• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 28th, 2012


A grad student at a nameless college, Psimon hopes to distract himself from dissertations and develop his writing skills by working with a more enjoyable medium than multivariate Bayesian analysis...


A group of ponies are approached by a traveler, a newcomer, and brought into a game larger than life with costs they only begin to understand as each player takes her turn... and the whole thing takes a turn for the worst: Equestria must fight for its survival amidst the desperation of other worlds not unlike their own.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 8 )

Expect chapters centered on character exploration with a plot slouching through them, waiting to be born. This is intended to have sad notes but, overall, to be an optimistic song... so, like Nietzsche. For the purposes of having the text actually be readable, the traditional number of players in the game will be reduced a little: don't be alarmed when you notice it, if you notice it. This idea was spawned with the major inspiration of Filler and StarmanTheta, the latter of which who has it over in the rp circles. As for the title, I'm interpreting the の in ぼくらの to be a contracted の rather than simply a connective one, changing the meaning from "ours" to something more like "a thing of ours." Yay for foreign languages that I barely speak.

I will be making use of other fanons in the most appreciative of that peculiar practice of writing (read: thievery). I'll try to be subtle, but if you notice it and were wondering if that's what I'm doing with it being a bokurano crossover, then yes, that's what's going on, and you can feel smart for guessing it right. :P

I'm being more carefree with this story than others, since it is but a crossover, and will probably make more mistakes. If you'd like, feel free to point them out and I'll edit the offensive errors in the name of sparing others the pain of finding them in kind. I'm already aware of some odd tabbing errors and will try to figure out how to fix them anon.

Thanks for reading, and, hey, thanks for rating if you do that, too!

By the gods. A crossover with this series! I can feel the tears prepping themselves later. Will read later when I have less class to attend with.

I have read this, and I am already haunted by the outcome! It's quite well written too, though I think you have a stray indent lost in your tale. I am both anxious and excited to see this story unfold!

Heh, thanks! I caught a spelling error or two and fixed 'em up, but as for the tabs... I keep finding weird indentation in my chapters after I save them. It might have something technical to do with the way my computer (linux) handles line-breaks and such.... to make a short story long, sorry if you see any weird tabs. I'm aware of them and trying to fix them.

Also, wow, this writes so much faster than the more prosaic stuff. Even *I* can't wait to see who goes next. :scootangel:

Nice to see fancy pants and blueblood as friends in this story.I'm curious to see what happens next already.:twilightsmile:

...My sadness... it sads...

I should be more eloquent. As a fan of the original work it's quite haunting to know the fates of the ponies already. Your characterization of Fancy Pants and Blue Blood is very refreshing. So refreshing in fact that it's quite disappointing we won't see more of it, but that's that. This was a good read, but there are a couple errors about, a repeated line at one point was the most glaring. Until next chapter!


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