• Published 20th Aug 2013
  • 21,961 Views, 1,202 Comments

Dream Come True - APoeticHeart

Luna hears the tortured heart of a young human child in his dreams.

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Chapter Fifteen

Princess Luna gave a warm smile to the Elements of Harmony as she bid them farewell after the adoption party “Goodbye my friends and thank you again for making this such a wonderful event for my little prince. I’m truly proud to know that Timmy now has a family who cares for him, and I’m very happy to be his new mom.” A beaming smile crept across her muzzle.

“Ah sure am happy for ya princess.” Applejack tipped her hat “And anytime ya want to bring the little feller by Sweet Apple Acres for us to watch him if ya become busy with your royal duties, we would be more than happy to have him spend time on the farm.” Applebloom simply nodded in agreement.

“That goes for all of us Princess Luna.” Twilight took a step forward “We all would be proud to…”

“Your majesty, we have some troubling news.” Two guards came galloping up to the group “We searched all over the castle for your son your highness, but we couldn’t find any trace of him.” They bowed their heads, but had looks of sadness on their muzzles.

A collective gasp was heard by everypony and a look of panic etched on Luna’s face “WHAT?!” Her voice echoed throughout the castle “Oh no, where could my little prince be?” A heavy frown formed on her muzzle as she glared at the two guards “Guards, did you see anything that could lead to him being gone?”

They lifted their heads and gave a firm nod “We did find this piece of parchment outside in the courtyard.” One of the them levitated the note over to Luna.

She began reading the note and when she was done, she placed a hoof against her muzzle, letting out a gasp. The other looked at her with concern “Princess Luna, what happened?” Twilight trotted up to her with a frown.

Luna’s lips suddenly formed into a scowl “Blueblood!” She growled “He took Timmy and taking him to see his ‘friend’.” She turned toward the others “Please forgive me my friends for burdening you, but could you help me find my son?”

“Of course sugarcube.” Applejack gave a warm smile, but it suddenly grew into anger “That low darn varmint won’t get away from us, Ah promise.” She stomped her hoof proudly and tipped her hat.

“Wait darling, what are we going to do about the young ones?” Rarity motioned toward the three fillies who let out a collective grunt.

“Rarity, why can’t we go with you all and help find the little cutie?” Sweetie Belle gave a pleading glare to her sister along with the other two crusaders.

“No dear sister, that is out of the question. There is no telling what that brute of a stallion would do to other young ones like yourselves.” Rarity patted her on the head with a hoof.

“Um… I’ll watch after them while you’re all gone.” Fluttershy lifted a hoof up “Um… I think it would be best if I stayed behind… but make sure you give Blueblood a good flank whooping for me.” She gave a little giggle and blushed.

Rainbow Dash trotted to her side and patted her on the back “Don’t worry Flutters, we’ll make sure that jerk will get a well deserve beatdown. Especially one by yours truly.” She pointed a hoof at herself and smirked.

Pinkie beamed, but quickly snarled “That mean meanie pants is going to feel the BOOM!” Out of nowhere she pulled out her party cannon and shot it off “Courtesy of Pinkie “Lieutenant” Pie!” She randomly placed a camouflaged helmet on her head.

The others just looked at her with confusion mixed with light-hearted smiles. Twilight turned toward Luna “Princess, I think it would be best if we split up and searched over different parts of Canterlot, and areas outside of the kingdom.” She looked at the others with nods of agreement.

“I concur with you Twilight, and thank you all again for your help.” Luna smiled warmly “Now let’s go get back my son from that sorry excuse for a nephew of mine.” Her brows furrowed with determination. The others nodded as they trotted out of the main hall into the daylight. Fluttershy along with the fillies waved a hoof to them.

As they got further away from the castle, Twilight turned to the girls “Alright girls, listen. Applejack, you and Pinkie Pie go to the Everfree Forest to look and see if Blueblood might have taken him back there again.” The two nodded and galloped off.

“I shall accompany you darling.” Rarity nodded at Twilight “And I think we should go talk with the ponies here and see if they might have seen any trace of Blueblood with the precious little darling.”

“That’s a good idea Rarity, I think asking around could really help us, at least with a trace on them.” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash “And Rainbow..”

“Don’t worry Twilight, Rainbow and I will take to the skies. An aerial view will be very strategic.” Luna looked at the cyan pegasus who nodded and gave a salute as she hovered up in the air.

“Ready when you are princess.” Rainbow gave a firm nod.

Luna looked at the two unicorn mares “You two just let me know if you receive any information.” Twilight and Rarity nodded. Luna hovered up beside Rainbow Dash “Alright loyal Rainbow Dash, let’s fly.” With a firm nod from Rainbow, the two began their search.

Just please be okay my little prince.

Back in the Whitetail Woods, Trixie descended from her caravan to greet the former prince and the young child who stood beside him. She gave Blueblood a nod “Well, well, well, Trixie is very shocked to see you Sir Blueblood. Especially what I’ve read about you in the Equestrian Daily.” She levitated a copy of the newspaper in front of the stallion’s face.

Blueblood grimaced at a photo of him on the front page and turned to Timmy “Uh… dear child, won’t you be so kind to maybe walk over to the stream for a little bit. I’ve got to talk to Madam Trixie for a bit.” He gave a fake smile to the boy and he just nodded, and walked over to the stream.

Trixie couldn’t help but give a warm smile at Timmy as he walked away “Well he is a rather adorable little boy if Trixie may say so.” She blushed and giggled, but when she turned her attention back to Blueblood he had a scowl on his muzzle “Oops, Trixie guesses that was the wrong thing to say?” She let out a nervous chuckle.

The former prince rubbed at his forehead with a hoof “Well, that adorable little boy as you so like to call him is a menace to the society of pony kind, but my Aunt Tia and Aunt Luna thinks otherwise. In fact that thick-headed night princess of an aunt adopted him as her son.” He sneered at the thought.

“If Trixie may speak Sir Blueblood, Trixie believes you are just being a little bit paranoid, are you not? Trixie means the little one looks like he couldn’t harm a fly.” She turned back and smiled softly at the child.

“PARANOID?! Not you too Madam Trixie, not the one who was publicly humiliated by those so called do gooders of our homeland, the Elements of Harmony. C’mon, don’t you remember what that Twilight Sparkle done to you the last two times. I may have been busy dealing with much more sophisticated matters at the time, but word went around in Canterlot in how her and the other elements embarrassed you.” He gave a smirk, trying to strike a chord in Trixie.

She closed her eyes and furrowed her brows in frustration at the memory “Yes, yes, how could Trixie ever forget those incidents. They were truly humiliating, but Trixie has moved on and allowed the past to be past. After the second time Trixie visited Ponyville, I have made peace with Twilight Sparkle and the others.” She smiled proudly.

Blueblood gasped “WHAT?! Certainly Madam Trixie, you’d like to get some sort of revenge on them for embarrassing you, wouldn’t you?” He started to trot slowly around her “Remember, the ursa minor incident and how Twilight Sparkle outdid you in getting rid of it.” He smirked as he could see a little aggravation starting to form on her face “Oh, and how can anypony forget the alicorn amulet incident in which you were outwitted by that purple brainiac and her goody two shoe friends. They made you look pathetic.”

Trixies brows furrowed once again with frustration and she stomped her hoof as she glared at Blueblood. She used her magic to envelope him in her light blue aura “Enough!” She shouted as she levitated the stallion up in the air “Trixie demands that you explain to me why you are doing here and why are you bringing up such past transgressions that I have let go of.” She let go of her hold on him, causing him to fall to the ground with a thud.

As he slowly stood up, he shook himself off and a smirk grew on his muzzle Yes, I think I’m getting to her. Now it’s time to reel her in. He cleared his throat “Well Madam Trixie, I deeply apologize for bringing up such tragic memories for you, but I believe with the help of our little friend, we both can get what we want. For me, it will be the satisfaction in knowing that my aunts will truly see what dangerous creature he really is and realize that I was right the whole time. And once again I gain back my position as prince.” He ginned slyly.

Trixie nodded “Well, you do drive a very interesting bargain Sir Blueblood, but what does Trixie receive if I choose to go along with your plan?” She quirked an eyebrow and looked at the stallion curiously.

The grin on Blueblood’s muzzle grew even more “Well my dear, you’ll finally get revenge on those six so called heroes and also achieve the respect and admiration from ponies all over Equestria that you so richly deserve.” He placed a hoof on her shoulder “And I know exactly how you can achieve all that, because I know my Aunt Celestia has something that Twilight Sparkle gave to that commoner of a zebra Zecora, but the lowly peasant decided to hand it over to Aunt Celestia for safekeeping.”

Trixie gasped as she looked at him “You don’t mean…” Blueblood simply nodded and she couldn’t help but grin “Trixie must admit, I do find this plan rather captivating my good Sir. And I’ve wanted to get my hooves on the alicorn amulet ever since Twilight stripped it away from me.” She turned her attention back to the boy who was sitting down in the soft grass by the stream “However, Trixie must ask, what does the child have in all this?”

A lowly chuckle escaped the stallion’s lips “That my lovely mare is the most beautiful part of my plan. For me to finally show my aunts and everypony that the little miscreant is a threat to pony society, I’m going to persuade the little one in retrieving the amulet from my aunt’s chambers. Let’s say once they find out he took it, it will be an act of treason on his part.” He chuckled even more.

“Well, that… that is such a devious plan indeed Sir Blueblood. Trixie has to admit, I might take you up on your offer, but it’s going to take time for Trixie to decide. Do you mind?” She looked at him with an equally sly grin.

He simply nodded “Oh of course, of course Madam Trixie. All plans must have patient timing in order for them to be a success. For now, I believe we should make ourselves unknown, because we don’t want to be discovered.” He looked around the forest and in the sky.

“And how do you propose we should do that my dear Sir?” Trixie eyed him curiously.

He scoffed “Pish posh Madam Trixie, since I don’t have that band around my horn preventing me to do magic, I can simply cast an invisibility spell on your caravan and we can all stay inside until tomorrow.”

“Alright, Trixie will agree to this. However, what should happen if the child becomes suspicious and figures out that we are planning something?” She looked back at the child and without Blueblood seeing her, she frowned a bit.

“Leave that to me my dear. The little brat is too naive and gullible anyway to resist the temptation of persuasion.” Blueblood grinned evilly “I shall go get him and we shall take shelter for now.” He gave Trixie a firm nod and trotted over to the child.

As she looked on, Trixie looked down at the ground and released a heavy sigh. She kicked some dirt with her hoof and lifted her head back up to look at the two with determination, closing her eyes to think.

Even though I could definitely possess the alicorn amulet again and once again show off my great power, I can’t stand here to allow a callous stallion such as Blueblood to do this to such a cute little boy. No, Trixie must do something, and must do it soon before something terrible happens.

Author's Note:

:pinkiegasp: Well, Trixie sounds like she will do good, but the temptation of having possession of the alicorn amulet again does sound very interesting. :trixieshiftright: