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In Case Of Emergency, Please Break Fourth Wall

In Case of Emergency, Please Break Fourth Wall

"So what's this all about, Twi?" Applejack said as she walked through the front door of Ponyville Library. "I'm missin' some fine applebuckin'."

Twilight shrugged as she closed the door after the last of her friends had entered. Behind her, Pinkie Pie was bouncing up and down more furiously than usual.

"I don't know, Applejack," Twilight finally added. "I just received a letter from Princess Celestia telling me to retrieve all of you before waiting for the second. . ."

Spike doubled over and grabbed his stomach then jumped up in the air and belched. "HUUUURMPH!"


"The second letter," Twilight finished. "It's like Princess Celestia is a mind-reader or something."

"Ahem!" started Spike as he read. "My dearest most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle. I have a rather unusual task for you and your friends to complete, and it is important that all of you are here for the package I am sending. But for now, please listen to my words. Hopefully you can learn something from this event. In honor of the upcoming one year anniversary of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, I would like you and your friends and whomever else you can find as extras to do a stage adaptation of My Little Pony The Movie for Cheerilee's class. I've included a VHS tape, a tape player, a television, and a version of the movie's script. You have five days to put together your play."

Twilight furrowed her brows. "Friendship is Magic? One year anniversary? What in Equestria is Princess Celestia talking about?"

Oh I know! I know I know I know!

Pinkie Pie looked up and started shouting at the ceiling. "Hey! If anypony's going to be breaking the fourth wall around here, it's going to be me!" She then turned to Twilight and gave a really broad grin that seemed to unnerve her, as it seemingly stretched from one side of Pinkie's face to the other. "Well you see, Twilight. It aaaaaaaall started looooooooong ago when Lauren Faust was pitching her idea for her project called Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls. But the big, super mega-corporation Hasbro came at her with their own ideas. . ."

Pinkie Pie then spun her discussion into a somewhat long essay, bringing up various odd topics like the previous "generations", chibi ponies, the "current remake", "internet memes and bronies", the "prototypes" for each of them, and finally the show in question and what made it so popular.

"And that's how Equestria was made!" Pinkie Pie added with finality, looking mighty proud.

And don't forget to visit Equestria Daily!

Pinkie! Shh!


Applejack lifted up her right hoof, placed it on her chin, and then closed her gaping jaw. Turning her head, she saw Twilight had adopted a vacant stare. One hair in her mane was out of place, and the pupils of Twilight's eyes were shrunken and a little bit off-centered.

"Okay!" Twilight finally added, her volume increasing and her tone shaky and frantic. "Thanks for that, Pinkie! That was. . . uh, informative! Yes! Informative!"

"So now what?" Applejack asked, glancing back at Pinkie Pie.

Twilight shook her head. "I guess we're supposed to be waiting for some kind of. . ."

Spike doubled over again. "MOTHER OF. . .!"

He promptly belched out several objects of various sizes and collapsed on the ground.