• Published 20th Aug 2013
  • 21,961 Views, 1,202 Comments

Dream Come True - APoeticHeart

Luna hears the tortured heart of a young human child in his dreams.

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Chapter Two

As the crack of dawn arrived in Equestria, Princess Celestia stood outside on the balcony giving rise to the sun, casting a blanket of warmth over the land. She smiled proudly, closing her eyes softly, and took in the fresh morning air. Mm… I believe it is going to be a beautiful day. She opened her eyes back up to look over her home. I guess I’ll go see if Lulu is awake yet. She turned back to trot inside, and headed to her sister’s room.

Luna started to stir in her sleep as she let out a light yawn, softly blinking her eyes open. She turned her head to look down at the small, sleeping form of the young child curled up underneath her wing. She gave a warm smile as she very carefully used her wing to stroke along his side. He is such a precious little child. How could some pony hurt him like this, especially if those two ponies are his own parents? She let out a quiet, yet heavy sigh, and felt tears sting her eyes.

Princess Celestia trotted into Luna’s room with a warm smile on her face. “Good morning Lulu, how are…” She cut herself off when she saw the small creature curled up against the side of her sister, and she gasped. “Sister, why is there a human sleeping on your bed for, and how did it get here?” A look of shock was etched across her face.

Luna turned to Celestia, placing a hoof against her lips “Shh… Tia. You are going to wake the poor little dear.” She looked down to see Timmy stir a little, but remain sleeping. She delicately inched herself off the bed, so not to disturb the sleeping child, and quietly trotted over to her older sister.

“Luna, you know that humans are foreign to our land, and are possibly dangerous. What in the name of Equestria could have gotten you to bring one here?” Celestia wore a look of sternness, yet curiosity.

Luna let out a heavy sigh, frowning up at Celesita, and then turning back to look at Timmy. “Oh Tia, it was awful! Last night, when I was raising the moon, I heard the mind of the little one. What I discovered in his dream was horrible.” She allowed a stray tear to shed down her cheek.

Celestia immediately looked on concerned at her sister. She placed a wing gently over her back, and looked over at the sleeping child. “What did happen in his dream dear sister?” She looked back at Luna with a sad smile, but stroked at her back softly with a wing.

Luna let out a heavy sigh. “When I entered into his dream to begin with, I heard a sharp cry, and I could tell that it was that of a hurt little colt. So I followed the direction of the crying, and when I approached the room it was coming from, I was appalled to find that the poor child’s own parents were hurting him.” Luna looked over at the little boy, with a frown upon her face, and allowed another single tear to roll down her cheek.

Celestia gasped as she too looked over at Timmy, and quietly trotted over to the bed, followed by Luna. She looked over the colt, seeing how tattered his clothes were, that his short brown mane was disheveled, and he looked like he was poorly nourished. A frown crept across her face as she watched him sleep quietly.

After a couple of minutes, Timmy started to stir in sleep, letting out a light yawn, and blinking his eyes open. Once he opened them, he looked up to see the two princesses standing over him, and immediately crawled backwards up against the head of the bed. He looked at both with fear in his eyes, trembling like a leaf.

Celestia smiled sadly at the frightened child “Calm down little one, I’m not going to hurt you.” She gently trotted closer as Luna gave Timmy a reassuring smile. Celestia reached a hoof up, and gently touched the little boy’s hand “Hello sweetheart, my name is Princess Celestia, and you’ve already met my sister, Princess Luna.” Luna smiled warmly and gave him a soft nod.

Timmy eased his fears a little as he gave Celestia a little smile. “Hi Princess Celestia, my name is Timmy,” he spoke in a small, soft tone. “Miss Luna chased away my bad dream last night,” he let out a whimper as he gave the royal blue alicorn a soft smile.

Celestia felt her heart melt, and very gently lifted a wing over his small form, bringing him close to her in a comforting embrace. Luna allowed her tears to flow freely as she watched her sister embrace the little colt, and she trotted closer, placing one of her wings over Timmy, as both sisters hugged him warmly.

Luna spoke softly “We promise to never let any harm come to thou anymore Timmy.” The two sisters each gave him a tender kiss on the top of his head, and carefully unwrapped their wings from around him. Luna smiled warmly down at him “Come with us little one. Let’s go find thou something to eat.” She stroked along his back with a wing before gently levitating him up onto her back.

He wrapped his little arms around her neck, causing Luna and Celestia to smile tearfully at the gesture, and they exited Luna’s bedroom to head toward the palace’s dining hall.

Once they arrived at the dining hall, Celestia asked for one of the castle’s chefs to cook the child some oatmeal and the three took their seats at the table, with Timmy sitting comfortably on a red satin pillow. He looked all around the dining hall with a face of wander “Miss Luna, Miss Celestia, this is a very pretty place. If I can ask, where am I?”

Luna laid a wing over him as she sat on her haunches beside him “Well little one, thou are in the land of Equestria. This is the home of ponies of unicorn, earth, Pegasus, and us; alicorn heritage. We all live in peace and harmony here.”

Celestia nodded in agreement “And I am the princess of the sun, which means I control the day in Equestria.” She spoke softly as she gave the little colt a warm smile.

“And I am the princess of the night, which means I control the night, and just like last night, I keep all ponies calmed when they are asleep.” Luna stroked along Timmy’s back with her wing.

Soon the chef entered into the dining hall with a tray on his back. The tray contained a small bowl of fresh oatmeal, a glass of milk, and a teapot with two small teacups. He trotted up the dining table, and carefully placed the tray onto it. The royal sisters nodded at him, and he bowed his head before trotting out of the dining hall.

Timmy looked at the oatmeal, and smiled softy up at the princesses “Thank you Miss Luna and Miss Celestia. I like oatmeal,” he said softly as he grabbed the spoon provided, and took his first bite.

Luna continued to rub along his back with her wing “There is no need to thank us little one.” She looked at her sister, and leaned her head forward to whisper “Tia, I think after Timmy eats his oatmeal, I am going to go give him a bath. He does need to get cleaned up, but I don’t know if we have any clothes for him, and he can’t wear those same tattered clothes from last night.” She gave a sad smile, and looked back down at the small child.

Celestia used a wing to rub at Luna’s back, and whispered in response “Don’t worry Lulu, I believe I have a solution to that little problem. I will write a letter to Twilight Sparkle and invite her, along with the other Elements of Harmony to visit. Then we could ask if Rarity could make the little one an outfit.”

“That is a great idea Tia.” Luna smiled happily at Celestia, and then turned back to the little boy as he ate at his oatmeal.

Celestia nodded in agreement as she levitated a scroll and quill that was available, and started to write.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

My sister and I would like to invite you, and the other Elements of Harmony to Canterlot Castle. We also would like to introduce you all to a special little visitor we have come to care for. Be aware that this little one is a creature foreign to our land known as a human, but he poses no threat to us, or all pony kind.

Also, we would like to request for the Element of Generosity, Rarity to consider making an outfit for this child. His name is Timmy, and he is such a precious little boy, but he has suffered a great amount of pain. We will be waiting for your arrival.

Your princess and teacher,

Princess Celestia

Celestia smiled proudly as she used her magic to make the letter vanish in a flash as her and Luna continued to watch Timmy enjoy his breakfast.

As Luna watched the child, she thought to herself don’t worry Timmy, we are going to take good care of you, I promise.