• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 1,174 Views, 15 Comments

A New Misson - itsjustteal

A sniper team has the mission to assassinate a high value target. Attempting the assassination, they realize its a trap. A horrid end and the two get given a second chance at life, one in a different world.

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Chapter 6

Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for the positive reviews and all of the favorites! Really nice to see. This chapter isn't my best work, but probably better than the previous chapters, I just wanted to get one out as its been a bit.

Also, sorry about the everlasting cliffhangers I always end with, I most likely won't be doing them in the future.

Chapters will also be longer than this one is on a normal basis.

"US Marines! Drop the weapons now!"

"This lil' thing will tear you a new one if you don't put those down!"

Both Mark and Nick had yelled beside me. With the three of our guns raised, obscenities spewed freely out of our mouths towards the three equines in front of us. One of them had its spear hanging over its head while the other two had their swords unsheathed, the three of them started to move in a half circle around us. The constant annoying yelling was getting both sides nowhere.

Fed up with the situation at hand, I let my M4 hand against my chest as I took the Barrett from my back. While I was moving the large weapon comfortably into my hands, two of the three horses pointed their weapons at me and had been giving me death glares. The shouting had calmed down a small bit, leaving Mark and Nick still commanding them to stand down or to be met with force.

I stared at the eyes of the two horses trained on me and pulled the bolt of my rifle back, letting out its intimidating screech against metal. The one with the spear visibly shuddered and cowered away while the other stood wide eyed. The talk has almost ceased at this moment, save Mark, as I raised the beast to my shoulder and aimed at the sky, eyes fixated on the three horses. Now that I think of it, ponies would be a more fitting word... Not waiting a second longer, I pulled the trigger, letting out an ear shattering crack as the round traveled through sky sky at lightning speeds.

The shock from the explosion made the three of the ponies drop their weapons and stare at the abomination in my hands, their pupils the size of pin pricks. I swear I saw the unicorn trembling. One of the regular ponies craned its head to the other, and whispered into his ear. The receiver bobbed his head up and down with vigor, picked up shop, and high tailed it away from us, the unicorn following quickly.

"Man do I love this thing!" I laughed, watching them flee, switching back to my M4 and looking at Nick and Mark. I was about to say something when I felt something soft land on my head... I reached my hand up there and grabbed at whatever it was. Bringing it to eye level I saw that it was... hair? Rainbow colored hair? I brought it close to my nose and gave it a good sniff. Smells like rain clouds. I put the hair in my pocket and looked up to the sky and saw nothing.


"I hate to say it, but we need to go back into the forest. We cannot roam around this field with those ponies running around. No doubt they ran off to their superiors." Said Mark as he began walking back to the forest. I slung Nick's arm around my shoulder, helping him walk back to camp.

"I'm not too sure if you guys know this, but we stumbled upon an unknown specie-" Nick began to say, but Mark cut him off.

"We know they're ponies, Nick."

"Obviously, but they're sentient beings. I don't think we should be running from them. We should confront them." He suggested. Mark stopped a few feet ahead of us and draped his leg over a fallen tree.

"I'll give you a few reasons on why we should do that, and why we shouldn't. Firstly, you are correct. They are sentient!-" he yelled, throwing his hands in the air. "-but they are clearly hostile towards us. I'm sure the President would hate for us to much up first encounters, so this needs to be thought out. I'm game." He finished, putting his hands in his pockets.

"What do you think, sarg?" Nick looked up to me.

I found myself in quite the situation... Mark is right, we should definitely try to be peaceful with them, but they are also hostile.

"They know we blew up the helicopter," I said sternly. "That is why they sent out patrols, looking for any clue of what could have made such a big explosion." I looked at Mark. "You're right." He looked at me quizzically. "We're certainly not in Kansas anymore, I mean, how obvious could it be? We encounter a goddamn lion scorpion thing-"

"Manticore." Mark butted in.

"-manticore, sure, and also meet some little ponies, and one of them was a damn unicorn!" I laughed. "I'm game."

"If ya'll are in, I am too." Nick said while Mark stood back up.

"Mark, help Nick out back to the camp. I'll go ahead, make sure its clear."

"Yes sir."


"Very interesting! Thank you Red Hoof." Twilight exclaimed, busting a wide and bright smile, while jotting down a note on her scroll. Red Hoof had picked up numerous items with his sword, finding it held nicely, not bettering him in the slightest. Red Hoof currently had the original cloth that Twilight had touched, inspecting it closely. Not soon after he had done that, I gust of wind blew past Twilight, ruffling her mane, and blowing the cloth straight into Red's face.

"Red... Hoof?" Twilight yelled at first, but her worries shifted into a high confusion as Red Hoof hadn't moved a muscle or collapsed. Red slowly brought a hoof to his face and grasped the cloth carefully, and brought it off from his face.

“Red, are you alright?” Twilight asked as she moved towards him.

“I don’t feel anything, Princess. It is nothing but an average cloth.”

“Let me see. I have a hard time believing what just happened to me wouldn’t happen to you as well.” Twilight proclaimed as she reached out to grab the seemingly harmless cloth in front of her. Seconds felt like minutes to her as she grasped the cloth in her hooves. Surprisingly, nothing happened to her. Red Hoof was right, it was just an average cloth… There’s got to be something else to this… Twilight thought, as she tried to pick it up with her magic. She was amazed yet again as nothing happened. Nothing at all. It was simply just a piece of cloth.

“I do-“ Twilight started but was cut off by an extremely loud crack of thunder. All of the ponies around her looked up into the sky, but it was clear as day. Not a single cloud in the sky.

“Dust, Berry Gust, Windseeker, front and center!” Red Hoof shouted to a group of guards. The named guards, all pegasi, broke free from the group and quickly trotted over to their superior.

"Listen here, colts. I want the three of you in the air to scout the surrounding area. Fly in a triangle formation and stay fifteen feet away from each other. Report back in ten minutes, if you see anything hostile, do not engage. Report back to me with your findings." The three of them brought a hoof to their head in a salute, and flew off into the sky without a word.

Red Hoof had turned back to Twilight but before they could talk, a ravaged Rainbow Dash was flapping her wings vigorously above the two of them before letting them go limp, her body plopping on the ground while breathing heavily and looking up at Twilight.

"Rainbow Dash? What happened? Why is part of your mane missing?" Twilight looked at her with concern.

Rainbow wiped her forehead with a hoof before speaking. "M-monsters are here Twilight! I saw them! They were attacking three guardsponies!" She spoke at an unnatural rate. "Don't ask how, but they cut some of my mane off!"

"Calm down, Rainbow." She put a relaxing hoof on her shoulder. "What do you mean by monsters? Animals of the Everfree?"

"Nothing like that, Twi. Remember that first loud crack?" She nodded her head. "Yeah, well, I found the monster that made it." Rainbows eyes widened and her pupils turned to pin pricks. "Twilight! We have to get to the guards! There were three of those things and they are about to fight!"

Twilight brought a hoof to her chin for a few odd seconds before turning back to Rainbow and Red Hoof. "We have no time to waste then. Rainbow, show us the way."


"So we're just going to hide the guns and surrender then? Thats the damn plan?" Mark spoke, his voice rising with every word. "Thats ridiculous! How are we going to defend ourselves!? What if they attack!?"

I lightly smacked his side and smirked. "Don't worry man. We're just going to get some of the big leaves and cover our supplies, keep them well hidden. I think its safe to say that no other human would randomly waltz around here." I reassured him. "Plus, we'll be keeping our combat knives."

"I want my gun as much as you do, Mark, but this is pretty much our only option at this point. We're obviously not home anymore, and we've got to deal with an unknown species. Wouldn't you think President-"

"To hell with what the president thinks! We're not on Earth anymore! Humans have been scoping out planets in space for a long time, none founded with intelligent life. We are SO FUCKING far away from home right now. I bet its safe to say we will never be able to get in contact with anyone ever again!" He cut off Nick and brought both his hands to his shaking head. "This is sofucked..."

Letting the mood hand for a small bit longer before getting Mark to look at me.

"We are going to do this, for our own sake. We all know we won't last long out here in this forest, there has to be more of those... manticore things roaming around here, and we do not want to end up being its lunch," I stood up from my stump I was sitting on. "Plus, we wouldn't want those unicorns, you know, like the one that was levitating that sword, to just grab the weapons after we surrender. Additionally, Nick here needs proper medical attention. They have to have hospitals, I mean, they had golden armor that had intricate engraving on it, so it would make sense that they do."

Mark gave me the thousand yard stare.

"You better be right."

Comments ( 6 )

I'm rather enjoying this.

7208056 Same here! Can't wait for more from you Teal Blast!


Thanks guys, means a lot to me. Unfortunately, I don't write on the weekends, i write during the week, and try to do it every day monday through friday, at about an hour each day with my bus ride from high school. Within that time i usually write about 500 words in each sitting, so ill try to get the next chapter to be ~2.5k words, maybe a small bit less.

It is. I was friends with him a while ago, but he lost interest in MLP sadly. I lost interest too for a year but came back after reading the first fic I've read.

This chapter is much better! Please continue!

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