• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 3,286 Views, 45 Comments

Fate's Dream and Forfeiting a Benign Gleam - sweeT2010Tooth

Princess Luna reveals that a dragon's nature of greed has no place in a shared relationship with the element of generosity. Spike might have to make a choice in letting Rarity seek out another love while Generosity and fate have their own plans.

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Nightmare's Unrestrained Truth Foretells an Unlikely Chance

Spike's knees nearly buckled under the weight of carrying Rarity's newly purchased products into her boutique. She didn't necessarily desire his help but Spike insisted. It is often a wonder that the white-coated mare never saw the devotion this small dragon held for her. He was Twilight's assistant accustomed to following another around in their duties. But, for Rarity, this helping claw wanted to provide much more support to one whom made his heart beat faster in seeing her countenance, words, and gestures. Although small in stature, he undoubtedly had a big heart beating with rhythmic pulses sounding out a song of longing and wishful thinking.

Watching Rarity walk before him into the boutique, he became distracted in mindless thinking. Too often he would find himself drift off into thought admiring the little things about her. He couldn't help but notice the way her mane swayed in a slight breeze from the door opening, the first few sounds of her hooves touching the boutique's floor one after the other, or the elegant regal voice telling him where to set the items down. All these little things made him want to keep her near.

In letting his mind wander, he didn't notice Opalescence had crossed his path in the midst of welcoming her owner back to the store. With misplaced footing the racket of hissing, scratching, and falling items caught Rarity by surprise.

"My goodness! Spikey wikey, are you okay?" Rarity said moving items aside to uncover a dazed and scratched dragon trying to regain his senses.

"Um, yeah. Don't worry, Rarity. Thick scales, remember?" Spike replied expressing these words with both claws held outward to show the many scales.

What happened next occurred much quicker than Spike's mind could comprehend it. Rarity moved into a full embrace while both his claws were extended. He didn't expect this response and blushed as she gently rubbed the side of her head against his.

"I know, spikey wikey. But I could never fathom seeing you hurt, my darling."

"M-me too. Rarity, um...there's something that's been on my mind."

"Hmm? What is Spike?" Rarity said releasing him from the hug while still very close to his face.

"W-well, I know I'm a dragon and y-you're a pony but," Spike tried to speak while feeling hot under the collar. He looked deep into her enchanting blue eyes feeling anxious to reveal what laid buried in his heart. "D-do you ever think I could be your super special somepony?"

"Why don't be absurd!" she dramatically said.

Spike lowered his head in shame.


"You're already my super special somepony." Spike lifted his head in time to notice Rarity moving closer with both eyes closed. His heart's rhythmic beating quickened the closer she got. He could almost feel her lips touch his own preemptively expecting the soft touch. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect these turn of events. Nonetheless he accepted the outcome for it is something he had long desired.

Hesitantly moving forward with closed eyes, he attempted to meet her lips half-way. It was not a soft gentle touch that met his lips, but that of hard dry sand. He opened his eyes to watch Rarity crumble away into dust blowing out the boutique's door with an unexpected wind. He watched as the dust flew out the open door whisking away a longed for moment. Then, everything turned black as he closed his eyes with one last glimpse of the departing dust showing a fading smile and blue eyes.


Spike opened his eyes to a clear and darkened open sky filled with stars. The stars above shined brilliantly as if speaking out to him in unison with twinkling rays of light. This sight caught him off guard for it had been daytime just a moment ago.

"Huh? Where am I?" he said taking a look around the surrounding area, seemingly desert of all life. His environment consisted of no plant life, buildings, or civilization. Except for a gradual slope of dirt to his right, a desert's night was his only companion this evening. Amidst the darkened landscape, he barely noticed a single silhouette approach him in the night.

Spike noticed who it was after a while of squinting into the darkness.

"Princess Luna?"

"Yes, this is a beautiful night, is it not?"

"Y-yes but where am I?"

"The Dreaming Sands. I brought you here."


Before answering this question, Princess Luna looked down on the dragon sitting down in the desert's dirt. Her expression consisted of a noticeable stern visage peering down with her eyes but not lowering her head. The coldness portrayed in her countenance gave off a vibe so cold that had Spike slightly shivering.

"Why dost thou keep dreaming of that mare? Why would a dragon seek a kiss from a pony?"

"Who? Rarity?"

"The very same one that holds an element of harmony."

"I-I," Spike stammered unsure how to respond to the questioning, "s-she's very special to me."

"Why so? Would it not be more sensible to seek the affection of a dragon's touch rather than a pony's?"

"M-maybe but she means much more to me than a touch. I-I suppose I love her."

"Love her," Luna said parroting Spike's words. "Your 'love' is misplaced and unfounded."

These words struck Spike in the heart like an icy dagger. If he hadn't already felt out of place with his affection for Rarity due to being of a different species, he was more so now feeling the weight in seeking her love. Luna's expression remained stern and did not budge expecting a reply from the dragon. Spike, however, couldn't form any words for he already knew what Princess Luna was going to say. He had thought about this for a long time trying to shake off the truth considering alternatives. Regardless, he would inevitably be drawn back to Rarity due to her magnetic personality. Princess Luna spoke authoritatively noticing no response coming from the dragon's mouth.

"You are a dragon. She's a pony. That simple fact should make it apparent a relationship would never work. Do you not understand this?"

"I-I do but-"

"-then why continue this charade?"

"W-well, I love being around her. I love seeing her beauty, her caring personality, and hearing her voice. Rarity, means a lot to me. Someday - even for one day - maybe she could be my super special somepony. I know I'm a dragon...I mean the thought has crossed my mind many times...but she is the love of my life."

"She is also the element of Generosity. Dost thou not understand the implications and ramifications of a dragon and this element's holder entering a relationship?"

"P-princess Luna, I know I'm a dragon and she's a pony but I-"

"-Perhaps you are not seeing your Princess's concerns. Have you learned nothing about what it means to be a dragon?"

"Like breathing fire and having scales?"

"Greed, young dragon. Greed. Every dragon seeks what is thought to belong to them. The most sought after items are jewels sparkling with an intensity that only further drives this blind ambition. This blind ambition causes much devastation in its wake. For, if the one filled with greed cannot claim what is desired, they destroy everything in their path. A dragon's greed is an insatiable thirst never quenched, a hunger never satisfied, an ever rising fury never calmed."

"Oh, yeah." Spike said almost to himself remembering the time when he had practically destroyed Ponyville in stealing much of what didn't belong to him. "I've changed back though, Princess Luna. I'm trying hard not to be that monster again...for myself...for Rarity."

"It is a losing fight, young dragon. You are fighting nature itself. How long dost thou propose to hold out against what dictates your species' character?"

"I-I don't know..." Spike said lowering his eyes to the dirt beneath Luna's hooves.

"And what will happen to the pony you hold so dear?" Luna asked trying to drive sense into the young dragon before her.

"Rarity...I-I don't know..."

"This confliction is made worse due to this pony holding the element of Generosity. Much like a shining jewel you seek her brilliant shine as your own. The element of Generosity is known to give much without expecting anything in return - never realizing that a dragon DOES NOT return anything. If not now, this one-sided relationship would only cause much heartache in the end. Is this thy intentions? To cause pain to the one you mean to love? The road to Tartarus is paved with good intentions, young dragon. Generosity and Greed do not make a well-rounded married couple."

Spike said nothing now realizing why Princess Luna visited him this night.

"So, what should I do, Princess Luna?" Spike asked very well knowing the coming response.

"Let her go. Let her be with her own kind. Do it now or worsen the coming pain. You have no other choice."

"No other choice," Spike whispered to himself bringing his knees up to his chest so as to hide the coming tears.

"Keep in mind your Princess's intentions are not meant to solely hurt you, young one, but to stop a painful charade. We have seen the worst results of dragons' greed before many years ago. Not so much a pony and young dragon relationship but with a jewel brighter than the sun's radiated light. Your situation for some reason or another feels quite similar. I cannot put my hoof on it, but there might be a similarity between the two."

Spike looked up to the Princess with his eyes tear-filled and now curious.

"D-did something happen?"

Princess Luna's gaze wandered off into the desert beyond the young dragon before her.

"My sister and I have dealt with dragons on a regular basis. When their greed becomes unrestrained, we both must quell their fury. This is the reason they despise pony kind. However, one fateful night when reclaiming what was stolen from one of our towns, we came upon a familiar sight but an unusual outcome."

Princess Luna peered down once again at Spike.

"Come with me, young dragon. There is something you need to see."

Spike followed as Princess Luna began walking up the hill with a gradual slope. He felt nervous and unsure as to what would be shown. However, thoughts of Rarity kept popping into his mind. He loves her so much, but perhaps it would be best to let her go. What good could come from a relationship between a dragon and a pony?

Luna and Spike reached the top of the hill after a short walk. Looking over into the valley before them, they noticed a multitude of dragons standing silently amongst each other. Ranging in the hundreds, each dragon faced a similar direction. It didn't take long to notice the source to which their attention was garnered.

A bright light shone among the crowded dragons. There, at that spot, jewels were piled on top of each other creating a small mound. Spike then realized that most of the ground beneath the dragons was covered in gems and jewels of all colors and sizes. The dragons paid no attention to this but rather the small mound with seemingly brighter jewels than the ones below. At its peak, gleamed a pure white diamond with a radiance so bright that Spike had to squint in order to make out what was shining from where he stood.

The pure white diamond stood among the rest of the jewels but outshone them all. One dragon next to it had both claws extended and a wide grin on his face while eyeing the rest of the dragons.

"He's showing off his most prized possession," Luna said noticing Spike was observing the smiling dragon. "He's very proud of his catch wanting to let others only bask in its radiant glory. Notice the other dragons, young one. Their intentions are quite different than mere observation."

Spike looked from face to face seeing the same look of pure wanton desire. They were admiring the pure white diamond, but also licking their scaly lips. Before Spike could fully understand the situation, Princess Luna began singing a most haunting melody with words passing through Spike's body like a ghostly echo of one's witnessed past.

The diamond's glow will turn a dragon

Ripe with baleful greed

One by one each dragon began moving closer to the small mound. Their desires to possess the pure white diamond were clear. The dragon who had been smiling finally noticed his grave error with worry replacing excitement.

Betwixt her pure, unyielding shell

A guilty heart does bleed

The dragon who had been smiling tried to make a grab for his own diamond, but another dragon caught his arm with eyes red with fury. Worry gave way to fear as the dragon tried to wrestle his arm away from the one who held it.

For though the world yearns for her so

These words they fail to heed

The dragons pressed their advance with Spike not able to see the dragon who had been smiling anymore among the crowd. Princess Luna bent down to match Spike's height. She brought her lips to his ear making sure the next words came across clearly.

"Let not your selfish, dark desires

Drive you to misdeed"

Spike watched as countless dragons attacked each other burning with desire to solely claim the pure white diamond as their own. Though their noise was loud, Princess Luna's was even louder as she looked upon the mess now sitting next to the young dragon.

Rubies fall

In a crimson flood

From claws so stained with sin

Bringing both of his own claws to his face, Spike slightly covered his eyes. He peered through them witnessing the true nature of dragons.

Somber cries

Will go unheard

For this malice knows no end

In a rising, resonating chorus of cries and shouts, the multitude of dragons swayed back and forth like waves crashing into each other driven by separate winds. More than once Spike thought he heard a few were pleading for an end to the conflict. As fast as the conflict began, it subsided with the pure white diamond remaining untouched on top of the small mound. Bodies littered the ground with some moving slightly taking in heavy breaths and others not moving at all.

Princess Luna pointed to a single silhouette rising from the masses bruised and battered. This single dragon was small in stature most likely younger than those around him. His eyes, shining in the pure white diamond's glow, expressed a different look than those around him. His eyes did not show a look of unrestrained greed but something else. He looked around in confusion, closed his eyes, and shook his head in dismay from what he had just witnessed. Bringing his eyes to the diamond, he began his approach of it.

Amongst those ravaged by demand

Just one will succeed

The closer the dragon got to the diamond it became apparent tears were in his eyes. It seemed as though his approach could have been quicker, but he progressed with a little apprehension expressed in his footing. His claws visibly shook as they drew near the diamond. It was though he was unsure this was what he wanted.

Only one with a heart as pure

As the diamond will be free

Spike strained to see the outcome as a black mist enclosed the entire valley. He could not see anything, but awaited what came next. One last bright light shined through the black mist before everything turned black.