• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 28th, 2012


A grad student at a nameless college, Psimon hopes to distract himself from dissertations and develop his writing skills by working with a more enjoyable medium than multivariate Bayesian analysis...


As they retreat from Ponyville, the allegedly world famous Flim-Flam brothers take stock of their shortcomings, explore their options, and through unexpected events find themselves on a new, magical course of action. Along the way, they uncover just what it means to have a special talent, to be brothers, and to work magic.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 8 )

Totally new to this. I've got the document in a word processor done up purdy for kindle, mostly because I find it easier to pace that way. Thanks for reading... feel free to leave suggestions, comments, etc. This is an exercise to improve my style and rid myself of some bad literary habits. I'll post chapters as I finish them in case feedback helps subsequent chapters. I'm a hypocritical perfectionist; please let me know if you find even the tiniest of errors, whether it be an awkward appositive or -- perish the thought -- a run-on sentence. My major goal is to develop a writing style hearkening closer to the spoken word than to the dry stuff of the reports I usually write in the real world, and I am uncouthly relying on the peer review of any readers to help me do so. In exchange, I hope to at least offer an interesting story.

C'mon folks, do you see what Trixie can't? I know she does :twilightsmile:, and so does he :moustache: ! You know what I'm talkin' about! :trixieshiftright:

She's got opportunity to avoid calamity, with Flam and Flam, the world famous Flim-Flam brothers - they'll be showponies non-pareil!

Great start you have here, author!

A redemption slice-o-life adventure fic? Count me the fuck in.

You know, I imagine the taste of Zap apple cider myself...

It probably has the potency of a banned energy drink. It's practically tempting :pinkiehappy:

I feel good things about this fic. Good things indeed. It's a good feel. Good enough to make me ramble.

Glad to see I'm not the only one to think of Zap Apple Cider. Though I imagined it to be, to quote Powerthirst... "IT'S CRYSTAL METH IN A CAN! IT'S CRYSTAL METH IN A CAN! ZAP APPLE CIDER IS CRYSTAL METH!"

By the time this is over, I can already tell Trixie will be sleeping with both of them. :trixieshiftright:

Keep up the good work!

*thumbs up* like this so far....keep it up.

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