• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 6,651 Views, 231 Comments

In a Far Away Land - TheReaderAndWriter

The Mane Six, Spike, and indeed the entire population of Ponyville find themselves trapped in the world of Minecraft.

  • ...

New Rules

Four days had passed. Each and everyday had been filled with activity. The food had run out much faster than Twilight had expected. Feeding over 600 ponies took their tool on their supplies, even when rationing them. Fortunately, Swift Digger's book was the starting point they had needed. Most of the plains around their 'base' had been turned into farmlands. The only crops were wheat, along with small patches of watermelon. As long as the ponies could keep the their food supply secure from monsters it would all turn out fine, Twilight was sure of it.

For whatever reason, plants seemed to grow quite quickly. At most it only took three days before something was ready to be harvested. There was one problem though: lack of space. At the moment there simply wasn't enough space for all the wheat to grow, at least not within the safety of the outer walls. They constantly needed to expand on the other side of the walls. The forest surrounding the large plains was vast, they had to clear several acres every day just to make room to work the ground and plant seeds. It was hard labor and not one pony could afford not to help. Twilight had herself prepared more farmland than she had ever even though possible. Using intent on tools to dig up dirt and place seeds was a very strange thing. It was all a very slow process.

In a way the lack of space gave them another problem. They severely missed something from back in Ponyville: privacy. The large cave had seemed like an excellent temporary home, but after a few days it was becoming clear her fellow ponies just couldn't stand the cramped conditions. Even something as simple as going to the bathroom undisturbed was a luxury, especially at night when monsters seemed to roam free outside the wooden walls. The only relief they had was the fact that whatever 'leavings' they left behind also disappeared, just like any other small object in the world. Still, Twilight understood that they needed to live more securely. That evening, while outside the cave but still within the surrounding walls, Twilight proposed something to Rarity, the mayor and Big Macintosh.

"A town? You want us all to build an entire town?" asked Rarity.

"Why not? It seems like a good idea to me. We might be stuck here for several weeks, maybe more, and you know how much trouble we're having keeping everypony happy," said Twilight.

"Well, I suppose we could do that, but...," said the mayor.

"We can't do much right now except provide ourselves with food and look for other ponies from Ponyville. If we can give each and every pony here a home, I think we should."

"Well, a town would be much easier to spot if someone gets close enough. For all we know, our fellow equestrians might have seen the mountain and simply ignored it," said Rarity.

"That's a good point. I don't see why we couldn't at least think about it. We're already clearing away plenty of the woods. We should have more than enough space soon," said Twilight.

"Well, if everypony likes the idea, then I don't see why we couldn't do it. But, how would we even start?" asked Rarity.

"I thought that you, Spike, Applejack (when she finds us), and everypony who knows anything about planning and cities could get together and plan out the layout, location, such and such. I thought that we could use a bit of dirt to mark out where the houses should be and then we can-" Suddenly Twilight started to hear a cheer over by the main gate. "This seems promising."

Quickly running over to the commotion, Twilight managed to make her way among the gathering crowd. Being just a tiny bit taller than the average pony, she could eventually see that it was Rainbow Dash and two brave volunteers that had returned from her scouting trip. The thing that brought so much cheer was that they were not alone.

Looking extremely tired, but otherwise healthy, about fifteen ponies followed the trio in through the gate which was quickly sealed with a few blocks of stone. Twilight felt relief when she realized that one was a lost patient, and two others were foals. Her heart filled with warmth as a mare and stallion rushed right past the princess in order to get to the newcomers. The two parents embraced the first foal with tearful joy. It was one of the few truly wonderful moments they all had, and it was just what some of them needed. Though, Twilight noticed just how lonely the other little child still seemed to be.

The grey and brown pony named Strong Will, one of the volunteers, walked away, looking both shaken up and proud. The pegasus walking next to him was blue, with the bearing of a military stallion, but with the smile of a goofy hyperactive teenager.

"Good work, Soarin. You too, Strong Will," said Rainbow Dash to the two volunteers as she trotted over to Twilight, all the while getting praise and attention. It was impossible not to notice Rainbow Dash's confident smirk. She loved the moment just as much as Twilight did. When Rainbow Dash walked up to her, Twilight gave her a hug.

"Great work, Rainbow Dash. I was worried when you didn't come back yesterday."

"We had enough food and a torch. To me, it was nothing but a camping trip," said Rainbow Dash. She looked over to Soarin and Strong Will, both looking a bit worse for wear. "Although, I think Strong Will might be afraid of spiders. He was shaking the entire night. Wuss. Soarin was much more helpful though. Oh, hey, Twilight, we found this too," she said, focusing on her hoof. Suddenly small white seeds appeared in her grip. One thing that had not been written in the book, but that Spike had self-taught, was the ability to hold and store many blocks and items at once, without being visible. It was like one's Intent was able to grab something for one to later use. It was quite annoying to keep focus all the time, especially with many items, but it was still a practical skill. When asked how he had discovered it, Spike had mentioned Swift Digger when he had made a sword appear. It was clearly the same ability.

"What are these?" asked Twilight, taking the seeds.

"I'm pretty sure they are pumpkin seeds. We found some growing and thought they could come in handy. Maybe. I tried to make something of them, and it turned into these."

"It might be useful. Have you noticed anything else while you were out?" asked Twilight.

"Just one thing."


"No. No Applejack, Fluttershy, or Pinkie Pie. I tried, Twilight, I really did, but I couldn't find them anywhere," said Rainbow Dash. "For now, let's just be happy I managed to find at least some, okay?"

"... Okay. You did good work, Rainbow Dash."

"I'll be out tomorrow again, to do more, I hope," said Rainbow Dash. "Right now, I need to get some grub. I'm starving!"

"What was that you mentioned? What did you see?"

"At first, I thought it was a Ponyvillian, but I was wrong. Twilight, there are monsters out there that look like us," said Rainbow Dash. "It was a zombie-pony, Twilight."

"Are, are you telling me that somepony was turned into-"

"No, no, of course not. I thought so too at first, but then I saw several others. They all looked exactly the same, just like the spiders or Creepers do. They tried to attack, but we fended them off," said Rainbow Dash. Twilight glared at her, so far no creature had been 'fended off' once it had spotted someone. "Alright, we ran away when they attacked us. But we did so coolly, just so you know!" She walked towards the cave with a grumbling stomach, Twilight paid her no mind. Instead she walked back to Big Macintosh.

"Big Mac, I have some new seeds for you!" said Twilight as she got close to him. He reached out his hoof to receive them. With some interest the farmer turned the little white blocks over in his hoof. "I'm sure you can find a use for them, I'll have to inform the guards of a new type of monster Rainbow Dash found," said Twilight. "Where is your second-in-command?" asked Twilight. Big Macintosh did a quick nod towards the western wall off in the distance. Twilight quickly recognized the silhouette of a particular guard walking along the edge of their territory, peering out into small holes to see what was happening outside.

Before Twilight could walk over to him, she heard a mare scream towards the cave.

"Back off!" another voice yelled, a stallion. Twilight realized who it had been. It was Swift Digger.

Without wasting a second, She ran towards the cave. The scene she had arrived to was unexpected.

In the middle of a large ring of ponies constantly backing away from the center, Swift Digger stood holding a bow and arrow. He had the rope tensed, aiming right for Rainbow Dash.

"Do as I say!" yelled Swift Digger with a fierce voice. The anger in his eyes seemed downright mad.

"Don't tell me what to do!" said Rainbow Dash, equally angry. She noticed Twilight in the crowd. "Get away! This guy is crazy!"

"Do as I say and nopony gets hurt!"

"Swift Digger, what are you doing here, pointing weapons at my friends?" asked Twilight, trying to keep her head cool.

"This broad stole my stuff!" yelled Swift.

"He's insane, Twilight," said Rainbow Dash.

"Swift Digger, I assure you, Rainbow Dash would never steal anything. Now, what was it that went missing?" asked Twilight. All she managed to do was to grab Swifts' attention, as well as the spot where he aimed. He turned to face the princess.

"She took my disc!" yelled Swift Digger. Twilight kept trying to keep cool but having an arrow pointed at her made that difficult.

"Calm down. What disc?"

"My disc! My record! She stole it!"

"Swift, Rainbow Dash would never-"

"I saw her! She took it right out of my house!" yelled Swift.

"I've never been in any house!" said Rainbow Dash defensively.

"Oh, yeah? I followed you all the way back here, even when you had to be dumb enough to make those zombies follow you!" yelled Swift.

"Hey, I might have been followed by some zombies, but I was never in any house!"

"Swift, please put the bow down. Threatening her with violence isn't going to solve anything," said Twilight as she noticed several guards stepping closer. Most of the crowd had scattered, now only a dozen ponies on guard-duty remained.

"What? I'm not threatening her, I have to keep her in check! She was bitten!" said Swift Digger.

"What?" asked one of the older guards, confused. Swift turned his bow towards the stallion.

"Bitten! Don't you get it?! She will turn into one of them, it's already too late! We have to lock her up!" said Swift.

"What do you mean with 'bitten'?" asked Twilight. Seemingly happy somepony listened, Swift calmed down a bit, still holding his bow at the ready.

"I saw her. She was bitten by one of the zombies. When you're bitten, you start to act like them," said Swift. "Everything looks edible after a few hours. Everything. After a couple of days you will just keep trying to eat flesh until you burst."

"This guy is crazy, Twilight, don't listen to him." Twilight didn't doubt her friend Rainbow for even a second and gave her a calm nod.

"Just a few minutes after the bite, you're not really yourself. You start making excuses. 'Nah, I'm fine', 'I'm not that hungry'...

"I wasn't bitten, I swear!" both Swift Digger and Rainbow Dash said at the same time. Swift immediately tensed up again, aiming his bow at her.

"Then what's that teeth mark?" asked Swift. Twilight looked over at Rainbow Dash, she didn't see any bite mark.

"What are you talking about?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"The one on your wing," said Swift. That's when Twilight realized that particular tidbit was true. There was a mark just by the base. Rainbow Dash looked it over, very clearly recognizing the small wound, staring at it for several seconds. She looked up at Swift with a defiant look.

"I don't see any bite mark," said Rainbow Dash.

"Big surprise," said Swift with a biting sarcasm.

"Wait, wait, Swift, is this... if this is true, then what can we do?" asked Twilight.

"There's only one thing. We have to get her to drink some milk."


"Here it's like a remedy or something. The milk of a cow can cure any sickness from monsters. I have some back at my house, but she was bitten yesterday. The trip takes a whole day if you walk."

"Twilight, you can't believe this guy, can you?" asked Rainbow Dash, a tone of worry in her voice.

"Rainbow Dash, you are bitten, that part isn't wrong," said Twilight.

"It was just a spider who did it. It's not a bite, it's just a scratch," said Rainbow Dash, shrugging. Twilight didn't know what to think. Until...

"Actually, Princess, that's a lie," said Soarin, suddenly walking in from between the guards. Twilight turned to face him. "We've been with Rainbow Dash all the time. She was bitten there, without a doubt, by a zombie-thing," said Soarin. Strong Will was behind him, nodding.

"He's lying! They all are! Tell them, Soarin, I was never at any house-"

"Shut up! You're either coming with me, or you'll have to get a taste of the void right here!" said Swift, pointing his arrow right yet again straight at Rainbow Dash.

"I never-"

"Rainbow Dash, it's alright. We can go, we can all go."

"No. For all I know, she could have bitten everypony already! You'd start making plans with her, just bite others because it 'seemed like fun'. Just three more," said Swift.

"Then, then, I'll go with you."

"Princess Twilight, don't," said Soarin with worry in his voice.

"I can't just let anyone go. I'm used to these types of risks, and everyone I know who can take care of themselves are needed here," said Twilight.

"I'll go with you, then," said Soarin. "I'm still tired, but I can make the extra trip."

"And I shall accompany you as well," said Time Turner, appearing behind Twilight.

"You want to go, Time Turner?" asked Twilight.

"These idle hooves are in dire need for some excitement again," he said with a pleasant smile.

Swift finally lowered his bow and arrow, making them disappear into his Intent. "Three ponies and one who's almost a zombie. Yeah, I can deal with that if things go bad. Get some food and we'll go right away," said Swift, always with a watchful eye over Rainbow Dash.


"Twilight, this is humiliating!" said Rainbow Dash. Time Turner was walking with a thick rope in his mouth, it being connected to Rainbow Dash's neck.

"Don't listen to her until we've given her the antidote," said Swift Digger. "Also, I want my rope back later."

"Could you at least hand me some bread?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Again? We gave you one ten minutes ago," said Soarin.

"But I'm hungry now! Really hungry," said Rainbow Dash.

"Seems to be getting worse. As long as she doesn't give out a scream, we know we're not too late," said Swift, constantly looking around them as they walked through the dark forest. The sun was on its way down.

"What if it is too late?" asked Twilight.

"And what does a scream have to do with it?" asked Soarin.

"The scream, it's like you get new instincts. It's like you need your new zombie buddies to get close. It lures them in. First they, and you, get close to everypony they can find and try to bite them too. Then, you either live long enough to eat so much you die, or the zombies start eating you... and you won't even mind it, because, hey, a fellow's got to eat, right?" asked Swift Digger.

"You seem to know a lot about that," said Twilight, assuming he simply didn't make it up on the spot to scare them. Swift Digger didn't say anything.

"All I know is that something is pretty wrong with Rainbow Dash. During the whole day, she was giving me and Strong Will some odd looks. He told me Rainbow Dash had starred at him weirdly all night," said Soarin.

"I did not, this is so stupid," said Rainbow Dash. "And stop tugging so hard!"

"I'm not the one tugging, Rainbow Dash, it's you. You've been struggling the hole way," said Soarin. It was true. Despite constant words of 'it's fine' and 'I'm coming', Rainbow Dash still constantly tried to resist them. It gave Twilight a distinct impression of Swift Digger being right.

"Swift, is it possible Rainbow Dash took your disc under the influence of this bite?" asked Twilight.

"I don't know. I just know what I saw," said Swift Digger. He just kept looking forward, not being too keen on talking.

"It still doesn't make any sense to me. What was this disc?" asked Twilight. It took slightly too long for Swift to respond.

"It's really important to me, okay? That's all you need to know." Not wanting to pry anymore, Twilight instead looked towards the setting sun. In a few minutes the monsters would be coming out to get them.

"Is it far?"

"No, just over that hill there," Swift said and nodded towards the front. It was less than a minute away. "Come on, let's run. As long as we can get into the house before-"

An terrifying, deafening shriek suddenly appeared, reaching far and wide into the wilderness. Twilight turned back, shocked to see Rainbow Dash struggling like a madmare to get out of the leash.

"We don't have much time! Grab her!" yelled Swift, making a wooden sword appear in his mouth. The sun set and darkness fell. Loud, terrifying moans could be heard all around them. Twilight saw several things move in the dark shadows of the forest. Within a few short seconds, they were almost surrounded.

"She bit me!" yelled Soarin, carrying Rainbow Dash on his back.

"Relax, you have a while! Just keep going!" yelled Swift Digger.

"Ignore the pain, Soarin!" said Twilight.

"Run!" shouted Time Turner. The started to sprint towards the hill. Twilight looked to her left to see the very first monster of the night step out of the shadows. It looked just like a pony, but whatever color its coat had had was green with decay and mold. Its eyes had turned black, the iris barely visible in those two dark depths. The appearance wasn't the most frightening thing about it, instead it was its movements. It could barely walk, yet moved with great speed as it shifted over the ground, dragging its hooves. It simply should not have been able to move like that.

"Guys, come on, everything's fine, relax," said Rainbow Dash with an eerily calm voice, while still biting Soarin's back.

"Just keep going, I'll stall them! Just push the button to get in!" yelled Swift, turning around to face the hoard, sword in a tight grip with his teeth. Twilight didn't have time to think, all she could think about was getting her three ponies into safety.

Without even looking back, they rushed over the hill to see a small house fifty blocks away. The little building was made from red bricks. Seeing a proper house would have made Twilight feel safe in any other situation. They struggled climbing down the hill, Soarin fell down the last block and hit his head.

"Soarin!" yelled Twilight, there was no response. Rainbow Dash got up and started to run back towards the zombies climbing over the hill. Their steps down the cubes seemed almost impossibly precise for something so seemingly dead. Time Turner rushed to Soarin to pick him up on his back.

"Please continue, Princess!" Time Turner shouted as he rushed past Twilight towards the house.

"Rainbow Dash!" yelled Twilight.

"Sorry, I'm a bit busy!" yelled Rainbow Dash, eagerly climbing up to the monsters. Twilight ran after her, biting down on her tail and pulled. "Don't, I belong there!"

"You're coming with me!" mumbled Twilight through her teeth. Then everything went dark as Rainbow Dash bucked Twilight between her eyes.

What happened next was a blur, somepony picked her up as Rainbow Dash screamed through twisted laughter as Twilight tumbled on someone's back as Swift Digger shouted for the door to close as the moaning could no longer be heard. Then it all went silent.


Twilight felt something soft and comforting surround her. It was like she was sinking into a sea of warmth. Her peace was interrupted, like a cold shard ran through her when she remembered what had happened. She jolted up from under the cover or a bed. "Rainbow Dash!" she shouted in fear.

"Time Turner, Swift Digger, she's awake!" yelled Soarin.

"What happened? How long has it been?!" asked Twilight as the two stallions rushed into the small bedroom. Through the window Twilight could see it was still night. A faint sound of the zombies' moaning could be heard outside.

"Less than twenty minutes," said Soarin.

"Where is she?" asked Twilight, filled to the brim with worry. The downtrodden looks of Soarin and Time Turner hardly had any calming effect.

"Rainbow Dash is dead, Princess," said Time Turner.

"What? She's, she just joking with me, right? Right!?" Her desperate plea was met with silence. Time Turner and Soarin bowed their head.

"She was... literally ripped to pieces."

"No... no, no no. No! This isn't right! Rainbow Dash can't be dead! She just can't be!" yelled Twilight.

Swift Digger raised his hoof. "Ma'am, you should probably know that-"

"Shut up! You should just shut up! When she was bitten you should have talked to her immediately! You should have made us gallop the whole way here! Anything! You should have saved her instead of me!" Swift Digger didn't look ashamed or guilty. He just looked angry, downright furious.

"For your information, I did talk to her, I did make sure we got here fast and I did try to save her. I didn't pick you up, that Time Turner did. I did everything I could to make sure those freaks didn't kill you, and I tried everything I could to get that mare to follow me. I had to stop when she started biting me," said Swift Digger, turning his head to the left, revealing a large bloody wound in his neck. Long streaks of blood was visible down to his leg. He was using something looking much like blocky wool to clean himself up. "I don't even know if I can trust you, but I lead you to my home, all of my stuff, just to help a stranger that attacked me, twice. I want to be a decent pony, but if you talk to me like that again, I will shove you out to those monsters," said Swift Digger.

Soarin and Time Turner walked in front of Twilight, forming a wall between their Princess and the stranger.

"You're not going to touch the Princess, pal, that's for sure," said Soarin.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," said Time Turner.

"Don't forget I saved your life, Blue," said Swift Digger.

"You made me drink a bucket of milk. Wow, I'm stunned. You're a real hero," said Soarin with thick sarcasm.

Twilight could barely hear them arguing. One of her best friends was dead. Sure, there had been plenty of dangers so far, but in her mind she had been so sure everything would turn out fine. Not even a patient had died; if anything they had slowly become healthier after getting something to eat, but now her life had changed forever. She had failed. If she could have overpowered her friend everything would have turned out fine.

"Well, whatever. Come on, let's get some sleep. We'll go and find that rainbow-pony tomorrow," said Swift Digger.

"Yes... She, Rainbow Dash deserves a funeral. We have to find her body," said Twilight. Even with her best efforts she simply couldn't keep her voice from trembling.

"Yeah and... wait, what?" asked Swift. Twilight turned to him.

"She's dead... We need to give her a burial."

"She's not- she's just in the... You don't know. You don't know. Oh, this is going to make you happy. Ma'am, Rainbow Dash is not dead. She was just killed, but here death has different rules. I'll tell you everything in a while, I'll just go downstairs and make some hot coco and cookies. For now, just know that your friend is mostly fine. She's safe. We'll come get her tomorrow and everything will be okay."

As he walked out through the wooden door, Twilight was just left stricken by the news.

"Not dead? Is he trying to trick us?" asked Time Turner.

"I dunno. I mean, I'm, I'm shocked, I'm, I'm... I'm really tired. This has been a very hard day," said Soarin.

"If, if Rainbow Dash is alive, somehow, then we have to be brave and find her," said Twilight. Experiencing such an emotional roller coaster ride of despair, grief and hope in a few minutes would have made anyone exhausted. That, on top of the fact she had walked all day, made her almost fall asleep in the warm soft bed. She endured the sleepiness as she had to find out more. What did Swift Digger know, exactly? Twilight could hear him walking around on the floor beneath her, walking up the stairs to the small hallway outside. He came inside, carrying a flat square tray of cubic mugs and several floating cookies.

"Let me tell you, the day I discovered how to make coco was definitely one of the better ones," said Swift Digger, leaving the tray on a wooden block next to the bed. "Well, dig in, I guess," said Swift. He took a cookie and a mug, immediately gulping down his.

More out of an automatic habit of being a gracious guest than her actual thirst, Twilight grabbed one of the warm mugs, along with Time Turner and Soarin. None of them drank of the sweetly chocolate-smelling drink. They just eyed Swift Digger.

"So?" asked Soarin.

"Rainbow Dash is fine. She died and felt the void. It-"

"The void?" asked Twilight.

"Don't interrupt me? Please?" asked Swift Digger unamused. Twilight just nodded. "Thanks. Anyway, in this place, when you die, you enter what is known as 'the void'. It's... it's like a terrible... Listen, I can't explain it. I don't even want to think about it, but it's this horrible thing. You're there for what feels like, a month, or something. But it's really only for like a few seconds. Then you appear in a temple, or something, a couple of days from here."

"Wait? We can't die?" asked Soarin.

"Not exactly. But, if you die too many times, you spend more and more time in the void. After a few times... eventually you either don't come back from it or you die for good, I don't know which it is. Personally, I hope it's the second one."

"Is it really that awful, the void?" asked Twilight.

Swift Digger hesitated to answer for a short moment, looking out the window into the night with a very worried look on his face. Eventually he turned back. "Let me put it like this: if I had to choose between spending another second in the void, or killing you forever, I would kill you. And here's the kicker: if you had to choose too, you would do the same to me. I don't have a doubt in my mind, not for a second," said Swift Digger. He was serious, there was no mistake in his tone. "Everyone who has felt the void will do anything to not be there again. I remember when I came back from it. I could barely move, the shock was too much. This place of constant work and freaking monsters is a paradise compared to the void. You better hope you never, ever, die in this place," said Swift. "Don't ask me about it again. We're not that close."

"You've died?" asked Twilight. Swift Digger looked away.

"Once. I tried to... save someone. She never came back after that time. And I was alone again. Wait, why am I telling you this? Whatever. First thing tomorrow, we go to the temple-place and find your friend. It's just two days away at walking speed. If we rest well tonight and gallop all the way tomorrow, we might be able to get back here before night," said Swift.

"What if Rainbow has left by then?" asked Twilight.

"Not a chance. She'll be too shocked to move. And since she doesn't know where she is, the forest around the temple will probably feel like risking the void to her. It usually takes weeks before you can even want to take risks on your own again. She'll be there," said Swift. There was a silence in the room. "Come on, drink up. I'll go down to the storage to get some of the old extra beds. Two of you will have to share a bed though, no... wait, I should have enough. Nevermind," said Swift, walking out of the room. "You three can sleep in this room together, right?"

"Yes, I think we would prefer that. It might feel safer," said Twilight.

"Figured as much," said Swift, walking out of the room.

"That guy is so bizarre," said Soarin.

"You do realize these walls are not soundproof, do you not?" asked Time Turner.

"Right on, Timer," said the muffled voice of Swift through the hallway wall.