• Published 14th Aug 2013
  • 6,336 Views, 361 Comments

Golden Wings - TheGreatEater

Raindrops sees Scootaloo dumpster diving in an Alley way. After bringing her home, can this mare although maybe not the hero Scootaloo wanted, but the one she needs?

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A Big Talk

While they headed home Dinky decided to be the one to recount the times Diamond Tiara teased her as she leaned slightly into Raindrops for comfort, “Diamond Tiara is always saying that my mommy is a retard who isn’t worthy of being a Pegasus and if she knew what was good for her would just crash and die for once,” She said, her voice dripping with depression, “And she says that I’ll never learn to do magic because I’m stupid just like my stupid mommy. But mommy isn’t stupid!” She said, stomping her hoof on the ground.

“She’s the smartest pony I know of other than Princess Twilight. She just has special eyes that’s all. Why did Diamond have to say those cruel things?”

“Because some ponies are just cruel like that. The need to put others down to feel better about themselves. But you know that your mother is smart and those that care about her know that she’s smart. So even though it hurts, as long as we know the truth what she said doesn’t matter. As for magic, you’re not behind schedule most ponies don’t start their first spark until they are about your age, and if you don’t do it to later than it’s no big deal being a late bloomer.”

“But I had my first spark already and I still can’t do magic!” Dinky whinnied sadly.

“We’ll try looking for a magic teacher for you then.”

“But those cost money! I don’t want mommy losing money because of me.”

Raindrops chuckled softly and gave her another squeeze with her wing, “You don’t need to worry about that. Your mother would never consider it a loss helping you get somepony to help with your magic. After all she did the same thing when Sparkler needed help with her magic.”

Dinky mumbled unintelligible words, thinking for a second. Raindrops grinned before biting gently over the folds of Dinky’s neck and flipped her onto her back. This lifted Dinky’s spirits as she scrambled up Raindrops necks until she rested her forehooves over her head like a living hat. Looking up at her new accessory, “Feeling better?”

“Hmmmhmm! Thanks, I haven’t been given a ponyback in since forever!” Dinky said with a growing smile. It was a few minutes later that they arrived at Raindrops place.

Leaning her head down she let Dinky use her head as a slide and slide on down to the floor. “Why don’t you go and play with Sparkler, Scootaloo and I are going to have a little chat OK?”

“Ks. Well, talk to you later Scootaloo, and I hope tomorrow we can go crusading! See you in a bit.” Dinky said with a wave of her forehoof before trotting upstairs where her sister was most likely stuck with her head in a book.

“So you want me to tell you about Tiara right?” Scootaloo said gruffly. The walk home while calming had opened up a lot of old wounds and she was starting to brood.

“Yes. Start from wherever you’d like. Do you want something to drink while we talk?”

“Yeah, I’d like some apple juice please.”

While Raindrops left Scootaloo tried organizing things in her head. A lot of the cruel things Diamond Tiara said were especially painful with how close to the mark they were, and telling Raindrops about that would mean she’d have to tell her a little bit about her past. If the context was to be established.

Raindrops trotted slowly to the kitchen, her reasons for going were threefold, one was to give Scootaloo time to gather the storm of thoughts that she saw playing on her face, second was because this was probably going to be a while and she didn’t want Scootaloo to get a sore throat, and lastly was so that she could give Scootaloo the space she needed at this point in time.

By the time she got back into the living room she was balancing on her wings, two tall glasses of ice cold and refreshing apple juice, resting on a tray that. After making sure that Scootaloo could reach her drink sat back and allowed Scootaloo to tell her story.

“My family was a group of traveling artisans, and merchants. It was me, my brother, and parents. We usually passed between Trottingham, Ponyville, and sometimes Manehatten. We weren’t poor, but we always seemed to live on sell to sell. It wasn’t the best life but we were happy. Then about five years they got the Chills. They looked like they were going to pull through it, but of course they didn’t. We were in some tiny town in between here and Trottingham.

I overheard ponies talk about sending me away to some orphanage while I was at my family’s funeral, “ She said as tears rolled down her face from the memory of that day, “and I was scared so I bolted. It was shortly after I got here that I met some awesome ponies, edible food, and places that would give samples to foals so I never really had to worry about getting hungry. Especially Pinkie Pie, ever since she threw me my party she’s been giving me food to taste test. It’s how I’ve been getting most of my lunches.

Although she gives me these weird looks like she knows my secret, but she’s never said anything. So at least I’m getting good food. So anyways it was shortly after I got here I met Sweetie Belle, we hung out for a bit and it was with her that I met Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. At the time she was a blank flank too so she just spent her time insulting us for being poor as well as our families not loving us since Sweetie’s parents are always leaving on trips and hoofing her to Rarity, and her never seeing mine. It was painful and at first I tried to tell her to buck off and go choke on an apple. But that just made her target me worse.

When it was just me and Sweets it was ok. I had somepony my age that I could play with, and she would sometimes invite me to spend the night which gave me a warm bed and a cooked meal. It was awesome. But Tiara used that to target us when we left the house. I seriously don’t know what her problem was but she liked it when she could get Sweetie to cry. Although I would probably thank her for her snide remarks on why she never saw me at school if I didn’t still hate her. I know its wrong to hate a pony, but I can’t help it. Does that make me a bad pony?” She asked taking a drink and a deep breath building her second wind.

“No, I think that anyone getting hurt that much would feel that way is natural. As long as you don’t let those emotions control your then things will turn out ok.”

Scootaloo gave a short nod and took a deep breath before starting again, “I found some bits laying around that I used to pay a pony off to teach me to forge a note. Although he was thinking it was for a prank, but it helped me make a note saying that they were too busy to come and that I was going to start school there. Mrs. Cheerilee, like most adults, don’t look too closely as long as a pony isn’t destroying the village or doing something dangerous in their direct line of vision.

“When I first got to school her focus wasn’t on just me for her bullying, it looks like she just picks ponies on a whim. As for why nopony ratted on her is because she has a black book full of dirt she has on most ponies in Ponyville. Lots of ponies know about it. But at least she didn’t get anything on me other than for the Gabby Gums fiasco.

“Then four years ago she got her cutie mark, us Crusaders were formed, although we figured out that we met Apple Bloom earlier during Nightmare Moon’s party crashing the Summer Sun Festival. So I guess us Crusaders were fated to meet. Ever since then Diamond Tiara has been focusing a large amount on her meanness on us, all because we don’t have our cutie marks yet, but we still have fun crusading and it has made Tiara’s cruelty that much more bearable. That and I always have warm bed and fresh food when I go over there so that’s always a high point of my month.” She said wrapping up her story.

“Well I’m glad that you made some good friends. Are you feeling better now that you got that off your back?” Raindrops asked wiping the tears from Scootaloo’s eyes as she wrapped her in a hug.

“A little. So what do we do now?” Scootaloo asked weakly as she nodded into Raindrops’ chest.

“Well I have a few questions for you and then, we simply do what we can move forward.”

“Ok, what do you want to talk about?”

“Well the big thing is I want to clarify how you got the bits you’ve found laying around, and I need to know if you’ve stolen food from anyone other than the apples.”

“I’m not going to be in trouble am I?” Scootaloo asked looking up at Raindrops from within the folds of her forelegs.

“I’ll take care of it, and I’ll make sure that nothing bad happens. But I need to know so that I can help you make it up to them. Just remember as long as you tell me the truth you don’t have to worry about anything, I’m here to take care of you. At the very worst I’ll make you do chores to earn the bits from me to pay them back, but that’s the worst that’ll happen.” Raindrops said in a calm, comforting voice.

“Well usually I’d look on the ground, under furniture, any bits that were out in the open. The way I see it if they had it just laying around in the open they wouldn’t miss it. That plus I needed the bits.” Scoots said wiggling closer to Raindrops partially to try adopting a defensive position, and partially to try and hide from the judgement that she was expecting to rain down upon her.

“I can see your thinking, but while usually stuff on the floor and under furniture are things that are usually forgotten, bits that are on tables, counters, or other surfaces are usually there for when that pony needs it. If it’s in a restaurant it’s usually a pony telling the owner that they liked the food. Those ponies need those bits to make up for how little they make in a paycheck.

That’s stealing, but you didn’t do it out of malice so I’m not going to punish you. But as I said earlier you’ll be doing chores starting tomorrow and you’ll earn the bits from me to pay them back. Or if you want to, I can talk about you doing odd jobs for them to work it off.”

“Um … if they don’t get too mad at me then I guess that’s ok. Raindrops?” Scootaloo asked fidgeting.

“If I stole supplies from school so I could do homework, or to help me when I was sleeping out somewhere do I need to apologize for that too? And should I apologize to those ponies that I took bits from after I tell my friends and those who’ve helped me that I’m an orphan?” Scootaloo asked worryingly. Afraid of the fallout that would happen when things went down.

“I don’t think Mrs. Cheerilee would see it as stealing. But if you think that you have too then you can. And I want you to know that you wanting to apologize yourself is a very big thing. I’m proud for you Scootaloo. May I ask whom you've taken from?”

“There was the Apple Family apples, bits, and some timber wood that I used during the winters. Bon-Bon’s Confectioneries on Sugar Cube Corner, and the Cakes Confectionery Emporium were two of the biggest places to pilfer bits. Although somehow whenever I get food from Pinkie I end up with bits mysteriously in my saddlebag that I didn't have before.

Dashie’s cloud house the few times I was over there I got bits from under her cloud couch and from under her bed. Rarity always has bits left on the counters, on the floor, in this one weird nook behind the cash register counter, and also in her workroom she usually has gems that always end up on the floor after big orders if you look hard enough for them. Those gems get me set up for a week and usually helps me pay back Applejack. Oh and there’s the ink bottles I’ve taken from Twilight so I could do my homework, and lots of quills since I keep breaking them when I write. Also there’s the the paper, soap, chalk, candles, matches, and other stuff that I get from the school when I’m running low or need it for school work.” Scootaloo said her head tilted in thought as she recounted all the things she did over the last few years.

“It’s lucky that you were never caught. But I’m glad you weren’t.” Raindrops said ruffling Scootaloo’s mane.

“Yeah us Crusader’s have the oddest luck.” Scootaloo said offhandedly.

“Well if and when you’re ready to talk. I’ll get Pinkie Pie to get everyone who needs to know, and you can write out who, together. And we can apologize to them. Although I’m going to need a guestimate on how much you’ve taken so I can gather the bits to pay them back. And thank you for telling me, I’m proud of how brave you’re being. Well go up and get the other fillies and tell them that diners about ready.”

“Alright, but I can just tell you on the whole bits part for this year so far. Apples, 60 bits. Twilight, 10 bits. Bon-Bon, 40 bits. Cakes not counting the mystery bits, 82 bits. Dashie, 10 bits, “ turning her head and her eyes flicking back and forth rapidly as she remembered all the bits she took and gems gathered from Rarity, “Rarity, 100 bits, four sapphires, one emerald, two topazes, and twelve rubies. For the last 4 years other than Dashie’s place I get about the same amount of bits and the gems differ from year to year if I find any.”

“Thanks well go on and get the others. And don’t worry everything will turn out for the better. As for your friends I know they’ll forgive you after they get over the shock.” Giving a small hug she let Scootaloo go who by this time had her eyes stop streaming tears and was looking somewhat happier after their talk.

As Scootaloo headed upstairs her recent ‘girly display of emotion’, as Rainbow Dash would call it, drying on her face from her emotional conversation with Raindrops. Raindrops knew everything, and while she got a talking to about how taking money that didn’t start on the ground, or lost in cushions was stealing, but Raindrops wasn’t mad at her since it was something she needed to do to live. She strolled up to the room Dinky and Sparkler were sharing, “Hey girls, dinner’s going to be ready in a few!” Scootaloo said at the doorway.

“I heard about what happened earlier today,” Sparkler said, snuggling with Dinky with a story book Grimm Goose the Bard’s Tales, a collection of fairy tales that was as old as Starswirl the Bearded, collected from the various races from the pre-equestrian days. Dinky was engrossed with the pages before her while Sparkler looked at Scootaloo.

“Yeah, it was surprising. To be honest I’m confused on how to take it.” Scootaloo said scratching the back of her head.

“Well I’m glad someone finally stood up to those bullies, hopefully Dinky won’t be coming home in tears anymore.” Sparkler said, nodding while gently stroking Dinky’s mane, “While I’m sad that Mango was cruel about it, at least my sister’s going to be happier now. Thank her when you see her next. Oh! And we’ll be leaving to go back home tomorrow. Want to have another sleepover tonight?” Sparkler asked, giving her sister an affectionate nuzzle before using her magic to simultaneously pick Dinky up off the bed and close the book.

Scootaloo looked at the younger sister floating in the air, Sparkler twisting and twirling Dinky who had her body stretched out in a flying position she saw on comic books, a grin plastered to her face.

“Yeah sure. I’ll see you in a bit.” She said in a rush as Dinky opened her mouth.

“Hey, why don’t you fly with me?

“Well …” Scootaloo paused for a bit before deciding to get rid of the sting of admitting that she was unable to fly quickly rather than draw it out, “I can’t fly.”

Dinky was about to open her mouth when her sister wrapped her muzzle with magic silencing her, “Well how about I give you a bit of help?” Sparkler asked.

“Really?! How?!” Scootaloo asked hopping up in down in excitement.

“Like this.” Sparkler said, wrapping Scootaloo in her magic. Scootaloo buzzed her wings, her first airborne propulsion without mechanical assistance. She and Dinky zipped around Sparkler as she trotted down to the kitchen. The sounds of the fillies laughing uproariously with unbridled glee as she let them enjoy a bit of flying each having a mock race around Sparkler’s head, as Raindrops clapped her hooves together at the display for awhile before giving them a soft landing. Scootaloo and Dinky gave her a quick nuzzle one on each of her forelegs before running to the dining room table, the smell of grilled cheese sandwiches and seasoned tomato soup wafting through the room.

“Mi… I mean Raindrops?” Scootaloo said tentatively.

“What’s the matter?”

“Well the things we talked about with me telling my friends, and those I’ve, well you know. I want to do it tomorrow. Is that Ok?”

“That’d be perfect, I’ll let Pinkie Pie know to get everypony together. And I’ll tell her to be quiet about it.” Raindrops said with a gentle smile, “Actually if you three promise not to bring down the house, I’ll do it while you have your little sleepover.”

Scootaloo looked over at the other ponies and with a synchronized nod between the two of them agreed that they wouldn’t destroy the house while she was away.

Raindrops was flying over Ponyville enjoying the breeze when Cloud Kicker flanked her, “Hey Drops. I haven’t had a chance to talk to you for a while, how’ve you been?”

“Yeah sorry about that, Cloud Kicker,” Raindrops said sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck with her right foreleg, “Not bad actually Ditzy got better yesterday and will be able to pick up her foals tomorrow. Scootaloo is over at my place for a while, and everything all in all is rather good. So what’s up?”

“The moon.” She replied to Raindrops chuckling, “but seriously I was wondering if you’re busy tomorrow?”

“I might be I’m going to Pinkie Pie’s to set up something, but I might be open tomorrow. Why?” Raindrops asked while tilting her head inquisitively.

Giving a nervous chuckle masked as a playful one Cloud Kicker finally replied, “No reason really we just haven’t had the chance to hang out in a while. You know, a girls night out. Let me know tomorrow. I’ll be seeing you.” She said before banking away.Raindrops stored the conversation away until a later date and decided to focus at the task at hand, going to Pinkie Pie’s place to set things up.

Author's Note:

The double chapter for the week is a day late sorry, but this is the last serious chapter for at least two more chapters. As for the Pinkie Pie Gathering, not much happened, but it'll be scheduled for three days past the day this chapter takes place in. And it'll be a good one.

Grimm Goose the Bard is a Portmanteau of the Grimm Brothers, Mother Goose, and Beadle the Bard. A creator and gather of pre-Two Sister era Equestrian fairy tales. [Before Two Sister [pre-nightmare moon era or CE] [BTS]]. A mass favorite of ponies young and old alike since it's creation.

Next chapter has one of his stories read to Scoots and Dinky, and an adorable pile of fluff.