• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 2,558 Views, 68 Comments

My Daughters - ThunderCracker

Dennis' life was dull and grey before, but all of that is about to change when he gets an unexpected surprise in a dying city.

  • ...

Uncovering The Truth

Dennis had been seeing Denise a lot more often and has a good feeling about her, she's been feeling better and has grown quite attached to him. Denise sat on the park on the bench with her long sleeve black shirt and black jeans. Her hair flowed and her green highlights on the left side made her look even prettier, her black glasses hiding her dark green eyes; which Dennis can't stop staring into. She closed her book and sighed. She looked up to see Dennis walking up to her with a smile on his face. Denise smiled back and stood up.

"Hello Dennis." She greeted.

"Hi there Denise." Dennis replied. They hugged then sat on the bench. "So, anything going on?" He asked.

"Nope." Denise answered.

"Well, that sucks... but hey, what doesn't here?" He joked.

"You don't." Denise replied. Dennis looked at her and Denise smiled. Dennis smiled lightly.

"Yeah, I am pretty awesome." He said with a chuckle.

"Dennis, do you, uh... do you wanna go over to my place?" She asked. Dennis raised an eyebrow at her. "I mean, its been pretty cold..." Dennis nodded lightly.

"Yeah, it really has. Okay," he said standing up, "let's go shall we?" Denise stood up with him and walked with him to her house.

A few minutes later they finally arrived at Denise's house. They walked in and, everything seemed like Dennis' house. Pictures of old family members, so nice furniture, few windows, and a couple of game systems. The only different thing about it was the case of old swords. He examined the cases and looked at Denise. She smiled at him and walked into her room. Dennis continued to examine the swords, dating from the old ages to modern day swords. A sudden chill ran up Dennis' spine and he clutched his arms around himself to keep warm. It was taking Denise forever to leave the room,, so Dennis decided to check on her. He shuffled over to the room and walked in to see Denise changing. She was shirtless, but she was still wearing her bra.

"Dude, I'm changing!" She exclaimed.

"Ah! Sorry! Just cold..." He muttered, covering his eyes.

"Here, does that help?" She asked.

"Yeah... that's really warm. What is that?" He asked. Denise grabbed his wrists and removed his hands from his eyes to show her standing dead in front of Dennis. "O-Kay?" He asked. Denise giggled and looked into his grey eyes. Her dark green eyes felt like they were sinking into him, he felt like he was slowly losing control. He shook his head and slowly backed away.

"N-no, I can't do this, really. I mean we've only known each other for a few weeks and-"

"Oh no, its okay. Just go off to all of your friends and brag that got to get that close to me." She scolded him.

"Denise, that's not what I meant." He replied walking over to her.

"Hold on. Let me get my shirt on first." She growled walking into the room.

"Denise wait!" He shouted following her, but Denise slammed the door in his face. He sighed then sat there. A few minutes later the door opened up and Denise was wearing another shirt.

"So, what was that you wanted to tell me?" She asked. Dennis grabbed her and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I just, felt all weird. I've never been in a relationship before, it's kind of weird to me." He replied.

"Aw, why didn't you just tell me silly?" She asked.

"Probably because I thought you would've figured it out on your own." Dennis answered. Denise hugged him tighter. She pulled away and looked Dennis dead in the eye again. Denise wrapped her arms around his neck.

Time seemed to slow down for Dennis, but Denise was still moving in reality. She quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips against his, her lips were cold, but soft. Dennis slowly wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer, pressing their warm bodies together. He closed his eyes and his muscles relaxed. Then, a devious smile spread across Denise's face. She pulled away and her smile was now casual.

"How was that for your first kiss?" She asked bringing her face closer to his.

"That was awesome." Dennis replied with a light blush. Denise giggle and turned around.

"I'm gonna go get something, why don't you go wait for me somewhere?" She asked.

Dennis nodded with a light grin on his face. He walked into the bedroom and sat at the desk. Denise walked into the kitchen and then stood there, motionless. She grunted a bit then slowly began to transform, she fell on all fours and a horn slowly grew out of her head, wings began to form on her back and her hands and legs turned into hooves with holes in them. She stood up to reveal her true form. Queen Chrysalis, of the Changelings.

"Dennis, could you come here please?!" She called.

"Coming." He replied. He stood up from the desk and walked into the kitchen. "Hey Denise, whats up- OOF!"

Chrysalis shot him with her magic, knocking him unconscious. She levitated his body and brought him into the basement. She walked down the old wooden steps and looked at the true Denise. She looked up and saw Dennis.

"Dennis! What did you do to him?!" She asked, Chrysalis smiled deviously, "TELL ME!" She demanded.

"Oh nothing, just a couple quick kisses, and then I knocked him out." She answered. She walked over to the spot next to Denise and tied Dennis with rope then set him down next to her. "Have fun you two." She said in a sing-song tone. She walked up the basement stairs and closed the door shut, sending the basement into complete darkness. A few hours later, Dennis finally gasped awake.

"Huh?! What?!" He shouted. He looked over at Denise. "What the hell just-"

"It's Chrysalis! The Queen of the Changelings, she came to Earth knowing that the three princesses were here and that you were raising them, so when she saw you and me meet she knocked me out and took my form to lead in and catch you off guard." She explained.

"Wait, Changelings feed off love, that's how they take other thing's forms, then do you-"

"Yes! But that doesn't matter right now, you have to get out of here and back to the princesses and save them before she does something awful to them!" She shouted. Dennis nodded and struggled to escape. It was a loss cause, but Dennis noticed something on the table, a saw. He scooted over to the table and tried to stand up, but his feet were tied.

He started to bump into the table shaking it until the saw fell off. He picked it up and sawed his way through the rope. The pressure from the ropes loosened and he went on to his feet. He cut the ropes and rushed over to Denise and quickly cut her free.

"Come on!" He shouted. They both ran out of the house and towards Dennis' house.

They both sprinted down the street and towards the house. Dennis tried to open the door, but it was locked. He started to ram his shoulder into it and try to break the door open. He grunted then backed away, then kicked the door. The door went flying open and he ran in.

"Girls!" He shouted, stopped to see Chrysalis on the floor, obviously knocked out. "What in the hell?" He asked. He looked up from the floor and saw Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Shining all standing there with a bit of smoke coming out of their horns. "... Damn..." he said, "good job."

"Thanks!" They all shouted.

"So, Dad, is that Denise?" Luna asked.

"Dad?!" Denise shouted.

"Yup, that's Denise, and yes, these are my children." Dennis answered both questions. He walked over to them and smiled at Denise. "Denise, these are my children, Celstia, Luna, Cadence and Shining Armor."

"Hi!" They all shouted. Denise shyly waved. Dennis walked over to her and smiled lightly.

"So, do you still have those feelings for me?" He asked. Denise giggled then leaned forward and kissed him.

"Yeah..." She replied.

"YAY!" Luna shouted jumping onto Dennis. "See? I told you, you'd find someone!" She shouted. Everyone laughed and Dennis set Luna down onto the floor.

"Yeah, yeah I know." He chuckled looking at Denise. He took her hand in his and smiled. "Yeah..." He looked down at Chrysalis' body. "Now what the hell are we going to do about her?" He asked.