• Published 29th Aug 2013
  • 50,344 Views, 679 Comments

Softening the Stone - TheMyth

After a thousand years of banishment, Luna has finally returned to Equestria. However, not everything is quite as Celestia had hoped for.

  • ...

The Inhospitable Prism

Twilight stood in the very center of the library’s main room, pacing back and forth nervously. She was all alone, her mind racing with worry as she thought about the events of that evening. Spike had originally insisted on staying up with her to help take care of Luna, but the fun and adventures of the day had taken it’s toll on the small whelp. He was lightly snoring, even before the group were able to make it back to the library and was quickly put to bed.

When she finished with that, Twilight made her way to Luna’s room to try and help out there. However, Princess Celestia shooed her away, saying that she needed to try and calm down Luna on her own. This left Twilight with nothing to do, except for sit, wait and worry.

After what seemed like the longest of time, Twilight finally heard the door upstairs open quietly, then shut a few seconds later. This was shortly followed by the appearance of Princess Celestia, no longer in her disguise for the day descending the stairs. Twilight eyed her nervously as she entered into the main room with her head bowed low. “Well,” she began hesitantly. “How is she?”

Celestia lifted her head up and looked at Twilight confused, as though she hadn’t understood the question.”Hmm…”, she asked, before shaking her head. “Oh, Luna. She’s fine. I was able to get her to calm down enough to fall asleep at least.”

“That’s good, I guess,” Twilight said relieved. However, she stopped when she saw that Celestia’s expression still appeared troubled. “And… how are you doing Princess?”

Celestia looked down in shame as she sighed, her eyes becoming moist. She walked up to the table and sank to her haunches, resting her head against her front hooves. “How could this have happened?”

Twilight scrunched her lips as she walked up to her mentor. “Princess—”

“Everything was going so well for Luna, and yet I was stupid in not remembering it was going to be a full moon that night!” He slammed her hoof to the table, looking even more bitter than what she did before.

“Princess, it wasn’t your fault—”

“But it is, Twilight.” She looked up towards her student, streams of tears escaped her eyes and she was smiling weakly. “I literally destroyed my sister, Twilight.” She sniffed, her lips trembling as tears fell on the table. “I should have saved her back then Twilight, with the Elements of Harmony… instead I sent her to that Equestria-forsaken place to rot!” Her words became choked as she was now sobbing with her hooves to her face covering it.

“And what does she do in response? She apologizes to me. To me, Twilight! She takes one look at the moon, and starts apologizing like crazy, terrified that I’m planning on sending her right back. That’s her fear of the moon. She’s scared when she sees it, because she thinks it means she’s going to have to spend another thousand years there with some monster feeding off her soul!”

Somehow, Celestia seemed to sink even lower in spirits as she continued to sob. “How could I have done that to her Twilight?! How could I have been so stupid!?”

Twilight sighed.“You didn’t know back then, Princess. You thought you were doing what you thought was best for her and for Equestria. You can’t keep beating yourself up over a mistake that you’ve already made.” She did her best to put on a warm smile. “Besides, you’re doing everything you can now to try and help her. And did you see how well she did early today, when she was playing with those fillies? I can’t remember the last time that I saw her smile that much.” Taking a step forward she rested a comforting hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “Just give it time. You’re both going to be just fine, alright?”

Celestia turned and looked at her student. She shook her head with a sigh. “I just… I just don’t know Twilight.”

“Just trust me on this alright,” Twilight said retracting her hoof. “Right now though, I think that we both could use a little bit of sleep. I think it’ll do you a lot of good.”

Celestia didn’t answer directly. Instead, she simply gave a single quick nod, before turning and heading towards the staircase. That was good enough for Twilight, who quickly rose as well and followed behind her.

As they trotted up the stairs, Celestia paused as they passed the small window there. She looked out, catching a glimpse of the moon as she did so. The mere sight of it was enough to drive her to tears again.

I’m so sorry Luna…

“Look! I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“But Spike! We need to apologize to her!” Sweetie Belle pouted as she and her friends were on going to the library, in what they called a ‘Crusade for Salvation’.

“Besides, she looks like she needs more company in her life.” Apple Bloom chimed in as she was walking in the middle of the group.

Scootaloo remained silent, but she kept on nodding to her friends arguing.

“I know, but Starry is not really in good condition to have visitors.” Spike countered with a fake story, having picked it up from Twilight’s methods of negotiating when hiding something very important. But, no matter what he did the fillies remained headstrong.

“What should w’all say to Starry to show her how mighty sorry we are?” Apple Bloom asked Sweetie Belle, remembering they did not have a proper apology planned.

“That’s easy, we say how sincerely sorry we are and do something to cheer her up!” Sweetie Belle answered, her voice cracking near the end of the sentence emitting a squeak from it.

Spike sighed and shook his head. He looked to Scootaloo, who was still looking down to the ground. “Scootaloo, what you make of all this?”

Scootaloo raised her head and met her gaze with Spike’s eyes. “I’m just curious about something Spike.”


“Why did Cheery call her sister ‘Luna’ when she was being all scared of the moon?” Scootaloo asked her friend, with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion in her voice.

Suddenly, the crusaders going to visit Luna was the least of Spike’s concerns. “Oh, um…” he said quickly beginning to fumble over his words. “It’s a nickname she uses for Starry.”

Scootaloo shot him a weird look. He in turn gave her a bright smile in response. Too bright of a smile she thought. Not to mention, he was visibly sweating the more that she looked at him. Still, Scootaloo simply shrugged, “Yeah, I guess so,” she said casually, even though she knew that he was hiding something.

Thankfully, he seemed to buy her acceptance. He turned around quite pleased with himself until he noticed that in the brief time he was chatting with Scootaloo, they’d managed to arrive at the library. Before he could say anything else, he was cut off by the sound of Sweetie Belle knocking loudly on the library door.

For a moment, Spike briefly considered turning and running away. However, he found himself stuck as the door swung open to reveal Twilight standing there. She looked down at the three expectant fillies with a surprised look. “Oh, hello girls,” she said before her eyes wandered to the nervous dragon standing in the back. “...and Spike,” she added with a raised eyebrow. Shrugging it off, she put on a bright smile. “What can I do for the four of you today?”

Sweetie Belle beamed, putting on her biggest smile. “Is Starry Sky here? We wanted to see how she’s doing.”

Twilight’s face turned pale and she chuckled lightly. “Well girls, I—” She gulped as she looked down on the three fillies and her baby dragon. “I’ll be right back!” She immediately slammed the door, leaving the children outside.

“What’s she doing?” Apple Bloom asked curiously, hearing many hoofsteps inside and she swore she heard the words ‘what do we do?!!’.

Before any of them could answer, the door opened again. This time, Cherry was there to greet the children with a broad smile, though her eyes showed signs of fear.

“Hi there!” She greeted them, her ear twitching as she looked around to see all three fillies looking pleased to see her, though Spike was cocking his eyebrow at her. He worded to her ‘What are you doing?’, hoping his friends didn’t see him.

Celestia cleared her throat to speak to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “You wanted to see my sister today?” She asked them kindly, her mind racing with ideas.

“We want to see Starry.” All three fillies answered her in unison, looking determined to see their new friend again.

“I’m sorry girls, but she’s not feeling tha—”

“Please…” All three were now sticking out their lower lip and their eyes became watery, as their iris’ grew larger.

Celestia tried to say the word ‘no’, but that word was lost to her when the fillies were looking at her with those eyes. Why am I so weak against this?! She looked to Spike for help, but he shrugged and used his lips to word out to her ‘might as well’ before walking inside.

She sighed and closed her eyes. “Alright, but just wait downstairs for a moment please?”

“Yay!” All three fillies ran inside, at a speed that left dust hanging in the air before Celestia. She shook her head before sneezing, smiling a little at the energy they were displaying. She closed the door behind her and made her way upstairs.

The three fillies quickly moved to the center of the library, hopping up and down as they were barely able to contain their excitement. Spike came in from behind, stopping next to Twilight. She turned and shot him a very confused look. Spike just shrugged as if saying, Hey, I tried my best.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed before trotting over to the jumping fillies. “Now girls,” she said gently catching their attention. “I know that you’re excited, but remember that this is still a library and Starry still isn’t feeling well right now. You’re going to have to keep quiet while you’re in here alright?”

The three fillies beamed happily.

“Yes ma’am.”

“We can do that.”

“No problem.”

Twilight chuckled nervously. Somehow, she wasn’t entirely convinced. “Why don’t you girls take a seat over there while you wait for Starry to get ready. In the meantime, I could get you all a quick snack. Would you like that?”

The girls quickly nodded before rushing over to the chairs that Twilight had pointed at before. Spike ran over to Twilight. “Here, let me give you a hand with that.”

But Twilight held up her hoof stopping Spike before he could run past her to the kitchen. “No, that’s quite alright Spike,” she said warmly. “I can handle this by myself. You stay with your friends, alright?” Then leaning down, she whispered so that the other Crusaders couldn’t hear. “And please, keep an eye on them. I don’t want them getting into trouble while I’m gone.”

Spike chuckled. “You’ve got it,” he answered with a salute, before running off to sit down with his friends.

As he approached, Sweetie Belle gave him a warm smile. “Gee spike. You sure have an awesome mom,” she said with a wink.

Spike immediately turned bright red. “Oh, well… You see…”

Thankfully for him, he was cut off by the sound of a door opening upstairs, and all the crusaders jumping up when they heard it. They rushed over to the staircase to see Cherry Blossom helping guide Starry Sky down the stairs to meet them.

“Hi Starry,” the three fillies said in unison.

As soon as Luna looked at the three fillies, her face immediately brightened as a soft smile formed when she saw who came to greet her.

“Hello,” she responded softly.

“Listen Starry, we wanna say how sorry we are for what happened last time.” Apple Bloom spoke, her head bowing a little as she apologized to the towering unicorn.

“Apologize?” Luna repeated the word, her eyes gazing down upon Apple Bloom. “To me?”

“Yeah!” Scootaloo cut in, jumping next to Apple Bloom. “That was so not cool what happened to you.”

“What happened… to me?”

Sweetie Belle nodded vigorously as Luna spoke. “Right, so we wanted to check up on you cause you’re our friend.”


All the fillies beamed at Luna as they nodded. “That’s right. Friends always stick together no matter what!” They told her, with Spike standing next to them as they spoke.

A myriad of thoughts were now rushing through Luna’s mind, all of which were pleasant ones. It was becoming too much to bear though, with the addition of seeing three innocent fillies and one dragon willing to be friends with her. Why would they want to be friends with a pony like me? Her eyes were becoming watery, before a gentle smile became present on her face.

“Thank you.”

“Yay!” All the fillies ran up to her and began to bounce around her. “Say I know, let’s go play a game!” Apple Bloom suggested, before reaching up and slapping Luna on the shoulder. “Tag! Your it!” she cried before darting off across the library.

Luna smirked. Apple Bloom wasn’t going to get away that easily.

“Thanks for coming with me today,” Fluttershy said as she merrily skipped along. “I really appreciate it.”

Rainbow Dash simply scowled as she hovered alongside her friend. “Well, somepony has to keep an eye on you.”

Fluttershy turned to her friend and smiled. “I told you Rainbow Dash. I’m fine. Really, I am. You don’t have to keep worrying about me.”

“I know that,” Rainbow said with a sigh. “It’s just that… I still don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be spending so much time with Luna.”

“I think that once you see how much she’s improved. You’ll change your mind about her Rainbow. She really is doing much better.”

“Yeah, sure…” Rainbow said, before adding under her breath, “That’s what worries me.”

The pair continued on in silence as they made their way over to the library. As they approached the doorway, Fluttershy reached up her hoof to knock. Before she could do so however, Rainbow Dash had already grabbed the door and began to push it open.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “You can’t just walk in like that. It’s not polite!”

Rainbow Dash gave her an odd look. “Um, hello? It is a public library isn’t it. Besides, if you’re so certain that everything is fine here, then what is there to be afraid of?”

Before Fluttershy could say another word, Rainbow pushed the door open and flew inside. “Hey, Twilight!” she called out. “Are you h—”

Her voice trailed off as she looked caught sight of the scene across the room. Huddled in the corner were three very familiar young fillies and dragon. They were cowering in the corner, the fear evident on their faces. Standing over them menacingly was a dark blue Unicorn with a slightly lighter mane. Hearing the voices, the unicorn turned to look at Rainbow and Fluttershy. The blood in Rainbow Dash began to boil as the unicorn’s pale eyes met hers.

She recognized those eyes.


Nopony had anytime to react as Rainbow Dash soared across the room. She immediately grabbed the disguised princess, hurling her across the room and placing herself menacingly between her and the crusaders.

“Wait Rainbow!” Twilight shouted out to her running over to where Luna had landed.. “She’s only—”

“I knew you were just waiting for a moment to strike! And to think you terrorizing children for your first victims! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

All three fillies looked at each other in confusion before looking back at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, what’s wrong with you? We were just playing tag with Starry—”

“Oh! So now you’re using a fake name to infiltrate into towns to gain the trust of your victims before striking!?” Rainbow’s wings flared at Luna, who was standing stock still in fear of the angry pegasus before her.

“That’s enough Rainbow!” Celestia walked up to Rainbow Dash and placed a firm hoof on her shoulder. “Luna was just having fun with her friends and—”

Rainbow swatted Celestia’s hoof away, not bothering to look up and only continued to glare at Luna. “With all due respect Princess, that’s not your sister there! It’s a monster!” She shouted out the last word with disgust. “I read about how the ‘Nightmare’ infected ponies and others, they destroyed towns and killed how many others. Not once were they even cured! Only thing that stopped them in their tracks was ending them!”

The ponies gasped at what Rainbow was saying. She had indirectly mentioned killing Princess Luna, her justification coming from the books she had acquired during the months before. Celestia’s lips were trembling, both in rage and in sadness. She so wanted to teach Rainbow a lesson by a verbal lashing, but she paused when she saw the look on the children’s faces.

“So why don’t you do us all a favour and get the hay out of here! You’re not welcome here and never will be!”

Luna’s breathing became short and she was sniffing to contain the tears from her eyes. She just wanted to wail right there on the spot, but she did something else. She lowered her head, her lips quivering as she spoke.

“You… you’re right.”

Immediately, she ran upstairs with all her haste. She left a trail of tears in the air that soon evaporated and slammed her room’s door behind her. When she was gone, Rainbow Dash sighed and wore a smug smile on her face.

“Everypony, you can relax now. That monster won’t be—”


Rainbow Dash staggered back, though more in surprise than from the pain of being slapped across the face.. She looked up wide eyed into the very angry face of Fluttershy.

“How dare you…?”

Rainbow Dash backed up slightly. “Well, I was just—”

“How dare you?” Fluttershy repeated, her voice still very angry and her eyes starting to grow moist. “How could you say those things to her?”

“Because, it’s what she is, Fluttershy. She’s a mon—”

“Princess Luna is not a monster Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy interrupted stamping her hoof into the ground. “Right now, she is just a pony, confused and scared of a world she still doesn’t understand.”

“But she—”

“She might have had a rough past Rainbow, but that’s exactly why she needs our help right now more than ever. She needs us to support her in case anything bad does happen.”

“Well, yeah but—”

“You’re right about one thing though. There is a monster here, but it certainly isn’t Princess Luna.”

“...Shy. I—”

“Go home Rainbow,” Fluttershy said turning her back to Rainbow. “Just go home and think about what you just did.” She walked off, towards the door Luna had just escaped through, pausing right before she walked in. “And don’t bother talking to me again until you do.”

Without another word, Fluttershy pushed the door open and trotted through. The entire library seemed to shake as she slammed it shut, leaving several stunned ponies sitting behind. Rainbow Dash sat unsure for a moment before she looked over to Twilight.

“Twilight… I didn’t…”

The unicorn sighed and shook her head. “I think it would be best if you just left Rainbow Dash. We’ll talk about this later.”

Without any support there, Rainbow turned her head to the other disguised alicorn who was scowling at her.

“You should listen to your friends, Rainbow,” Celestia told her before turning and heading towards the door as well. “You have a lot to think about.”

Rainbow continued to look around the room for support, but found none. With her head bowed low, she slowly walked across the room, stopping to give one last sad look around the room, before exiting the library.

The tension remained long after Rainbow had left. Twilight sat for a moment, before she finally bowed her head and sighed. “Spike,” she began quietly. “Can you start cleaning up in here a bit? I need to go and talk with Princess Celestia and Luna real quick. See if there’s anything I can—”

“Um… Twilight…” Spike nervously interrupted.

She turned her head back and saw Spike pointing towards the corner of the room. Following it, her eyes grew wide and her jaw dropped as she spied the three very confused looking fillies looking up at her.

“Oh… right…”