• Published 29th Aug 2013
  • 50,341 Views, 679 Comments

Softening the Stone - TheMyth

After a thousand years of banishment, Luna has finally returned to Equestria. However, not everything is quite as Celestia had hoped for.

  • ...

The Quelling Ember

Blueblood sat on his chair in his quarters, browsing through the package of photographs his spy had taken. The said spy kneeled before him with his head bowed, not speaking until Blueblood spoke to him first.

“Are these accurate?” Blueblood asked his spy, Caramel, curiously with a tint of excitement in his voice.

“Absolutely,” Caramel replied wit his head still bowed. “There’s no mistaking it, the plan was executed flawlessly.” Caramel spoke as he lifted his head up slightly, but keeping his eyes below Blueblood’s gaze.

“Excellent,” Blueblood said with a smirk, still looking at the photographs in his magic. “Please continue. I want to hear all the details of what happened,” he asked, his voice tainted in curiosity.

Caramel nodded before clearing his voice. “Well first, I paid some ponies to assist me in orchestrating the prank. We plunged the target with a vat of maple syrup before throwing a bag of feathers on her, just after the local zebra was nearing the climax of Nightmare Moon for the night.” Caramel recollected, suppressing a laugh from the fresh memory.

“Hmmm…” Blueblood cocked his brow, placing the pictures down on his desk. “What followed next?”

“The target ran off into the Everfree Forest, after everypony was screaming and panicking after she was declared as the new mark for Nightmare Moon.”

Blueblood laughed out loud after Caramel’s story, smiling triumphantly as he patted Caramel’s head like a puppy’s. “Excellent. Now that ‘Starry’ is properly ousted, things can finally be restored again.”

Caramel started to sweat proudly as he cringed. “I-If that were only the case my prince.” Caramel said softly, gulping nervously as he could feel Blueblood’s glare piercing his skull.

“What do you mean by that?” Blueblood’s eyes narrowed as he heard Caramel speak further.

“W-well…” Caramel started to speak but trailed off, starting to stutter. “T-the village grew concerned for her after the prank and they went off looking for her with Prin- I mean, her sister!” Caramel corrected himself, not daring to speak Celestia’s name in front of his master. “It seemed the town felt guilty for being in with what they called a ‘cruel prank’.”

“But still, the point of this endeavour was to drive the two apart. From what you’ve told me before now, Nightmare Moon or Luna, or whatever it is she’s calling herself is an emotional wreck right now. This prank should have either revealed her evil nature, or drove her into such a depressed state that she’d never be able to show her face in public again. From the look of these pictures, it seems that the mission was still accomplished, wasn’t it?”

Caramel opened his mouth to speak, but the words died before they were able to escape.

Blueblood’s brow furrowed. “Wasn’t it?” he repeated more forcibly than before.

“A-Although it initially appeared at first as though she was extremely hurt by the prank, it seems that the town’s response afterwards brought her back out of it,” Caramel responded hesitantly. He gulped loudly before continuing. “In fact, she seems to be doing better than before. She’s been spotted chatting with a couple of ponies around town from time to time and seems a bit happier than before.”

Blueblood’s expression remained neutral as Caramel recounted this new information, though the pictures he held in his magical grasp began to shake ever so slightly. “I see,” he answered quietly. “And what about her sister? What’s her reaction to all of this.”

Caramel scratched at one of his legs, taking a step back at the same time. “Her sister has become even more attached it would appear. From what I’ve gathered, she hasn’t left her side for any reason since then.”

Other than a slight twitching in one of his eyes, Blueblood’s expression didn’t falter. The pictures on the other hand began shaking more and more intently.


Without warning, Blueblood exploded. “GET OUT!” he screamed at the top of his lungs. “GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!!!

Caramel didn’t need another warning. As quickly as his legs could carry him, he turned tail and bolted out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

Left alone, Blueblood picked up the pictures again. His breathing was erratic as he began looking through them, tossing each one aside one by one. About halfway through the stack, he came across one in particular. It depicted Celestia and Luna together trotting down the street, the faintest signs of a smile across the younger sister’s lips.

He let the remaining pictures fall to the ground, holding the picture up into his view. He glared at it, his scowl growing more and more intense by the moment. Without a word, the picture suddenly burst into flames, slowly melting away the happy image it contained and turning to ash in his grasp.

As the charred remained slowly fluttered to the ground, a change came across Blueblood’s expression. His expression softened ever so slightly as he began to chuckle. The chuckling slowly got louder until it devolved into maniacal fits as he stomped the ashes and ground them into dust.

“So, you want to play that way do you, ‘Princess’,” he sneered at the remains. “Well, two can play at that game.”

Luna groaned as she frowned, trying to read a book about Equestrian history in peace. That was impossible at the moment though, since her elder sister was hovering over her humming one annoying tune after another.

“Luna, it’s time for your lunch.” Celestia told her, closing Luna’s book without inserting a bookmark and putting it to one side.

“I already ate, thank you.” Luna grumbled and pointed towards her empty plate, which was served to her by one purple dragon who she started to grow fond of. Mainly because he wasn’t always invaded her personal space every second.

“Oh that,” Celestia let loose a ‘tsk’ and levitated the the board towards the kitchen. “You need to eat proper portions Luna, you know that.” Celestia told her factly, nodding with a knowing smile.

Luna’s brow furrowed. “That was enough for three stallions.” Luna grumbled, trying to stand up from the cushion she was lying down upon. She accidently bumped a stack of books with her rear that sent them falling to the ground below.

“Look out!” Celestia called out, reaching out to Luna and catching all the books with her magic. She exhaled deeply as she sighed and placed the books back on their stack, before reaching out to Luna and hoisting her up. “Are you okay Lulu?”

“Yes.” Luna snipped back, pushing herself away from her sister. “I am fine, thank you. You truly are a saviour.” Luna told her sarcastically, something she had learned from observing Spike for the duration of her stay.

Celestia didn’t see through the sarcasm and merely smiled contently. “That’s a relief. Now come on, you must be hungry.”

Luna couldn’t help but groan as she slowly began trotting towards the kitchen, Celestia following close behind her, carefully watching every step she took as though she was about to fall over at any moment. As they reached the kitchen, Celestia rushed ahead pulling the chair out and waiting until her sister was seated before gently pushing her in and setting to work preparing lunch for the two of them.

Leaning forward, Luna placed her head on top of her hooves with a sigh. Looking back out into the main library, she could just make out the corner of the book she had been reading before. She cast a sideways glance at Celestia. Her back was turned to her, as she sliced up a tomato. Licking her lips, Luna turned back to the book. Closing her eyes and concentrating, her horn began to glow as the book slowly lifted up and started floating over towards her.

However, just as she reached out to grab the book as it was inches from her grasp, it was suddenly snatched up in a bright yellow aura. “Luna! Be careful!” Celestia said levitating the book quickly over to herself. “You shouldn’t be using your magic like that. You haven’t regained all of your strength back yet. You could really hurt yourself if you strain to hard.”

“I am fine Celestia,” Luna muttered as she rolled her eyes and reached out for the book again only to have it pulled out her grasp once again. “I will not harm myself by just levitating a book across the room.”

“Well, I don’t want to take any chances,” Celestia said once again pulling the book back as Luna tried to grab for it again. “Besides, you really shouldn’t have books at the table anyways. What if you were to spill something? You don’t want to accidentally ruin one of Twilight’s books do you?”

Luna really wanted to claim that she wasn’t going to spill anything, but found that she couldn’t quite get the words to come out of her mouth. Thankfully, she didn’t have to. “Oh, I don’t mind if she reads at the table,” Twilight said walking into the kitchen with Spike following close behind. Grabbing the book from Celestia, she levitated it over towards herself. “Heaven knows how many times I’ve taken my own books to the table before. And you never seemed to worry when I’d take one of yours to read during dinner when I was younger.”

Celestia hesitated for a moment as she looked at the Twilight’s smile and the pleading look in Luna’s eyes. “I suppose not,” she said at length before turning back and continuing her food preparations. “Just be careful, alright?”

Luna quickly agreed as Twilight floated the book over to her with a wink. She gratefully pulled it from her grasp, and began flipping through the pages looking for the spot where she had left off before.

Twilight smiled seeing how happy Luna was with something as simple as being able to read a book. She couldn’t help but think back to herself as a filly and her own eagerness to learn. Turning to Celestia however, the smile faltered as she noticed what Celestia was working on. “That’s an awful lot of food you’re preparing there Princess. Are you sure you can eat all that?”

“Oh, this isn’t all for me Twilight,” Celestia said sweetly. “This is for Luna.”

Twilight knew that Luna had already eaten with her and Spike earlier, and quite a bit to be honest. She turned to the younger alicorn with raised eyebrow. Her only response was a shrug of the shoulders and a roll of Luna’s eyes. “Well, anyway…” Twilight trailed off, turning to Celestia. “Spike and I will be away for the afternoon.”

Luna’s eyes bulged out hearing these words. “What?” Luna blurted out as she sat on the table, the food Celestia prepared for her untouched. “Why?”

“It’s for the Family Appreciation Day outing the school is doing.” Spike answered Luna, not seeing the look of horror in her eyes. “I need a parent with me on the outing, and well…” he trailed off, looking at Twilight sheepishly before clearing his throat again. “Well anyway, Twilight and I will be going for the outing.”

“That’s sweet.” Celestia said with a warm smile as she looked down to Spike. “That will give Luna and I some alone time today.” She said joyfully, as she nuzzled her sister. Celestia looked down on the plate that was still not touched and shook her head. “Luna, eat your food will you?” She told Luna as she patted her back. “I just need to ready a bath now too.” With that, she left the kitchen with only Luna, Spike and Twilight inside.

Luna bit her lower lip as she looked down on the insane portion that was before her, looking up from it to see the concerned look of Spike and a confused Twilight.

“Allow me.” Spike spoke as he marched to Luna’s plate, taking a deep breath and blowing his flames upon the food. Where there was once food, only ashes remained.

“Spike!” Twilight scolded him, but not loud enough to be heard from the other rooms in the library.


Twilight groaned and quickly got rid of the ash on the plate. “Sorry Luna.”

“It’s fine,” Luna smiled genuinely, looking down on Spike. “Your son knows when to step in to save the day.” She gave Spike a brief nuzzle before standing up from the table. Her smile disappeared slowly as she looked up and sighed. “How long will you two be gone?”

“The whole afternoon.” Twilight replied, tilting her head as she cocked her brow. “Why do you ask?”

Luna sighed as her eyes rolled up to face the sound of Celestia’s whistling coming from the bathroom overhead. “No reason,” she muttered. “I’m just curious is all.”

Twilight opened her mouth to push the issue further, but was cut off as Spike began pulling on her leg. “Speaking of which Twi’,” he said impatiently, “they’re going to start at any minute. We have to get going if we don’t want to be late.”

With a sigh, Twilight turned to the dragon with a smile and ruffling her hoof through his spines. “Can’t have that now can we?” Turning back to Luna, her smile was again replaced by a look of concern. “Are you going to be alright?”

Luna nodded and sighed as well. “Yes. Thank you for your concern,” she said looking off at nothing in particular. “I will be perfectly fine.”

Again, Twilight’s response was cut off by a pull at her leg. “C’mon Twilight. We have to leave.”

“Alright, already. I’m coming,” she laughed as Spike began pulling her along. “Have a good day Luna,” she said looking back as she was dragged out of the kitchen.

“Goodbye,” Luna muttered giving a wave to the now empty room. She listened closely to the sound of the two trotting through the library and giggling with each other. As the door shut with a loud click behind them, leaving only the faint echo of Celestia’s humming, Luna couldn’t help but groan.

Reaching down, she picked up her book again. Fanning the pages open to where she had left off, she attempted to begin reading once again, but her mind could not focus. Her eyes eventually drifted to the nearby window and the bright blue sky outside. She could see a handful of pegasi fluttering through the air, going about their business and generally having a good time enjoying each others company and the beautiful autumn day.

Here thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of knocking filling the library. Luna didn’t waste a second. She shot up from the table, letting her book fall to the floor as she rushed over to the library door. “Twilight!” she exclaimed as she pulled it quickly open. “I’m so glad that you—”

She stopped suddenly. Instead of Twilight standing there as she expected, Roseluck was there giving her a very confused look. “Hello Starry,” she said slowly. “I’m not interrupting anything right now am I?”

“Uh…” Luna paused before breaking out of the trance. “No, no. Of course not. I just thought that you were somepony else.”

Roseluck smiled. “I gathered that. Though, I don’t know if Twilight would have knocked of the door of her own house.”

Luna chuckled sheepishly. “Yes. Of course.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, where are my manners? Would you like to come in?”

“That’s why I thought of coming to visit you.” Roseluck giggled and walked in when Luna gave her way. She looked to see the stack of books before her, letting loose a whistle. “I know Twilight is the study-type, but this…”

“Actually, that’s my pile.” Luna chimed in, giggling as she blushed when Roseluck looked back at her.

Roseluck only smiled and shook her head. “You must really like to read?” She asked her rhetorically, looking at one of the books that were on the pile.

Luna looked away slightly, scrunching her lips a little. “Not really…” she mumbled as she trailed off.

“What’s that?”

“Nothing,” Luna quickly chimed in, waving her hoof nervously.

Roseluck only shrugged and smiled, turning back to Starry. “Where’s your sister Starry?” She asked as she looked around the library, not seeing a trace of her.

Luna groaned as she looked down on the ground. “My sister? She’s—”

“Is somepony there?”

Both Luna and Roseluck’s ears perked and turned to the staircase, where Celestia came down walking. She stopped when she saw Roseluck, looking on her own body in panic but sighed in relief just as quickly. Lucky Luna and I still wear these disguises in here. “Good day Roseluck, how may I help you?”

“Hi Blossom.” Roseluck simply waved flatly at her. “Actually, I came here for Starry.”


“Yeah,” Roseluck beamed at Luna. “It’s been a couple of weeks since Nightmare Night. I haven’t seen you since thing. I was afraid that you two had already left town without saying goodbye.”

“Yes,” Celestia answered, moving a bit closer to the conversation. “We’ve been rather busy these past days.”

As much as she wanted to tell her off, Roseluck wisely bit her tongue and ignored her. “Anyways, since you’re still in town, I wanted to know if you are free for lunch. A few of my friends and I are going to this great place. We’d love for you to come along as well.”

Luna immediately brightened. “You want me to—”

“I’m terribly sorry Roseluck,” Celestia quickly interrupted stepping in between Luna and Roseluck. “But Starry still hasn’t quite recovered from… that night. I don’t think it would be wise for her to be going out around town for a while.” She smiled. “Besides that she’s already eaten anyways.”

“Well, then she can just come and hang out with us,” Roseluck returned more than a little frustrated. “She doesn’t have to eat if she doesn’t want to. Besides, the fresh air would do her some good, don’t you think?” Without waiting for a response she stepped around Celestia giving her a good look at Luna. “What do you say Starry? Would you like to come?”

Luna paused, looking back and forth between Roseluck’s expectant smile and Celestia’s look of concern. After what felt like the longest time, she finally bowed her head and sighed. “I would love to go Roseluck.” Before Roseluck to exclaim her delight however, she continued. “But, Cherry’s right. I… I don’t think I’m ready to go out into town again. Not yet at least.”

Roseluck seemed to visibly deflate as Celestia let out a sigh of relief. “There, you see,” Celestia said to the the upset mare. “Now, thank you for stopping by, but I think that it’s time that Starry gets some rest.”

Roseluck rolled her eyes muttering “Whatever,” under her breath. She walked up to Luna, putting a comforting hoof on her shoulder with a bright smile. “It was good to see you, Starry,” she said quietly. “I’ll make sure to stop back more often, alright?”

Luna smile back. “Thank you,” she whispered. “Maybe some other time, alright?”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” Roseluck chuckled. Turning back, she gave a very curt farewell to Celestia before heading out the door and into the outside world.

Luna trotted up behind her stopping at the doorway as she watched her go. She paused, not quite able to bring herself to shut the door as her friend walked away.

“Well, that was awfully nice of her to stop by,” Celestia said behind Luna. “Now, hurry and shut the door before the cold air gets in. We can’t have you getting sick now can we?”

Luna sighed. “Of course not,” she muttered, slowly swinging the door shut.