• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 6,336 Views, 361 Comments

Golden Wings - TheGreatEater

Raindrops sees Scootaloo dumpster diving in an Alley way. After bringing her home, can this mare although maybe not the hero Scootaloo wanted, but the one she needs?

  • ...

Finally! [Redemption Arc Fin.]

Scootaloo woke up as the light of the setting sun beamed her in the face. Groggily rolling off the bed onto her forehooves she walked to the dresser on the far side of the room to see if she needed to wipe sleep gunk from her eyes when her eyes landed on a note from Dash saying she’d be home later. Giving a once over and seeing that there was nothing to wipe out she decided to go to the living room until Rainbow Dash arrived. There in the center was a Television, which had just came out recently, and a home videogame console called Princess System, or more commonly called Luna Drive for the Princess who not only funded it, but for it’s biggest promoter.

Scoots looked over the titles, remembering last time she visited, Rainbow Dash said that she got the system for them to play together when they were hanging out. Scoots smiled warmly at the memory and decided to pick her and her sister’s favorite game Super Mareio a story about an earth pony plumber who battles evil plants, shrooms, and even a turtle dragon to save the Princesses. Although Scootaloo never understood why they’d always be in another castle. Maybe Bruiser does what Spike does and just mailed them to another castle … I have to ask Spike if he could try that on me someday. It’d be the perfect prank. And with that random thought she lost herself in the fun of the game.

Scootaloo had just cleared the castle in level 4 when Rainbow Dash came home with a bag secured in her mouth. The smell of Portobello Spears and Ceviche wafted through the room, causing Scootaloo’s belly to rumble. Hearing the purr of Scootaloo’s stomach, Rainbow Dash let out a laugh. “Sounds like somepony’s hungry.”

“Hey! Don’t make fun of me, I’ve been waiting since forever for you to get back,” Scootaloo said in mock indignation, crossing her forelegs in front of her chest and giving a small harumph.

“Well then if you’ve been waiting around since forever I guess I have no choice but to feed you,” Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle.

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Scootaloo said gleefully before trotting to the table. As she sat down her grin turned to a small frown. “Dash?”

“What’s up Squirt?” Rainbow Dash asked as she rummaged in the cupboard for cloud plates to put everything on. Scootaloo always thought it was funny that Rainbow Dash only used recyclable clouds for all of her diningware.

“You - you’re not mad at me are you?” Scootaloo asked as what brought her here to begin with overcame the mirth she felt when she was with her honorary big sister.

“Mad? No squirt, I’m not mad at you, I’m a little sad that you didn’t come to me sooner. I might not have been the best big sister, but I would’ve done my best to help you. As for the bits, well, consider it an early part of your birthday present. I lost bits all the time in this house even before I became your big sis,” Rainbow Dash chuckled, “Now let’s chow down, I’m starving.”

Scootaloo’s eyes watered with joy that so far her friends and the pony she saw as her sister all still cared about her. Scootaloo mimicked her big sister by using her wings to dip her cheese coated chips into the Ceviche. Scootaloo mixed up some of the clouds with the juices of her dish to make a little slushie that she drank along side her apple juice.

The next morning Scootaloo woke up to find one of Rainbow Dash’s wings wrapped around her like a feathery blanket. Nuzzling closer to the warm barrel of her big sister she allowed herself a few fleeting moments of peace before she remembered what she had to do today. After today’s big reveal, everything would be different. But maybe that’s not such a bad thing, after all, my friends have all been here for me. That and Dashie still thinks of me as a sister. So hopefully the rest won’t react badly when I tell them.

Scootaloo lost herself in Dashie’s warmth like she usually did when she slept with her, rather than in the guest bed. But with how much stress she’d been under, and how big of a day today was Rainbow Dash decided that nestling with her little sister was alright. After awhile she felt Rainbow Dash shift and start through her normal session of stretches and wiggles that preceded her waking up before turning to Scootaloo.

“So, big day today, huh?” Rainbow Dash said with a sleepy smile plastered on her face.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo mumbled under her breath, hiding her face under Dashie’s wing to try and hide her nervousness from her idol.

“Don’t worry about a thing, squirt. I’ll be with you every step of the way, alright?” Rainbow Dash chuckled, ruffling Scootaloo’s mane with her wing.

“Okay, and thanks, sis. It really means a lot to me that you still want to be my sister,” Scoots said, blushing.

“Blaagh! Too much fluff, Scoots!” Rainbow Dash said, “But you’re welcome. You really are a cool, filly. Almost as cool as I was at your age. I’ll get you down to the ground and see you when the party starts.”

The second Scootaloo set foot in Ponyville proper, she felt as if everypony’s eyes were looking at her. An uncomfortable itch settled beneath her wings, and felt the need to dash off on her scooter at Rainboom speeds, if she was able to reach that speed, that is. As it stood, she was left nervously rolling to the Cakes’ Confectionary Emporium, her saddlebag jingling with a few bits that Rainbow Dash gave her for breakfast, both of them having been banned from touching a stove after Rainbow Dash summoned an Old One from Beyond the Stars to Canterlot Castle while trying to make waffles after Princess Twilight’s coronation.

While Scootaloo thought it was awesome, apparently Dabiltzan-Lelo, the Wandering Idiot, and his Band of Swarming Madness, were only appreciated by Discord and the Rainbow Dash fan-club. So it was with that unfortunate event that she was going to the Cakes’ shop in Sugarcube Corner rather than Rainbow Dash’s epically awesome ‘Surprise!’ Waffles.

As she walked through the front door of the Cake’s shop, the feeling of everypony’s eyes intensified a thousand fold as she didn’t just feel their eyes, but saw every conversation drop as everypony looked at her. Worst of all was hearing conversations carried on, but in loud whispers.

Her wings buzzed in embarrassment as she knew from past experiences that everypony was suddenly talking about her. She barely acknowledged them as she trotted up to her favorite table in the back. As she settled in, the whispers she had ignored waffed to her ears.

”Can you believe it? She’s been living on the streets for these last few years …”

”What a tragedy, being forced to steal money to survive, why didn’t anyone pay attention to her till now?”

”How sad, I heard that she only got helped recently, How could we not see …”

Scootaloo’s ears twitched as the broken fragments of conversation blurred together. Her face reddened as a part of her couldn’t believe that something that was private was suddenly out into the open without her permission. That burning embarrassment grew tenfold as she saw Mrs. Cake’s come up with a look of pity etched across her face.

“Hello deary, what can I get for you today?”

Scootaloo saw everypony look at her and felt the weight of their gazes fall heavily upon her as they looked at her. Shakily she stood up and said, “Nothing, sorry I just remembered I had somewhere to be,“ Shakily, she stood up and ran out of the shop.

She jumped onto her scooter and buzzed off as tears pulled into her eyes. How do they know about that? Does everypony know? I wanted it to be private before I told the ponies who needed to know, and now I don’t have that chance! I don’t want their pity, I can’t believe I thought telling ponies was the right thing to do. What’ll I do now? She tried to outrace the pain of her fears, memories, and betrayal, letting herself ride on auto-pilot.

When she finally stopped to get her bearings she noticed that she was near one of her hiding spots that she used to live in during winter, before she ran into Sweetie Belle and found for the first time since she lost everything dear to her a semblance of family, or at least something close to it. That warm, furry feeling spreading in her stomach that felt like butterflies was definitely not family friendly, but it was too confusing to think about for now. Looking at the low, hanging, outcropping that opened to a small cave just big enough to hold her and a small stockpile of possessions.

Scootaloo trotted over to the shelf-shaped slab of stone that served as her bed for so long when the streets were cold or too rainy to sleep in, or her other hiding spots weren’t safe for her to sleep in. Laying down, and pulling up a blanket fashioned from newspapers glued to clumps of old rags, she let sleep overtake her.

Scootaloo ran through the forest as a horde of eyes followed her. The shadows of the moonlit trees reached out to grab her, sweat built on her coat as she tried galloping away from the eyes and shadows. As she ran the wind sounded like murmurs that she overheard earlier that day.

After what felt like hours of running, a silver cloud appeared before her. Scootaloo jumped back and was caught by the shadows just as the cloud erupted into a swarm of bats that reformed into the body of Luna, “Begone nightmares!” She yelled.

Everything exploded into smoke, and when it cleared, Scootaloo found herself standing in a grassy knoll, with a brilliant night sky sparkling above her. She looked around herself dumbfounded. She facehooved as everything fell into place, “Sweet Luna, I can’t believe that I forgot that I was sleeping. Stupid lucid dreaming,” Scootaloo mumbled.

Luna she broke into a cheeky grin at hearing her name used colloquially. “While I’m glad to hear my name used so, it’s more important to talk about what brought these dreams in the first place.”

“Well Princess -”

“You may call me Luna if you’d like,” Luna interrupted.

“Are you sure?”

“Of course, we are friends, are we not?”

“Well, I guess so. I mean, you do come and help me with my dreams, and you are the best princess, and I enjoy our talks when they do happen … So yes, I guess you can say we’re friends,” Scootaloo mused.

“I’m glad to hear it, and now onto the matter at hoof. What seems to be the matter young Scootaloo?” Luna asked summoning two cloud pellet, bean bag chairs.

Shifting down to the squishy goodness of a nice cloud beanie, she started telling Luna everything. It was easier to retell the story in her dreams than it was when she was awake, although she still felt sad going over it. She ended the story with her running when she overheard that her secret was leaked throughout Ponyville.

At the end of her telling Luna huddled next to her and wrapped a motherly wing around her. Nuzzling Scootaloo she whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t know sooner. To think that even princesses such as my sister and I could be so blind to the suffering of such a sweet, adorable filly such as yourself... But as for running from your problems … we talked about this before.”

“Yeah, I know, it’s just... I didn’t want everypony knowing. What will they think of me now?” Scootaloo whimpered, leaning into Luna’s barrel.

“If how your friends reacted is any indication, then I think things will turn out fine. Do you think you’re okay now?” Luna asked.

“I think so. I hope so,” Scootaloo said, “Thanks, Luna… Hey! Do you think we could hang out in real life? It’s awesome and all that we hang out in dreams, but it’d be cool to hangout with my favorite princess!”

“I think that’s possible. Would you like to bring your friends over as well?”

“Yeah, that’d be cool! Do you think their sisters will be okay with it?”

“I’ll ask their family in their dreams when I get a definitive answer.”

“Alright, thanks Luna, I think I’ll wake up now, and thanks.” Scootaloo said nuzzling Luna.

It was a few hours later when Scootaloo wandered into the Cakes’ store. The weight of the ponies’ gaze felt lighter now that she had her talk with Luna, but she felt that her big reveal was going to be pointless now. Nonetheless, she started on this path, and if there was one thing that a crusader never did, it was give up.

As she entered she could’ve sworn she saw twelve Pinkie Pie’s hurrying around, decorating the place for the party. Almost as if they were connected like a changeling hive, all the Pinkie’s stopped and looked at her before they converged into one pony. “Hiya Scoots! You’re a little early for the party, but that’s fine! Everypony should be here in about half an hour if you want to, you can help set up stuff with me!” Pinkie shouted gleefully, vibrating in place with barely contained energy.

“Umm … Okay... By the way why were there so many of you?” Scootaloo inquired.

“What do you mean? There was only one me, unless you’re asking how I was everywhere at once? That’s easy! I was in one place, but I was also in other places, then I saw you and I was at only one place!” Pinkie explained in an answer that only left more questions in its place. Thinking that it would be better not to ask, Scootaloo decided to go with the less insane option.

“Yeah, that makes a kind of sense … I guess. I’ll help. I don’t think waiting around will make what’s coming up any easier. By the way, how come everypony knows about me now? I wanted to keep it secret, and I’m kind of angry that it spilled.”

“Well … what if the pony who spilled the beans didn’t mean for it to spread?”

“Still, it wasn’t their secret to spread. I wanted only those ponies I might’ve hurt to know so I could do the right thing. And if I later wanted other ponies to know than I would’ve told them, but now I don’t get that chance,” Scootaloo let loose a heavy sigh, “But the cat’s out of the bag now, and I’ll have to deal with it.”

“Why would you keep a cat in a bag? That sounds like it’d be painful for the cat, especially if it’s those itchy bags that my sisters used to put me in when we were playing ‘Lost and Found”.”

“Huh!? It’s a figure of speech.”

“I hate figures of speech, I can never figure out what they are trying to say. Anywho, lets get started on setting up your party!” Pinkie said before bouncing off.

It had taken a while to get everything situated, no sooner had Scootaloo set up the last tray of food than the first guest had arrived. Rather than greeting everypony, she hid under the table to get her bearings. For almost two weeks she had been building herself into a tizzy about this, sure with ever reveal her friends and those whose trust she violated that she talked to forgave her. And their support gave her a feeling very much what she dreamt flying would be like, but this was supposed to be her big moment. The day when she came clean.

But rather than having that chance, rather than the freedom to do the right thing for a small group of ponies and keeping it between them, everypony knew. The one thing that she had masterfully hidden over the course of five years was out of the bag. But that’s not what stung the most. What stung the most was that all the looks and words of pity aimed at her. That almost condescending air of a better pony lamenting the failings of “the less fortunate”.

Get it together Scoots, first you were terrified that everypony would leave you. You know that’s not true anymore … well sort of, Bon Bon and Lyra might be mad, and I haven’t spoken to Rarity yet, but any sister of Sweets has to be a pretty cool pony. I got my friends behind me, and at least I know everypony doesn’t hate me for doing what I had to do to survive. So I guess the worst is behind me.

“Hiya Scoots!” Pinkie sang beside Scootaloo causing Scootaloo to jump and bang her head on the underside of the table.

“Ow! Why’d you have to scare me Pinkie!” Scoots asked accusingly.

“Easy Peasy ScootaBreezie … although you’re not a Breezie, that’d be cool if you were though, but everypony knows that Breezie’s can’t be Scootaloo’s so that’d make it weird for you to be a ScootaBreezie. Say why are you a ScootaBreezie?”

“I’m not, you just made it up,” Scootaloo said while rubbing her head, but a small smile from Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie found its way to Scootaloo’s muzzle nonetheless.

“Well anyways, I just realized that the pony of honor was hiding and since everypony invited is here, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay,” Pinkie said, giving Scootaloo an encouraging nuzzle.

“It’s all good, Pinkie. I was worried for a second but I think I’m going to be alright,” Scootaloo said.

“Good, now I can finally do my magical pull-a-Scootaloo-out-of-a-hat trick,” Pinkie said disappearing from under the table.

“Scootaloo out of a what now?” She asked. The next thing she knew she was being pulled through a small opening by a pink hoof. Before she knew it, she in the middle of the store, surrounded by the assembled party-goers, all starting at her and the top hat Pinkie had just pulled her from..

“And Vio’la! I have pulled a Scootaloo out of a hat! For I am the Great and Powerful Pinkie!” Pinkie Pie chuckled as she sat Scootaloo down.

Scootaloo looked around nervously at all of the ponies she invited and sighed. “Hi, everypony! Today was supposed to be a surprise for me to tell you all something important... But I guess the cat’s out of the bag.”

Rarity was the first to speak. “Well darling … I can’t possibly guess how that little thing got out, but I think we’d still like to hear it from you. If that’s alright with you?”

“Does it really matter?” Scootaloo asked morosely.

Everypony nodded and so Scootaloo began, “Well I guess I should start from the beginning. Hi everypony, my name is Scootaloo.”

Everypony looked at each other curiously, and decided to roll with it, and responded with “Hi, Scootaloo.”

“I-I came here from Trottingham. My family were traveling sales ponies, and I got to see lots of awesome things. Sure, we weren’t the richest of ponies, but we were happy. We had each other, and I couldn’t have asked for more. But about five years ago my family got the Chills,” Scootaloo had to stop herself for awhile to collect herself before recounting things, “they didn’t make it, obviously. The ponies in that city wanted to put me in an orphanage, and I guess I freaked out. I ran away where I came here to Ponyville.

“All of you that I’ve met have been awesome, and from what ponies have been saying, it’s not been as bad as they make it sound. Sure the first two winters were pretty brutal, but I met Sweetie Belle who let me sleep over and I got a nice hot meal. For a while it was like having a real family again.

“Which is why I’m so sorry for taking the bits Rarity left on the table, and the gems left over after big orders. I didn’t think you’d miss them and I needed the bits. I’m so sorry that I broke you and Sweetie’s trust in me,” Scootaloo said as tears formed in her eyes.

“It’s alright darling, I forgive you,” Rarity said softly.

“And of course that’s not all of it. I … There were stores that I knew had bits laying around and no pony was using them, and it wasn’t until Raindrops told me that it was stealing that I knew that’s what I was doing. I just thought it was there to take if a pony needed it... Since I needed it I took them.

“If you don’t want me around your shops anymore, I’m okay with that, or if I need to work it off that’ll be cool too. I’m ready to be responsible for my actions,” Scootaloo said, looking over at the shop owners, the Cakes as well as Lyra and Bon Bon.

“Well dearie, me and Carrot were talking the other night, and, well, you don’t have to pay us back. But if you ever need the spare bits, I’m sure Pinkie would love the help. Just come over when you want it and we’ll pay you 3 bits an hour, is that alright?” Mrs. Cakes asked with watery eyes of her own.

Scootaloo nodded as she was tackled by a furry Lyra missile. “That’s so sad!” Lyra bawled which made Scootaloo cry back.

“Seriously Sugar Knub, you need to learn some tact,” Bon Bon said, nuzzling the two before pulling Scootaloo into a hug. “Listen, Scootaloo. Sure, we were a little angry when we first heard that you took bits from us, and sure, those bits could’ve been used to fix up something for the store.

“But the point is, it was our fault. Everypony’s, really, for not seeing a filly that needed our help. For not noticing the signs that you needed us in your time of need and letting you suffer like that. So, I’m with the cakes. You ever need some bits, come on over, work for us for a while, and if you ever need help with anything, anything at all, come to us, okay? Lyra and me don’t bite, and we’ll help you in anyway we can, alright?”

Scootaloo nodded against Bon Bon’s coat. Bon Bon wiped the tears from Scootaloo’s eyes, and Lyra gave her a tight hug as Bon Bon whispered, “Would you like me and Lyra to stand by you while you finish up?”

Scootaloo nodded again and the two helped her up. Raindrops walked up and joined them. “You’re doing great, Scootaloo. Do you need a moment to collect yourself?”

“N-n-no! I-I’m fine,” Scootaloo sniffled, “Thanks, Mrs. Lyra and Mrs. Bon Bon, I think I’m ready now.” And with that, resting against the three ponies near her, she took a deep breath steadying her resolve before standing up and facing Applejack.

“Applejack?” She asked.

“What is it, sugarcube?” AJ asked dabbing her wet eyes.

“ I didn’t find that many bits laying around your place, usually under furniture, but I did take apples from the orchard and during the winter when Sweets and Bloom couldn’t have sleepovers, I took timber for firewood,” Scootaloo admitted, “I hope you’re not too mad at me. Honestly, while Sweetie Belle and Rarity are a cool family, yours reminded me a lot of my own... With how you joke about… You might not have a lot of things, but you have each other… A-and I miss them so much!” As Scootaloo started crying again, everypony rushed in and grabbed her in a group hug.

“Sugarcube, Ah can honestly say that the only thing Ah’m mad about is that ya didn’t come to us sooner. We figured those apples were just Rainbow bein’ Rainbow, but the winters, girl! Ya… Ya could’ve died in some of those snowstorms! Your big sis is an honorary Apple, and that makes ya one too, sugarcube. Ya hear that?” Scootaloo nodded in response, looking up at Applejack. “Good. Now don’t ya worry your pretty little head ‘bout none a that stuff. Apples stick together.”

Pinkie hopped in place nervously. Parties were about bringing joy and healing to others. A place where worries, pain, problems, were wiped away, even if for a little while. And seeing Scootaloo broken in tears, not being replaced with joy… There was only one solution for these kinds of situations, “Hey everypony! Why don’t we take a break from all of this talk, and have a real party for a bit! I think Scootaloo needs to unwind. Don’t you think so, Scootaloo?”

“I think I’m happy here, but a break sounds nice. I didn’t think I had any more tears after this week. I must look like a foal...” Scoots said miserably.

Raindrops leaned over. “Not at all. Everypony needs a good cry sometimes, and what with you went through, if it’s what you need, it’s what you need. We’re here for you. All of us.”

It had taken a while longer for Scootaloo to get herself together as the party went into full swing. She couldn’t help but feel overjoyed with the reception she was receiving. Instead of anger and rejection, she was met with ponies who not only accepted her but welcomed her with open arms. A small part of her felt stupid for not going to them sooner, or at least the ponies she cared about the most but in the end, she felt oy at the love and promises to help that she was receiving.

It almost felt like Hearth’s Warming came early. Or at least what she vaguely remembered about that holiday. As she sat down to rest, Rarity and Sweetie Belle came over to her. Sweetie nestled next to her, bringing a blush to Scootaloo’s face as Rarity gave her a soft nuzzle before speaking up. “ Scootaloo, I’m afraid I have something to mention.”

“What is it?” Scootaloo asked, subconsciously draping a wing over Sweetie Belle.

“Well, it’s about your secret getting out. You see, Sweetie came to me bawling her eyes out, and it came up in a conversation with Fluttershy while we were having tea. I didn’t think anyone was listening, but well … as you have noticed, someone did.”

“I guess it would be pretty hypocritical to accept forgiveness for my mistakes if I didn’t forgive other ponies,” Scootaloo sighed. “I’ll admit I was mad that something private like that got out, but I know Sweets, and I got to know you a little bit and I know you didn’t mean to do it on purpose, so … I forgive you.”

Rarity smiled softly and ruffled Scootaloo’s mane. “Thank you darling, I’ll let you two lovebirds have sometime to yourself.”

“Bwha- What?” Scootaloo shouted as her tiny wings flared, Sweetie Belle giving a startled squeak.

Rarity gave a loud chuckle, “You two are so adorable. I’ll be out of your manes now.”

Scootaloo looked over to a blushing Sweetie Belle and asked, “What does she mean lovebirds?”

“I-I don’t know what she could be talking about. She’s probably just had too much punch!” Sweetie replied nervously.

“Yeah, that must be it. I guess I’ll go talk to some more ponies. I’ll talk to you later, right?”


With glowing cheeks, Scootaloo trotted off to find her other guests. The first was Twilight Sparkle who was having a quiet conversation with Spike. “Princess Twilight?” Scootaloo interrupted nervously.

“Oh, hi there, Scootaloo! Please, just call me Twilight, Spike can you give us a minute?”

“Sure thing Twi. I’m going to go chat with our special guest. I think she’s planning to do something for the after party,” Spike said as he walked off.

“So, Scootaloo, what can I help you with?” Twilight asked, lowering herself to face level with Scootaloo.

“Well I want to say -” Scootaloo started to say before Twilight placed a hoof over her mouth.

“You don’t have to apologize to me at all. I’m the one who should apologize to you. From what I heard, you needed those things to further your education, and that’s something I love to do. I was actually thinking, how would you and the other crusaders like to come over on Thursday, and I can help you learn new things as well as help with your crusades? Well, keep them safe at least.”

“Sounds good to me, but I’ll ask the girls later just to be sure. Thank you Pri- I mean, Twilight! Dashie was right when she said you were really cool for an egghead! And if Dashie says you’re really cool then it has to be true!” Scootaloo beamed, “Also, who’s the special guest? Is it Luna?”

“It’s not Luna, but it is a surprise,” Twilight said with a playful tease.

“Okay... Do you think you could do me a favor later?” Scootaloo asked.

“What’s the favor?” Twilight asked, tilting her head.

“Can you send a message to Luna telling her thanks for earlier, and how I can’t wait to see her this Nightmare Night? It’s cool that we can speak during my dreams and all, but I miss seeing her face to face.”

“I’ll be sure to let her know when I get home tonight,” Twilight said with a smile.

“Thanks Twilight, you’re second best Princess,” Scootaloo said, waving goodbye as she trotted off to speak to others.

I like Raindrops, she’s helped me out more than most ponies would ever imagine, but even though it’d never happen, it’d be cool if I could have Luna as a mom. I know she’s lonely, and she could use some friends. That and her wing hugs are really nice, giving herself a mental shrug, oh well. I bet lots of ponies would like one of the Princesses as a mom, I’m just lucky that she takes time to spend time with me sometimes.

As the party neared it’s end, everypony walked outside for a special show. Standing in the middle of the street was a familiar looking caravan. With a loud explosion, a set of fireworks went off, painting the skies with color as a voice called out, “Welcome one and all to see ‘Trixie the Magnificent’, as she puts on a show for a very special pony!”

Trixie stepped out into stage to mixed reactions. Some ponies scowled, while others just wanted to see what she would do this time around. Trixie knew that even though the Princesses had allowed her a public apology, that there were still ponies who were less than happy to see her. She pushed aside her fears and threw on a smile, glad that at least these ponies didn’t come after her with pitchforks and torches.

Scootaloo watched from the sidelines, Spike’s earlier comment about a “special pony” made a lot more sense as she rested on the back of Raindrops, snuggling into her mane she watched over Raindrops head as Trixie did spectacles of illusions and explosions. With nopony openly heckling her, and her not acting so high and mighty, it was an interesting show. But the best part was at the end, when Trixie asked Scootaloo onto the stage.

With a burst of smoke a red pillow appeared for Scootaloo to sit on, Trixie lit several candles and shouted in a loud tone for all to hear, “I, Trixie, shall create a giant dragon out of fire!”

With her horn ablaze, the candles burst into towering infernos that intertwined around the stage above Scootaloo, forming together into one giant serpentine dragon of fire. Connected to Trixie by her pinkish aura. The dragon flew in circles around the crowd, twisting and turning in a variety of tricks as it slowly closer and closer to the stage. Trixie gave a grunt and yelled, “Oh no! I don’t think I can control it anymore! It’s coming!” She screamed as it flew towards Scootaloo, her eyes growing as big as saucers.

Just before it could hit her, it exploded into a shower of confetti that swirled and burst in a kaleidoscope of color. When the shock of a fire dragon rushing at her died, and she could form complete thoughts again, Scootaloo began whooping and hollering along with the rest of the crowd. “Thank you, thank you, give a round of applause for Scootaloo too! I’ll be here all week!” Trixie cried triumphantly.

Scootaloo jumped off the stage and cantered back to Raindrops. “Did you know about that!?” She squeaked happily.

“I didn’t, but I trusted Twilight not to let anything bad happen.” Raindrops replied, “So did you enjoy the show?”

“Yeah, I was pretty terrified, but I’m glad that it turned out alright. I’m glad that I talked to Luna,” Scootaloo said.

“Luna?” Raindrops asked, raising an eyebrow.

“We’re friends, and she talked to me earlier when I needed to clear my head,” Scootaloo replied.

“She did? And it’s Princess Luna.”

“Yuhuh, and she asked me to just call her Luna! We’ve been talking since before Rainbow Dash agreed to be my honorary big sister. And every now and again we hang out in my dreams. Oh! She said that someday me and the other crusaders can visit her! If it’s okay with their family to come visit, although she has to talk to Princess Celestia.”

“That sounds like it would be quite fun.”

With that, she lifted Scootaloo onto her back and trotted off towards home. “We’re going to have to go to bed early. We’ve got quite a busy day tomorrow.”

Author's Note:

This fic has been written, edited, added onto, and polished so many times even I was wondering when it'd finally get out. But it finally has been finished. The second to last chapter of this arc. The reason it took so long was a mix of irl, shenanigans, and other things eating into both my time and my editors. But I'm glad that it finally got presentable enough to put up.

When Golden Wings first started it was originally a series of short stories put in chronological order with Cloud Kicker being the pony that found Scoots. And I did have some interesting ideas for that fic, but with it being for a writing exercise for a VA program, it just lacked the flow and consistency that I wanted.

So I hit up IJAB for the artwork of a Raindrops Scootadopt fics Cover Art. And as you can see IJAB this guy is amazing. Then I hit up OverlyExtensiveEditors who hit me up with one of my favorite Editors, and one of the most fun to work with ever, Kingtiger666. Which grew into this fic. And yes with the Redemption Arc finished, we can finally get to the more fun arcs.

The next chapter Scoots goes to the Doctors, and Twilight kickstarts Scootaloo's hidden awesomesauce reserves. Then it'll be time for me to make the Golden Crusades. Which will have plenty of CMC shenanigans, the other Crusaders getting their CMs, more Raindrops with Cloud Kicker Time as well as some Luna fun. Plus, Twilight Time 2.0. Now with 65% more chaos, and Discord flavored sprinkles.