• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 1,401 Views, 64 Comments

Band of Bronies - The Watcher 509

6 bronies were just having a typical marathon, but as one moment led to another. They were transported to Equestria with a brown-haired man; which calls himslef, The Doctor.

  • ...

Chapter 5: I awaken thee, o' might humans. ARISE!

While John and Pinkie were away, Tom and the rest of the mares arranged the library so that the others would be more comfortable. In the process, they accidentally woke up Pam and Froline.

"OH MY GOSH!" Pam hugged Twilight closely. "You are so fluffy." She then started to move towards Fluttershy, who in return, backed away slowly. As Pam finally hugged Fluttershy, there was a familiar squeaking noise that a plushie does when you hug it. Pam softly squeezed Fluttershy again, earning the same result.

'Well, at the very least Pam's happy. Froline though...' He glanced at Froline, hiding away at the couch whispering and mumbling something within the lines of "I'mmotcrazythisisjustadreamIamsaneandthisisnotadreamofcoursethisisnotadreamsinceIamasanepersonyesyesIam."

He slowly walked towards her and patted her on the back, resulting a glance from her to him.

"Hey, it's okay Froline. Everything's gonna be alright. Just calm down, John and Pinkie are getting the blankets from Sugarcube Corner." He looked at her with a warm smile.

She forced a small smile on her face, but it quickly fell. "Are you sure that this isn't a bad dream? I don't want to get too attached to this place if it was a dream... Was The Doctor real?"

"I can't answer that yet. There's too many possibilities to count." She nodded and stood up to meet the ponies.

Pinkie and John were walking down town,
The town they will tread to reach a place.
She walked with trots, him nary a sound,
As the colts and fillies had smiles on their face.

John was walking alongside the pink mare as she hummed a small tune. The ponies of the town saw the strange creature, and at first they were scared, but as they saw that an element bearer would be fine with him, most of the went back to what they were doing.

"So Pinkie, what's the town like?" He innocently asked, quite bored with the silence between the two of them.

"Oh, this town is super duper cool. The ponies are great and some of them even hold book club meetings even without Twilight because she isn't the only one that likes books in town. There's also this unicorn named Lyra that is pretty quite, but she is great to be with since she's very fun-loving, she also has a friend named Bon Bon who she lives with. Some say that they have a relationship, but they're just really close friends. There's this one colt who is a real jam addict! He practically dives into big jars of it. I don't have that much of a problem with him, since he's just being himself. Then there's-"

John momentarily shut his listening glands and sighed in relief. 'Ah, now this is a real conversation with Pinkie Pie... then she suddenly gets her Pinkie sense into a fritz...'

"-and she was really good at sewing and she built the boutique her in Ponyville. Then there's the last past and that's the Sugarcube Corner, which we are going to arrive at... now!" She stopped trotting and they looked at the giant gingerbread house in front of them.

John walked up to a piece of the decor and tried to to break a piece of bread. He broke it and ate it, which resulted to pure happiness... and sugar. He walked to the front door in ecstasy.

'Who knew that it was baked... and delicious.'

"So let me get this straight," Rarity looked at Rem "you where clothes all the time?"

"Quite, but not all the time. We don't wear clothes when we bathe, that would be just plain uncomfortable." Rem answered, all recovered from his small breakdown earlier.

"You simply must tell me of your world!" Rarity said with that happy expression she does so well.

"Well, maybe later when John's back," He stood up and looked at the, now awake, humans having their own conversations with the ponies.

"So how many books do you have in here?" asked Tom enthusiastically as he crossed his legs and sat down next to Twilight.

"Well, approximately Three hundred eighty..." answered Twilight also enthusiastic about their conversation.

Froline and Fluttershy were sitting next to each other. The two shy beings shared an awkward silence until Fluttershy spoke. "Umm, h-hello there..."

"Hi..." answered Froline.

"So, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking that is..."

"Umm, it's Froline Marianne Cedric. What about you?" She looked at Fluttershy with a slight smile 'I don't think I can keep up with this lying business.'

"It's Fluttershy... Nice to meet you Mrs. Cedric." Fluttershy offered a hoof and she accepted it warmly.

"Just call me Froline, that's what everyone calls me."

"Oh, okay Froline."

Moving on, Roane and Rainbow Dash were talking about their achievements (and I might add, boosting each other's ego).

"So, you placed first in the Junior Track & Field Race ?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Cool"

"Yep, but placing first in the Young Fliers Competition was also a cool achievement..." said Roane.

The two looked at each other, as if they sent a silent message.

"Hoof Wrestling match?" asked Rainbow with a grin.


The two placed their right respective appendages on a desk, but no time for matches let's see what Pam's doing.

... What? I have a limit in reading stuff too. Oh alright, back to the match.

The two were struggling against each others strength. Their appendages were intertwined and was still in a vertical line. Rainbow looked at Roane and smirked.

"Guess you didn't lie about winning Twenty four consecutive matches." Rainbow said.

"If you really couldn't win a match with Applejack, then it's agreeable that she's stronger than the both of us." Roane smirked.

"Yeah, but I'm not giving my all at this."

"I know, it's time to get serious."

Roane pushed and Rainbow's hoof moved gradually to the left, and with one final push Rainbow's hoof hit the desk with a 'thump'.

"You..." Rainbow glared at Roane.

Roane gulped. 'Ffffffffuuuuuuuu... I forgot rule number one for egotistic people... never win against them for no good reason.'

"... are actually pretty good opponent," She smiled and held out a hoof. "Hoping to face you again sometime.

Roane hesitantly shook her hoof and found that Rainbow was honest.

'Well, that's a weird change of events...'

Meanwhile, on Pam's side of the building.

"Everything's so pony-sized in here!" She looked over the bathroom. "Lookie here, Twilight's shampoo." She held an indigo-colored container that said, "Shim Shine Shampoo, works great with Shim Shine's horn polish for unicorns!" She searched the bathroom for the horn polish and found it right beside the soap. "Wonder what it'll do to my hair..."

Author's Note:

I'm somewhat, in a small way, improving on writing this :D