• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 1,852 Views, 30 Comments

This Is A Bad.....minton Fiction - Brian Jacko

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia invents a new sport for the upcoming Equestrian games and they need help promoting it and showcaseing it at the Equestrian games.

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Applejack Gets Flirty

Lightning Streak was staring at a plaque on the wall that spoke about the creation of this sports arena. He had a specially designed Wonderbolts towel hanging around his neck that he was using to dry himself off with earlier. On the towel was the words, DON'T PANIC! in large pink friendly letters and below that, was his lucky number, forty two. There were very few athletic things or sports that had ever gotten him so soaking wet with sweat like this before, but he never went anywhere without his trusty towel. He traveled a lot and whether with the Wonderbolts or not, his towel always seemed to come in handy.

Suddenly, an orange front hoof slammed against the wall near the plaque that Lightning Streak was looking at.

He turned to see Applejack was leaning against the wall with one front leg and noticed that she was breathing quite heavily. Her hip was sticking out to the side and she had her other front hoof on top of her cutie mark. There was a shuttle that was caught between her hip and her front hoof.

"Hey there, sugar cube," Applejack said in a flirty tone of voice. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I didn't want to play with ya at first. If yer interested, I'd be more than willin' to have a lil' special one-on-one action with ya on the court. I hope I didn't tucker ya out with our game that we just played. This mare can go at it all day without gettin' tired and If ya still got anythin' left in ya, then I'd like to make ya sweaty once more with me." Applejack tossed Lightning Streak a shuttle that she had Rarity paint for them after the match.

Lightning Streak fumbled a bit when he tried to catch it, but he managed to not drop it. He stared at the shuttle that he now held in his front hoof.

The shuttle was designed for the couple and both Applejack's and Lightning Streak's cutie marks were on the cork, just like how Rainbow Dash's and Soarin's shuttle was.

Lightning Streak looked back up at Applejack with a bit of shock written across his face as if he had just been unexpectedly smacked hard across his face with her front hoof.

The smell of stallion sweat was very pleasing to Applejack's nostrils.

Applejack inhaled the air deeply through her nostrils and then slowly reached behind her head and took out her mane band that held her mane in a pony tail. Applejack's thick and beautiful mane fell onto her shoulders. Her eyelids were halfway shut as if she were drunk with pleasure. "So if yer down fer a little shuttle bashin', I'd be really happy to play with ya. Maybe we could go out later and git somethin' to eat together." Applejack turned her back to him and began to head off to the court. She stopped for a moment and playfully wiggled her flank back and forth a bit and then turned her head around and winked at Lightning Streak. "Ya gotta come and git it, if ya want it," Applejack teasingly said.

Lightning Streak took one last sip of his drink and then chased after Applejack. He did not hesitate on that opportunity.

The ponies continued to play games and hang around.

Rarity was busy painting new shuttles for everypony and she was also swooning over Rapidfire in hopes that she could woo him over for a date.

Princess Celestia had to close the arena and get back to the palace because she and Princess Luna had to take care of some royal duties.

Everypony had asked if they could come back and play again, but both Princesses wouldn't have time. Princess Celestia used her magic and made duplicates of the keys so that everypony could come back and play again in their free time.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna locked the doors and watched everypony leave.

"It looks like our sport was quite the smashing good time, wasn't it my sister?" Luna asked.

"It sure was!" Celestia replied. "I think we may have invented the greatest sport of all time! Now, let's get back and work on that other sport that we've been creating."

The two Princesses walked back into the castle. It was a successful day for them both.