• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 1,173 Views, 15 Comments

A New Misson - itsjustteal

A sniper team has the mission to assassinate a high value target. Attempting the assassination, they realize its a trap. A horrid end and the two get given a second chance at life, one in a different world.

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Chapter 3

About an hour later, Mark and I had gone a decent distance from the crash site. We made sure our tracks were covered behind us.

“Mark,” I said in a hushed voice, “let’s set camp up here. Go set your weapons by the willow tree. I’ll set them by this Red Oak” Mark crouched over to the willow and quietly set down his gear. When we were both done setting our things down, Mark walked back over to me.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m gonna get myself comfy” Dismissing himself, he walked back over to his gear and took out a combat knife. He climbed half the willow, and started to tear the long vines from it. Cutting a few more, he came down and made a makeshift hammock for himself.

“We’re taking shifts, you know,” I smiled. He froze for a second and then sighed, and picked up his M4 and started to walk over to me. I stopped him, however.

“Don’t worry, I’ll take the first shift. You’ve had a rough day” I said, retrieving my M4 off the ground.

“Danke, Brandon” I heard Mark say as he slowly walked over to his newly made hammock. He gracefully lied down and covered himself with what he could. I could already tell he was asleep.

I rested my M4 against the tree closest to me and sat down and put my hands on my knees.

This makes zero sense whatsoever. How are we even here? I mean, the both of us got set up, we get severely wounded and then I get pulled into the Chinook. Seconds later, the chopper gets severely damaged by an RPG and we spiral out of the air. Right when we were about to crash, everything went black for me, and apparently Mark, too.

“This doesn’t add up,” I mutter. I took off the bottom half of the ghillie suit and used it as a head rest, cause you know, the tree fucking hurts. I closed my eyes.

A crack in the distance made me open my eyes in annoyance.

“But that couldn’t be a..no.. That sounded way too much like an M9” I whispered. I quickly got up and grabbed my gun and an extra magazine. I searched my gear for anything else that might be useful, and found a pair of night vision goggles. Most have forgot that.

Another cluster of shots clattered through the silent night. I stood up with my gun raised and kept a steady pace towards the supposed M9. Another crack ran out and I saw a flash of light in my goggles coming from the left. I instinctively twitched my aim to the left and stared into the night.

I faintly saw a figure on the ground holding what looked like a pistol. Another figure came out from the bush behind it and pounced it. I heard a clear scream and ran towards the two. I stopped about thirty feet from them, steadied myself, and took the shot, sending a STANAG round right through the head of the wolf like creature., and then exploded into twigs and leaves. Strange.

I stood there for a second with my gin still drawn as I looked at the bipedal figure I saw sprawled on the ground gasping for air.

“You okay?”
“Sergeant Duffy?” The man said as he quickly stood up and half gave me a salute. He wore a gritty pilot’s uniform, and his helmet was on the ground. I saw his legs buckle beneath hum as I quickly put my gun to my side and took his arm over my shoulder as he fell down.

“Yeah man, don’t worry, I gotcha,” I steadied him over me as I bent down and picked up his helmet. We then started to slowly but surely walk back to base. “Can you tell me where you’re from?”

“G-gainesville, Minnesota” He muttered.

“Boston Massachusetts. Okay now how about your name?”

“The names Nick, rank SrA in the air force” He said.

“Alright, Nick. I want you to tell me everything that happened from about five hours ago all the way up to this point. Okay?” I asked.

“Of course sir,” I could very faintly see the makeshift camp that Mark and I assembled. “Sorry, sir, but I can only remember certain parts. All I really remember is flying from the base to pick you two up. We get there a little late because of enemy resistance. From the cockpit I saw you get shot in the chest and fall to the ground like dead weight. Corporal Durkinscoff ran after you but quickly got hit. He clutched his stomach and went down.

I landed the bird as fast as I could and had the marines disembark and get you guys. Once you two were finally loaded in, I started to “ascend from darkness”” He let out a small laugh at his joke. “Minutes later we get shot by an RPG and go spiraling through the air,” Nick let out a small cry of sadness.

“I’m s-sorry, sir. I-I tried to steady it.”

“Listen, don’t worry about it. From what I could tell, only us three made it out. We couldn’t find any other bodies” I told him, almost to the camp.

“Three? We? Who else is here?” He asked, clearly happy that another had survived the initial “crash”.

“It’s just my spotter, Corporal Mark, and I. We haven’t seen any trace of any other marine in these woods,” I could now make out the camp clearly. “Alright, enough chitter chatter. We’re al-“

A scratchy voice pushed itself through the Walkie on my shoulder.

“Sir this is Mark! Where are you?! I heard a shot!” He whispered to me.

I held down the red button and told him everything is fine and that I found the Pilot, Nick. Speaking of him, he stopped talking and slowed his effort in moving. I glanced at him and his face was pale as fuck, so that’s when I hoisted him over my shoulders and booked it over to the camp.

“Mark! Need help over here man!” I yelled, jolting him awake. He instantly got up and stood at attention. I put Nick up against a tree and felt his face. When I say freezing, I mean freezing! “Help him in any way you can!” I yelled and went over to my gear to try and find some sort of blanket for him.

“Sarg he’s losing blood fast! Got a large gash in his right thigh!” I heard mark yell from behind. I found a blanket seconds later and some surgical ropes.

I turned around and handed the blanket over to Mark, who put It on Nick with haste. I went to his leg and wrapped the rope above the hideous gash that spew a constant line of blood. Finishing the knot, Mark and I both realized what had to be done.

“Mark, you and I both know what needs to be done,” I turned to Nick, who looked at me with noticeable fear.

“You’re not gonna amputate are you?”

“Fuck no! I was just thinking we need to burn the wound shut!”

“What! I’m already in too much pain asshole!”

“We could just clot the blood right Brandon?” Mark spoke up.

Huh. When I was in college taking medical practices, I never did think of that. “You know what? You’re right Mark. Go fetch the gauss and some medical tape!” While he went to the gear, I applied as much pressure to the wound as I possibly could. Mark came back seconds later with the supplies and handed them to me, his hands trembling in fear for the wounded pilot.

I quickly wrapped the gauss around the leg over the wound a few times, making sure it was secure, then taped tight.

“Here, let me go get you some water,” I offered, and went and got some for him. While I surfed through the gear, I also found an MRE, and brought it to him. I quickly heated up the MRE and gave the rest of the water to Nick. “Eat up man, you’re going to need it”

“Mark, you’ve had a little bit of sleep, I’m taking my turn. Wake me up in an hour or less” I grabbed a blanket for myself and lied down a few feet away from the two. “And one more thing, keep an eye on that wound” I yawned. Seconds later I fell asleep.

A flash of light appeared in front of the beings face, and after a second’s freefall, it appeared to be held up by some type of force, and began reading aloud;

“My Dearest Twilight Sparkle

I trust you enough to complete this task, Twilight. You have permission to search and locate what caused that explosion yesterday. Celestia out.

Till next time, Princess Twilight

“Yes yes yes yes!” ‘Twilight’ yelled out of joy.

A small bipedal figure could be heard walking down the stairs, walking up to Twilight.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say that Princess Celestia said yes?”

Twilight began shaking her head up and down vigorously.

“Ah. Nailed it. So…tell me again why you won’t let me come with?” The small being asked.

“Because, Spike,” Twilight responded, getting the best poker face in response. “ugh, its because a baby dragon such as yourself shouldn’t be going on potentially dangerous adventures such as this one!” Twilight proclaimed.

“Yeah that makes sense, seeing as I have done them before. Don’t you remember when I single handedly saved the Crystal Kingdom!” Spike fist pumped.

Twilight brought a hoof to her chin thinking similar to a detective.

“Well I gue-“Twilight was cut off as another flash of light exploded in front of her, and, seeing Celestia’s royal seal, quickly unraveled the scroll and read aloud with haste.

“I will also be sending a small group of my Guards to aid on yor task, Twilight.

Your teacher and mentor, Princess Celestia

“Alright, Spike. Pack your bags, we leave at noon”

Author's Note:

Keep in mind this story was written almost four years ago, my writing has vastly improved since then. I am in the process of writing a new story right with improved writing. I'm just seeing if anyone likes this. Comment are appreciated.