• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 6,651 Views, 231 Comments

In a Far Away Land - TheReaderAndWriter

The Mane Six, Spike, and indeed the entire population of Ponyville find themselves trapped in the world of Minecraft.

  • ...


For the whole journey back to Constant, Twilight could barely control her breathing. She downright wanted to just rapidly teleport the whole distance there, but she had to keep herself from wasting her magic; she would need it for later.

Once back, Twilight and her friends quickly rounded up the leaders, and Sharp. Within the hour everyone had gathered in the main hall. Everyone with any amount of power over anyone had gathered, standing around a large table. Twilight looked at some familiar faces. Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Scootaloo, Trickery, Minny Miner and many more. Sharp Edge stood with a casual posture in the back, leaning up towards a wall with a few odd looks glancing his way. He was making others uncomfortable with his presence, and they were making him equally uneasy with numbers alone. There was only one Twilight missed in the crowd of around thirty faces.

Then Fluttershy appeared in the back out of thin air. It took a little while before Twilight could get through that, yes, this Enderpony was indeed the ally she had mentioned a while before. Once things had calmed down, they could finally start.

"Great, everyone's here," said Twilight.

"Why are we here, exactly?" asked a pony in the back.

"Ladies, gentlecolts, we're going to attack Haven," said Twilight.

The uproar was immediate. Protests, all attempting to be heard over each other, started to bombard Twilight.

"That's insane!"

"There is no way that we can win against a force that just keeps coming back!"

"Do you even have a battle strategy?" asked a mare with nothing but doubt in her voice.

"No, but that's why I need you to come up with one. I'm not experienced with a battle of this scale," said Twilight.

"Princess Twilight, it sounds like you want to send the only ones capable of defending the rest of our ponies straight to their deaths," said a stallion.

"Oh no, that would be crazy. I don't want to send our armed forces... I want to send everyone. All of us. Each and everyone there is. Including everyone in this room," said Twilight, not even showing any hesitation to her insane suggestion.

For a moment, they just glared at her. There was nothing in their look but sheer disbelief.

"Um... why?" asked asked a commanding pony. "I mean, that's not what's really on my mind, but we've ought to start somewhere."

"I can't tell you, because that might compromise my strategy," said Twilight.

"You can't be serious," said yet another pony.

Twilight looked at them all, then let out a sigh. "Listen, I have a plan. I even checked in with Minny Miner. I know that this can work."

Everyone glanced at Minny over in the corner, who noticed it. "She's not wrong or anything, and that's all I can say," said Minny Miner.

Twilight gave them a pleading look. "Everypony, our situation is very grave. We are living on borrowed time, and some of our beloved friends and family have already been claimed by that evil monster. Now is the time to act, and I know you're aware of it. It's now while we still have numbers and a plan on our side. We can't wait until they pick us off one by one, until we too are one day taken. We can do this, I believe in you. I've always believed that the council holds what's best for us all in their hearts, and while I haven't always agreed with your decisions I've always respected them. I've trusted you, now all I'm asking is that you trust me. Not as a princess, but as a friend," said Twilight.

"I'm behind you, Twilight," said Rarity.

"Right! I'm with you one hundred and two percent! There might be a rounding error in there somewhere," said Pinkie Pie.

"We've always been at your side, Princess Twilight. We shall not stop now," said Timey.

Fluttershy gently bowed.

"Honestly, I don't like it, but I'm still on your side, Twily," said Shining Armor.

"As I said, I think your plan can work... And I'd still be on your side even if I didn't! I will help you," said Minny.

"I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't interested... even more so than usual," said Sharp Edge.

"Changelings, Enderponies and criminals. That's still a pretty good fighting force already," said Twilight. She gave the rest of the crowd a kind look. "Anyone else?"

"I vote yes," said a voice.

"I vote no," said another.

"I say aye!"


"I'm in!"

Twilight looked on as, thankfully, the majority of ponies present agreed. Her plan was in motion.

"We're not all in agreement, but the decision has been made. My fellow ponies, prepare for the journey and battle. I will take care of my own preparations," said Twilight.

"When do we leave?" asked a random pony.

"In just a few days," said Shining Armor.


A full day after the meeting, Twilight was sitting alone in her room. It was in the middle of the night, yet she could clearly hear the bustling of the ponies down outside. Materials had to be smelted, gathered and prepared. Armor, blades, bows, arrows, food supplies. They also had to spend a few days resting, to prepare strategies, and to party to raise morale.

For the moment, Twilight had her own mission to focus on, and she waited for one of two friends that could make it possible.

There was a knock on her door.

"Come in," said Twilight.

Minny Miner entered her room.

"Good, you're here. Everything is almost finished," said Twilight.

"I do hope this works, but I'm pretty sure it will as long as Herobrine doesn't realize what we're doing. However, before we get to that part, I think I need to talk to you about something, Twilight," said Minny.

Twilight simply sat and was more than ready to listen. Minny seemed reluctant, but after a while she continued.

"I haven't been completely honest with you, Twilight Sparkle. There is one very important thing I've kept from you, because I wasn't really sure how you would handle it. But, it's time. Listen, Twilight, the way to defeat Herobrine is the same way for you to get back home, but it's not that easy. When you've beaten him, you'll have to make a choice. You will all either have to stay in the finished new world we'll have created, or return back to Equestria," said Minny.

"Well, I think we'll go back to Eque-"

"Wait, as I said, it's not that easy. You see, as I've told you, time flows differently... back in Equestria, I don't think any time has passed at all. Maybe a few milliseconds? Well, it will flow normally once the world is completed," said Minny Miner.

Twilight wasn't sure what she meant. She had, in essence, mentioned that already. What was the problem? "What are you trying to tell me?"

"Twilight, your bodies weren't transported to this world. Your minds were, and then created new physical bodies. Right now, your bodies are still back in Equestria, sort of not sure if they should fall down dead or if they just started to doze off. Back in Equestria, none of you have aged a day. Nothing there has happened. If you beat Herobrine and decide to go back, then you aren't transported back, as much as your minds just sort of keep going like nothing had happened."

The concept outright confused Twilight for a second before a most uncomfortable thought struck her. "But, what about the children? All of the colts and fillies that were born here? What about Lively? Rosy? Timey's kids?"

"They will be forced to stay in this world with me. They cannot go back with you. But... that's not even the worst part if you choose to return. Twilight... I... if you go back, I'm pretty sure only you will remember this. Every parent won't remember their own children, every sacrifice, pain and memory will feel like it will have been for nothing. You deserved to know this, before you had to chose," said Minny.

Twilight wasn't sure what to say. "Maybe... we can all vote on this once the fight is over?" asked Twilight.

"There won't be enough time for that. You, and only you, can make this choice if you want your plan to work. It's our only shot too. I'm sorry," said Minny.

Having that pressure on her yet again was unbearable. Would she sacrifice everything to get back to Equestria? "Won't that basically kill everyone of us and replace us with those we used to be?" asked Twilight.

"I honestly don't know," said Minny.

"You don't know a lot about something so important," said Twilight. "I don't feel like I have a choice! I can't do it! I can't break apart the newly made families just to allow us to meet our old ones! I can't make hundreds of children into orphans just because I want to see my mother, father, sister-in-law and the princesses! None of us can do that! I won't be that selfish! We have a responsibility to the children! I have a responsibility to both the children and their parents and everyone who's made this place their home! They trust me!"

Had she been her old self, the confused and unsure mare that had dropped down into a strange world, then she would have started to weep at this point. Still, she was visibly upset.

Minny Miner slowly walked up to her and put a hoof on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Twilight."

"It's just so unfair! I mean... All of these years not a day has gone by without me promising myself that I would get everyone back to Equestria, that I would never allow us to stay here forever... yet... Now, when I'm barely two days away from that goal, I just can't do it anymore. I can't break the hearts of so many children. I can't destroy so many bonds and memories. I can't make our strife mean nothing."

Minny Miner gave her a gentle hug.

"On top of all of that, I would have to live with it as a secret forever. Nopony would believe me. Even if they did, everyone would despise me for it. I can't live like that again, carrying something so horrible inside of me. In that scenario, nopony wins. Everyone just loses everything. I'll have to make us stay here... then I'll tell everyone of the decision."

"Some will hate you even more for it. Keep that in mind."

"You know what? They can hate me all they want. All I know is that if I chose to go to Equestria, I will hate myself so much more than they ever could. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. In reality, everyone should know about this, but telling everypony now would guarantee that Herobrine learns something is going on, and if that happens, we just slowly die."

"Again, I'm sorry."

Twilight took the deepest breath of her life. "I know, I know, and I'm glad you told me."

Another knock on the door was heard, and Timey walked in.

"You wanted to see me? Princess Twilight?" asked Timey and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, Timey, I wanted to just go over the plans with you one more time," said Twilight.

"Very well," said Timey and nodded politely.


A few floors below, Shining Armor was walking down the hall with a couple of children by his side. Both Lively and Rosy seemed very uncomfortable as they walked.

"Hey, what's wrong?" asked Shining Armor.

"Nothing, Sir," said Lively.

"Listen, it's okay to be worried. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be able to save your parents with no problem," said Shining Armor.

"It's not that," said Lively.

"Haven will be safe again soon, I'm sure. It must have been very scary to get out of there in all that chaos, but you were very brave, and everything will be fine," said Shining Armor, trying his best to seem confident. It wasn't very hard for someone like him.

"It's not that either," said Lively.

"Oh, well what is it, then?" asked Shining.

"It's just, I mean, my mom was controlled by that monster guy for a long time, right?" asked Lively.

"Yeah... that's right," said Shining Armor.

"Does that mean she doesn't actually love me? Did that monster guy just make my mom fake-love my dad and make me?" asked Lively.

Shining Armor was completely unable to answer that, as the question had taken him completely by surprise. "I- I don't really know."

Lively just hung his head down as they walked through the hall.

"But, listen, kid. I haven't exactly met this Herobrine much, but from what I hear, he's just too horrible to know anything about how a mom loves her son. I don't think anything that terrible knows anything about how to raise a child. Honestly, I think he made your mom go on by herself as much as he could. Look, let me ask you a question. Did you ever feel loved by Rainbow Dash?"

Lively looked up at him for a moment. "Well, yeah. A lot!"

"Then I don't think you've got anything to worry about," said Shining Armor.

"Yeah! Yeah, I bet you're right! Thanks, Sir! You're a lot cooler than you look!" said Lively.

"I don't look cool?"

"I meant nice, because scars are really cool," said Lively.

Shining Armor managed to hide a smile. It turned melancholy when he realized this was something he should have done years ago, talking to and supporting a child. His own.

"Lively, I wish I had a dad like yours, instead of him," said Rosy quietly and looked ahead. Shining Armor saw him too. At the end of the corridor, leading into a large open mess hall, one could spot Sharp Edge sitting at a table, surrounded by changelings and ponies, guarding him for what was to come.

Shining Armor stopped them, turning to the kids. "Rosy, I'm so sorry you have to do this, but we didn't have a choice. I think he just wants to talk with you. If you don't like what he says, or if he tries to do something you aren't comfortable with, just say the word and we'll put a stop to it before you can blink."

"If I have to," said Rosy with a deep breath.

They entered the room. Several ponies spotted them. Shining Armor gave a subtle nod to his fellow guards. For the first time in his life, Shining Armor actually saw Sharp Edge smile as he noticed his daughter.

"Well, who do we have here? Last time I saw you, you were just a little foal, Rosy," said Sharp.

"Hello, Sharp Edge," said Rosy as she sat down at the table, opposite of him. Shining Armor took note of how the little filly tried to sound as unconcerned as possible. Not cold, not angry, not scared or shy. She almost sounded formal.

"You can call me dad, if you want to," said Sharp.

"I know, Sharp Edge," said Rosy with a quiet voice.

Keeping his eyes on Sharp with as much attention as possible, Shining Armor was surprised by the stallions reaction. He just leaned back, and smirked to himself.

"I can't tell if you're more like your mother, or me. On one hoof, you hold others responsible without any qualms. On the other, you're not afraid to say things that... sting," he said, chuckling.

Rosy didn't say anything.

"A bit shy, though. No doubt because of your mother, always being so loud, making you feel like you should be quiet like a mouse. Do you like apples?" asked Sharp.

"What?" asked Rosy.

"Do you like apples?"

"They're... they're okay," said Rosy.

"You don't really like them, do you? Me neither. I can't stand apples; either too sweet or too sour," said Sharp, chuckling again. "Just like your mother, I guess."

Rosy just kept quiet, looking into his eyes.

"Rosy... Did you know why you're called Rosy?" asked Sharp Edge.

"Because apples are-"

Sharp shook his head. "No, that's just why your mother agreed to it. I named you that. You're named after my sister. She died when she was even younger than you. She was a rascal, but always willing to apologize. She was incredibly nice even with an odd prank now and then," said Sharp.

"Why... why did she die?" asked Rosy.

Sharp looked a bit displeased. "You don't shy away from the darker parts of life. Neither do I. I never have. Why she died was because of an illness. Horrible one, fortunately not hereditary, but very painful."

"Sharp Edge..." Rosy seemed unsure at first, but eventually straightened her back and spoke up. "Why am I here?"

Sharp sighed. "I guess I simply wanted to get, what I suspect to be, one last look at literally the only good thing that has come out of my life."

"I'm not that good," said Rosy.

"Of course not. You're from me, and nothing from me could be that good. Still, I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you."

"Why? What have I done that someone like you could ever have been proud of?" asked Rosy.

"Because, Rosy, you're brave. Not only is your mother currently little more than a zombie, not only are you unable to go home again, not only might you soon be controlled by a horrible monster, but you're also one of the very few ponies I've ever known that has held eye contact with me for this long. Shy doesn't mean you're a coward, just introverted. Look at these idiots," said Sharp, gesturing around him. "The only one here who has looked me in the face is Shining Armor, and that's not because he's brave as much as he's just angry. Rosy, you're a brave girl, and brave ponies are the ones that survive. That's all I ever wanted in a kid."

"Well, I- I don't care what you think!" said Rosy.

"I know! And that's why you're the only thing I've ever cared about in this world! You're the best daughter I could have hoped for!"

"I don't- I don't want to be your daughter!" said Rosy, managing to raise her voice considerably.

"Exactly, but you can't change that! Life isn't fair! But you don't let that bother you, do you?! You keep going, just like daddy!" said Sharp.

"Shining Armor, I don't want to do this anymore," said Rosy, meekly climbing of her chair.

"That's alright. I got a good look at you, that's all I wanted," said Sharp Edge. "We both know what we want, another thing we have in common. Still, before you go, I just want to ask you one last thing."

Turning to him, she asked, "What?"

"Have you ever done something really difficult for the sake of someone else yet? I mean, that's how we'll know for sure who you are really like."

"I... what are you trying to say?" asked Rosy.

"I told you why my sister died, but not how. Her disease was so very painful. She died when she was six, and the treatment could only have kept her alive for another couple of years at best. Living on like that, just horrible. Every day a struggle to just keep breathing, being lucky if you could see the sun without burning your eyes. One night I just sneaked into her room, kissed her goodbye on the forehead, and put a pillow over her head. Put her out of her misery. "

"Sharp! Shut up at once!" said Shining Armor, smoldering with fierce anger.

"Sometimes you have to do what's hard for the ponies you love, sometimes for them! Never forget that, Rosy!" said Sharp Edge as he was forcibly dragged away, out from the room.

Shining Armor walked up to Rosy, she was visibly shaking, weeping. Shining Armor got down to her level, meeting her gaze. Being gentle in that situation was a bit difficult, and in the end all he could manage to say was:

"Come on, Rosy, let's get you and Lively some hot chocolate, then try to get some sleep, alright? It's late."

"I'm nothing like him, I'm not!" said Rosy.

"Of course you aren't! I like you!" said Lively, blowing a raspberry towards Sharp Edge's general direction.