• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Sombra. Saga of Hatred - HiddenUnderACouch

Some names are respected. Some are ignored. Some are loved. There is only one name in the whole world of Equestria that became the synonym for cruelty. This name is Sombra, and this is his story.

  • ...


Tick-tock... Tick-tock...

The big grandfather clock was ticking in the corridor just down the way following the fuzzy red rug. Several big scratches were visible on the side of this majestic structure, which had overwatched the halls for many years.

Tick-tock... Tick-tock...

This clock greeted Lazarus and Celene since they had ordered the house to be constructed. It watched them walk these halls for so many times. It watched them as they amassed fortune and became well-known and respected.

Tick-tock.... Tick-tock...

It saw the birth of Krystal. Well, heard her birth. Krystal's mother refused to go to a hospital, thus the great mansion became Krystal's maternity hospital. The labor pains had been horrible and Celene had screamed loudly, her cries echoing throughout the long corridors, forcing her husband to cover his head with a pillow and levitate a flacon of sedatives to himself. He had been more than worried; he had been terrified and excited at the same time.

Tick-tock... Tick-tock...

This clock had seen Krystal run around the house, playing hide-and-seek with her nannies, her dolls, her parents. Dad's guests had never wanted to play with her for some reason. She would always frown and puff up if refused to play with. Celene commented that Krystal looked like a balloon when she was angry; her warm, colorful cheeks and paunchy stomach suited her just well.

Tick-tock... Tick-to—

The ticking stopped when Krystal's horn glowed brightly and she put the mechanism on a temporary hiatus.

"Finally... It started getting on my nerves," Sombra stated, rubbing his forehead. Of course it would. He had to endure it for the whole week. At times, after an exhausting night, the ticking would wake him up in the most foulest of moods.

"And I'm pretty tired of you wandering around my room at night," Krystal touched the grandfather's clock. "You could just relax and stay on the bed."

"Whenever I can't sleep, I usually do something: read a book, throw the book into the wall... write something offensive on the wall..." Sombra replied, remembering the time he had snuck out of his house at night to draw an aerowaffle near the entrance to the school. Granted, drawing genitals on the walls was all he could do.

"I want to do something if I'm not asleep! You're asleep, there are no interesting books on your bookshelves — what am I supposed to do?"

"Just lay down and listen to my snoring. I thought you enjoyed listening to me when I sleep," she said, making Sombra blush.

"Yes, I do. It puts me at peace, especially after all the screaming... No, seriously, you hurt my ears at times," he said and trotted away into the general direction of the kitchen. "I'll go make myself a sandwich. Do you want one?"

"No, thank you... I feel a bit weird," Krystal replied and sighed. "You know, you shouldn't stick around for far too long. Don't get me wrong..." she snuggled to him, "I enjoyed this week with you tremendously... but we did leave behind a big mess, which I'll have to clean up."

"I'll help you. I see no problem with that."

"No, thanks. I can handle it myself, don't worry," Krystal assured. "I know how you hate cleaning up. I guess... we're going to have to say our goodbyes — after you have that sandwich. My servants return to work today, I think."

She trotted away slowly, sighing heavily.

"We both missed so many lessons... But, for me, it was worth it. I guess, you were sort of right when you said it's good to break the rules. I agree with you... a bit.."

Sombra sneered at that remark. He never said breaking rules were good. Well, maybe he did, but his wording would be different.

"Well, then, I shall take my leave," he said, looking towards the path to the exit.

Krystal nudged him playfully and showed him to the exit. Sombra winked at her suggestively before he left the big, comfortable mansion that he’d come to adore. He would never imagine that the menacingly huge building would grow on his like that.

This week... Those whole week! These seven days! He would never forget them. Never. Even though the first two were spent treating to Krystal's wounds, she finally felt better, and then started to treat Sombra's wound — the one he had caused to himself. Through those two days, he had constantly asked forgiveness and would not shut up about it until Krystal 'convinced' him that she held no grudge against him.

The weather was perfect today as Sombra was making his way home. Even though he didn't want to see Amethyst's drunk snoot, he figured the company of his books was better than anything school had to offer. He didn't want to see Iron Wheel either, who would probably start bugging him about where he’d been all this week and asking for help yet again.

Anything school-related made Sombra cringe right now. He didn't want to even think about it, not even a thought had to cross his mind. He needed to fill it with something happy. So, he started dreaming of an asleep Krystal as he walked.

It might seem weird, but he was really attracted to how she was sleeping. It was so weird — she’d push a deep dimple in the pillow and use her own mane as additional blanket. The real blanket, she would wrap around her body like a cocoon with only her forehooves sticking out. When alone, she would fold them at her chest and sleep like that, but with Sombra, she slept a bit differently: she wrapped him in her embrace, put her snout close to his ear snuffle quietly. Maybe because she had chronic rhinitis, or maybe because she knew Sombra enjoyed these gentle, quiet sounds.

Finally, Sombra saw the outlines of his house. He took a deep breath and charged himself with happy memories. Now, he'd just go to his room, grab a book, fall down into his bed and read something about dark magic or something entertaining.


"Some more tea, my mistress?" the servant asked, tilting the kettle, warm fumes slowly drifting from its nose.

"Yes, please. And with sugar," Krystal replied, rubbing her forehead. The servant quickly poured her a full cup and dropped two lumps of sugar. He bowed before leaving, but suddenly stopped at the door.

"Do you wish me to take the book away, my mistress?" he asked in a polite voice. "You don't seem to be reading it anymore."

"No. There are still a few pages I would like to read," Krystal cut him short, levitating the biology encyclopedia to herself and gently landing it on her belly. She had been lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling for about an hour now. It seemed like, if she just asked for forgiveness from the skies, it would grant her redemption. But it didn't seem to come.

Krystal noticed that something was wrong with her, something wrong with her body. Just two months ago, she consulted her own 'mare calendar'. She had made it herself when she was but a filly, with the help of her mother. It was supposed to help Krystal handle her mare's issues — to navigate through the periods of menstruation to avoid any trouble.

It clearly pinpointed the days it was going to happen. Krystal was always ready... but this time, it hadn’t happened. Then, again, the second month! Krystal suspected something bad might have happened to her. She might be sick, or something worse.

In a desperate search of answers, she read almost the entirety of her parents' library on biology, but only now, she had found the right book. The cover stated: Equine Biology: A Brief Introduction. The book didn't have a lot of pictures, for anatomy was mostly studied during wars, when the doctors had a chance to perform autopsies on the dead soldiers, so most of the facts were based on common knowledge.

Krystal covered her face and sobbed quietly, finally letting the emotions pour out. Her tears sparkled in the lamp’s light before landing on the warm, puffy blanket, wherefrom they quickly were absorbed. She cried because of sadness and happiness, of sorts. For many mares, especially married ones, it would be great news. But for her, a young mare, still thought an innocent, pure filly by her parents, a pony, who succumbed to the darker side of love, these were news that would proclaim her doom.

Krystal looked at her calendar, then at the book and burst into tears, her sobbing shaking her body violently

She became a vessel of life. A vessel of light. A pony, who must be a saint.

She was carrying a child in her womb. She was to become a mother.

"Why, by the Emperor, why?!" she sobbed, trying to hold back her tears to no avail. "I didn't want to... I don't want to..."

Why did it have to happen to her? Why, of all ponies, did she have to become pregnant? Why didn't fate spare her?

She turned around on her bed and buried her wet muzzle into the pillow. Some of her tears got into her mouth, bringing with them a salty taste. She wrapped her body in her puffy blanket and carefully, in order not to alert the servants, cried. She felt so fragile, so unprotected right now. What a disaster, what a catastrophe. Her life was ending.

She yearned for Sombra right now. For him to come near her, kiss her on the cheek and warmly hug her. Not mother, not father, but Sombra. Krystal knew that she could only trust him. He would do something for her that nopony else would. His warmth and his care was all she desired right now.

She wanted to share this with him. He was, after all, the one who sired the child, the cause of all Krystal's worries.

What should she do? She couldn't bear the child — her status didn't allow that. She was a noble mare, and noble mare was to lose her virginity during honeymoon. It would be crystal clear that she lost her innocence when she approached her parents with a huge belly, wherein it was protected while its mother suffered.

Krystal got up from her bed and took a walk around her room. She had a few ideas, actually. There were rumors that the Unicorn Kingdom had adapted a new law about 'abortions'. Those were special spells that could prevent the childbirth on its early stages. After a short surgery, she would be free of the fetus, which, even now, just two months later, was burdening her.

But how was she supposed to get to the Unicorn Kingdom without her parents finding out? Just how?

There might be another solution. A unicorn from the hospital might agree to perform such an operation for good money, but Krystal was scared: what if something would go wrong? What if she’d die? What if...

It was horrifying to even think. Krystal took a deep breath, levitated the cup of tea to herself and drank. The warm, sweet tea soothed her throat and soul, and she felt a little better.

"Everything will be alright... Everything will be alright," she whispered to herself, when she suddenly felt a sudden heaviness in her head.

She needed some sleep. A quick nap, and then, after she’d wake up, she would figure out what to do. She had to save her life, and she needed to do it quickly. But for now, she needed rest. Before falling into her bed, she peeked into the mirror; her pale cheeks and muddy eyes were a clear indication of insomnia. It was no wonder, though. Ever since she and Sombra had spent that week together, she had trouble sleeping alone in her bed without his cuddling.

Now, that whole week of pure pleasure brought its results. The creation started to get its revenge on Krystal for falling so low as to give her body and soul to a commoner, for abandoning traditions and giving up to love.

Could she change anything now? Could she, somehow, save herself? Probably not. There was only one way to ensure that her life remained unchanged: killing the child.

After a long period of heavy thoughts, Krystal finally cried herself to sleep. She thought of the ways and the means of getting rid of the child, and she hoped she could do it fast. She needed it gone. It had no place in her life. It was unneeded.


This smell... It smelled of... burning, death, despair, agony.

The world around Krystal shook and trembled, she felt something painfully prickling her to the top of the head. Her horn was hitting something as well, something crunchy and sturdy.

Krystal didn't want to wake up, thus she just tried to wind the blanket around her frail body, but another violent jolt made her slid up, painfully hitting her head on something.

"Ah!" she exclaimed, opening her eyes.

"Oh, by Abyss, not again," an annoyed female voice reached her ears. "Why do you have to wake up again?"

Krystal's blood stood still in her veins. She knew that voice. She had known it her entire life, because it was hers. Krystal's voice. Opening her eyes revealed the walls, made out of wicker elm and many thorns, even the place where she was lying. She quickly turned around, looked up and saw the sky, red like blood, with clouds, which were darker than the very night. The air smelled of death, decay and blood.

"Where... am I? What is going on? Please, answer me!" she shouted as another jolt made her ram her head into the thorny side. "Aaah!"

The prickle tasted her blood and the young mare felt her left temple bleeding. She once again turned to the sky, realizing with horror where she was.

The strange container she found herself in was a cradle. A cradle, made out of thorny material she couldn't even recognize.

"Just shut up! Shut up!" her voice sounded like thunder and a darkened face, hidden by shadows, leaned towards the scared mare. "You disgusting spawn!"

Krystal could not believe these words were sounding like they were coming out of her mouth. This voice... it was completely identical. An exact copy.

A weak cone of light shone upon the dark speaker, finally revealing her true identity. As much as it seemed impossible, Krystal was looking at her own face, distorted by anger and hatred.

"You piece of filth! Why have I been cursed with you?" the other Krystal shouted, baring her teeth.

"Wha... What is happening? Who are you?" Krystal asked, her heart clenched by fear. She couldn't understand what was happening, she didn't know what to do. All she got in response was spit to the face.

"Stop screaming already!" Other-Krystal growled, making the mare in the cradle feel tiny... unnoticeable, weak, defenseless.

"Wh-why? What did I ever do to you?" she whispered. "Why did you do this?"

Krystal was alone, trapped in this cage of thorns. She was nothing but a child at the mercy of her twisted self. Tears filled her eyes and started streaming down her cheeks.

"S-Sombra... Please... Help... me," the mare whispered, lost and confused, calling for her protector. It wasn't her mother, nor her father. It was Sombra, and Sombra alone, whom she trusted so much.

"Sombra.. Help me... I need you... Please..." she cried, trying to hide herself from her darkness behind a weak, thin blanket.

The strange mare which looked exactly like herself, didn't hear her words but only screams and cries as if Krystal was a baby filly. She couldn't understand her language, even though Krystal was speaking perfect Crystallian. She tried Common, Unicornian... but nothing helped. The other Krystal continued shouting at her, swearing and constantly shaking the cradle.

Finally, the shaking stopped and the mare stood still, the wind making her cloak sway. A small single tear ran down her cheek and fell down into the cradle.

"I don't need you... You're worthless... I don't need you," the other Krystal uttered, lifting the cradle up into the air. "You are not needed... not needed."

Krystal was scared, she didn't know what to do, how to act. She could scream, but all it would do was annoy the twisted version of herself. Krystal cried silently and bitterly, praying for Sombra to come and save her.

"I do not need you. Begone from my life!" Krystal heard these words that cut like knife, but her thoughts were silenced by the blowing wind and the sudden sound of raging water underneath.

"No...No! Don't do it! It doesn't have to be this way!" Krystal screamed as hard as she could as the other Krystal levitated the cradle further and further away.

"Goodbye..." she finally said, and then there was nothing but the whistling of the wind. As Krystal fell down in her small coffin of thorns, she realized what was it like to have her life depend on somepony else. Somepony that was unreliable, untrustworthy, pathetic and weak, too weak to handle the responsibility.

"Mother!" Such words burst out of Krystal's mouth as her cradle finally drowned in the raging river. The water quickly filled the lungs of the young mare, and, while she suffocated, she remembered every moment of her short life: her birth and... nothing else.


"Mother!" Krystal woke up screaming, her muzzle wet from tears. Her scream echoed throughout the corridors of her house, and soon, loud clopping could be heard. Before Krystal could wipe away her tears, a servant burst into the room.

"My mistress, what's wrong? You were screaming," he said, coming closer to the young mare. He stood for a second before he noticed that she was crying, and then slowly approached her.

Seeing that there was no point in hiding anymore, Krystal just burst into tears, slamming her head into the wet pillow. Just a few moments later, she felt the servant's soft touch on her head.

"It's okay, my mistress. ‘Twas just a nightmare," his voice was comforting and calm. "I'm here. No need to be afraid now."

How disgusting. This pony was caring for her and Krystal didn't even bother to learn his name. She hated herself... so much. She was a horrible pony.

Instead of replying, Krystal cried violently, the salty tastes of tears seeping into her mouth.

"Please, mistress, don't torment yourself so," the servant said, hesitated a bit, gathering his courage, and then kissed her on the forehead.

There was no passion in the kiss. It was a simple show of compassion, like a mother would show to her daughter, or a father to a son.

"Tsssh... It's okay, little Krystal. Don't cry," he cooed, and Krystal felt a little bit better. He wrapped his hooves around her in a warm hug and she felt warm and relaxed.

"There you go," he said. "Please, mistress, don't scare me like that anymore. I almost had a heart attack."

"I'm sorry... sorry for everything," Krystal replied. "I'm... such a horrible pony."

"What? No! That's rubbish."

"I am. I... broke the sacred law of nobles... and I can't even remember your name when you care for me so deeply," Krystal whispered quietly. "Please... leave me be with my thoughts... I need to think."

The servant stuttered for a bit, not knowing what to say. He felt a little offended that, after many years, the mistress couldn't remember his name. However, he stayed and hugged Krystal even harder.

"I won't leave you. I won't leave until I know you're alright," the pony said. He snuggled closer to her, burrowing his muzzle in her mane.

Krystal started to feel a little awkward, wondering if this stallion had any feelings for her, maybe even desires.

"Umm..." the sole sound was enough to make the servant giggle.

"Don't worry, mistress. I have a wife, and a child. And if you were thinking what I think you were, you're wrong," he calmed her. "I'm just trying to comfort you, that's all. My young daughter tends to cry very often, so, the best way to calm her down is a little cuddle. I thought it might work with you too."

Krystal smiled at such show of care and closed her eyes. The remains of the nightmare were fading away from her memory, but she had forever learned the lesson it tried to teach her.

She wouldn't be the other Krystal. Even if the child was not needed, he or she was still wanted. She closed her eyes, not knowing what to do, but knowing what she wouldn't do, which would be getting rid of the child.

"Please... stay with me till I fall asleep. I still don't feel too well," Krystal whispered. The servant replied with a gentle nod and let her go.

"I'll sit here and watch over you. I think no more hugs are necessary,” he observed, and Krystal agreed. She made herself comfortable in her bed, and only one thought tormented her now:

What would Sombra say to this?


"And you know what? — I didn't even care! She may think anything she wants, I don't care. I don't think she loves me at all, that broad!" Iron Wheel kept talking while Sombra wearily rubbed his temples. Ever since Iron Wheel gathered enough courage to approach a mare, he would not shut up about his misadventures. Sombra had quickly become a dumpster for his stupid stories.

"Why did I even..." Sombra moaned with pain, trying to drive away the horrendous headache, probably caused by the lack of sleep. He spent days reading books, or walking outside.

Usually around midnight, he would sneak out of his house and wander around Crystal City for no reason whatsoever. He wasn't scared of anypony, but his soul longed for big open spaces and being locked in his room was unacceptable.

It seemed that his midnight walks had finally taken a toll on him. Or was it the alcohol he and Krystal had drunk? Whenever Sombra passed a tavern, he couldn't help but shudder at the slight aroma of the wine. Was he addicted now, too? Likely not since Sombra could easily ignore the smell and walk on.

Sadly, he couldn’t easily ignore Iron Wheel’s babbling. He would not shut up. Sombra now regretted the decision of becoming nicer to him.

"Iron, please, shut up. My head’s aching from all your stupid trash talk," Sombra stated angrily, continuing to rub his temples. This seemed to work and Iron Wheel turned quiet. Good thing he hadn't lost his fear of Sombra yet; he'd make sure that fear would persist.

The noise of the cafeteria was something everypony had gotten used to ages ago. Sombra looked at his table, filled with empty dishes, and sighed. He should go now: Krystal had told him she had something important to tell. Maybe she could cheer him up as well.

"I have to go. Don't wait for me here — I'll be gone for a long time," Sombra told Iron Wheel. The pony nodded quietly and Sombra went off to meet his love.

Over two months had passed since that incredible week. Even now, Sombra still couldn't forget it as it kept his dreams focused solely on Krystal. He would never forget how beautiful and attractive she was when a little drunk.

Though, these days, something was happening to her; she’d become quiet and reclusive, left school quite often, and seemed to have stopped caring about her figure. Not that Sombra minded — he found a little bit extra flesh around her sides a benefit.

Finally, he noticed his love, which was leaning on a wall, looking around nervously. Sombra quickly approached her, but, before he could greet her, she gently put her hoof on his lips and whispered a quiet 'tssh'.

"Not here. We'll talk outside. I have something very important to tell you," she said and Sombra followed her silently. A little fire of worry was born in his soul, but he quickly put it out — nothing was wrong. His Krystal had simply fondled the box of chocolates a little too much. Perhaps he should visit her soon. They could share the chocolate.

To his surprise, they didn't just go outside, Krystal lead him to the park. Sombra was pleased, for they were practically cutting school right now. He didn't mind at all.

The trees were swaying back and forth, the wind was whistling, carrying warmth and the breath of the upcoming summer. Sombra enjoyed the view all the way before Krystal finally stopped, walked to a tree and sat down thereunder. The stallion quickly joined her.

"Well, we're outside. Anything you want to tell me, sugar?" Sombra asked, and Krystal sighed in reply. Before she could say anything, Sombra locked her in a passionate kiss. She closed her eyes and wrapped her hooves around him.

"Sorry, didn't hear you. Come again?" he joked, touching her warm belly.

"Sombra... I don't really know how to tell you... But it's something serious, something that you shouldn't joke about."

"What's that? You're in love with chocolate?" Sombra joked again, giving her belly a gentle rub. "I'm alright with that. I like your belly a lot — and I wish I could sleep on it."

He lowered his head and poked her stomach with his muzzle, feeling her short fur tickle his nose.

"So soft and warm," he whispered, smiling. Suddenly, Krystal wrapped his head in magical aura and forcefully pulled it up.

"Sombra, stop this! Stop being such a jerk and let me speak!" she almost shouted, her eyes filling with water. Sombra suddenly felt hurt and offended.

"Kryssie... what's wrong?"

"Sorry... I didn't want to shout. I've just been... on edge for the past couple of months," she said, letting him go. "I've been thinking... about you and me... And I wanted to ask: do you really love me?"

The light around faded a little as Sombra noticed that a big patch of clouds was gathering in the sky. He ignored this upcoming rain and took a deep breath.

"What question is that? Of co—" before he could say anything, Krystal shoved her hoof into his mouth.

"Don't answer. I know what you'll say," she uttered. "Sombra, there is a time when we have to take responsibility for what we do. You and I did... questionable things."

"Oh, come on, stop being so innocent!" Sombra exclaimed, gently removing her hoof from his mouth. "I liked you when you dropped your morals. Come on, Kryssie, stop it."

He touched her cheek and then gave her a long and lusty, passionate kiss, just like he’d gotten used to. No more kids' stuff. They were both adults now.

"Be a bad girl for me," he whispered, but she gently pushed him away.

"Sombra, we... I’ve been wrong when I invited you over to my house. And it wasn't because of the Dust, no... What we did... We thought ourselves above the nature and we did everything we wanted. We gave in to our desires. Now, we're paying the price," she suddenly turned dark and pale. "I'm pregnant, Sombra."

The sound of a distant thunder shook the stale warm air.


"I'm carrying a child... your child."

"But... how?"

"Don't pretend you don't understand. You know exactly how," Krystal whispered.

Sombra backed away from her and sat down on the ground. He felt like he had just been doused in ice-cold water. A child? His child?

His mouth was dry, his throat hurt and he couldn't utter even a word. The fire of worry became an inferno. He had expected anything... but not this.

Krystal sat down by him and lowered her head. The rays of the sun made little gems on her cheeks sparkle, betraying her. She swiped away the tears and remained silent, letting Sombra gather his thoughts.

He couldn't imagine himself as a father. What was being a father like? — Responsibility, a great amount of time, forgetting your own needs for the needs of the child.

That would mean he would have to abandon his magic studies, his free life, his freedom, his fool-friend Iron Wheel, and everything to care for the child. He would need to spend all the money, all his strength to appease the kid.

Sombra never thought about becoming a parent, and he had never even considered a possibility of it. But it snuck from behind and attacked when he least expected it, when he was having the biggest amount of fun. Would he really abandon all of it?

“Krystal, I... I mean... we can't be parents right now," he started speaking. "We can't afford it. We're too young yet, we don't even live together. I don't have a house for us to live in; I don't have the money to support us."

He staggered for a second.

"Have you thought... getting rid of it?"

"I have. And I won't do it," Krystal cut his hopes into pieces with just a few words.

"Wh-Why? It's too early, and if you get rid of it right now, we can have all the time in the world so we can settle down and live together. Now's not the time," Sombra tried his hardest to convince his beloved. "We need more time, Krystal. We can't have a child right now!"

"I won't kill my child," she said strictly. "I won't be a murderer. Don't try to convince me."

"It's not even born yet, how is this murder?" Sombra snapped, losing his temper. Why was Krystal so protective of the child? It was endangering them both! Why couldn't she understand that?

"It is murder. Even if the child isn't born, it's still a life," Krystal said. "Would you go so far to kill a life that cannot even defend itself?"

"This is different! Our lives are at stake!" He turned to her, his face turning red from anger and annoyance. "Listen to me: we need to get rid of it. It would be better for us both."

Krystal looked at him, her cheeks turning pale from shock.

"How could you say such a thing? It's your child as well, your son or daughter! Are you going to just kill him or her so you can run freely once more?" she cried, but her eyes, though wet, didn't water.

Sombra closed his eyes and thought. Anger, annoyance, and frustration rose inside him at the thought of being tied down. He couldn't accept being bound. He wanted to be free. He was done being a slave. He had freed himself from his father, from his school, from his past, just to be bound by a child? No. He wouldn’t let it be for nought.

"If need be, then yes!" he replied angrily. "Why should we sacrifice our youth to a mistake? A simple coincidence? Our lives cost much, Krystal, and I'm not going to throw mine away so easily."

He looked at her, seeing her horrified expression and eyes full of fear. He looked at her in the same way he would look at an enemy, at a foe.

"If you want to throw your life away for something that can be easily corrected..." He shuddered, his heart clenched in tight claws of sadness. "Then... I shall leave. Forever."

Krystal looked at him with disbelief; she couldn't understand why he would say such things. She didn't recognize him.

"This isn't you... This isn't the Sombra I have kissed near my house... You aren't Sombra whom I trusted and loved. You're cruel... you're cold," she whispered, loud enough for Sombra to hear. "A mistake? Your own flesh and blood, a mistake?"

"I call a pony related to me a mistake. The child wouldn't be the first," Sombra said coldly. "Choose now. Go with me, and together, we shall get rid of this child, for our happy life... or stay... alone."

The thunder rocketed through the air again and small drops of rain fell down on the ground. The sun disappeared behind thick, black clouds.

Sombra was looking at his love with hope. He prayed inside of him that she would agree and come with him. He wanted to be with her, and this obstacle would not stop them. Love will always find a way, he thought. Now, she was about to stand up, smile and go with him to a better future. He knew she would join him.

Krystal looked at Sombra, her heart shattered and her soul ached. She could not believe her own ears; she couldn't see Sombra behind the mask of a ruthless thug.

"I shan't go," she said, touching her belly.

Sombra's eyes widened and turned as pale as salt. These words cut into his ears like knives and grabbed his heart like pincers. And now, Krystal delivered the final blow, crushing his heart into a bleeding mess.

He thought she was loyal. But did she really choose an unborn mistake over him?

Sombra closed his eyes, trying to calm the storm inside his soul. The rain was getting stronger and stronger, and as he stood there, it turned into a downpour.

"Goodbye," he whispered quietly.

"Goodbye," she whispered quietly.

Sombra turned around and walked away, each step emitting the sound that was tearing his heart to pieces. With each step of his hooves, he was losing faith into the good in this world. With each step, he was losing hope that everything could still be better.

"Goodbye," Sombra whispered to himself, leaving the love of his life behind under the tree. The rain intensified and thunder was shaking the ground scarily often. The wind blew, bending the trees to its rage.

Now, there was no more 'we'. It was over. All over.

The cold and horrible truth pierced Sombra. It was all over. Their love, their dreams, their life — it was all over, crossed out with a red pencil wherewith he used to draw pictures onto the desks in school. Crushed into dust and thrown into a hurricane.

He couldn't believe it; he and Krystal, the followers of true love, who both trusted their heart and promised each other to be together forever...

Now, they were nothing but strangers to each other. Not even friends, and maybe... even enemies. They would never look upon each other with tender and care and would never talk to each other... not after this.

"Krystal..." Sombra whispered to himself, feeling something in his eyes that he thought he’d left behind forever. A small tear ran down his face, hidden by the rain.

He left the park, his happiness, his hopes, his dreams and his love. He was all alone... again.

He didn't go to school, instead going straight back home. He still couldn't believe everything that had happened and prayed for it to be a dream, a long, horrible and perverted nightmare. He thought that, if he had just went to sleep now, it would all just disappear, and in the morning, he would wake up, knowing that Krystal was waiting for him somewhere. He would get up, go meet her and hug her hard, harder than any other time. He would hug her and say: I've had such a horrible nightmare, dear. You won't believe it.


He’d left.

He’d just left.

Krystal looked at her hooves, then her big round belly, as drops of rain fell onto her, leaving wet trails. Her mane slowly turned wet, her sweet, beautiful curls straightening up, and the light of her crystal coat turned dimmer.

He’d just left her behind.

He’d left her alone with the child.

Krystal could not believe any of this. She knew he would react badly but... She didn't know that the effects could be so catastrophic. She always thought Sombra's darker side would disappear on its own accord, or at least avoid her in any way, shape, or form. She thought she was safe around him.

Now, she was just unneeded.

"You... little..." she whispered, looking at her stomach. Her voice was trembling, filled with sadness and pain, and the drops were now too hard to differ from tears. "I hate you... so much."

The child had caused her pain yet again, separating her and her love once again. She knew this wasn't him. He wasn't like this. But... it was all clear as day.

Sombra was cruel, cold, harsh. He loved her whenever it was comfortable for him. These thoughts plagued her mind and tortured her soul with the painful realization that she had loved the wrong stallion.

She got up on her hooves, the rain covering her, turning her into a weak, pathetic filly she always was and would be — wet, weak and defenceless, without her parents to back her up and support her.

But... if they knew... would they support her? Or... would they leave her as well?

Or maybe...

Maybe she’d been alone from the very start.

Krystal made her way home, darkness clouding her sight and heart. She didn't cry, only hiccupped from time to time. She walked home where, a few months later, her retribution and punishment would find her at last.

However... deep inside her scarred soul... she felt a little fire burning, a little fire of hope.

He loved her. She knew that. No matter what he said, she knew he loved her. And she awaited him.

Krystal walked home, this little fire burning weakly in her soul, unnoticed by the poor girl, who was far too preoccupied with holding back tears of grief. She didn't know how to live on.

Another tear fell down into the quickly formed puddle of water. But how would anypony notice it in such a downpour. Thank the gods for the rain.