• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 1,402 Views, 64 Comments

Band of Bronies - The Watcher 509

6 bronies were just having a typical marathon, but as one moment led to another. They were transported to Equestria with a brown-haired man; which calls himslef, The Doctor.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Room of Requiem [2]

"I never thought I'd see the day..." Roane looked over to Pam eating a daisy sandwich.

"Thersh ersh delershush," Pam gulped. "I always knew daisies were edibly delicious."

"Aww... I want that daisy sandwich." said the figure which we shall now call Steve.

Steve then turned to another monitor depicting a battle between Captain America and Dan Mandel with The Flash as the referee...

"Hi'm walkin' down th' road, hi'm walking down th' road. Hi ho a merry o, hi'm walkin' down the road." Kary sang as he bounced. He noticed that the awkward silence was not a good thing for long trips, so he started singing.

"Now's not the time Kary, plus if you're gonna sing , please make it something that doesn't have a boring subject..." John glanced at Pinkie Pie bouncing in front of them.

"Oh, ye wan' a song aboot questin' now would ye? Well why didn' ye say so!" He inhaled in a slightly deep manner. "A questin' we will go. A questin' we will go..."

"Hi ho a merry oh." John continued.

"A questing we will go!" finished Pinkie Pie, looking at the both of them.

"'Nother more laddies!"

"Where's the ladder?" asked Tom after he noticed a green book up on the shelves, what captured his interest though was the title. Particular Pony Pictures: Celebrity Edition. Now he was not one to be nosy, but he needed to do some research on the celebrities Equestria has. Plus, it gives them a heads up on who to be cautious with and who to be casual with. In other words, he's really itching to read that book.

"Oh, they're downstairs, in the basement. I'll go get i--"

"AAAAAAAAAH!" squeaked a, now awake, Spike. "T-there's a monster in the living room Twilight!"


Stop spoiling it Steve!

"Whoops... HEY I'M NOT STE-"

Meanwhile... back to John and company

John and Pinkie were resting by a chocolate river. Kary was lying beside a tree made out of waffles with syrup. Pinkie tried eating it but was stopped by the chocolate river.

"This place is so weird..." John chewed on a blade of grass. "ah lahk it."

"Ye be surprised wit' what ye see in thi' place laddie." The steel cup jumped onto John's back and shouted. "Now le's go t' the next part o' the poem!"

"Wait, how did you know about the poem" asked John as he raised an eyebrow towards Kary's direction.

"Oh. Lil' miss mouthy o'er there tol' me."

John looked at the, now sleeping, pink pony with skepticism etched on his face. He wondered if having Pinkie Pie join him while he's maintaining secrecy on their actions.

'It would be better if she was an enigma double-dipped in mystery with a pint of confusion... and a side of fries.' he thought as he started poking her fuzzy stomach, a vain attempt to wake the fluffy ball of smiles. "Hey, wake up Pinks..." He stopped poking her. 'Wait, did I just call her Pinks?'

"Hmmmfrrrr..." was her muffled reply. "Don't let... Minty's the culprit..." She started stirring and all of a sudden she bolted upwards. "MY CUPCAKE!"

John gave a look of concern on the pink pony's reaction on her dream.

"Ye okay ther' lassie? Tha' be quite a dream ye 'ad there."

"Oh, I'm okay," She smiled. "just another adventure of Pole-lock Jones."

"... Does he have a hat and a pipe?" asked John as he stood up, carrying Kary.

"Yes, yes he do--" A sudden look of realization hit her face like a brick. "Oooh, you're good." She started bobbing her head up and down slowly, a sign of approval used by many beings.

"Um, what are you nodding your head to?" asked John.

"Your guessing skills of course. Good guessers always deserve a good, respectful nod." she replied with an extra serving of smiles.

'Must... resist...' was all John could think of. He quickly turned around and briskly marched towards the next part of the poem. Pinkie joined John on the march as she recited the next verse of the poem.

"Out there you will seal, a bright and happy abode."

"S-stop it Spike!" giggled Rem as he was continuously being "attacked" by Spike's tiny, scaly claws.

"No, you'll never hurt Rarity!" he said as he continuously tried to scratch Rem's belly, resulting to light scratches on his pants.

"Spike dear! You're ruining his suit, he tailored those!" said Rarity, standing beside Rem with a surprised face. Spike looked at her with a reaction not unlike hers. He started to sob as guilt etched itself on his mind.

"I-I... just wanted to p-protect you from the m--" Spike saw Twilight's slight glare towards him. "I... I mean, protect you from... h-him?"

"Oh Spike, I admire your good intention," Rarity started. "but one mustn't accuse or judge other ponies on a quick observation... or in this case, other beings." She started patting Spike on the back with her forehoof and it seemed to Tom that it helped him calm down. Spike stood up and faced Tom with slight fear on his features.

"I... I'm sorry for being a such a jerk earlier... I should've thought about your well-being instead of assuming you were a monster..." Spike said as he pawed the floor with his left foot and his arms behind his back.

"Hey, don't worry," Rem squatted down as Spike backed away from his gesture, thinking he'll hurt him. "see? No harm done." Rem pointed at his slightly scratched pants and hugged Spike warmly.

"Aww," Steve was Watching kittens run an indoor race in a suburban house. "that's just damn cute in almost every way possible."

Will you please stop getting in my story?

"Bro, stop talking to yourself." said Steve as he Watches Ren being disturbed by Stimpy's fan club.

Meanwhile, John and the gang found themselves surrounded by pink, puffy creatures that seemed to bounce whenever you touch them. Pinkie knelt down and started playing with the fluffy creatures and Kary gathered a bunch of them and started bouncing on them, like a trampoline.

"So... why are there marshmallow people here again?" asked John as he stepped on a pink marshmallow, squashing it. To his amazement, the marshmallow bounced back to its original state and started running around him.

"Thi' be their town, it is. Ye better start sealin' it up if ye wan' to get t' the nex' trial." Kary said as he jumped back to John's shoulder.

"How did you-... Let me guess, Pinkie?"

"Aye lad, aye..."

Pam was walking towards the door along witb the others in tow. Hoping to see a race between Rainbow Dash and Roane.

"Come on, they said it was this way!" shouted Pam, as energetic as ever.

"H-how did ya even hear 'em say that? You were in the kitchen eating a sandwich."

"A little bird told me..." She smiled as she continued outside.

Author's Note:

Well, looks like it's gonna be a pretty fun ride for John and the friends. Now what about that race...