• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 1,852 Views, 30 Comments

This Is A Bad.....minton Fiction - Brian Jacko

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia invents a new sport for the upcoming Equestrian games and they need help promoting it and showcaseing it at the Equestrian games.

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Be Careful What You Wish For

"Come on, Apple Bloom!" Applejack called out. "I know ya shoveled all the cow manure, but ya also gotta take care of the pony manure too! We need it to fertilize our crops. Just make a big pile over there near the compost section."

Apple Bloom grumbled some words of disapproval and began shoveling all the pony poo.

"I can't believe how stubborn she can be with this chore sometimes," Applejack said as she leaned against the fence.

"E-yup!" Big Macintosh replied. "But yer a pretty stubborn pony sometimes too. Ya remember what happened when I was injured during the applebuck season and I couldn't work. Ya thought that ya could harvest all of those apples without any pony's help."

"Aw, shoot, Big Macintosh! Well at least I was actually workin' hard in my stubbornness!" Applejack shot back. "It's almost like Apple Bloom doesn't even want to work right now. That ain't the Apple family way!"

"E-yup!" Big Macintosh said as he nodded his head yes. "She could use a good hard buck to the backside."

Apple Bloom swatted at the flies with her tail that were biting her. As soon as Apple Bloom shoveled a large pile of manure into the pile, bright rays of light shined from both sides of her flanks.

Applejack and Big Macintosh put one of their front legs over their eyes because of the brightness.

A few seconds later, they both opened their eyes.

"I did it! I did it!" Apple Bloom cried out. "I got my cutie mark in..." Apple Bloom cut her sentence short when she turned around and noticed that her cutie mark was a picture of a shovel with horse manure on top of it. On the picture, were three flies buzzing around the manure. She paused for a moment and said, "If there's ever a time in life that calls for suicide, I think now would be an appropriate time."

"Aw hay, Apple Bloom," Applejack said. "Ya may not have an apple fer a cutie mark, but yer still a part of our family and we should have a celebration party cause we know that yer gonna have a real shitty....I mean wonderful time in life. You'll be the best dern horse manure picker upper that Equestria has ever seen yet!"

"Wow! Really? Do you really mean that, Applejack? Will I be an important pony in life and make a huge difference in our world being the best pony at scooping up pony poo ever?" Apple Bloom asked.

Applejack laughed and said, "Nope! I'm just kiddin'. It's too bad ya didn't go with Fluttershy to try to earn a cutie mark in curlin', but I guess that wouldn't matter anyway since yer ultimate destiny in life is to shovel shit. I guess the moral of this story is, be careful what ya wish fer. Maybe Princess Celestia is trollin' ya or somethin', or maybe we can pray that Twilight Sparkle mixes up some other ponies cutie mark with yers. It looks like fer now you'll have to start diggin'! Who knows, maybe there's hope for a cutie mark change in the future. There's always Discord, right?" Applejack playfully winked at her little sister.

Apple Bloom sighed and began to shovel again. "Just wait until Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon find out about this," she muttered under her breath.

The end.

Author's Note:

This story was completely inspired by the cover art for this fiction.

***If I forgot how the doubles serves are done and I made terrible inaccuracy's in this story, then I am sorry! I haven't played or watched a Badminton doubles match in a very long time! I know I worded things weird at one part of the story because I wasn't sure about the rules.***

Badminton and Table Tennis are by far my two most favorite sports. My most favorite Badminton player is Peter Gade. He inspired me to pick up the sport and I think he has the greatest play style out of any other badminton player I have ever seen before. He is retired now, but he will always be a legend in my eyes. Players from Denmark in general are excellent badminton players. Another very close second favorite player of mine is, Lee Chong Wei, followed by Taufik Hidayat, Kenneth Jonassen, and Lin Dan. I loved to watch these players very much.

This video is so far, my all time favorite Badminton highlights video and it includes my favorite super stars that I have mentioned. I'll give a fair warning. The song's lyrics that play during the video may be offensive to some of those who are religious. You can always watch the video without any sound if you choose. Some of the plays that I wrote about in the story are inspired from this video. Like for instance, Pinkie Pie's trick shot is really one of Peter Gade's most famous trick shots of all time. I don't think that shot is in this video though, but you can look it up for yourselves. Try searching for "Peter Gade Badminton Trick Shot" He's wearing a white top in the video.

I have a few Table Tennis favorites as well. Jan Ove Walder, Timo Boll, and Vladimir Samsonov. There are many good videos out there, but my oldest and most favorite video got deleted. This is another good one.

Please Feel free to tell me who are your favorite superstars from either Badminton or Table Tennis, or talk about the sports. For example, did you like the 38 mm Table Tennis balls better or the 40 mm balls that are currently being used now? Also, feel free to share or post videos of your favorite Badminton or Table Tennis athletes in the comments below. I'd love to see them!

Comments ( 5 )

Alright, so I'm going to be a little critical here.
First, there were lots of grammatical mistakes throughout the story. Minor ones, but they add up. Have you considered getting a proofreader? I'd be glad to help. :twilightsmile:
Second, while I enjoy playing Badminton, I find spectating boring, and I'm sorry to say that carried over into my reading. I'm sure it's just me, but I found it hard to keep going sometimes. However, I continued anyway, out of respect for the author.
I must say though, I was not expecting that final chapter, especially from you. I guess I don't know you all that well, huh? :moustache:

3437703 I do have a proofreader, but he's in school and has a lot of catching up to do. I'm sure that he'll get around to helping me edit again soon. :twilightsmile:

I'm sorry you didn't find it that great. I don't know how many different ways I can describe or write about a shuttle being volleyed. I did the best that I could without repeating myself. I didn't know that you played badminton! I used to play myself a long time ago. It's not very popular here in the U.S. and there isn't a place to play near where I live anymore. I also used to play Table Tennis so much as well.

I do thank you for taking time to read this even if it wasn't your cup of tea. Really, I do write some things that are quite out of the norm sometimes. I like to keep my readers surprised.

Also, your current profile picture of the Unreal Tournament "U" logo.....I can only hope that you'll take the time to read this....This is currently my most favorite story I have written.


3440253 Thanks, added to Read Later. The avatar is from a comic I originally planned on doing, Unreal Circumstances... Which, if you look it up, never really happened. I'm saving the characters and world for later though. And before you ask, no, it has nothing to do with Unreal Tournament (though that IS a fun game series). :twilightsheepish:

3440967 That's awesome. I would have never guessed that. I'm glad that you do like the game series though. It's one of my personal favorites :twilightsmile:

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