• Published 5th Aug 2013
  • 2,558 Views, 68 Comments

My Daughters - ThunderCracker

Dennis' life was dull and grey before, but all of that is about to change when he gets an unexpected surprise in a dying city.

  • ...

Fade To Black

Dennis, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Shining armor rid Chrysalis from this world about 3 years ago, and all was well from that point on. They had fun birthday parties, late nights staying up playing Mortal Kombat, watching movies, and just, having fun. Dennis was no longer feeling as lonely as he did before. He'd found three daughters, a son and a girlfriend, all to love, and to love him. He never gave up on them, not once. Wonderland was in good shape, Dennis and Luna added new things to it that made it seem funner. His life had changed completely, but something at the back of his mind- something that made him itch- something that always pained for him to know; All good things must come to an end. He tried to drown that thought out of his head, he tried so, so hard, but it always brought it's way back to the surface of his mind. Dennis woke up and found himself sitting outside with Luna, it was late at night, and the moon was shining brightly over Wonderland. He rubbed his eyes and sighed.

"Dad? Whats wrong?" Luna asked.

"Nothing sweetheart, it's just that, something's making me paranoid." Dennis replied.

"Well, what is it?" Luna balked.

"You leaving..." Dennis said blankly.

They both sat there in dead silence. Not a single word was said from that point on. They just sat there in the moonlight, looking at each other depressingly. Tears began to well up in Luna eyes and Dennis felt the life being drained from him the moment he said those words. He felt vomit rising from his throat, and it was about to spurt from his mouth, but he managed to hold it back. Luna began crying, Dennis stood up and walked over to her to comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly.

"Its okay, its okay. You even said it yourself, 'I understand that I have to leave sometime." And I've grown to understand that. And I thought that you did also." He sighed.

"I do, it's just that I don't want to leave you. I've spent so much time with you, and I love you so much, I just don't want to leave you." She sobbed into his chest.

Dennis patted her back and stroked her mane. "It's okay Luna, I love you too, but it was going to happen someday."

"No! Please Dad, I don't want to leave you! I just-"

"Luna please! Celestia said that Twilight sent her a message and is coming today to take you home!" He shouted.

Luna's mouth was gaping, she slowly back away from Dennis while shaking her head, tears flowing from her eyes. Tears began to well up in Dennis' eyes. Just another dirty secret, hidden from Luna. He reached his hand out to her while approaching her.

"L-Luna, please." He pleaded.

"How long have you kept THAT hidden from me huh?! Yet again you're breaking your promise! YOU SAID YOU'D ALWAYS BE THERE FOR ME AND YOU ABANDONED ME, AGAIN!!! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME DAD?!?! HOW COULD YOU?!?!?!" Luna boomed.

Dennis was now sobbing. "I was going to tell you but I knew this is how you'd react! Please you have to understand Luna!"


Dennis didn't mean to say it.... but it just erupted from his mouth, and was projected in his voice.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!"




Dead silence, not a single sound. Dennis had his hands still clutched over his ears and his eyes closed shut. Luna was looking at him with bloodshot eyes, tears still flowing from them. Her mouth was hanging open and her face was pure shock, sadness and horror. Dennis' arms fell and he opened his eyes and looked at Luna. She was lying there crying into her fore hooves. Dennis felt like he'd just made the worst mistake of his life, and that it'd haunt him forever, so he went to go fix it.

"Luna I- AGH!!!!"

Luna looked up at him in pure shock. Dennis was about 2 feet off the ground, impaled by spikes that had risen from the earth. Blood began pouring from Dennis' mouth as the spike retracted into the ground and he collapsed to the floor.




Luna watched in horror as her father lie there on the ground with a big hole in his chest.

It's just a dream right? He... He's still alive... he has to be... its just a dream. She thought.

She slowly rose to her hooves and approached her father. She laid next to his body and scanned his motionless body. He was laying there, blood gushing from his wound, and blood dripping from his mouth. Luna shook her head and began backing away.

"No... no no no no NO NO NO NO NO!!! This can't be! Its... Its not real! I can't!"

Dennis began to laugh, but with an evil twist.

"Of course its real. It may seem like a dream, but its aaaaall real. The old Dennis is gone, and the new one is here. And now, its his turn." He growled.

The wound that was once in his chest began to fill in. Every muscle in his heart began to reattach to each other while his flesh grew back. He took a deep breath then sighed. He looked at Luna slowly. His eyes were now black with red dots, and there was blood smeared over his mouth. His jaw had a bit of flesh missing revealing his gums and teeth.

"There's a new nightmare in town. And he's coming to haunt you forever." He said. His voice had a demonic twist to it and he lifted himself a few inches off the ground.

He opened his mouth and let out an ear splitting demonic scream while flying towards Luna. She tried to run but found herself stuck to the ground. She looked down to see herself sinking in a pool of blood. The new Dennis wrapped his body around her's like an anaconda and pulled her down faster. Luna struggled to get away, but found herself slowly slipping away into the blood. She opened her mouth wide and screamed.


"LUNA! LUNA! LUNA!!!" Dennis was shaking Luna trying to get her to wake up while shouted her name. Luna was having a night terror, and Dennis had to stop it. "I have to go and help her." He said.

He laid down on the bed next to Luna and closed his eyes.

"Hang on Luna, I'm coming." He muttered.

Luna had broke free of the Nightmarish Dennis and began fleeing instantly. She flew around trying to evade the slashes that Nightmare Dennis had to offer. The Nightmare grabbed her by her back leg and pulled her down.

"You're mine now." He growled.

Luna screamed as she was pulled down. The pressure around Luna's leg loosened up, she looked down to see the regular Dennis, looking up at her.

"Dad?" She asked.

"Yes Luna, it's me. The-" Dennis was shoved away and he began swapping back and forth between Nightmare Dennis and Regular Dennis.

Dennis was now fighting for his own body in his own mind. He redballed into the ground and was rolling around in the grass trying to get the Other Dennis out of him. Dennis grabbed the back of his head and gripped it tightly.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" He shouted. He pulled and the Other Dennis was flung from his body. He landed swiftly on his feet and laughed.

"I didn't like being in your body anyways." He chuckled. Luna landed by Dennis' side and helped him up.

"Dad are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Not for long."

"Who the hell are you?" Dennis asked.

"I'm everything you've done wrong in the past. But you can call me Shadow if you like." He replied with a grim smile on his face.

"Suits you." Dennis said spitting a bit of blood to the side.

"Thanks. But now its time to get rid of you." Shadow growled.

He bolted towards Dennis tackling him out of sight. Shadow drove Dennis into the ground and stomped on him. Dennis kicked him off and crawled on top and began to punch him in the face. Shadow disappeared making Dennis punch the ground. Dennis stood up, but was brought to his knees. Shadow kneed him in the face causing him to fly backwards. Shadow flew over to him, but Dennis surprised him by giving him the biggest uppercut to the jaw anyone has ever seen. Shadow pulled him up into the air and brought him higher and higher. He then dove with Dennis under him. He kicked Dennis down causing him to be lodged into the ground. Shadow swiftly landed next to the smoking crater and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"This... *pant* is the last... shittiest, *pant* day... I'm going, to HAVE!!!!!" As soon as he said "have" he flew out of the smoke rapidly punching Shadow in the face. They flew across the plains with blood flying everywhere. Dennis grabbed Shadow and slammed him back and forth into the ground, then whirled around a few times then threw him into the air.

He jumped into the air and punched him higher and higher. He gave him another uppercut doing a backwards loop in the air then kicking him. Dennis imagined a mountain behind Shadow, and it instantly popped up. Shadow went flying into the mountain causing a loud BOOM to erupt from it. Dennis took a redball to the ground and screamed in pain. Luna flew down to his side and helped him up.

"Dad! Are you alright?" She asked.

"Never felt better..." He wheezed.

They began walking away when Dennis was tackled to the ground. Shadow was on top of him with a sword, he raised it up and pointed it towards Dennis' chest.

"You, are the last problem I'm going to have." He growled.

Dennis sighed.

"Just do it already..." He muttered.

Shadow stopped, his face was curious. He dropped the sword and Dennis opened his eyes to see Shadow smirking a bit.


Dennis gasped as a bright light blinded him, and Shadow returned inside his body with a SKSHHHH! Dennis felt all around his chest and inhaled.

"Well.... Uh... that was weird..." He mumbled.

"You have no idea." Luna giggled.

"I just wanna get out of here..." He sighed.

Dennis woke up and yelped in pain.


"What happened?" Celestia asked.

"You do not wanna know." Dennis and Luna said in unison.

They all giggled and there was a knock at the front door. Luna looked at Dennis worriedly.

"Is... is that Twilight?" She asked.

Dennis sighed and nodded lightly. Luna began to cry and Dennis quickly hugged her. Luna returned the hug and sobbed into his chest. Dennis patted her back and kissed her head. He picked her up in his arms and carried her out of the room. He placed her on the recliner and went for the door. He twisted the doorknob and opened the door just a crack, but the door suddenly flung open and Dennis was tackled by a cyan blur. He yelped in pain and looked forward to see Rainbow Dash, standing on top of him.

"Wheres the princesses?!" She shouted pressing her nose to Dennis'.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight shouted.

Rainbow Dash looked back at Twilight then groaned. She walked behind her and glared at Dennis as he sat up.

"Aow! Jeez! What the-" He looked up to see the Mane Six standing there before him. "Oh..." He muttered.

"Hello sir, I'm-"

"Ye-yeah, I know who you are. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and last but not least, Rainbow Dash." He announced.

"How did you-"

"It's a very, very, VERY long story that none of you would like to hear..." Dennis snapped.

"Well, where are the princesses?" Twilight asked.

Dennis stepped aside to reveal Celestia and Cadence.

"Cadence!" She shouted. They both giggled and ran up to each other and did their little dance.

"Sunshine! Sunshine! Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" They both laughed and hugged each other.

Good god. I love my daughter but that's REALLY fucking annoying. Dennis thought.

For the love of Celestia Twilight, please that's getting old... Shining thought.

Sigh... Celestia thought.

"Wheres Luna, darling?" Rarity asked.

Dennis sighed and walked over to the recliner.

"Come on sweetheart. It's gonna be okay." He whispered.

Luna looked up from her hooves with bloodshot eyes. She nodded and hopped down from the recliner. Dennis and Luna walked around to be greeted with smiles. This didn't help her, she looked up at Dennis and sighed. She quickly hugged him and the Mane Six gasped.

"I think we'll hear that story now sugar." Applejack said.

Dennis had explained his whole life with the three princesses and Shining. How he found them as fillies, and how they loved him and all of that.

"Wow. That explains it..." Applejack said surprised.

"Yep..." Dennis replied.

"Well, now its time to go... Come on princesses." Twilight said standing up, her horn glowing.

"Wait!" Luna shouted. Everyone- pony looked at her. She ran into the bedroom and came back out with a cardboard box. She placed it on the coffee table then handed the photo album to Dennis. He took it in his hands and looked at Luna who was sobbing. He couldn't hold back his tears any longer, he threw the photo album on the couch and hugged Luna tightly. He could feel her tears on his shoulder, which made him hug her tighter.

"I love you Luna, never forget that, never forget me either. Never forget the love that we shared and the time we've spent together." He sniffled and looked at Celestia and Cadence. "That goes for you too." He pointed at them. He looked back at Luna and sighed. "Luna, I don't want you to think that our time together was wasted, and nothing. I want you to cherish it for the rest of your life." Tears began to flood from his eyes.

Luna nodded and hugged him tightly. "I love you Dad. So much." She sobbed. Celestia and Cadence Shining walked over to them and joined the hug.

"I love you girls. I want you all never to forget our time together, don't ever lose faith." He said. Dennis could hear sniffling all around him. He released them from his arms and backed away. He looked at Twilight and nodded, and she nodded back. She walked over to them and her horn lit up again.

A bright light blinded Dennis and he shielded his eyes. He peered at the light and he felt a cold breeze throughout the house. He saw them float into the air and the light grew brighter.

Dennis could hear Luna's voice echoing, "Thank you Dad, for helping me and my sister, niece, and Shining find our ways through life. I love you."

And then the light exploded causing Dennis to slam his eyes shut and cover them. He opened his eyes a few minuted later, and they were gone. He looked around and saw nothing, but his living room. The pictures of him with his kids were gone, but the cardboard box remained still on the table. He looked inside of it to see all of his birthday presents except one... He looked back at the couch to see the photo album that Celestia had given him. He looked through it to see all of the pictures of them still inside of it. He reached the last page, which had three feathers, a white one, a dark blue one, and a pink one. A teardrop fell onto the paper and the Dennis began to sob. He sat on the couch and buried his face in his hands. His life was gushing with happiness, but what happiness he had before was gone, crushed, but the weight of his children leaving. He closed the album and threw it aside.

Although he never lost hope, Dennis continued with life, knowing that every moment with his children were real. And that they loved him as much as he loved them. Life was back to normal from that day on, but then again...

When was Dennis' life, ever normal?

Author's Note:

Hello bronies, friendly readers, and sexy clopfic readers! I hope you enjoyed this story My Daughters!!! It took me a lot of work to do this, thank you ALL for the support and liking the story and most of all, reading it! I hope you like it, it took a lot of hard work to finish this Fanfic and, I just wanna say again; thank you all for supporting my story and reading it, it means a lot to me. Be on the lookout for the SEQUEL to this story:


That will be updated in approximately 1 to three weeks, depending on how I do in school, so do not lose hope in this story!


Comments ( 5 )

i cant wait for the next story :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

3303699>>3302420 Um, I got my computer back so it won't take "1 to 3 weeks" to update, it's actually gonna take me a few hours.

(Because I've already ad a sequel planned before I ended the story so he first chapter is coming out TODAY) :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

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