• Published 8th Aug 2013
  • 3,284 Views, 45 Comments

Fate's Dream and Forfeiting a Benign Gleam - sweeT2010Tooth

Princess Luna reveals that a dragon's nature of greed has no place in a shared relationship with the element of generosity. Spike might have to make a choice in letting Rarity seek out another love while Generosity and fate have their own plans.

  • ...

Ergo, Does One Have to Give Gracious Generosity A Last Longing Glance?

Spike waited for Rarity outside her door while she got dressed for the party. Tuxedos were not required at this social gathering, but Spike wore one anyways. He admired himself in a nearby mirror wishing to have a mustache to go along with the outfit. A magnificent and marvelous mustache would have been perfect for the occasion. Alas, this attire would have to do on its own. He tried to prepare for any potential conversation that came up at the party by acting out its dialogue in the nearby mirror. His imagination ran wild in pretending to meet those of royal birth and greeted them with endless praise. They, in turn, complimented his dashing looks and majestic mustache.

Rarity's door opened in the mirror's image with Spike turning around quickly so as not to be caught talking to himself. His little dragon eyes beheld the most beautiful pony emerge from the room wearing a gold-laced white dress with blue sapphires adorned in simple patterns. Her hair had been rolled up to resemble the look of a higher class pony and earrings emitting a brilliant shine sure to grab attention. She looked at Spike and smiled - a smile matched only by an angelic pony from stories told to little colts and fillies.

"Y-y look b-beautiful, Rarity," Spike said with twinkling enlarged green eyes raising both claws to his face in shock.

"Are you sure? I tried to go for an elegant look; something that'll grab attention but not too flashy," Rarity replied seeking Spike's approval.

"Y-yeah. You look wonderful tonight," Spike said eyes still full of wonder at this sight of beauty. Rarity responded to this comment by widening the smile on her lips.

"Thank you, Spike. Your opinions are very dear to me. Are you ready to go?"

Spike nodded in approval unable to voice any words.


Rarity and Spike approached the doors to Fancypant's extravagant party. Some ponies looked on at the two admiring the beauty of the mare and handsomeness of the dragon. Others continued their own conversations with heads held high and eyes closed exchanging simple pleasantries. The pony attending the door pulled it open so the two could step through into an enlarged ballroom. Rarity and Spike looked around in amazement for the room's size seemed massive. There were too many ponies to count and the room was decorated with lavish accessories.

Rarity and Spike found Fancypants waving them over from a nearby crowd. They both easily traversed the crowd heading towards the most important pony of Canterlot. Within talking distance he introduced Rarity to those around him who became excited to see this newly welcomed pony to the ongoing conversations. Either at Fancypant's approval or their own they accepted Rarity wholeheartedly. Many compliments about her beauty were made including some given to Spike when noticed as her guest. Spike responded to these compliments by flexing his muscles and adjusting his collar to which light laughter was made.

The two spent the evening in this manner of introducing themselves to other ponies of nobility. More than once Rarity was unsure if this was the right place for Spike but he seemed to fit in nicely. Nonetheless, she asked him if he was all right. He affirmed his evening's enjoyment but, unknown to Rarity, he was not just liking the party but happy to be around the pony whom he loved completely with all his heart. Tonight, things would change between them, but perhaps he could live for the moment appreciating her company.

She was everything to him. Too bad this could be their last night together.

What felt like hours of conversation, greetings, and exchanged dialogue, music and dancing ensued. Fancypants started this part of the evening off by fluently dancing with Fleur Dis Lee, his wife. The surrounding crowd eagerly watched as both moved in perfect synchronous movements ending in a soft kiss. Fancypants then raised a hoof and announced the floor was open to dancing for all those attending.

Rarity and Spike began dancing together with Spike trying to find his rhythm. He knew how to dance but was a little rusty at the moment. Rarity guided him through the movements by placing a hoof in his claw and the other claw on her waist. He blushed in doing this but enjoyed the dance as it continued finding his gaze redirecting itself to Rarity's blue eyes. A smile came across her face and the world around the two melted away for this was their moment alone.

Her eyes bore into his like a blue ocean with cool flowing water. They made him feel safe and comforted for their beauty contained all he'd ever need. A sapphire's glint could not compare to this inviting blue ocean. He could look into those eyes for all eternity and nothing else would matter. Her shine passed through him like a cool wind on a hot summer's day. The offered tranquility of those eyes told him that, in this single moment, anything was possible with his one and true lady.

Rarity broke the silence by moving closer to his ear speaking soft gentle words.

"Spike, I need to let you know about something before the night is through. I've made a choice on who will be my super special somepony. I'm going to go star-gazing with this chosen stallion later tonight after the party, darling. I've been told that Princess Luna is going to decorate the night sky with her most loveliest stars even promising a little something extra for those attending. I wanted to keep it a surprise but couldn't withhold it from you, my best friend, Spikey-Wikey. This has been the most magical night of my life, darling. Thank you for coming with me. I don't think it would have been the same without you by my side when making such an important decision."

"Sure thing, Rarity. Tonight has been incredible for me, too. Whatever decision you make I'll be here standing by your side providing all my support. By the way, you really do look wonderful tonight."

"This is why I chose you to come along tonight, Spike. You're the one willing to give the most support. Thank you...Spike."

Rarity moved away from Spike's ear with a smile trying to hold back tears with watery eyes. Before Spike could say anything more a familiar royal stallion approached the two in the crowd taking the mare's hoof for the next dance. Prince Blueblood led her away from Spike into the crowd swaying to and fro leaving a sad dragon to watch his most cherished love taken away. Not able to see her anymore in the crowd Spike slowly moved out of the dancing masses towards the front door. He took one last look back at the crowd hoping to see the most beautiful mare but couldn't find her. He let out a sigh as he opened the front doors and walked through them into a cold and lonely night.


Rarity walked out onto the grassy field with the other by her side. She didn't want to miss Luna's night sky. Already the stars twinkled brightly high above greeting all those watching the sky. The cool air of the night was calm and peaceful. It was certainly a different accepting atmosphere as opposed to time spent in the sun. Rarity and the one with her continued on until they found a perfect spot. She didn't like to get dirty and had brought a blanket large enough to accommodate her companion, too. Even with the blanket she was still hesitant to sit on the ground but did so considering tonight was too special to be picky.

She and her companion sat in silence for a while admiring the night sky and calm atmosphere. A light breeze blew through them causing a slight chill. Her companion wrapped his arms around her trying to provide warmth but very well knew it wouldn't enough. Nonetheless she blushed in feeling his touch. The two continued to watch the night sky before Rarity broke the silence.

"I'm glad you could make it, sweetheart. I looked everywhere for you. You shouldn't leave a lady alone like that only to miss you dearly."

"I'm sorry. I...just needed to get away from the crowd."

"Apology accepted, darling. But you'll most certainly make this up to me."

"With all my heart."

Rarity turned to her companion knowing he spoke the truth. She was glad to have him here tonight for he meant everything to her. There was no one else worthy enough to give her heartfelt love. Her eyes met his for they both had longed for this moment.

"Will you be my super special somepony?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, but I need to ask you something..." her companion responded.

"What is it, darling?"

"Why me? You could have chosen anypony but you had to pick me!"

"Isn't that what you wanted too?" she asked curious as to his concerns.

"Yeah, this is exactly what I wanted from the first day I saw you. But I just want to hear the reason from your lips."

"Because you're my better half, darling. It's as simple as that."

"Your better half?"

"Yes, darling. A bright jewel needs another to return that shine. This builds a lasting relationship. At least, that's what those fashion magazines keep telling me," Rarity said thinking on what she read in those articles.

"I see. So, I'm seen as having a giving character? Not one that would sooner or later take everything with no remorse?"

"Of course not, darling! Whatever gave you that impression!?"

"I'm a dragon, Rarity. It's in my nature," Spike said holding out a claw to confirm the truth.

"I don't see you as a greedy dragon," Rarity said closing her eyes symbolizing her defiance in Spike's fate as being a dragon. "You've already proven to me that you are quite capable of holding back that nature."

"B-but what if I can't, Rarity? What if-"

Rarity silenced Spike by placing a hoof on his lips.

"I'll be right here by your side, Spike. We'll be each other's support from here on out. Besides, you're my super special somepony for a reason. It's what inside that counts. Not what is only scales deep," Rarity said this grabbing hold of Spike's arm to point out that scales did not make up his character for Rarity could see much more in him.

"...Oh. T-thank you Rarity. You've always been my super special somepony ever since I first met you," Spike responded by looking into Rarity's blue eyes.

His attention was soon distracted by a moving object in the night sky.

"Look, Rarity! A shooting star! Make a wish!" Spike yelled out pointing to a star traversing the night sky.

This was most certainly the 'something special' Princess Luna had planned for the evening. Rarity and Spike closed their eyes to make a single wish. They both whispered that wish into the night air hoping the night's breeze would carry its words to the Princess in hopes of having it granted. After making their wish, Rarity and Spike let out a light laugh for it seemed like a silly tradition.

"So, what did you wish for, Rarity?" Spike asked.

"Now, now, Spike. It would not be in this lady's best interests to let her deepest ambitions openly known. You'll find out in due time," she responded turning to look back at Spike.

Rarity smiled for this was to be her and Spike's most special night. At times, her generosity would be misguided but not this night. Spike may have resigned to let her go, but generosity is two-fold; for one who gives could also receive from another with a similar yielding mindset.

Spike was not the only one deciding the future of their relationship.

Of course, Spike was still too young for a real relationship with Rarity. She would have to wait a while until he got older. She had weighed this thought on her mind with only one concluding question: Was a possible true love not worth the wait? Undoubtedly, this risk offers a burden that she hoped not to regret. However, Spike's company and words tonight proved that he'd always be there for her. She, in turn, would be there for him. He was her better half and she'd be foolish to walk away from his offered love.

Spike watched as Rarity closed her eyes and moved toward him. This moment felt more real than any dream he had in his many slumberous nights. He closed his eyes in response awaiting the kiss. He felt the soft touch make contact with his cheek providing its own warmth in the cool night air. He felt butterflies in his stomach for this was most certainly the happiest moment of his life. The tingling sensation spread through the rest of his body from top to bottom. Spike never knew that a simple kiss could make him feel this way.

He soon felt the tingling sensation turn into tightening, stretching, and pulling. Soon these feelings became painful with him wanting to yelp out in pain. How could a kiss be this painful? The pain intensified and he felt as though he was being ran through a machine yanking, pushing, and pulling every muscle in his body. He could feel himself wincing in trying to withstand the excruciating torture.


Startled, Spike quickly opened his eyes to find Rarity with an alarmed expression pointing one hoof at something below his line of vision. He thought maybe something had crawled onto him so he peered down to see a most remarkable sight. If this were another crazy dream, it would have made this event more believable.

"Rarity! What happened to me!?"


Luna stood on the palace's balcony admiring the shining patterns in the night sky. Moving stars was hard work. It took a long time and tonight she felt like the patterns represented what she hoped. Their twinkling light made her smile for she knew all who attended this evening's show would surely see a delightful sight. She couldn't reach them all being so far away up there, but she could move the closer ones enough to create a splendid view of a welcoming night sky.

Tonight was to be special. On these occasions, Princess Luna resorted to a tried and true old tradition in the days of old. Those ponies that slept in never get to see this special event so Princess Luna likes to raise the stakes. For those that attend these special evenings, she grants a single wish though it needs to be feasible and reasonable.

Emanating powerful magic from her horn, she took hold of one of the nearest stars. In one forceful movement, she threw it in a single direction. She watched as it flew across the beautiful night sky leaving a long trailing light. In a few moments, the light wind's breeze would carry word of whispered wishes to her ear. The significance of the words uttered by a pony before making the wish granted her the ability to hear these wishes. Normally, these words would be uttered in seeing the first star shining in the night sky, but Princess Luna enjoys hearing those words with shooting stars, too.

She closed her eyes awaiting the whispered wishes of those watching the night sky. One by one they drifted in the night's light breeze to her ears. Some of these were common seeking wealth or luck in a future endeavor. Others touched her more deeply in wanting to reunite with loved ones. You would think it difficult to trace these wishes back to their owners, but the magical chant preceding the wish provides a trace back to the speaker. This trace was powerful enough to show her a name and image of the one who spoke the wish.

The children of the night's whispered words touched her the most. She could clearly see their faces in making that one wish with all their heart. Regrettably, her abilities would not be able to grant all of their wishes. Some would have to be denied. To the best of her abilities she granted these wishes. However, those wishes that were granted needed to be done so in a manner befitting what one needs. This act might not coincide with what one wants. Many times have little ones wished for a parent to come back home. Sometimes, she couldn't grant this request but instead would send another such as an adoptive parent hoping it would be enough. At times this worked and others it did not.

Princess Luna continued to listen to the wishes carried in the night's light breeze. One by one she took note of the owners whose wish she would grant. However, when one particular wish was spoken into her ear, she winced a little in anger.

"You!" she audibly yelled out to herself. "Why dost thou not heed our warning, young dragon? We couldn't have made it any clearer. Are thou trying to make a mockery of thy Princess?"

A second wish with a gentle and caring whispered tone followed the first causing Luna's anger to subside. She meditated on its message and meaning deriving a new perspective to what she had previously assumed was true. She had carelessly disregarded a certain truth that she, herself, had to ironically overcome.

"It's not what is on the outside? But what is on the inside? I hear the truth in your words, young pony. Perhaps I should have considered the possibility that one could exhibit a nature from within rather than what is physically portrayed. I'm sorry for doubting you, young dragon. We now know the true weight of your inherited predicament. Your Princess of the Night shall deliver you from this unsuited fate for tonight we will grant this mare's wish. We hope the best for you in your future endeavors.

...It all makes sense now for what we witnessed in the past. What Celestia and I had seen that fateful night was only a perception of one's surface. We did not at first realize that tearful dragon's inner true nature though Celestia did. Young dragon, that one from the dream whom resembles your inner ambitions did claim the pure white diamond but returned it to Celestia and I. He did so with many apologies unlike any dragon we'd ever met. Looking back, I now understand why Celestia did what she did while I continued to only recognize his physical appearance. I disagreed with my sister but, yet again, she knew what was best. I was blind in not seeing that the dragon was imprisoned in a false shell. Sometimes, our outward appearance does not justly reflect what lies inside. Your Princess of the Night, above all others, should have realized this on that fateful night for we have the same affliction. We shall now correct our mistake."

Princess Luna took a moment to voice an old memory. Princess Celestia had sung a lullaby to that dragon from long ago before performing the irreversible magical spell taught by an old mentor. In what seemed like a rare moment in a millennium, Princess Luna would do the same to this dragon whom loved a certain white-coated mare.

Only one with a heart as pure

As the diamond will be free

Powerful magic once again emanated from Princess Luna's horn intending to grant a well-deserved wish.

"Be free, foolish young dragon. Your appearance shall now match thy inner personality. For your noble mannerisms perfectly match the one you love. Still, we find it ironic that your name matches that of the dragon from long ago."


"Rarity! What happened to me!?" Spike yelled out looking down discovering hooves had replaced claws.

"I'm not sure, Spike! Did you wish this, darling?"

"No way! I wished for your continued happiness and anything you want! I figured the most giving pony I know should have her hopes and dreams come true!"

"Oh, Spike. You're so kind to me," Rarity said with a smile. "But, if you must know, right now only you take up my hopes and dreams."

Spike looked up to notice her smile and he started to nervously laugh.

"Well, isn't this silly, Rarity? That I'm not a dragon anymore?"

"Not at all silly," Rarity said putting an arm around him, "it's my wish come true, after all."

"Your wish?" Spike asked with curiosity. "What did you wish for, exactly? That I'd be turned into a pony?"

"No, of course not, darling! You've been acting rather strangely since the train ride. I couldn't put a hoof on it until a few moments ago when you mentioned your fears in becoming a dangerous dragon. I knew Princess Luna would be listening to our wishes. So, I simply expressed my concern that your worries in being a dragon were taking their toll. As said before, darling, I don't see you as a dragon. It'd be most correct to say you're my better half. If I am to be considered a diamond, then you are most certainly the gem that genuinely reflects my shine with your own. I wished more than anything that my super special somepony would be relieved of that dreadful dragon's worry and find happiness in what he seeks most."

"...What I seek most, Rarity...is you," Spike said looking deep into Rarity's blue eyes.

Rarity got up from where they were sitting, now standing before Spike. Spike looked on as the night sky behind Rarity twinkled little lights in perfect harmony with a rare jewel of the night sky standing before them. It was at this moment a single star's bright blue light shined with an intensity and similar hue as Rarity's eye color.

"I know this darling. Certainly, I did not expect this outcome but, nonetheless, it makes me very happy," Rarity proudly stated with watery eyes. "Your happiness means the world to me, Spike. You are my shining jewel as I am yours. I'm glad beyond measure to know my wish came true - to now know the happiness of the one I love. In addition, I couldn't ask for a greater received gift than what I, myself, seek most. That's you, Spike. Forever are you my super special somepony. What I seek most is you."

Spike got up stumbling over to Rarity. Tripping over his newly hooved feet, he fell into a tight embrace with the white-coated unicorn.

"I promise to always be by your side, Rarity. Let me stand by you for that's all I've ever wanted. Your brilliant shine means everything to me. I accept you completely - impurities and all. Please accept mine. I love you with all my heart, Rarity."

Spike regained his footing. Using his back legs as support he returned the hug. He could feel her soft coat offering a gentle touch. He could clearly smell the sweet aroma of her mane. Rarity felt overjoyed at these turn of events not expecting in her wildest dreams that such a transformation could occur. Even better, the stallion before her was truly the most handsome she'd ever seen. His coat was smooth and shined brighter than an average amethyst's reflected light. She had found her perfect stallion intending to never let go of him from this moment onward. The two remained in a tight hold of each other finding what they both had been seeking their entire lives.

"I, too, love you with all my heart, Spike."


A stallion was taking a stroll with his little filly down the streets of Ponyville both observing the different storefronts. Moments ago they had stopped by Sugarcube Corner for a quick snack and continued merrily on their way with bellies full of yummy goodness. Many times this stallion's daughter pointed out interesting sights. Among them, one stood out the most with displays of ponyquins wearing exquisite clothes giving onlookers a visual sample of quality attire. Just from a simple glance the little filly knew she'd be the envy of her friends in wearing one of these garments. She insisted with tugs and pulls to visit the boutique with her father.

Reluctantly, her father agreed not wanting to upset his daughter. He found the outer appearance of the boutique to be a bit cheesy but pleasant all the same. In opening the front door he was not at all surprised to see the expected decorative decor one would see at a clothing store. His little filly beamed as she laid eyes on many glamorous dresses and fancy suits. The stallion immediately noticed two ponies standing at the other side of the room's entrance. What the stallion and little filly didn't expect was a very pleasant motto fluently and graciously spoken in synchronized harmony:

Welcome to Carousel Boutique where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique!

Author's Note:

Well, there ya have it! Sparity in all its corny glory! XD However, it does fit in that Spike's inner personality does not wholly equate the greedy nature of a dragon. Is it too far fetched to speculate that he exhibits a generous nature much like Rarity, herself? They're perfect for each other, I say.

Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 30 )

Great... the spa twins stole the boutique while Rarity and Spike were gone!

The story was sweet; although, I must admit I am a tad disappointed. The story seemed to have so much more possibility that the ending simply comes too soon and abruptly for me. Equally true, I hate to see Spike lose what he is, and a part of who he is in doing so. Still, a well weaved tale with very good writing.

The corniness! It gives me diabetes! But I love it!

3017098 Yeah, part of Spike's appeal is that fact that he's a dragon. He's a small one but so's this guy:

The next day...
:twilightoops:: Luna did, WHAT?!
:duck:: Honestly Twilight, I did not expect this at all.
:moustache:: Well now that I'm not a dragon anymore, I guess I might be a little less... handy?
:pinkiehappy:: *rimshot*
:facehoof:: At least we know he hasn't changed that much.
:raritywink:: Oh don't worry Spike. You're still very handy to me.

3017098 Sorry for the disappointment. Granted, I looked at your comment for half an hour on deciding whether to open the story back up as it is kind of an abrupt ending. There are certainly other ideas I could implement for the plotline. I don't think I will, though, as too many ingredients might spoil the stew so to speak.

This has brought to my attention that I'm doing something rather concerning with my stories - I'm running straight to the finish line with a completionist mindset. In the future, I'm going to need to keep them a little more open.

Also, I must have went back and forth in deciding the story's end at least four times. The ending I eventually chose seemed a little ridiculous and Spike does lose that piece of what/who he is (I won't specifically write it out right here for those just now seeing the story). Admittedly, Spike acts and behaves unlike his species as shown in the episode, Dragon Quest, so it came down to a perception that it'd be best for him to shed the false shell. If that doesn't make sense or seems like a stupid idea, disregard the last sentence.

Thanks for your time in reading the story!

3020125 Well, it's more that the description and the first two chapters really set up this possibility to prove himself more than Luna's judgment and to truly find himself. Honestly, I thought the whole dream sequence with Luna was to show that he could rise above his instincts.

The other dragons in the show vary. Remember, the big red dragon didn't want to destroy Equestria, he just wanted to sleep in peace, but when confronted with the hazard he was creating he broke down crying and apologized. The older dragons were just teenage guys really, and for the most part, they gave Spike a hard time, but they gave him the chance to prove himself and welcomed him into their group. Garble is a jerk about the egg, but his anger at Spike is from a feeling of betrayal. He trusted Spike and made him a member of his gang, and was betrayed, even if it was for the right reasons.

3020181 Your points are well taken. So well taken in fact that they keep making me consider opening the story back up. Honestly, I'll leave that opinion up to you as I simply can't decide for myself on the matter; should I expand on the story?

I suppose my example really was misplaced due to those teenaged dragons. They did essentially allow Spike to join the group.

3020279 You're the author, that's not my place to decide. My intention as a reader is to simply state what I honestly feel could use work and what I liked. To provide constructive feedback and push the author to new levels.

3020314 Sounds fair. I'll keep thinking on it, then. It'd be unfair for me ask others to make my decisions. However, there is one idea I'd like to take from you if I do decide to open up the story...spa twins :rainbowlaugh:, assuming I can include them for an actual reason.

3020363 Yeah, the talking at the same time reminded me of them.

I cut this story too short now realizing my mistake and have decided to continue the plot into new territory. What I'm going for in the end will most likely seem far fetched but, in my opinion, the risk will be worth it resulting in (hopefully) a good enough story. I have a vague idea on how I want to flesh out the story, but I'm going to take each piece on a whim with an intention to connect those ideas in the end. Maybe just maybe my writing skills will be adequate enough to do justice for Rarity and Spike. I figure 'why not risk my inadequacies in hope that others may get some enjoyment out of this?'


Yeah, love certainly takes time to blossom. It is not an overnight coincidence.

I need to stop being a hypocrite and start believing in my own words. Seriously, I made the last chapter a one-night romance! So, let the extremities of all that is corny be pushed to its limits!

dude I like what you did there if ya catch me drift.

you should make a sequel if you haven't all ready.

3033498 That's a good idea. I'll do that. A sequel would be a better solution than reopening the story and mucking around with the original.

It is a beautiful and nice ending for me, even made me mourn and I'm man

3038356 Thanks! Assuming the mods approve what I submitted, the first part of the sequel should be on its way.

Wasn't expecting the transformation, but still it was very cute to read :pinkiesmile: I liked it.

I shall be reading the sequel soon :pinkiehappy:

3103959 Thanks! I try to keep my stories somewhat entertaining with unexpected twists. Glad you liked it! Your opinion means a lot to me!

I'm totally confused. Spike watched Blueblood escort Rarity away to the stargazing but it ends up being Spike instead?

3118483 Sorry, I should have been clearer that Blueblood took Rarity's hoof for the next dance. The stargazing occurred later that night after the party. I'll make a small edit to provide some clarity though, in some respects to the plot twist, it is meant to be vague.

I did like this story. It was well written, but there are a few parts of it that irked me. I'll outline below.

It doesn't really dig into the major conflicted emotions you know Rarity has to have for Spike, I can over look this because clearly Spike is the main focus of this story.

The Blueblood teasing. Honestly, I know why you did this, but it just felt so forced and cliched. It didn't feel like a natural progression of the world, but more like something that was being shoehorned in to suit the plot.

The ending. The entire point of the story was that it isn't on the outside, but the inside that is important. That entire point is turned on it's head by making the issues inconsequential. I'm not saying it is a bad ending, but it is an ungraceful ending.

That said, there is some real promise here. I look forward to seeing what further works you produce!

3236908 Thanks! I'm glad the story is at least somewhat appreciable. The ending fails in many respects because it is abrupt. I don't think that would of happened if I had taken a little more time with it. My mindset of wanting to reach the end as soon as possible kind of ruined it.

As for the conflicted emotions of Rarity pertaining to Spike, I left it out simply because I lack the ability to express it in writing. Therefore, the story's focus was shifted to something else. I gave it an honest effort in the train scene but realized I wasn't quite there.

The Blueblood teasing was forced? Dang it! I was really trying to have his inclusion come across as natural.

Hey, don't beat yourself up too much! It was a pretty daring undertaking, and if we didn't fall short, we'd never grow. Rarity is the best proof of that herself!

There was a lot of good here, but if you wanted a pony for her to consider, it should have been one she didn't despise. You wanted the 'choice' scene to be suspenseful (That was obvious by how you wrote it), but you were asking the readers to really push their suspension of disbelief that she could instantly fall for someone who insulted her gravely in the past and even in the story. Ideally, a 'love triangle' sort of thing (can't think of the better term for it) should have both options be 'in character' for the one making the choice.

In this case, her choosing Blueblood would have been so horrendously out of character (Rude, Superficial, Easily swayed by the views of others) that it was never even a real consideration.

Anyway, I hope the critique was useful. Good luck!

3237090 I always beat myself up over these things, but that's half the fun! If you want to know the truth as to why I picked Blueblood, I wanted the reader to scream 'No! No! This isn't right!' :rainbowlaugh:

I found the critique very useful and will continue to do my best to improve. Thank you!


So, Fates Dream and Forfeiting a Benign Gleam? A longer title than most, but hey it sounds fascinating. The following is a moment by moment account so, it's me reading the story in real time!

-And so it begins!
-So, it was all a dream, cliche but very well done.
-Oo, and here come the feels.
-Oh man, song integration.
-That was beautiful! Love the detail, and the ending, well next chapter!
-Twilight should be worried, it sounds like Luna has been giving Spike crystal meth.:twilightoops:
-Twilight sure makes for a good wingman for Spike.
-Fancypants eh? Well, this should be interesting.
-Twilight IS acting as Spike's wingpony!
-Spike has got some memory to recite that history lesson, sounds like something a certain writer for the show would say...
-So I'm getting the vibe that Rarity is Spike's hypothetical diamond...
-And Blueblood is still a dick.
-Well, Spike sure is getting the short end of the stick, and Fancypants the matchmaker? Sounds intriguing, and I would normally object but it is presented in perfect character. Next CHAPTER

-A dance...Spike's stride length seems like a problem.
-Your not giving the name to me? I call your bluff! May the shipping begin!
-Wait...Luna set this up, Luna disapproves of the ship...I sense issues on the way.
-Annnnnd cliffhanger!
-Pony Spike?
-And there we have it, the end of the story!

I must say, this was a very nice story, Luna's role was very well placed. My only issue is the flow of the story which is missing a few connecters, not unlike a shiny car missing a few screws. Even with these small errors, the story still shines like a (if I do say so myself) diamond.

Verdict: 9.1/10

And there is a sequel!

3490539 Thanks! That was very nice :twilightsmile:. I have to agree with the missing connectors. Likewise, the ending is very abrupt and open-ended which called for a sequel. The one thing I like about this story is comparing Rarity to a rough diamond, and she is essentially finding her shine in Spike's offered love when giving hers away.

-Twilight should be worried, it sounds like Luna has been giving spike crystal meth

She should be worried :rainbowlaugh:. The sequel will bring you close to tears multiple times. I guarantee it.


I look forward to it! I think there is a lot more to this story then that reference to Rarity as compressed carbon.:pinkiehappy:

I came, thinking of RariPants.

What I found was much better.


"luna !" Yelled Celestia" What have you done to Spike?":moustache:
"Nothing Tia" Luna said.:facehoof:
"Then why do all my scrolls to Twilight Sparkle Come back as return to sender / Subscription canceled?":twilightoops:
"I'll check it out tonight" she called back ,Thinking with a giggle, I just hope I don't interrupt something special.:raritystarry:

4771673 Thank you for taking the time to read it. Hope it was enjoyable. :raritywink:

Yes it was, thank you:duck:

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