• Published 18th Aug 2013
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Sombra. Saga of Hatred - HiddenUnderACouch

Some names are respected. Some are ignored. Some are loved. There is only one name in the whole world of Equestria that became the synonym for cruelty. This name is Sombra, and this is his story.

  • ...

School in session

Sleep was merciful that day. Even though Sombra had not been as upset anymore once he returned to the bedroom in the cellar of the Mayor's house, there still had been a lingering feeling of dread that befell him each time he contemplated the possibility of what could await him. To say that this mare Larissa was a rapist and a psychopath would be like describing the winter in Granitza as 'sort of cold'.

He yawned widely. Sleep had not yet left his limbs and his mind was still hazy and so he reached to the side like he was used to from his time with Orthoclase's parents, wanting to fetch the glass of water he always placed on his nightstand back then. It was a motion of such routine that he did it without much conscious thought. It therefore came as a surprise when his hoof poked something soft rather harshly, and he heard a soft 'uff' from the side. Wait, what? Opening his eyes properly, he found himself facing Larissa, with his hoof in her hair, as he had touched her head with his sleepy motion. "Hmm, continue," she murmured in an almost drunken voice. "Only if you're gonna str-" A yawn. "-stroke me, though."

Every ounce of sleep that yet lingered in Sombra's limbs disappeared immediately, as he quickly retracted his hoof, cursing the old habits that were dying so hard. He hoped that this momentary slip-up would just slide, but Larissa dashed those hopes, rolling on her back and rubbing her eyes to drive away the morning blur. After clearing her vision, she turned her head to Sombra, with a weary smile and one eye still closed.

Sombra could only stare back like a dumb sack of potatoes, while the memories of the previous night promised him an impending punishment. Larissa's widening grin made him realize how foolish he must have looked, so Sombra decided to break the silence.

"Good morning... mam," his voice was a bit raspy and rough. He really needed that glass of water.

"N'aww, mornin', sweetie," she replied, her voice more ludic than before as she gave him a sleepy smile. With her movement came a strong scent of mare that Sombra would notice immediately, a mixture of natural musk and her usual hygiene products. She flexed her back a little, eliciting several audible popping noises. Her corset was still where it had been before - on her person. "You seem worried. Something wrong?" She didn’t sound angry. Or in any way mysterious, for that matter. It looked as though she hadn’t planned an execution for his denial last night. The day was starting great.

"I'm fine. Just need something to drink." Hoping for a quick escape, he slipped from under the blanket and stood up. His armor was nowhere to be seen, and he couldn't for Abyss' sake remember where he put it: the sight of Larissa now joyfully rolling around, the bed now being her own little kingdom, was far too distracting.

The blanket was really helpful to conceal her private parts from him in an enticing manner. She might be loose, but she wasn't unclassy about it, or so she would like to think of herself. "Out the door, down the hall," she told him, sounding slightly disappointed, probably because she noticed that he was not going to fall for her appeal even now. Another yawn escaped her throat.

"Thank you," Sombra replied coldly and walked out the door. Once outside, he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. A short rest from any kind of 'exciting' sights was in order.

The hallway echoed with his hoofsteps. The mansion's cellar reminded him less of an actual cellar, but of catacombs - long, dark, menacing. It felt as if he could stumble upon a forgotten skeleton at any moment, but there were only momentary whistles of wind and crackling of torches. Soon, he reached his destination - the first door down the hallway. He pushed the door open, and what he saw made his jaw drop.

There were rows of bags, gently put upon one another in neat rows, filled with different edible vegetables, as well as crates and barrels with the imperial marking stamped om top. He felt a slight sting of magical energy coming from it - the mark was surely charmed, probably to prolong the lifespan of the food stored within. Grinding his teeth in anger, Sombra walked by, looking around for an open barrel of water. So much food, and yet every season, Granitza experiences food shortages. This made the memory of punching Crumbled Paper right in the jaw that much sweeter.

Finally, he located a barrel with a tap: conveniently, there was a big wooden cup, placed right on top of the barrel. Pouring just a little bit more than he wanted, he drank it all in one big gulp. Refreshed at last, he headed back, having no other option on his mind. Hopefully, Larissa would be up for now and would give him some kind of a task.

During his absence, Larissa allowed herself a quiet sigh. Maybe she was getting old, it seemed, but usually any stallion was hers instantly as soon as she dropped the hammer on them like she had on Sombra. No, she thought to herself. There was probably something else, but not that it really mattered right now. Rising from the bed, she conjured a set of clothes from the closet to float by her side as she left the room, wanting to head out and pour herself a bath. Like hell she was going to begin her day without some basic hygiene.

With her horn, she snuffed out the few candles that had illuminated the room and left, heading towards the bathroom. "Sombra, come here!" she called out as she went past where he was taking his drink. "I need a bath."

"Great." Sombra murmured in frustration. First, she wanted to make him her toy. Now, she needed a slave.

Not only that, but he didn't have any idea where he'd find her an actual bathtub. Shutting the door behind him, he quickly spotted Larissa walking down the hall. There was quite a bit of distance so he had to yell: "That's a two or three hour walk, at the very least. I could commission some buckets instead." The only thing close to a bathtub he knew was a small river deep in the woods. He and his comrades would oft come there after a long day of duties to take a dip and relax. Young lovers would sometimes arrange their meetings there, as well - it was a lovely sight in summer.

At those words, Larissa would turn around and shoot him a disbelieving look. "What? You want to tell me this place has no bathtub?" she asked in a disbelieving voice.

Sombra nodded solemnly. "We're not in the capital anymore," the phrase came off a bit too smartass-y, but he couldn't help it. When playing with fire, one had to be bold.

"Oh, you don't say?" Her voice mirrored his sarcasm in kind, though a bit more obscured. "Well, unless you have a better idea, then, you'll clean me manually." She made a move to return to him down the hallway, stroking a strand of her purple mane out of her hair. "And you'll get someone to build a tub afterwards." There should be enough spare wood around, she figured.

Sombra stood dumbstruck for a few moments, the mixed feelings of anger and dread welling up inside. Above all else, he hated being looked down upon. The problem was that, should he rebel, a sad and tragic end he would meet at the hooves of this wretched mare. She had already shown she could kill him slowly and painfully, back in the library. Still, he could not just let it slide.

"With all due respect... I'm a soldier, not a woodworker." That was way too bold. He had to soften the blow. "I could have Crumbled Paper provide you with an assistant. I'm sure he has hooves to spare."

He hadn't noticed any servants other than guards in the mansion yesterday, but there were bound to be some. Who was keeping this building in such state, otherwise?

"Yes," she said giving him a flat look. "You are quite the handsome soldier, too." With a sigh, she looked up for a moment. "Though really, this depends on what you want to be doing here. Do you actually think I need a soldier to guard me?" Returning her eyes to his, it was evident that the answer was no. "So really, I'm doing you a favour. You can either go out there and freeze your shapely flank off building my tub or you can touch yourself some good ol' maremeat right here." The clothes that Larissa had taken were still hovering by her head. Her Inquisitor's robes that she wore above the corset. "So, you sure there isn't something else that is tub-like?"

A coffin, how's that for a tub, Sombra really wanted to say that outloud, but he held back... barely.

"I'll... look around." Crumbled Paper just had to have a bath installed here, he figured. No way somepony like him would last a few days without the comforting feel of squeaky cleanliness.

"Wonderful," she cooed, before making a move to return to the bedroom, wanting to lie down on the bed for as long as he moved. There were a few things to do for her later, though all in all, it wasn't too much. That was really the nice thing about having subordinates, she felt. The clothes hovered above her while she waited for him to find somewhere to soak. Had she felt like it, she could just fashion herself a simple bath out of a log with a few flicks of her horn, but where was the fun in that?

The search didn't take too long. As it turned out, the bathroom was also down in the cellar, hidden in a separate section of the cellar. At this point, it was obvious that the mansion's catacombs stretched much further than the building itself. There were two rooms - one with the round, wooden tub, big enough to fit at least six ponies, and the other one was the sauna, fashioned out of stones that would heat up and provide warmth and steam. The sauna looked rather poor, so Sombra figured it wasn't used very often. Most likely because there was no output for the fireplace that provided heat for it.

Figuring ahead of time that he would have to do all the work, Sombra had to run back and forth between the storage and the bathtub to grab enough barrels of water to fill it up. Heating up the water was not a big issue - with a minor magical manipulation, he charmed the water to heat up slowly, then dispelled it once he thought it was hot enough. The whole process was tiresome, and by the time he was done, streaks of sweat were running down his muzzle.

Larissa didn’t interrupt his activity right until the end, when she appeared in the doorway, eyeing the environment and the ongoing action with interest. "And here I thought I'd need to be greasy today," she said once he got into view, though she had let the clopping of her hooves announce her presence so he wouldn't be surprised. "Could also use one," she added once she approached a bit more and took a good look at him. Leaning forward, she smelled his body scent. "I like the smell of a strong body's work." She looked up at him before taking a step past him into the room, her clothes by her side.

"Enjoy." Sombra said, taking a step back from her. He turned to the exit, hoping to get something to eat as well while she was bathing.

"Nonono," she said, putting her clothes down on a nearby bench before turning to him, standing beside the tub. Sombra might wonder why she was still wearing the corset. Was she gonna bathe with it? "You will bathe me, dear."

"Can't you handle that yourself? I've got you a bathtub, what more do you want?" Sombra replied, his voice slipping tones of anger.

"For you to relax. It's getting me all worked up," she replied in a calm tone that went contrary to what she said. She took a towel from a nearby pile of them, since this room apparently had no shelves, she noted, and held it between herself and Sombra so she could get rid of the corset and climb into the tub. "Come," she said, putting the towel to the side and sinking into the water properly. "Oh, and would you fetch my bath lotion, oil and brush from our room? Should be somewhere by the door. Didn't get much of a chance to tidy up yet."

Sombra took a deep breath and walked back into their room. This mare was a whole clusterfuck of weird. The very first night they settled in, she was practically begging for a rut, and now she felt it was too improper to undress in front of him? What was so important that she was hiding under that corset? Her irrational behavior was annoying him to no end.

After a brief search through her stuff, he found a hefty bag full of differently colored bottles and flasks. She didn't strike him as an alchemist, so he assumed this was what she wanted. Desperate to get this bathing thing over with, he carried the bag back into the bathing area.

"There it is." He said, carefully putting the bag on the floor.

She had her hooves folded in front of her. "Should be it," she said dismissively, pouring a generous amount of different bottles and flasks into the tub using her horn. The mixture of it caused a sweet scent to fill the room that was almost intoxicating. "My hair," she told him once the tub was full of bubbles and foam. "Gently, please."

"Urgh." For a brief moment an idea of drowning her in this very tub came to his mind, but once he remembered how easily she climbed into his head, he drove it away and begrudgingly began his work. Having to deal with his own mane all the time, he was pretty well-versed in hair washing, but his black bundle of rough joy couldn't even compare to the soft, silky heaven Larissa was sporting. There was something mesmerizing about it... it felt almost like...

Sombra instantly suppressed any further thoughts regarding this feeling and pulled back his hooves, to apply the lotion. This was waking too many memories. Bad memories.

"Do you have all of your bodyguards wash your hair, or am I getting the special treatment?" The unwanted trip to the past put him in the most foulest of moods. He didn't even try to sound engaged this time.

"If I have them," she gave back vaguely. Very soon, her mane was glistening with the lotion, the appropriate smell of flowers filling the air. Sombra moved on to brushing, but his movements were rough and Larissa couldn’t help but let out a light ‘ouch’ each time he touched a sensitive spot. "You seem tense, Sombra," she continued, actually using his name this time. "What’s wrong, pumpkin? Never brushed a mare’s mane before?”

"Not exactly my line of work." He grumbled in reply, while applying another dose of lotion.

"I know, I know, but even such a mare magnet such as yourself needs a little education in femininity." She leaned back, smiling at him. Sombra’s anger was amusing her.

He didn't reply. Rage was clouding his mind, preventing him from retorting with anything than a straight up insult. He was just about to be done with her hair - all that he needed now was apply some soap and wash it all away. He looked around, trying to remember where the damn thing was.

Finally spotting it in Larissa's bag near the wall, he was about to go and get it, but on his way didn't bother to look down and notice a small puddle. One uncareful step and the slip sent him reeling into the barrier of the tub, as he tumbled over it right into the water.

Emerging immediately, he spat and cursed loudly, as soapy water got right in his eyes and throat, making his swears sound more like the gurgling language of elder beings.

Larissa giggled. Although she really wanted to taste his sweat, the acrobatics he displayed were worth the loss. "Careful. One more trick like that, and I might think you’re a performer of sorts. Then I’d have you dance for me." At least the tub wasn't damaged.

"This isn’t funny!" His frustration with her cool demeanor was worsened by the fact that he could barely see past the blur in his eyes, and to all injury to the insult, it was burning like fire. He was blinking furiously, trying to drive it away, but nothing seemed to work. "Augh, shit... Damn it..."

She relieved him of the burn in his eyes with a flick of her horn. "You think so? I thought it was sort of funny. Are you out to entertain me?" Her eyes briefly lingered on the pendant that he was still wearing, though she didn't ask about it and shrugged it off.

That question. That one single innocent question was the last drop. She was toying with him, she enjoyed this little game of cat and mouse, knowing she was more powerful, that she could do all this with no repercussion. It was driving him mad.

"I have had enough!" He bellowed, lunging at her and pinning her to the side of the tub. "I don't care if you're an Inquisitor, or the fucking Head of Inquisition, I won't let you treat me like trash!"

His eyes, still red from the soap, were burning with anger, and in the air, Larissa felt what she had longed for ever since she first saw the first signs of Sombra's mutation. The sweet, heavenly dark power, boiling within him, like a hateful ocean hungry for devastation. Her senses, attuned to such tunes, sung to her - she was right. Right all the way. The stallion was special.

"Hurt me," she whispered to him, teasingly, wanting to test his metal. "Break my bones, smash my limbs, crush my skull. I won't even fight back, dear." With her head, she leaned forward and licked his cheek. "You taste delicious~" she cooed while she was almost drowned by Sombra at the edge of the tub, a lot of it having spilt out already. "I'd love to taste your..." A hoof touched his thigh.

Sombra's heart was beating like a drum, pumping more and more adrenaline into his system. Baring his teeth, he put his hoof right on her throat, applying just enough pressure to make her back off. He didn’t know how to proceed, but he was not going to stop. In a few minutes, this water would turn red with her blood.

All his thoughts suddenly disappeared when he heard a voice from behind the door.

"A leak? Oh, goodness gracious!" The voice belonged to a mare, certainly, but Sombra didn’t recognize it. Before he could think or do anything, the door was open, the elderly mare’s face appearing in the doorway.

"What is going o..." she went silent when he noticed the ongoing scene. At first, Sombra thought that he was a goner, but then he realized, judging by mare’s flustered expression and fast worried breathing, that she mistook Sombra's fit of rage for... something else entirely.

"Knock, please? Can’t you see we’re busy?” Larissa looked at the elderly mare with a coy smile. “Now fly away, I’m busy with my stallion.”

"I-I-I... Excuse meeee-" The maid screeched and slammed the door behind him. The loud sound of hoofsteps signified that she retreated quite in a hurry.

Sombra backed off immediately, as if doused in cold water. Well, he was right about one thing – Crumbled Paper indeed had maids here. Another thing he was sure of – he was now dead. The anger that accumulated throughout this morning disappeared in a flash, replaced with despairing void. He was sitting in the water, motionless and completely clueless, unsure of what to say or do. It seemed to him he was finally done for.

"Damn, she ruined the best part" Larissa murmured to herself, sitting up more straight in the tub and looking at Sombra. "And here I thought I’d see how angry you can get." With those words said, she unceremoneously dabbed her head into the water and shook it underwater to get rid of the shampoo that Sombra had put in there but never managed to finish rinsing because he fell in the tub. Once done, she withdrew her head, using her horn to free her sight of the water. Her wet mane looked even more luscious than dry.

"So... You're not going to kill me for this?" He was still in a bit of a shock about this entire situation. Only a couple of moments later, it finally struck him. Her powers, the tricks she used - she was never in any danger at all, was she?

"Oh, pumpkin, I’ve had stallions treat me way rougher than this." Larissa asked sweetly, tittering at the idea. "But I’m sure you will catch, and even overtake them, in time." She came a bit closer, though kept a bit of distance this time. "Do you remember what I’ve told you about the Ink?"

"Y-yes… It’s the dark energy, created by our own souls through… negative emotions?" He remembered the library.

"Correct. I’ve just wanted to see what emotion would generate the most energy inside your muscular body?” She relaxed in the tub, all of her lower and most of the upper body hidden behind the muddy, soapy water. “A body I’m hoping to examine closely. Much closely.”

"Yeah... I figured that one out." He murmured in reply. He acted rashly, without thinking, but Larissa was merciful enough to spare him from the consequences. Not only that, but she was actually expecting him to lose his cool. The lack of control weighed upon him, as too heavy an armor. It was infuriating.

"May I have a moment to myself? I need to pull myself together," Sombra asked. He had a lot to think about. A lot to consider. But deep inside, he felt that this madness would end in his favor, if he'd just observe and learn.

The plans were changing. Sure, his pride would take a hit, but it was bearable. The new plan was to watch and learn. And also shoot down any seduction attempts. That part was out of the question.

She wasn't too fond of him excusing herself. Firstly she wasn't yet cleaned properly, and secondly, there was a burning in her nether region that his rough treatment earlier definitely didn't fix. Still, she figured she would feel his hard, throbbing meat spilling his hot-

Larissa blinked, noticing that she had been staring blankly. "Uh, sure, go ahead," she said, a bit distracted by her unruly thoughts, but he wouldn't ask anyways. At least the hot water of the tub was concealing the redness of her face and her breathing was easily explained by the adrenaline of the moment.

The rest of the day passed without much weird occurrences. It would suffice to say that it was boring. Larissa spent a good chunk of her time investigating papers and documents, talking with Crumbled Paper and Lord Radiant. Throughout this time, Sombra was relieved of his duties and used this spare moment to check up on his comrades. Before letting him go, however, Larissa notified him, that he was to be back before the sunset, and come straight to the library.

He found her deep within the storage of knowledge, lying right on the table, too consumed by the book she was reading to notice him immediately.

Sombra coughed softly to notify Larissa of his presence without breaking her concentration too much.

Her reaction was rather stark. Upstarting, she dropped the book, its back hitting the ground with a loud thud. "Gah!" Her eyes landed on Sombra and she calmed down while her horn picked up the book again. "For a stallion your size, you're quite sneaky."

"Thank you." He took it as a compliment, though one could never know with this mare. He flipped over one of the books, scattered on the table and glanced at the title - 'Legends and fairytales'. "You're interested in Granitza's folklore?"

She closed the book with a snap and put it to the side. "A bit. I find it tells a lot about the culture." Still, Larissa remained on the table. "Can you guess why you're here?"

"You want me to read to you?" Nev would commend his wittiness if he had heard that.

"Well, not quite," she said, though this gave her an idea. "You can do it afterwards, though. Read me a bedtime story." With her horn, she ignited the candles that were fixed to the shelves around the room, illuminating the wooden bookshelves that looked quite old in the flickering light. It was still rather dark, yet this hid some of the dust. "But first, I wanted to have you practice some magic with me."

"I understand... What do you want me to do?" It's been so long since he casted something complex. Simple charms, telekinesis - those were everyday things, but it was doubtful Larissa would be satisfied with anything simple.

"You know, the nice thing about the Ink is that it is only limited by your imagination," she told him, beckoning him over so she could look into his eyes, those wonderfully warped eyes. "Do you reckon you can get in the mood for it, though?"

"You mean... get mad?" He remembered what she wanted from him in the bathtub.

"I could help you if you want." She gave him a toothy grin.

"No. I think I can manage." He replied and turned away, deep in thoughts on how he could anger himself. He could bite his own tongue or something - pain always provoked rage. But he couldn't know how much pain would be enough, and he wasn't up for torturing himself to death. Instead, he opted to seek rage within his memories.

He remembered how condescending Crumbled Paper was. Concentrating, he recalled every moment of his encounter with him. It made him a little pissed, but nothing more.

"You're hot when you have that look on your face," she cooed quietly, as there was little need to talk loudly. There was probably something she could do to infuriate him, but instead she waited. "There has to be something that can reliably infuriate you. A preference for a negative emotion is nothing unusual, it’s something every dark mage develops, and yours is clearly anger." She turned on her back on the table, looking at him upside down, her hair flowing down the side of the table like a silky curtain. She wrapped her robe around herself a little with her horn.

Sombra dug deeper. There had to be something, something that would be painful enough. He remembered his training, everything that went down, but nothing. Then, he remembered the chilling cold, the howling wind, the crushing feeling of loneliness when he was wandering the woods, after he ran away from Crystal City.

The air suddenly became heavier. Breathing became a pain - it was as if sharp sand was rolling down your throat, cutting and tearing the flesh.

It was crude, Larissa felt. It was to be expected, given that he was so untrained. Come to think of it, she didn't even know if he could read. "If you get there," she began, slowly, gently, not wanting to break his focus too much, "make sure it’s obedient. Control the emotion – don’t let the emotion control you." There was a glinting of her horn and the air flimmered in a circle around them as Larissa shielded the shelves around them, locking the two of them inside the little bubble.

"Yes... Yes, I got it..." The memory was unpleasant, not so much because of its contents, but because it was linked, directly to those memories he'd rather remain buried. Cutting his memory trip short, he tapped into the energy, dwelling within him. He did it before, so long ago - and it, too, caused pain.

The tip of his own horn let out a small zap, before the dark energies started to manifest into a small flame. It fluttered and shook, even though there was no wind. Quite a basic construct, but a construct nonetheless.

"Hmm," she hummed quietly, closing her eyes where she lay lazily on the table. "You’re doing good. Now fuel it. Let’s see how big it can get.”

"I…I’m trying!" Sombra growled in reply. The energy wasn't content on being manifested into something as innocent as a small orb - it thirsted, it wanted. It almost felt... alive.

The fire started to crackle and shift and then began to coil, increasing in size before it collided with the barrier Larissa put forth. Sombra tried his best to snuff it out, but it just kept growing stronger.

Contrary to Sombra, Larissa had no interest in extinguishing it. This wasn't normal fire, she felt, as its mere presence made her fur stand on end and a shiver run down her spine. This was way more visceral, way more hungry. "Steady," she told him, a bit louder as the fire was disrupting the silence. It could possibly even hurt Sombra, though she didn't want to stop him. There had to be a limit to how far he could go. She needed to know where it was.

The torrent of flames roared and twisted, trying to pierce the protective bubble. Sombra fell to his knees, as the dark flames began creeping down his face, glowing with menacing colours, and small wisps of purple energy emanated from his eyes, crackling and shaking in tune with the flames.

"Gah...agh..." His mind was swarming with memories. How he was slowly slugging through the deep, dark woods, how he ran through muddy streets, choking on his own streets. He tried to block it off, he wanted to forget it all, but it wouldn't disappear. It kept going. From the streets - into a lonely park, covered in snow. There were no trees, except a lonely birch, standing over a lonely grave.

"NO!" Sombra bellowed, and the black inferno retreated back to him, hiding him in a whirlpool of ghastly energy. Sombra's voice started to change, into booming, resonating growl. The dark energies, too weak to do any real damage, began to scratch and rip pieces of stone from the floor, lifting them into the air and crushing them into rubble.

She raised an eyebrow as it seemed like he was holding the energy back. Why'd he do that? Nevertheless, it looked like he was losing control. "I think that's quite enough," she told him in an imperative voice and a flick of her horn caused a horrible feeling to reach his forehead, as though something was being sucked out of his forehead. A strand of swirling, black energy floated towards Larissa's horn to coalesce around it before she withdrew a small, red crystal out of her cloak and tapped her horn against it, the energy seeping in to it, causing it to glow faintly. The energy refused, it fought back, even causing her pain, but Larissa safely sucked it inside the crystal, trapping it within. Once that was done, Sombra would feel drained beyond belief, both magically and physically, and even Larissa was breathing heavily. "That's..." she started, breathing in deeply. "-enough."

The maelstrom started to lose power and eventually died down, revealing Sombra on his knees. The magical fire that caught his fur and mane disappeared without a trace, and after all signs of the dark power ever emerging disappeared, he collapsed, plunging into a dream immediately. The only evidence of his outburst was the spiral shaped destruction left on the floor by the maelstrom.

Larissa remained like this for a while, trying to regain her composure. Damn, this had actually beed difficult. He forced her to drain his energy. It was something that she could usually perform with ease, as most unicorns she needed to drain were far weaker than herself, thus making their excess energy… manageable. Needless to say, she hadn't expected Sombra to be this tedious to empty. "And I just showered," she muttered to herself as she felt somewhat hot, doubtlessly sweating at least somewhat. "Alright, big boy." She slowly rose from the table and its legs broke from the bit of movement, making her eep as she fell and land on her belly. Good thing he hadn't seen that. Sighing, she got up again and took a look at the libary briefly. She could tend to this the next day. With her horn, she picked up Sombra and put him across her back, which was easier than hoisting him with magic right now, and shuffled out of the room, just wanting to drop him in bed.