muffin. They are getting cold.” I walk to the kitchen, throwing the box onto the table, snapping the rope open with my teeth and pushing the box open, letting the muffins fill the room.

“What’s wrong?” Her concern grows with each second I hesitate, but I am not afraid. The situation is under control. It is under my control.

“I’m just tired and irritated that I have to get some hair implants from the spa tomorrow and I don’t have two reservations made.” I toss her a half smile, jumping up into the chair next to the table, pulling out my favorite muffin. I gather a napkin and a knife along with a fork.

Vinyl’s mood changes as the smell permeates her nose. She sniffs at it happily, her head tossing back and forth in an exaggerated fashion.

“The spa, eh? That would be quite relaxing. I do need my hooves worked on again.” She looks at them thoughtfully. From what I could see over the side of the table, they were perfect along with her sleek fur and unkempt mane. She leaps into the chair next to me and slides the box over to herself, almost stuffing her face into its contents, her sniffing growing louder. “I’m surprised Ditsy didn’t follow you home. I swear she is part ninja with that muffin smelling snout on her.”

A knock on the door breaks the silence. I jump slightly at the noise, expecting the world to end at any point with Eyn still alive and kicking. I take a few breaths as Vinyl checks the door. I only have a few seconds of reprieve before I hear the door open.

“Ditsy…?” I hear Vinyl ask in shock. “Why are you wearing that?”

“Oh, I just wanted to come visit with my bestest friends.” I hear her pause briefly. An image of her nostrils flaring flashes in my head, and I instinctually pull the muffin box closer to my chest. “Is that muffins I smell?” Clockwork.

I hear a slight scuffle though hearing two pairs of hooves walking toward the kitchen I assume the events that occurred.

“Sure, why don’t you come in…? You can come in too, Doctor.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry for us intruding so late at night, but she seemed bent on something she caught in the wind and had to investigate. I finally convinced her to wear an eye patch.”

Ditsy walks around the corner, a black eye patch tied around her head, blocking her lazy eye. It gives her an atmosphere of fierceness and resolve, though once her mouth opened it all vanished. She squeals with excitement at seeing the box of muffins.

“Can I have one?” She asks in a sigh that hushed the room.

“I don’t know if I have any of your…” Inside the box I find her favorite muffin, neatly placed next to another muffin, which one would recognize as being Doctor’s favorite. He walks into the room followed by Celestia.

Celestia? “Eyn, time to begin Luna’s lessons.”


I blink and the world collapses into a bright Canterlot. The familiar sensations of being taller and male quickly return to my disembodied consciousness.

“I said, it is time to begin Luna’s lessons. I even brought my friend Starswirl the Bearded.” Celestia motions toward the stocky pony, clad in blue robes and a large dorky hat. It was near impossible to see his face over the brim though his beard jutted out easily from underneath.

“A pony with a beard?” Eyn asks, looking down at the pony thoughtfully.

“Hair growing spell. It backfired and hit me square in the jaw. I’ve had to keep it and frankly I like it, thank you very much.” His words were condescending and cross, though it had a bit of playfulness to it.

“It suits someone of your caliber. It is an honor to meet you.” Eyn bows respectfully, taking his time to execute it perfectly. A meticulous nagging evoked such an attention to detail, that the world faded off to focus on the intricacies of his bow. It was only brief, but strange.

“How kind of you to give this old pony some respect.” He laughs at it before tilting the brim back revealing his bright blue eyes. He didn’t look old at all.

“You don’t look like how I pictured you to look.”

“Oh, yes. I was experimenting with different spells and one burnt my vocal cords. I was trying to make a spell that could improve the Royal Canterlot Speech for when the King or Queen wish to speak to all of Equestria. It would have been marvelous… if I could figure out what went wrong.” His raspy voice almost makes me feel sad for him. I wish there was something I could do to help him.

“Is there anyway that I can help you recover?” Eyn questions.

“I don’t wish to recover anything. I’m perfectly fine. How rude of me, I must extend my hoof in equally meeting you, Mr. Spyyr. I’ve heard of your mastery in the arts of teaching and psychology. It is most satisfying to see that the Prince of the Graylands could explore such an untouched field.” He bows.

“Sir, such politeness is unnecessary. I am merely looking into something that hasn’t been touched as a means of elevating myself quickly with new discovers.” He laughs genuinely. This happiness isn’t in him anymore.

“Eyn?” A voice echoes from behind him. Eyn turns to see Luna, squinting in the sunlight, walking up to him, wearing a saddle with a small collection of books.

“Ah, Luna. We can begin our studies. Please, meet me in the hedge maze.” Eyn motions his hoof over to the entrance of the maze. “I will join you shortly.”

Eyn turns his attention back to Celestia and Starswirl. “It was a pleasure meeting, you Starswirl. I hope our friendship will blossom.”

“As you, Eyn. I feel we will get along perfectly well.”

“Celestia.” Eyn bows.

“Teach her well, Eyn.”

Eyn had turned toward the maze. “You can count on me.” He laughs joining Luna’s side. “Now, shall we have our lessons?”

“Only if you want, you are the teacher.”

“You don’t sound so enthused.” Eyn comments.

“I am doing this because my sister asked me to give you a chance with my motivation issues. I respect my sister’s opinion and I could never break my promise I made to her or myself.” She nods, smiling slightly at her words.

“Loyalty to your sister and yourself is a noble thing, Luna. Many rulers don’t have such qualities. You will make a fine ruler of the night sky.” Eyn complimented.

Luna blushes. “Thank you…”

They traverse the random pathways of the maze, finally walking into an opening where sat a collection of statues covered in balloons and confetti. From out of the side, emerged a strange creature that appeared to be a collection of many different beings. He had with him a merrily assortment of ponies, many were drunk and laughing. This creature laughed the loudest of them all as he fell on the ground, his minions jumping on him as he rolled in the grass.

“Stop it.” Discord squealed at them.

“Excuse me?” Eyn spoke.

“Watch out boys and girls, the sky is falling!” Discord hollered. A group of clouds were magically created over them. They transformed into giant raindrops before raining clouds onto the giggling group of people.

“Discord, you are one crazy pony. How do you come up with this stuff?” One pony asked.

“Well, you know, you just have to have that bit of flare and a spark on insanity.” The strange creature chuckled.

“Excuse me?” Eyn raised his voice, catching Discord’s attention.

“Oh look, more merry followers to join us in our quest of fun! Did you bring an umbrella, it might becoming freezing at this time of night.” It was the middle of the day.

“We were just planning on studying some magic here, and I was wondering if there was a chance that you could move your fun train to another section of the maze? It would be nice with some peace and quiet.

A bright flash filled his eyes before a weight landed on his back. “You sound like you aren’t a pony that has enough fun in his life.”

“Leave him alone, Discord. He has to teach the Princess.” A thick accent voice filled the maze. It took Eyn some time to catch sight of the large blue monkey standing on top of a statue.

“I just wanted to get him to at least chuckle.” Discord grunted, teleporting to his posse of people as the monkey jumped down next to Eyn.

“A pleasure to meet you.” He extended his hand out. “I am Ahuizotl, a tongue tying name, but you can trust me.” He winked coyly.


“Ahuizotl.” He corrected. “You aren’t the sharpest knife out there, but you make me smile. I did not catch your name.” He talked with civility.

“Eyn. Eyn Spyyr.”

“Ah, the crazy psychology pony from the Northern Fields. I heard that the griffins are giving you quite the hassle up there. Be sure not to lose that war or we might all be sorry.” He plucks an apple from one of the trees with the hand on his tail. “I must be on my way, a pleasure.” He bows before walking toward the direction that Discord had been travelling. He disappeared in the foliage.

“What strange fellows.” Eyn commented.

“They are favored friends of my sister and I. Discord is good for a nice laugh while Ahuizotl gives some good advice while being someone who you could give your secrets to and know that they are safe. Now, the lesson.” A few of the books rise out of her satchel and onto the soft green grass by the shady tree.

“Okay! First lesson: lose the books.” Eyn smiles.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, you are just going to listen to me, and we will get straight into practicing.”

Luna’s eyebrows rose questioningly at Eyn’s methodology, but she listened reluctantly.

“Starswirl valued books beyond anything else in study. Do you think this is wise?” She asked.

“Of course it is. Now, I want you to close your eyes and listen to my voice.” Eyn spoke softly.

The black alicorn stared at him thoughtfully, pursing her lips in thought. She seemed to think about the act of closing her eyes on what seemed to be a complete stranger in her life. Her eyes quickly shut as if it were a now or never attitude.

“Now what, Eyn?” She spoke both demandingly and confused.

“I want you to sit there and feel the moon on the other side of the planet.” Eyn said with a spark of humor in his voice.

Surprisingly, Luna kept her eyes closed though she challenged his ideology. “You’re pulling my mane aren’t you?” She asked.

“Not in the slightest. I can feel its presence through you. You have great power over the moon, born to be its protector and guiding beam in the darkness of space. The Moon courses through your veins, Luna.” I heard him say though, being within his head, I felt no such feeling. He was lying to her.

“I can feel it.” Luna’s countenance grew darker in both amazement and concentration.

The magical aura filled her horn as she stood in the garden. Eyn didn’t flinch. Instead, he approached her. Magic filled his body as he lowered his horn down toward her. A wave of magical power coursed from his body and enveloped her. A moon symbol appeared on her flank as her magical field collapsed.

“I lost it.” She was breathing hard, seemingly at a loss. “How did I lose it?”

“You didn’t lose it, my dear. You became one with it.” Eyn motioned to her flank where a crescent moon cutie mark now sat.

“I… you-“ She seemed at awe at the symbol she now possessed. “I am far too young to hold such a powerful symbol.” She tried to reason.

“You are a powerful and loyal sister. You hold the other half of the power that your sister has mastered. With you two holding our sun and moon, we will have our sunlight for crops and our moon to keep the darkness of night halted. You are valuable to this universe.” Eyn smiled.

“I can’t even raise the moon yet, and you put this responsibility into my hooves?” Luna asked, becoming slightly shaky at the prospect.

“Lesson zero, start with your namesake and apply it. You are Luna. You are one with the moon. Lesson one; we will work with the magic of lifting the moon into the right area of the sky. Celestia will be joining us to explain how it is similar to raising the sun.” Eyn winked, walking slowly around Luna.

“How could a lesson go so quick though?” She asked, shaking her head.

“Quick? It is near sunset. You’ve been thinking about the moon for hours.” Eyn smiled slyly.

I too couldn’t believe with what I was hearing, but slowly the memory retraced itself to back when Eyn cast the spell on her, granting her cutie mark. I hadn’t noticed the sun and the leaves of the maze flicker quickly as time passed quickly. Eyn could control time?

“How? I-“ Luna lost her confidence at everything just as my mind raced to try to make heads or tails of the situation. “You can control time? I thought only Starswirl found the secret to that?”

“I didn’t control time, I made you forget the passage of time. You didn’t have to deal with the nagging passing of time around your body allowing you to focus much clearer on your destiny. Most cannot let the passage time out of their mind and see what truly matters in their lives. You were like them, but like sleeping, time passed in reverse. When you dream, barely any real time passes as it feels like an eternity in your dream. Now I made your waking self fall into a longer dream, leaving only you and the moon, the last thing you had completely devoted your entire mind to. I had to lie for you to focus so intently on it, but I needed only a second for my magic to drag it on for hours.” Eyn chuckled slightly. “Shall we go to dinner?” He raised his hoof toward the wrong direction out of the maze.

“I only thought about the moon for a second?” Luna couldn’t wrap her head around what had happened, and I was right with her.

“Only for a second, but then again, when you think of something that you really enjoy, time moves a lot faster, but it makes you feel completely wonderful after you are done.”

“I lost the whole day…” Luna groaned.

“Yes, you did. Now imagine if that was on your mind throughout our lesson. It would have been quite the tedium wouldn’t it?” Eyn raised his eyebrows knowingly.

Luna smirked at him. Her fell briefly to the ground as she kicked some grass. “Thanks… I didn’t know you were so talented.” Her words became softer than anything I had ever heard in my life at working at Canterlot. Most of the time she upheld a Royal Canterlot Voice.

“I only give the inspiration for one to take. It is the power of others that can make it blossom.” Eyn winked. I could have sworn Luna blushed at his kind words. “Lesson is over for today, the walk will begin in four hours when your parents raise the moon again.”

“I, uh… would you like to come with me to the dining hall to get some food, eat with me? I would like to know more about whatever you do.” She smiled coyly.

“I am a bit drained from casting that spell…” He peered over his shoulder at Luna, seeing her lean toward him expectantly. “Of course I will come. I always enjoy your company.”

“Thank you. I appreciate it.” A soft smile spread across her face, breaking the usual fierceness of her countenance.

The memory smeared like it was wet paint being splashed with water. I felt my stomach begin to churn as my consciousness spun into the darkness falling toward a pinhole of light. It pulled me through its tiny opening, squeezing the air from my lungs. I opened my eyes to find I was sitting in the maze at night. The stiff, confining claustrophobia told me that I was still locked inside of Eyn’s head.

“You came?” Luna’s voice broke from the bushes behind him.

“Of course I came.” Eyn smiled, turning to the dark alicorn as she emerged from the shadows, her hair wrapped on her head, her eyes soft and her movement fluid.

“How do I look?” She asked.

“Like the most beautiful mare in Equestria…” Eyn’s voice had fallen into the same hushed tone. My heart tightened as I stared at Luna. Her appearance snapped back and forth between Princess Luna and Vinyl Scratch. The tightness of my love for her mimicked the same that roped itself around Eyn’s.

It was as if I saw Vinyl in one eye and Luna in the other, my mind reacted like how I had wanted it to, unaware that Eyn began moving just as my thoughts were planning on doing the same. I walked softly to my beloved, taking her in full view.

“You are so beautiful…” Eyn and I said in unison, but I paid no attention to it. Trapped in this body made me want to just escape back to her and be with her as much as she could annoy me.

She blushed slightly before turning away, returning my gaze as I neared her. Our noses were only inches apart as I stared into both Luna’s and Vinyl’s eyes, two halves in different eyes. I wanted to feel her lips on mine, but just as I closed my eyes and leaned forward as I thought she would do the same, her head slide along my face. My eyes snapped open at the missed chance. Instead, Luna and Vinyl hugged me, their ghost bodies pressed against mine.

“We can’t do this.” Luna and Vinyl speak.

“What?” Eyn and I proclaim.

“Our love… it’s forbidden and we should know better than that.” They said.

I stared at her, the knots in my heart constricting my breathing. It hurt to hear more than anything, but a few strands held on strong.

“We can make it work. No love should be forbidden.” We tried to reason.

“What would the others think?”

“This is unlike you. Where is the fighting mare that I fell in love with? The one that can scare anything away from her friends, yet still have the sweetest smile.” I began to see that I was speaking with Eyn. My words began to slow as I heard him finishing my sentences.

Tears filled my eyes as the events he was showing me began to make sense. Was this his way of telling me why he saved me? Did he see me as him and Vinyl as Luna? What happened to him to lose Luna? What broke him to the shell of the alicorn he is now? One that is filled with hollow emptiness, one shattered by sadness and grief, one that still held a cauldron of fire for someone. My mind snaps back to when he was walking to the castle repeating Celestia’s name. Oh no…

“You are far too kind, Eyn. Ever since you’ve been here, you’ve only given to everyone. I sometimes think that you are trying to get a reward out of it. A reward… like me.” Luna’s voice had fallen heavily.

“No. I just can’t seem to take anything for myself… that is until you came along. The first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. Your loyalty to your sister was admirable, your darkness, fascinating. You are a wonderful mare. While some have run from you, I am only drawn more to you. You are… simply the best thing in my life. I’ve made only five friends since I arrived here. I cherish all of them, and I could never hurt them. I don’t even want to return to the North after I finish my job. I would prefer to be here, with you.” Eyn confessed. I felt the love drip from his heart and the honesty behind his words.

Luna stared at him, hurt. “We received a message… I was hoping to end us because I know what you will do when you hear about it.” She sighed. Her eyes were fighting back tears.

“A message about what?” My heart stopped as Eyn’s story began to intoxicate my senses. My curiosity needed to be sated. I had to know what had transpired with Eyn.

“I’m sorry, Eyn. The North has been overtaken. Your parents have been slain.” She fought back her sorrow from seeing Eyn’s countenance fade to a numb shock. “I should have told you sooner. My parents have taken a group of our warriors to try another peace talk with them, try to end this war.”

“Peace?” Eyn’s words were flat as he stared blankly at the ground. “Peace for the butchers that killed my family?” A strange red spark arched across his head up to his horn. Luna took a step back.

“Eyn?” She asked softly.

“Those butchers…” Eyn’s words never broke a yell. His wings stretched out as he lifted himself into the air and began to fly quickly to the northern provinces.

“Eyn! No, wait!” Luna yelled from below, trying to catch up with him, but I listened to her frantic words try to catch him, but Eyn’s heart was beating too hard to hear her. Instead, another red spark cracked around his head. Eyn flew into a crowd, my vision blurred.

Darkness returned and the sick, spinning feeling returned. My eyes jotted around in the darkness to find the next pinhole of light. It materialized in front of me, pulling me through. When I opened my eyes, I was sitting at the table of my living room. The Doctor and Vinyl is walking around the corner and my sense of time is returning. His memories had passed through my head in a single blink of an eye. His description of cramming interesting things into a locked state so time passes without them knowing it hit my head. I was aware that time was moving, but no time at all had passed. Could he reverse his spells like that?

“They even have your favorite!” Ditsy squeals, pulling out the other muffin for Doctor. He stares at it thoughtfully.

“I didn’t think you knew we were coming.”

“I didn’t. I bought them just in case.” I muster a convincing smile.

“You are the kindest mare I know, Octavia.” Ditsy hugs me. Her words echo in my head as if it were a cave. I admit I felt hollow upon hearing those words.

“I’m not that kind. There are plenty of other mares that would give and be nice to others just as much as me.” I try more to convince myself more than Ditsy.

“You never say anything bad about your friends. You only work to help us amid your classy, and uptightedness.” Ditsy shoots her tongue out at me playfully.

“I say my mind. I am blunt.” I say.

“Says the mare who never once mentioned my eyes when we first met, even Vinyl made a comment on them.”

“I said they were pretty freaking sweet. Blew my mind with their craziness.” The unicorn pokes her hoof at Ditsy.

“It would have been rude to do such.” The pegasus hugs me tightly.

“You are kind and I am glad to call you my friend. I’m glad to see that you have such a loyal mare as Vinyl to stay close to and be with. I wouldn’t want you messing with my honest hunk of a stallion.” She jumps onto the back of Doctor’s back and hugs him. He chuckles at her though it seems highly uncomfortable.

“You’re breaking my back, muffin dear.” The brown pony heaves before the blonde pegasus jumps to his side, sticking her chest out happily at the situation. “How is the eye patch helping?” He asks.

“I don’t hit as much, but I miss seeing with both eyes. It makes me feel too normal.” Ditsy laughs.

“No eye patch could hide your muffin obsession.” The Doctor teases.

“It’s not an obsession. It’s just an acute liking of them.” Ditsy’s lips curl as she tries to hold back from laughing.

“Obsession, but that is one thing that I greatly enjoy about you. You don’t have to wear that eye patch everywhere. You can use it in case there is an emergency and you can only afford to hit a few things instead of a few more.” Doctor winked.

Ditsy laughs at his joke before turning back to me quickly. Her eyes pierce into mine. “Did you happen to buy any more of my favorite muffin?” She smirks.

“Only those four, Ditsy. We can go buy some in the morning, get some breakfast at Sugarcube Corner.” I attempt to reason.

She squeals happily, hugging me before flying over to Doctor Whooves and lifting him slightly off the ground, dragging him toward the front door.

“It’s late, muffin. We need to be getting home to Dinky. She misses us.”

“We’ve only been gone for ten minutes, I- wait not in the air! I’m afraid of hei-“ His voice drifts off, though the sound him yelling could still be heard in the night sky along with the small tune of Ditsy laughing.

The world flows strangely around as if this is the dream and the thoughts of Eyn were a much more fulfilling truth than my regular life, but one look at Vinyl and I didn’t want to leave again, at least not anytime soon.

“We should be getting to bed, Vi.” I jump from the table and trek toward the stairs to my room. I hear her words in my head and begin to feel my face burn. Would she ever think that way about me? I am so lost in my head that I don’t see the electric blue hair had stepped in my way. It takes me only a second to look up at the same time that her lips meet mine.

My thoughts were still locked on the depressing news that Eyn received that I thought her kissing me was an accident, but when she took another step forward, kissing me slightly deeper, I knew it was real. I knew her kiss was real. I kissed her back.

“Thought you could run off to bed without a goodnight kiss?” She asks.

“I had thought you’d be coming with me.” I smile coyly at her.

“I’ll be up in a second. I have to do a few things before I get to bed. You keep the bed warm for me.” She winks.

I trot up the stairs, my hooves playing a small tune up the wooden stairs. My brain tries to convert it into different beats, but just as it was creating something interesting, I had arrived at the top of the stairs. Running the routines, my room is easy to find even with no lights on. My encrusted bow is slipped from my neck before I jump into bed, pulling the covers up to my nose, enjoying the embracing warmth of its hold. I breathe thoughtfully, questioning if more of Eyn’s story would be revealed to me in my dreams, in a thousand blinks of time. Smiling at the prospect, I shut my eyes and attempt to relax. I barely hear the crack of sparks and see a flash of red before sleep takes my body. My body shuts down as my mind opens.