• Published 31st Aug 2013
  • 597 Views, 14 Comments

The Fifth Great Alicorn - TwilightSparkleForever

There were five alicorns in the prophecy Star Swirl decoded. "Two sisters, night and day. One Alicorn to represent the Crystal Kingdom. An Alicorn not born, but one made. And one to be a mystery." The first four are found. But where's

  • ...

The Battle

Raspberry Dapple looked at the terrified mass of unicorns inside and stomped her hoof hard on the ground. "Allow me to enter the barrier!" she yelled loudly as a gust of wind blew towards the castle, shaking the first barrier with full force. If Raspberry Dapple could scare the unicorns inside at first sight, then she could easily get them to let her in by force.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash galloped into the throne room, where Celestia was giving commands to ponies and constantly reinforcing the second and first barriers with her horn tirelessly. "Princess," said Rainbow, almost out of breath. "the fifth alicorn. We've seen her. She was on the train with us."

The white princess sat up. "As long as you're safe and that you did not give away any personal information about yourself that she could have possibly heard, then my only concern is that she is now inside Canterlot, possibly thinking of a way to get inside the barrier. Fortunately, we have unicorns stationed behind each barrier, ready to attack if their barrier breaks, and a handful of pegasi ready to fly out from the watchtowers when the second barrier breaks down."
"Could I...maybe, help the pegasi?"
"I suppose you can, but please remember that you, as one of the Elements of Harmony, will be needed if this new alicorn is too strong for our reinforcements."
Rainbow Dash nodded. "Princess, listen. I need to tell you something about this alicorn. She's got an invisibility spell on and she's waiting so she can sneak into the barrier behind somepony else."

"I'll tell the guards to stop letting ponies in until further notice," said Celestia. She walked up to the window, sliding it open and looking down at the scene below. She studied the red and black mare in front of the barrier for a while, then turned back to Rainbow. "Are you sure? Seems that she's trying another way to get in now."

Raspberry Dapple was now bucking the barrier with all her might, then flying as far as she could and slamming into it with all her wingpower; as the guards and unicorns had refused and started to shoot beams at her through the barriers. However, she had easily dodged them and slammed into the barrier so hard that the unicorns immediately went back to reinforcing the barrier with all their strength.

Celestia stood up once again from her jewel-encrusted throne and walked over to the door. "Rainbow, I need you to join your two friends waiting in the hall while I go show that alicorn that she won't be getting in here without a fight," said Celestia. Rainbow gave a nod of agreement, immediately trotting out into the hall as Celestia swung open the door using her hooves. Rainbow looked questioningly at her armored hooves, and Celestia smiled. "Don't want to waste any of my magic," she said, as she trotted out into the hall, the two doors slamming closed behind her.

"Listen, guys," said Rainbow. "Celestia needs us out there. We have to go fight that alicorn away."
"But she hasn't even made her way into the first barrier."
"You'll regret saying that when she's crushing the castle's very structure later on. Come on, guys."
Twilight rolled her eyes in dissapprovement. "Fine. But if any of us gets hurt, we are going back in."

Princess Celestia was glad she had made Twilight an Cadence alicorns. She had foreseen further trouble in Equestria, but none as horrible as this. Even though the red mare hadn't made her way through the first barrier yet, she could feel the unicorns behind it struggling to keep it there. Any moment, and their magic would give way, allowing the black-maned mare to smash her way through in a matter of a few seconds. And when she made her way to the castle, she would destroy the entire building effortlessly.

Princess Celestia ran forward, trying to help reinforce the first barrier, but the last of the unicorns' magic had already flown out of their horns. The red mare grinned and took the chance to give the barrier a strong kick, the entire magical barrier breaking down and falling down onto the bridge, to disappear at first contact with solid ground. The red mare laughed, her horn startng to glow, and Celestia, suddenly feeling a bolt of pain ripple through her body, fell to the ground. The unicorns behind the second barrier were terrified, scattered and for a moment, let the barrier remain alone. Taking the chance, the fifth alicorn levitated the unicorns behind the barrier up into the air, and hurled them towards the castle. Having gotten rid of them, she leaped at the barrier and pummeled it with all her might, one last strong blow at the barrier knocking it down.

Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack, levitated in the air by the red alicorn, screamed loudly and began trying to get out of her magical grasp. However, even Twilight's magic, Applejack's strong legs and Rainbow's wingpower Raspberry Dapple had no trouble controlling them. They huddled together as the evil mare brought them closer to her, lifting them up to examine the Elements on them. "You wield the Elements of Harmony," she said, looking closely at the ancient but beautiful designs etched into the gold of Twilight's crown. "But you are only three. Where are the others, may I ask?"
"We're not telling you," said Rainbow Dash.
"Oh, is that so?" said the mare, lifting them up over her head.

Raspberry Dapple lifted them even higher up, up into the sky. "Then I'll just have to find them myself!" she yelled up into the clouds, and suddenly let them drop out of the sky, landing on the hard ground. She could not risk the Elements of Harmony destroying her one chance to become noticed. To become one of the most powerful beings possible, to overthrow the princesses and finally take a spot on the throne. She would not let a simple bunch of normal ponies mar her path to the ultimate power.

The alicorn made her way into the castle, throwing ponies aside as she did so. Just then, a blur of blue landed with a loud thump right in front of her, blocking the entrance. "Princess Luna?" Raspberry Dapple stepped back. Princess Luna, with a stomp of her hoof against the ground, charged at the new alicorn and immediately pressed her down, her horn ready to strike the red mare against her face and send her running. However, with one last burst of energy Raspberry Dapple pinned the princess of the night to the ground, and easily hurled her toward the castle with her magic.

As Luna hit the walls of the strong, hard castle, she suddenly experienced a magic shift, something that often occurred in alicorns when they were shocked for even a tiny moment. It made alicorns' magic shift around and do spells by themselves for a short time. The night sky suddenly sprung up and the moon with it. Everything became dark as Luna regained her balance and tried to undo the spell she had done. However, before she could do so, she was enveloped in a red magical aura and immediately lifted into the air.

Just as suddenly as last time, Luna was flying through the air, unable to gain control of her own body, and as she hit the castle walls everything became black, and she fainted.

Having gotten rid of Luna, she walked into the entrance of the castle. She needed to destroy the Elements of Harmony before she could do anything right. But it was not long before she felt a warm feeling on her flank, when she stepped into the throne room. She spun around, startled, and realized what was happening.

She was recieving a cutie mark.

She almost jumped up and screamed in joy. When the white glow finally died down from her flank, she could see her cutie mark-a moon engulfed in flames. She assumed it was because of her defeating Luna, but she had yet to understand what it truly meant as a part of Star Swirl's prophecy. As she marveled in joy at her new cutie mark, she stepped further into the throne room, even though she had not intended to originally do so. It was clear that she should take Luna's throne; for the fact that she had been obviously defeated.

She took her place on the blue throne, using her own magic to form that of Celestia's into a regal statue of herself. Her horn glowed with a red aura as she magically wiped Luna's cutie mark from her throne and in its place, inserted her own cutie mark. Now all she needed to do was steal one of the Elements so that she would not have them stand in her way. Though it looked as if the three ponies were only regular ones, if they wielded the Elements then they must play a huge part in the fate of Equestria.

Raspberry Dapple stepped silently out of the throne room, sealing the door shut behind her with her magic. She did not want any of the princesses interfering with her new throne, or the white statue beside it.

She made her way through the complicated maze of corridors easily, with a magical map to guide her. She stopped in front of where the six ponies had to be staying since it was the only one that said "Occupied By Special Guests. Do Not Enter Whatsoever." She pulled on the door with her hoof. It was tightly locked, and by the looks of it, also boarded up. She could hear nothing inside.

Raspberry Dapple commenced a simple destroying spell, and blasted through the door, only to see that the room was entirely empty, and was left just the way any unoccupied room should be. She then used a simple searching spell, and easily discovered that the ponies inside were hiding. However, she was not able to find their location as she met a magical barricade when she started scanning one half of the room; and an even larger set of barricades in a small spot near the bed. She strode into the room, walking into the half of the room that was protected.

She searched under various spaces with no luck, but when she heard a loud clang in the wall, she knew exactly where they were. She took a few steps toward the wall, and began slicing through it with a magically summoned knife.

Pinkie had just toppled over the purple saddle bag that contained the Elements and a few pots and pans. The sound had evidently informed the intruder of where they were. "it's all your fault!!" whispered Rarity as she edged to the other side of the wall. Fortunately, the magical knife the intruder had summoned was just slicing into the wall's outside.

"Whoever's in there, you had better come out or I'll burn you to death," called the taunting voice outside. "It's her!" said Rarity, terrified. "The fifth alicorn!!"

At hearing this, Fluttershy gave a loud shriek and leaped toward the door that led out of the wall, immediately opening it with a loud creak and tumbling out onto the ground.

The red alicorn whipped around, grinned and began advancing towards the horrified butterscotch mare.

The yellow mare was instantly enveloped in Raspberry Dapple's magic. "Where is your Element of harmony?" asked the mare, levitating Fluttershy in the air. "i-i-in my..m-my saddlebag.." Fluttershy managed to stutter.
"Where is your saddlebag?" asked Raspberry Dapple. "t-t-th-the w-wall..in-inside i-it," the pink-maned mare squeaked.

That was all Raspberry Dapple needed to hear. She dropped Fluttershy, who immediately ran off, no longer interested in the ponies inside the wall, but in the saddlebag that they had. In no time, she had sliced a giant circle in the wall and levitated the saddlebag out before the ponies could prevent her from doing so. She then ran into the maze of halls again, teleporting her and the saddlebag into the throne room. She looked beside her at the half-open saddlebag, and grinned. Plopping herself down on the throne, she ripped open the saddlebag to reveal the three Elements she was looking for. She immediately stashed them away under her throne, out of anypony's reach.

She then began pondering something. If she were to take over the throne of Equestria, the name Raspberry Dapple simply wouldn't do for herself. She thought of her new name, one that would make ponies shudder as they heard it and make them bow down to her. Her old name was no longer of use to her. She threw it away and began thinking of a new one.

She had changed her mind about burning the castle. Instead, she would take the entire castle for herself. Make it her own, and turn all the other cities into places of suffering. Instead of the castle, she would scorch and ravage the rest of Equestria. She would soon see the flames of her anger lick at the very houses of ponies. Especially Manehattan. Manehattan would pay for what they had done. Manehattan would be the very first to go. The very first to burn down, and the very first to become a singed land of scalded bricks and metal, smoking in the gusts of wind that blew through the city-or what was left of it,anyway, the remains of the city covered with the evidence of her anger. It would not be long until the ponies of Manehattan paid for what they had done.

She had just thought of the perfect new name for herself. Night Flare. Yes, Night Flare. It would be a wonderful, but at the same time unspeakably frightful name. Night Flare.

Her horn glowed and the red magical aura shot out from her horn and reached through the windows, pulling her through the window on her left to land down in front of countless ponies.

"Ponies," she said, addressing the crowd to let them know of her new power over them all. "As we all know, the princesses have been defeated, all of them. And that leaves me to rule over you all. Bow down to me!"

(will finish later)

(will finish later, it's my bedtime)

Comments ( 6 )

Alt description:
There was five alicorns in the prophesy star swirl decoded "Two alicorns, night and day, two created and not born, one earth bound with magic, the other sky high, the last a mystery." The first four are found. But where's the fifth?

Errr... the overall plot's a little too convoluted. What is this relic exactly and why did / hows does Starswirl decode it? I mean, when he found it it was probably just some piece of pottery or a marking on a wall or something, and it must have just looked like random gibberish. He'd have had to know or have a good hunch that it was special, then figure out how to decode it and come up with the answer being that five alicorns would one day be created and that (I presume, since you don't say anything more about the prophesy) them assembling would do something... either good or bad, not quite sure. Now I assume at the time Celestia + Luna were not very well known or weren't the monarchs because if he had known about them, he would have showed them the artifact and what he thought it meant and when this story began they would already be searching for the last alicorn because they already found Cadance / Twilight. But seeing as they don't know until, like, just at the start of this story that they are suppose to fulfill a prophesy involving alicorns, why was Celestia already turning ponies into alicorns? There must already be a special significance to alicorns since she chose to turn Cadance and Twilight into one, not to mention her and her sister have BEEN alicorns since (presumably) they were born so they must know how they came to be and what their purpose is.

Star Swirl does not need to be a plot tool in your story, just have it start with Celestia and Luna being worried about how the last alicorn hasn't been found yet. The Star Swirl thing just poses too many questions and is redundant.

Also Celestia and Luna act like teenagers and not their wise, very old selves. Kind of an issue.

And then of course you barely describe anything and rush through scenes :/ Not a very entertaining read, though I am intrigued to see what happens to Raspberry Dapple (I think you mean Dabble? Unless there's such a thing as a Dapple, I have no clue).

Celestia was turning ponies into alicorns because she saw that they would be a great help to the kingdom, because she kind of foresaw hat in the future Equestria would have to face worse problems-at least that's what I'm thinking, I'll sure to try and include that stuff in the story in some place later on. Thank you so much for pointing that out :twilightsmile:

Sorry about 'The Ascension," that chapter is horrible I know :fluttershysad:

I'll try to learn to make things more descriptive. :twilightsmile:

No, Razalon i did NOT rip this off from you!! :facehoof:

And Salted Pingas the alicorn was already going to be red..:twilightsheepish:

why am I getting so much dislikes? :unsuresweetie::fluttershbad::fluttercry:

Oh fuk bedtimes i am 12 and it is 11:56 p.m i was in bed a 9:00oh by the way kust keep fuckin righting tell your mom well fuck u i am staying up bitch so leave me the fuck alone:trixieshiftleft::flutterrage::twilightoops:

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