• Published 21st Feb 2012
  • 1,696 Views, 35 Comments

Everything Ends... - Harold_Genhi

Octavia is alive. Her relationship with Vinyl has blossomed, but something still remains.

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Chapter 8: Preparation

A refreshing breath of air fills my lungs as I stare at myself in front of the bathroom mirror of my high-class, borderline penthouse of a room. It had been only a few moments since I had awoken from my uncomfortable slumber, witnessing the final hours of Eyn’s life before his life came to an end, yet at the same time, not. I witnessed his chest cease to rise and I could feel his heart stop, but his brain and senses remained to tear the pain through him as he witnessed his love embrace the corruption. It left a sour taste in my mouth as I picture Vinyl turning on me or more so her friends because of me.

Vinyl enters the nearest room to the bathroom, her voice locked behind her lips as she sang one of her own pieces of music. The hum calms my nerves ever so slightly, but the cold sweat on my forehead told me that something was terribly wrong. Staring in the mirror only provided a solace that was fleeting at best. My countenance remained adamant about the night. Only the sweat said otherwise. My heart thrust inside of my chest. Was this some form of pre-concert jitters? Was this stage fright?

“Get a hold of yourself, Octavia.” I press my hooves against the sink as I try to will myself to be better.

Leaning toward the mirror I saw my eyes dim slightly white before quickly returning to my pleasant purple. My breath is torn from my lungs as I step back slowly from the mirror and sink staring at the mirror. I knew he wouldn’t just leave me alone.

“What happened to you?” I whisper into the room. “What changed you to what you are now?”

My memory flashes my own death, the moment I re-awoke from it, the scene around me and where Eyn had stood. I hadn’t noticed where he was standing. On the ground beneath his feet were what I viewed as white stones, but as the memory was restored in my head, I could see the shape of a skull and ribs, his shallow grave I assumed.

Silence enveloped the room. Only my heart beat and the blood thumping in my ears broke it. I slapped my dry tongue inside of my mouth before returning to the sink and turning on the water, taking delicate sips to sate my thirst. The water calms me more than my talking to ghosts of long dead ponies.

“I have faked my death more than once, Octavia. I wished to teach you that lesson with faking my death at the hands of my true murderer, Celestia.” Eyn’s voice growled within my head.

“But if you are alive, she didn’t murder you. It was an accident.” I think knowing he would hear it as my voice.

“The old Eyn is dead.” His presence quickly vanishes from the room.

My expectation of what Eyn is planning descends to chaos and death. He desires revenge against Celestia and to win back Luna and possibly his kingdom. A Fallen Prince demanding what he still believes is righty his, the right to rule. His gravely and pained voice still echoes within my head as I quickly splash water onto my face and embrace the refreshing coolness that washes over my hot and strained face. Facing the mirror once more, I push out a confident posture and expression.

“Eyes focused, back straight, eye lids relaxed.” Raising my nose up to regain my high-class brought with it normalcy.

“Hey, Tavi!” Vinyl yelled through the door, causing me to jump and lose all of my hard work.

“Yes, what is it, Vinyl?” My voice held the proper tone, at least that wasn’t lost.

She chuckles slightly. “Already regained that preppy tone about you?” She chuckles again to prove her point. “Anyway, I just want your opinion on my outfit. Oh, Ditsy and Doctor are here.” She informs me; her hooves vanishing from the closest room, the muffled crack of voices through the door are heard.

Staring into the mirror, I see myself. It is the mere observation of my own vanity, but one of selfless details. Eyn has lived most of his life blind, unknowing of what his appearance has become over the years. His vision is masked in perpetual darkness, a life of living in a state of everlasting shadows. Not only shadows, but torture and fear. Lost in the Everfree on the brink of death as every nerve fiber screams into his soul in pain, Eyn had to have stifled his cries of pain and loneliness. I wonder if he yelled out to her in the confines of that crater, his crater, and the crater that was to end it all and restore his position and show he was to be trusted. Instead, it would have been his grave.

I wrap the soft fabric of my ribbon around my neck, tying it perfectly into place. I turn the center jewelry piece to keep the treble cleft and quarter notes visible. A union of music, minds, and hearts will be given to these ponies, and I would show them that. Another refreshing breath of cool air fills my lungs before I open the door and exit, keeping my stance straight and my posture perfect.

Vinyl had no appearance of suavity to her usual appearance. Instead, he kept her glasses adding only a minor hairpin in one of her blue spikes. It was emblazoned with not just her cutie mark, but also mine. The style and material was exactly like the one that hung from my bow. Amid the spikes still standing randomly on her head, the hairpin managed to pull her mane back over her other ear. She hugs me heartily when I near her.

“This is the big day, Tavi.” Her hug dies to a soft embrace. “Are you ready to show these posh ponies what you are made of.”

I chuckle at her enthusiasm. “Are you?” I ask.

“I’ll blow these ponies out of the water. What if I get them to dance? I bet twenty-five bits that I can get a few ponies to dance.” Vinyl chimes.

“Define a few.” I pull her away from the embrace and look her in the eyes.

“At least two?” She shrugs and smiles.

“Make it four and you have yourself a challenge, Miss Victoria.”

“Don’t call me that.” She snickers. “You know I hate it.”

“That is why I said it.” I let off my own snickers.

The air still hangs heavily in the air as the time of the show began to approach. There was still the general eating and social gathering before the show would start, giving me more time to wallow in my thoughts and fears for the evenings. I question when Eyn will crash my party. Staring into Vinyl’s eyes, my head nods as I bite my lip.

“Can you handle being civilized in the social before the concert?”

Her eyebrows furrow. “Of course I can. I’ll probably just hang around Doctor and Ditsy. I’m sure they will cause more problems than me.”

“Look at you two.” The voice causes me to turn to the doorway and spot the brown earth pony.

His form had been somehow fashioned into a suave form with a perfectly cut and styled mane that still maintained his usual messy nature, but it worked to bring out a sophistication I had not known of him. His eyelids were even relaxed and his posture promoted perfection. The welcoming sight of a friend calms my nerves just as quickly as it created new ones.

“Muffin? Is she out yet?” Ditsy walks in backwards, luckily not hitting anything. I can only assume that something caught her eye and she had transfixed her sights on it. She turns to reveal that she was no longer wearing her eye patch that Doctor had fashioned for her. In its place sat a wonderful sapphire necklace.

As she turned, her blue flowing dress flared in the air before softly resting on the ground. The bottom fringe was decorated in bubble like designs, bringing out Ditsy’s Cutie Mark from under the dress. My vision hastily snapped up to her combed and styled hair. Her hoof interlocking the Doctor created a scene that one could only admit to be darling. I had never seen Ditsy as happy as she was with Doctor.

“Octavia!” Her contagious smile spread quickly across her face. “You look nervous.”

Cracking out a half chuckle at her acute observation. “You look wonderful, yourself, Ditsy.”

“Doctor said the same thing.” Her cheeks blushed as she smirked happily again. “I’ve never been to one of these things to be honest. Never had a dress or someone to help me get into one the right way.” She chortles at herself. “Why must dresses have two ends, it is terribly confusing.”

“We decided to swing by and walk with you two up to the castle courtyard. You’ve gained quite the crowd for your return to the classical crowd. Many are interested in this new style to be presented. You should have seen their faces when I mentioned that the one and only DJ PON-3 would be joining you on the stage for your, what they would be a solo, performance.” Doctor explains.

“And what of Lyra and Bon Bon. Did they make it?” I ask.

Doctor continues. “They’ve already made their way to the castle and will be waiting on us at the door, that is unless Lyra’s stomach doesn’t cause her to find her way to the appetizers within. Some times I think that girl only thinks with her stomach.”

“Best to get this shindig on the way, ya think?” Vinyl asks, pointing toward the door and smiling.

The door stood before me like a barrier, the last wall of security. Deep down, a fearful shiver filled my body as I approached it, but with the others around me, it made it much easier to open the door. Leaving turned out to be much more difficult as I took only a few steps before pausing and grabbing my cello from beside the door. Walking through the threshold of the door felt like a wall of suspense. Only my room felt like the escape from Eyn’s plans with anything in the direction of the castle loomed before me like a dark void.

A plethora of ponies had filled the streets, many of them heading toward the castle for the concert. A few stop and notice my presence. Being used to Vinyl’s crowd, I expect them to plead for an autograph or throw personal items my way, but they smile and nod.

“Miss Octavia, it is a pleasure to meet you before the show. We are truly ecstatic to be able to listen to your exquisite music again. You have been missed dearly by at least my wife and I.” The rich pony spoke.

“See, Tavi. They still love you like always.” Vinyl sneers happily. “I’ve never had a crowd like this before.”

“This is your crowd too, Vinyl.” I add.

“It doesn’t feel like my crowd. Far too few fights and clothes.” She observes. “Oh well, we will be sitting like queens after this payment. How much was it again?” Vinyl questions.

“About five.” I mention.

“Five hundred bits?” Doctor asks. “That is quite the hefty sum of bits.”

I smile at him and hum. “Five thousand bits.”

“What?” Doctor almost trips at my words.

Vinyl laughs as she shakes her head. “What are we going to do with all of that money?”

“Why don’t we buy a studio and actually get a proper radio going?” I suggest.

“I’ll have to think about that. I always wanted a solid gold DJ table…” Vinyl drifts as she cocks her head toward me. “I’m sure everyone would love our new radio station.”

“So you both are going into the radio business then after this?” Ditsy asks.

“I plan on it though that doesn’t mean that I won’t do anymore concerts. It will just be a side job to keep the money flowing for the two of us.”

“We’ll need to get a radio then!” Ditsy exclaims happily.

“We have three radios.” Doctor answers.

“But we need a new one for them.” She adds

“Two of them are new.”

“Either way.”

Many of the ponies in the streets don’t recognize me. A solace and ease fills me at such, hoping that no pony would recognize me during the appetizers and social before the concert. I humored the idea of Eyn stopping me in a private corner or hallway or just invading my mind again to wish me luck. Such a pleasure would be a lucky shot at best given that Eyn wasn’t here for my concert or me.

The entrance to the castle was just as beautiful during the Gala. The colors glimmered in the sunlight as the herd of ponies flocked to the doors to gain entrance into the concert. I couldn’t even call it my concert. I was only serving the Princesses and playing a song for them. There were just a couple hundred ponies coming as well. Closing my eyes and taking a breath, my body descends into a calm state. Only the nudge from Vinyl’s hoof snaps my eyes open to reveal the large dining room with windows looking out upon a glorious garden and courtyard.

Another breath yields the strong odors of fresh food being baked and fried. Many of the spices tickled my senses as I peered around the room at the class of the event. Many ponies were chatting with each other, but the din in the room was minor as if they all spoke in only a whisper.

“Quite the place they got here.” Vinyl comments.

“Only the finest.” I mumbled.

I barely notice the turquoise pony making her way up to me. Her appearance evolved tremendously with her mane combed and wrapped up in a bun. Her dress sparkles with its own glitter and a few gems on the side, accentuating her own natural hair color. Bon Bon dressed much the same with her own flaring brilliance. Her dual colored hair complimented her dark blue dress with pink fringes. With her mane and dress, she came off as balanced and reserved; her expression sealed the goal of such.

“Miss Octavia, it is a pleasure to finally be allowed to watch one of your shows.” Bon Bon bows her head respectfully.

Such treatment had been lost to me since my last gig with The Grand Galloping Gala. I strangely wished that she wouldn’t address me as such. I didn’t want any of my friends talking to me as if I was royalty or not their close friend. It made them feel distant and like acquaintances instead of friends. Shrugging off the uncomfortable tightness forming in my shoulders, I try to ignore it the best I can.

“Bon Bon, Lyra, you look lovely this evening.” I mention curtly.

“It took Bon Bon at least an hour to get my mane done. I thought I’d never be free from the pulling and twisting of my mane.” Lyra speaks, her voice still as beautiful as the lyre that she plays. The innocence and charm were impossible to ignore.

“I’m lucky that I get to keep my mane as it is now.” Vinyl adds.

Small talk continues without a hitch, our small group making its way toward the hors d’oeuvres. The smells of them were truly intoxicating as we approach them. Not eating breakfast was enough to make my mouth water and my stomach to growl. The urges were easily thrown to the side as I avoided the food and instead grabbed a glass of wine. I looked around the bar for any form of whiskey, but asking for it in the middle of the day would have been especially uncouth of me.

“Two whiskey’s, barkeep.” Vinyl’s voice fills my ears.

“Ma’am, it is in the middle of the day.” The barkeep answers her.

“Of course it is in the middle of the day. I will be busy all tonight as the entertainment so I’ll take what time I can to get my nerves clear.”

“Ma’am, I-“

“Only these two. I won’t drink both, the other is for a friend who is equally high strung and nervous, and she would greatly appreciate it.”

My face burns with embarrassment, more so when I heard the glass slide towards me. “Drink up, Tavi. You’re tighter than a coil in a record player.”

“That obvious?” I ask.

“I’ve never seen you so stiff and robotic. I thought you’d be comfortable with these ponies. They seem like your type of ponies.” She adds.

“They are, but you can see that everyone is stiff. Social embarrassment is worse than being stabbed in the back alley after a rough concert. Injury would grant some pity. Embarrassing yourself in front of the upper brow is pure suicide.”

“I didn’t know that these push-ups were so brutal.” Vinyl whispers to me as she sips her whisky slowly.

I chuckle. “Now you know why I can relax at your clubs instead of with ponies like me. I do enjoy them, the class, the prestige, the recognition, and the beauty of Canterlot.” I nod with a degree of class and sophistication. Taking a drink of the whisky, relaxation quickly follows.

“That is quite the price to pay. I’d pull my mane out.” She laughs drawing slight attention to her. I see many of their eyes look up to her hair and their eyes piercing through it as if to ignite it with the heat of their glares.

“You eventually get used to it. You’ve been sipping your whisky like quite the proper mare, Vinyl. I was expecting you to chug it.” I down the last of my whisky and jump from my stool and enter the crowd. I look back just as she looks down at her half filled glass, and back at me. I can only laugh.

Working my way through the crowd, the bathroom sits only a few trots away from me. Entering the private mare’s bathroom and locking the door, I turn to the bright white interior and take a deep breath of the clean air. Not a scent of unmentionables. I had no need of using the actual toilet, but I needed to sink and the feel of cool water to splash in my face.

My reflection showed me as being completely together, but inside, I could feel the tensions rising. I replayed the songs inside of my head. All of the opener songs where Vinyl would have time to prepare her work and to wet the appetites of the viewers would be easily executed since I had played such songs before. Only the last song, Eyn’s song, made me nervous. Calling it my song was no longer a reality, it was clearly Eyn’s plan for that song to be played to both win my career back along with giving Eyn his revenge or whatever he was going for.

Staring into my own eyes, I tried to find a truth and the rhythm of the song so that I could replay it in my head once more. As the tune filled my head, my eyes slowly began to cloud and the sensation of claustrophobia took over.

“You will do fine, Octavia Pie.” Eyn spoke through my mouth, smiling.

“I know I will.” I speak through the same mouth.

“Good girl…” I speak before the white fades away and I can catch my breath.

Another splash of water on my face helps calm my nerves again. My mind changed from trying to ignore the plans that Eyn was going to enact. I had to tell a guard, the princesses, somepony. I leave the bathroom and quickly look about the room, quickly noticing a guard only a few trots away. I calm my nerves and prepare the story in my head, trying to get as much details and evidence so that he will believe me enough to warn the captain of the guards or the princesses of this coming danger.

I take only two steps toward the guard when my hooves quickly fill with weights and I stop in my tracks.

“No…” I manage to whisper before claustrophobia takes over.

Surprisingly, I find my body resume its course and approach the guard.

“Miss Octavia, it is a pleasure to see you.” The guard mentions, bowing slightly toward me.

“Good evening. Will you have the honor of guarding during the concert to see my show?” Eyn uses my voice to ask.

“Sadly, no. I am assigned to the wall at such time.”

“That is such a shame. It will truly be a concert to remember. I’m sure you’ll hear about it.” I feel him smile with my mouth.

“I’m sure I will. Now if you excuse me.” He turns his attention back to the crowd.

“Yes, of course. Have a great night.”

The guard bows to me, and smiles before turning back to the crowd before I turn around and regain control of my body. I look around and notice the gazes of the nearby ponies had focused my conversation. To turn around now and reveal the story would be crippling. I walked forward slowly, holding my composure. I scan the room and quickly see the bright blue hair of Vinyl amidst all of the ponies. I make my way to her, feeling a tightness in my chest as I try to think of how I can talk to her, maybe get her to tell a guard for me.

I jump slightly when I see her pop through the crowd staring right at me.

“Come on, we have to start practicing and setting up.” She hooks her hoof into mine and drags me toward the concert hall.

“How do you know where it is?” I ask.

“I talked to a guard before spotting you in the crowd, duh.”

She pushes me through the door to the hallway and counts the doors carefully before pulling me toward a door.

“I’m quite capable of walking on my own, Vinyl.”

“I got this.”

She enters the door, opening up to a large concert hall, a wall of wires hanging in various spots on the stage as panels were slid into place.

“Are those your panels?” I ask.

“You bet they are. They were easier to make after the prototype. It is sure to let everyone in this massive room see every emotion on your face as you play.” Her excitement is simply bubbling.

The dull clop of wood from the stairs rings in my ears as my hooves make their way up the stares and onto the large stage. A single cord unlike the rest of the smaller ones that were being raised into the ceiling and behind the large black screens that Vinyl had built sat on the stage for me. Working quickly, my cello case opened and I held the smooth wood in my hooves, caressing its form slowly. I grab the plug and snap it into the side of my cello.

The crackles of amps coming to life fill my ears. I don’t even turn, but instead I lift my bow to my strings. With just a slide of the bow across the strings the melodious vibrations permeated the room with impressive volume. I struck a few more notes in the practice realm of tuning and found Vinyl had already tuned the amps to pitch perfect adjustments.

“Try the opening to the song. I want to hear how your part sounds with mine.” Vinyl asks, pulling one headphone from her ear and turning a few knobs.

Nodding and sighing, my hoof holds its position. My eyes close as I embrace the solemn nature of the opening. Placing the key within the confines of the song, the lock opens revealing the intricate emotions of the ancient Northern Hymn. The sounds were completely undisturbed by Vinyl’s section and as I played the acoustics of the room clicked open a lock I hadn’t known existed. The room itself served as its own amplifier and equalizer. Everything was perfect even though I was now forced to be the obedient instrument to a troubled alicorn prince. Help never felt so far away even though she was standing behind me. I barely notice that I stared at the Princess’s box seat the entire time I was practicing. I could feel Eyn smile at the situation. Everything was in place for him and no pony would even know it besides Vinyl and me. Then again, I no longer hold the ability to warn her to get the guards, or warn the princesses since I am unable to react past Eyn’s mental prison. I would be a spectator to my own show and my own ruin.