• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 21,077 Views, 1,607 Comments

Lazarus: The Rise of Man - Immortan Joe

When the Cataclysm struck, Earth was plunged into an eternal darkness and Mankind was assumed to be extinct, left in the forgotten books of history. But what if they never truly died out? What if they're asleep? And what if they woke up?

  • ...

Chapter 12: *Thump*

“Dad, do you know the answer to this?” Amy asked.

Johnny turned the faucet off and the laid the dish he was washing onto the kitchen counter. “Well, I need to know the question first before answering,” he said reaching for a dry towel.

“What’s the square root of ten thousand?”

“Well,” Johnny thought as he dried the wet plate and stored it away in the cabinet above the sink. He closed it and tossed the now damp towel to the side, turning away from the sink. “Have you checked your notes yet?” he asked while leaning his back against the sink looking at his daughter, who was sitting at the dining room table with a smile.

“Eh...” Amy placed her pencil on her journal and bit her bottom lip. The look on her face was one of the most adorable looks he’d ever seen. “I skimmed through them.”

Johnny chuckled and pushed himself off the sink and went over to her. “You’re going to have to try harder then that, sweetie.”

Amy’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Scratch that, this was the most adorable thing he’d seen. “Please don’t call me that.”

John pulled one of the many chairs out from under the hard oak table and sat across from her. “I’m your father.” He smiled with superiority; he always loved it when got to pull the parent card. “I can call you whatever I want–gimme that.” John reached over without warning and snatched the worksheet out from under Amy’s arms.

“Hey!” She let out a startled yelp, and made a grab for the sheet that was just out of her reach.

John stopped her hand with a finger. “Now, now.” His smile grew wider. “I’m helping you–now which one are we on?”

“Number ten.” Amy retracted her hand and brushed a lock of blonde hair away from her eyes.

“Number ten, eh?”


Johnny scanned the page until he landed on the question, reading it over he nodded his head. “Alright.” He sat the page down between them and flipped it around so that Amy could see what he was pointing at. “What you need to do first is–” Before Johnny could finish explaining, the telephone began to ring. For the briefest of moments he considered not answering it, however, by the third ring he stood up. “–Sorry Amy, I need to get that.” He looked down at her, before moving towards the phone. “Just look over your notes, okay?”

“Alright.” She sighed and reached for her notebook.

Johnny gave her a thumbs up and a wink. “That’s my girl.” He was awarded with another embarrassed look from his daughter, he chuckled and went for the telephone.

John took the phone off the receiver and answered. “Hel–”

“John!” His wife’s desperate voice interrupted him.

“Sta-Stacey?” She sounded out of breath.

“O-oh, thank God...” She was crying.

John’s heart stopped mid beat and his mind began to go a million miles per hour. “Stacey, Stacey what’s wrong?” He asked, out of the corner of his eye Amy was looking at him, “Is my Mom there? Is she alright? Are you alright?”

“Dad?” Amy stood up from the table and took a step towards John. “what’s going on?” She asked.

Johnny looked at his daughter worried, he didn’t know what to say. Clearly something wasn’t right, yet he couldn’t tell his daughter that. He cupped his hand over the phone. “Everything’s alright sweetie... go grab a pop from the fridge and go into the living room.” He could see on her face that she knew that wasn’t true, but she reluctantly nodded her head and padded away into the kitchen.

Johnny brought the phone back to his ear. Stacey was sobbing uncontrollably over the line. “Stace.” John swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat. “I need you to talk to me. What happened? Where’s mom?”

“Sh... sh-she’s...” Stacey hiccuped repeatedly.

Sweat began to form on Johnny’s forehead his eyes were wide, he rested his arm against the wall, his gaze locked on his family’s portrait. “Stace, c’mon, please try your best. She’s what?”

“Sh-she’s d-dead...” She whispered.

At that moment, all sound had ceased. Johnny’s heart nearly came to a complete halt. His ears rang as if someone had fired a gun next to his head, seconds passed, his hearing was slowly coming back to its original volume, and Stacey was back to her sobbing state. “She... she’s dead?” Johnny mumbled into the phone, his legs had grown weak, he immediately went for his chair, he felt like he was going to vomit.

“Dad?” Amy called from the kitchen.

Johnny slumped into the dining chair, its legs screeched as it slid into the table. His eyes returned to the family portrait over on the wall, landing specifically on an older looking woman in the top right. His mother. He felt a spark of fury ignite in his chest. “H-how? Stacey, how did she die?” He started to raise his voice, tears formed around the edges of his eyes.

“Please, Johnny don’t be angry, please!” Stacey sobbed, her cries only seemed to make the flames inside him swell . “I tried, I really tried!”

“HOW DID SHE DIE?!” He hollered into the phone.

“DAD?!” Amy called from the kitchen, he could hear her making her way back to the dining room.

Amy’s calls fell on deaf ears. Johnny’s face was beet red and sweat was coming off his face in droves. Stacey began to cry harder into the phone. “They had guns, Johnny!”

“Who had guns?” At that moment John had lost all sense of control, his body acted as if it was on autopilot. He pushed himself off the seat and began to head upstairs to his bedroom to get his gun.

“The soldiers!”

John stopped at the edge of the steps, his hand on the railing, confusion swept over him. “Soldiers? What soldiers?”

“I-I dunno, one moment they weren’t there and then we started to hear gunshots and screams outside the diner, so we hid under our table,” She explained unclearly, her sobs turning into quiet whispers. “Then a man came into the diner through the back entrance, a very, very angry man with a knife. He began screaming and hollering and tearing up the place–th-the waitress tried to make him stop. B-b...” She began to cry again. “He stabbed her! Johnny, he stabbed her! He kept stabbing her and stabbing her over and over again!”

“DAD!” Amy came into the room and grabbed a handful of Johnny’s shirt.

He lurched back and slapped her hand away. “Not now, sweetie.”

When Stacey was able to control herself she continued, “The other men in the diner tried to help her but tha- that thing threw them off like it was nothing. A young man came to us and told us to run so we did, when I ran outside I heard gunshots, lots of gunshots! But I didn’t care, Johnny, I didn’t care I just kept running!”

“So you left her?!”

Stacey wailed, “I didn’t mean to, Johnny, I was scared!”


“Where are you?” Johnny snarled, he knew he shouldn’t be angry at her, but the thought of his mother being left behind infuriated him.

“NO!” Stacey shrieked, “Stay home and lock the doors!”

“Stacey, what the fuck is going on?!”

“I-I’m o-on my wa-way home,” Stacey stammered, “just lock th-the doors and stay away from the windows.”

Despite his anger Johnny asked, “What about you?”


“Are you hurt?”

“N-no,” Stacey said, “one of them grabbed me yes, but I was able to break away... though.”


“I-it may just be me, but the spot he grabbed me is really itchy. I-I bet it’s n-nothing! I’ll be home in a bit, just stay safe, please.” With that she hung up.


Johnny dropped the phone, he hadn’t noticed but he had tears streaming down his cheeks. “Wh-what is it, sweetie?” His anger was starting to fade, the thought that his mother was most likely dead nearly brought him to tears.

“There’s someone in the backyard,” He heard Amy say.

John looked over and down his shoulder. “W-what?”


All of a sudden, a sound came from the kitchen’s back door.


Two rapid sounds admitted from it. “Amy...” Johnny said and he grabbed her by the shoulders. The sound of Stacey’s voice filled his head, Lock the doors and stay away from the windows!


Someone was trying to break down the door. The telephone began to ring again. “Amy go to your room and lock the door.”

“Dad what’s happening–”

Johnny jolted at the sound of a blaring car horn that was soon followed by a loud crash. Soon after he could hear the faint sound of gunshots echoing outside followed by someone screaming. The man outside began slamming against the door again. “Go now!” He shouted and Amy immediately bolted up stairs.


The door continued to shake violently and the phone carried on ringing beneath his feet. Johnny’s heart was racing, looking down he grabbed the phone and ran upstairs.

Johnny tripped up the last step and fell onto his knees nearly dropping the phone, getting up he brought it to his ear and answered. “Now’s not the best time!” He said as he went to his room.

“John, it’s me Arin,” His brother replied his voice sounding very nervous.

“Arin, what the fuck is going on?” John opened his bedroom door, downstairs the back door continued to be pounded on by the unknown trespasser. “People are going nuts outside, and now I’m hearing about fucking soldiers waving their guns around?!”

“There’s no time to explain,” Arin said.

“What are you talking about?” John got onto his knees and reached under his bed, when his fingers came in contact with the side of a metal suitcase he took hold of it and slid it out. “A madman stabbed a woman to death in front of my wife!”

“Just listen to me, John, get the hell out of San Francisco now! Just pack your wife and kid up and head east!”

John opened the suitcase and grabbed his handgun. “Arin... did something happen in D.C–” John heard a loud crack as the back door gave way.

“Johnny what was that?”

“Arin,” John whispered while slowly climbing to his feet, gun in hand, he switched the safety off. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to call you back.”


“Wah!” John lurched upwards in his cot, his body drenched in sweat, his polo clung tightly to his skin, and his heart pounded against his chest. Nervous, he looked across the room.


He jumped, head snapping to the left, and saw a black figure pounding its head against the protective glass.


The room was dark and he could hardly make out the person’s features, but he knew it was the other patient; the crazed man that was shouting bloody murder just a few hours ago. What is he doing? John thought as he pushed himself into a sitting position.


The man’s head whacked against the glass again. John raised an eyebrow and pushed himself onto his feet, wobbling around a bit as he attempted to regain his balance.


John’s eyes wandered toward the small camera hanging in the corner of the ceiling. I must not be the only one watching this, he thought and pointed a finger at the man while still looking at the camera. As if he thought someone would notice him.

“Hello?” John said to the camera. “Aren’t you guys seeing–” Thump “–this?” He had a hunch that the man behind the one way mirror wouldn’t respond, and lo and behold he received nothing. The camera remained motionless on the wall; its lens focused on nothing but him. The silence on the other end bothered John. These two men were supposed to have a twenty-four hour surveillance, surely someone would have noticed what was going on in there.


John jolted. “Would you cut that out!” He snapped at the man.


The man’s head rammed against the glass even harder than before, John began to back away until his legs made contact with his cot, he sat down. He didn’t understand why he was so afraid of this crazed man. There had to be at least an inch of glass between him and the bizarre individual, yet something about the other’s actions unsettled him.


However, as time passed between the two of them. John’s concern had grown into curiosity. He rose up from his cot and cautiously moved towards the glass, not much for his own safety but so that he didn’t somehow provoke the man into another screaming fit. Johnny was only half a foot away from the glass when the man brought his head back once more and flung it forward, smashing itself against the pane.

Out from the man’s forehead a small trickle of blood seeped down the glass. John stopped and watched the man as he remained still like a statue. His breath leaving a small amount of white fog on the glass.

“Do you understand...?” The man startled John with his muffled, hoarse voice. The man’s head slowly began to rise, allowing John to just barely see the small trail of blood oozing out of a cut above the man’s right eye. Along with the blood John noticed the smallest amount of light reflecting off of what looked to be a river of tears running down his cheeks. “Do you understand?” The man asked again, this time desperately.

“U-understand what?” John was confused, he began to back away from the glass slowly.

The man angrily brought his fist back and slammed it against the glass. “Do you understand the pain that I am going through!” He shouted, his voice muffled by the glass. The man began to go off on a tangent, “I can hear him speaking to me! I can hear all of them speaking to me! Please tell me I’m not the only one who can hear them! Please!” The man opened his fist and rested his palm on the glass, he pressed his body against it and slowly began to slide along it as he dropped to his knees. Sobbing uncontrollably, whilst continuing his crazed rambling. “He tells me that I’ll never get anywhere in life! That I’m the reason why she left! But it isn’t true!”

At this point John had quickly retreated back to his cot, sitting with his back to the wall. His right knee held tightly to his chest while the other dangled over the side, his focus locked on the psychotic man who was curled up in the fetal position sobbing uncontrollably.

It had been hours before Johnny returned to sleep.


The crowd of soldiers went wild when Michael stumbled back onto the floor, catching himself with a free hand he stopped himself from face planting the metal. Blood dripped from his most likely broken nose and pooled onto the armory’s floor, giving it a nice red sheen.

“Don’t tell me you can’t take an ass whoopin’, Junior. C’mon, get up.” A tall and well-built black man taunted, he was wearing nothing but his orange cargo pants, which was part of the uniform that the men in the engineering department typically wore.

Like the man, Michael wore nothing but his trousers, his shirt and shoes were off to the side. He bit the bottom of his lip and pushed himself to his feet, his ribs burning in protest. “C’mon Reace! Kick his ass some more!” An engineer shouted from the crowd.

Michael stood and wiped the blood off his nose. “Come on now, why don’t ya do what yer friend said.” He turned and gave the man a smug look. “And kick mah ass.” He raised his fists towards his opponent, his bruised knuckles turning white as he began hop on his feet.

“A’ight then,” Reace smiled and cracked his fingers against each other. “I take that as ya wanna go another round?” Like Michael, the engineer positioned himself in a similar boxing stance. Both men then approached each other and tapped knuckles before immediately stepping back, signaling the fight had begun.

Without a second to blink, Reace lunged forward firing a jab towards Michael’s ribs. Michael sucked his gut in and dashed backwards, saving himself by a couple inches. “Whoa now!” He countered by sucker punching the engineer's bottom jaw.

Reace doubled back his, hand immediately shooting to his busted lip. Michael saw this and used it to his advantage, dashing forward he jabbed the engineer with his right hand which was then followed up with a haymaker to the opposite side of his jaw.

Reace’s head snapped to the left, his body following him as he spiraled into the ground. The crowd cheered. Michael towered over his opponent smiling, cracking his knuckles he bent over the man and cupped a hand to his ear. “What was that? Really? You were going to kick my ass?” He said mockingly.

Reace groaned as he propped himself up with an elbow. “Fuck you!” He spat a glob of blood and saliva onto the floor. “You caught me off guard, that was all.” He wiped his mouth.

“Ah come on.” Michael laughed and swung a hand out to the side. “I was going easy on you the first time. Now come on, best two outta three.” He offered Reace a hand, to which he growled and swatted away. Michael pouted, “Oh now you’re just acting like a sore loser.”

“Shut up will ya!” Reace shouted and threw a punch in Michael’s direction, Michael twisted his body easily dodging the swing.

“Still got some fight in ya I see?” He chuckled, “Well alright then.” He shrugged and turned around. “I was just trying to help–oof!” A hand firmly pressed against his chest stopped him. “What the?” Looking at the dark skinned hand on his chest, his eyes trailed up the arm until they met with a very angry looking man and his partner. Michael smirked. “Well now I assume–wha!–Hey!” The man slammed a hand down on the back of Michael’s neck and threw him into the nearby crowd.

The crowd caught Michael and pushed him back into the middle towards his two attackers, the bystanders beginning to get too riled up. Michael regained his balance and started rubbing the back of his sore neck, looking at his attackers he saw a black man not much taller than him, and a very small latino fellow standing next to him, both of them dressed in their orange engineer jumpsuits.

“Hey what the fuck was that for man?” Michael gritted his teeth. “I wasn’t matched up against either of you.”

The man who had thrown him rolled his eyes and gestured towards Reace who was still struggling to get up. “You think this is funny, bitch?”

Michael frowned. “What?”

“I said, ‘Do. You. Think. This. Is. Funny... Bitch?’” The man spoke slowly and as if Michael was some five year old. “Humiliating my brother in front of the entire crew?”

Michael pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yo, man just listen here.” He rolled his shoulders to loosen them up, preparing for possibly another fight. “Your brother set himself up for failure. Hell, he should’ve known that I’ve been number one for the past six matches.”

“¿Qué hay acerca de usted cierra la maldita boca o voy a dividir la cara” The small latino man shouted.

Michael glared at him. “The fuck he just say to me?” He leaned forward. “Hey ese, misa no Español,” He said mockingly.

“You leave Andre the fuck alone!” The larger man stepped forward.

“Then how about you leave me alone?” Michael stepped forward shooing him away. “I don’t have no beef with you, so piss off!”

Suddenly, Michael found himself being lifted off the ground; without any time to react, the man had hoisted him up by the legs and slammed his back into the metal flooring. A shock of pain rippled throughout his body. The man climbed on top of him and began to lay a flurry of punches onto him. Michael shielded his face and twisted his body around in an attempt to free himself.

The crowd was going absolutely nuts, one half was cheering for the man on top of Michael while the other screamed at him to get up. Michael found himself in quite a predicament, he was unable to get his legs out, and if he were to lower his arms away from his face he’d be in for a load of pain.

“Come on now you bitch!” Michael’s attacker said through clenched teeth. “Fight me like a man!”

Michael smirked. “Alright then,” he muttered and threw his hands out in front of him. Both of his palms made contact with the man’s chest and locked in place keeping him at a safe distance. Michael then bucked his hips upwards, which shifted the man’s weight forward, therefore causing him to topple over. Startled by his sudden actions, the engineer stuck his arms out in an attempt to catch himself. Michael’s smirk grew into a tooth-filled smile and he quickly hooked his arm around his opponent’s, he then swung his body over and straddled the man’s stomach. With his opponent’s arm now twisted and locked between Michael’s armpit, his free hand was placed on top of the engineer’s shoulder joint.

Michael gave the man a wicked look. “Make any sudden movements, and ah won’t hesitate to break yer fuckin’ arm,” He said his southern drawl returning.

“Parada, te vas a él le dolía !” Andre, who’d been watching everything unfold from the sidelines, stepped forward, a shocked expression plastered on his face, in response to what happened.

Michael pressed down on the man’s joint, the bone beneath popping. “Ah! Fuck! Fuck! Please don’t man!” The man begged.

Michael snarled. “Then tell your friend to back o–”

“What the hell is going on here?” A familiar low, stressed voice asked from behind.

The crowd had suddenly fallen into a death like silence. “Uh..eh,” Michael’s face had briefly gone pale. “C-commander?” He took the palm of his hand off the engineer’s shoulder and released his arm and looked back at William. “We-we’re just having some fun that’s all.”

William stood in front of a section of the crowd, arms crossed, and a solid, stern look locked on his face. He was wearing the issued grey tyvek suit and kevlar vest, dangling by his neck was his respirator, and judging by the light mist of sanitary chemicals on the visor. Michael could tell he’d just recently came in from the outside.

“Fun?” William raised an eyebrow. “Beating each other senselessly till the other is unfit to continue, is fun?” William had began to approach, Michael’s eyes widened as he knew what was coming. “Let me ask you something,” William clasped one of his large hands around the back of Michael’s neck. His fingers dug into his pressure points as he pulled the marine off of the man below him before displaying him before the crew. “Has it not occurred to you that we are possibly the last of our species?” He hissed into his ear, Michael nodded his head. “Then what the fuck is this?”

“E-entertainment sir.”

William smiled and squeezed a bit harder. “Really now?”

“Y-yes sir.” Michael cringed.

“So you enjoy breaking people’s arms?” Michael tried to crane his head back and look William in the eyes. Like a flash of lightning William took Michael by the left arm and violently twisted it behind his back causing a few joints to crack. A sudden aching pain surged its way forward, Michael gritted his teeth in order to stop himself from hollering. “Would you enjoy it if I broke your arm? Huh? Would you?” William asked mockingly.

“N-no sir,” Michael said through clenched teeth.

The crowd around them looked to one another worriedly. “How about you guys and gals?” William looked over the audience. “Do you enjoy watching people harm each other?” He twisted Michael’s arm a bit more, making him groan and stomp his foot. Most of the heads in the crowd shook. “Not good enough.” He mumbled, shoving Michael forward the two of them went over to one of the spectators.

“You there!” William called to the soldier. “Do you find enjoyment in this?” William twisted Michael’s arm more which made the marine squirm.

The girl’s eyes went from William to Michael’s pain gripped face. “Sir, I do not find enjoyment in this, sir.”

William’s face darkened. “Bullshit, why are you here then?”

“Sir, I-I was just passing–”

“Fuck, Private I don’t believe you,” He snarled, “lets say you came home one night and saw your hubby naked in a room with another girl, and he said, ‘Sh-she was just passing by.’ Would you believe him?”

“Sir, I don’t–”

“Bullshit private I don’t believe you! I guess that means my point has been proven, so I’ll ask again, why are you here? You know what, instead of talking to your slutty looking face I’ll just ask all of you.” William looked to the crowd. “Why are y’all here? Why aren’t you outside helping to clear the debris with the rest of the crew? Matter of fact!” William finally released Michael by placing a foot on his back and shoving him to the floor and onto his knees. He turned towards the two engineer brothers who were still writhing on the floor. “Why aren’t any of you contributing?!” He asked again as he went over to the two men, he took them by the collars and hoisted them up. “I was told that the United Nations specifically hand picked all of you pussies for the sake of mankind because all of you had a set of skills and notions that would benefit our cause!” He politely dusted the engineer’s shoulders off and leaned in closely to whisper, “Both of you, go down to medical and get yourselves patched up. Next I want to see both your asses outside in two hundred, understood?”

The engineers nodded and walked off, William turned back to face the rest of the soldiers. “Though,” he continued, “I think there may have been a mishap during the selection process. You all want to know what I see?” His question was met with silence. “I said, do you want to know what I see?!” He shouted.

“Sir, yes, sir!” The crew responded.

“Well then, what I see is a bunch of undisciplined, lazy ass, shitheads who stand around all day beating each other senseless! Am I correct?” Silence once again. “Am I fucking right or not?!”

“Sir, yes, sir!”

“Then get your fucking dicks out of each others asses and get it into gear!”

“Sir, yes, sir!” The soldiers shouted in unison and immediately spun around leaving William and Michael alone in a matter of a few seconds.

William smirked, it’d been a long time since he’d spoken to anyone like that. Too long. He looked over his shoulder and over at Michael who was getting back onto his feet. “You alright, son?” He asked smiling. “Did I bruise any of your precious skin?”

“Goddamn,” Michael muttered clutching his left arm, “You really got some hands, Commander.” He took his hand off his arm and rolled his shoulder checking for any damage, he answered, “I think it’ll be fine, sir. But did you really have to go that far?”

William approached Michael and slapped him on the back making him wince. “I was just trying to drive my point home.” William looked over Michael’s half naked body and frowned. “And put some clothes on will ya. You’re embarrassing yourself.”

“Yes, sir,” Michael said stressfully as he went over to grab his shirt and shoes. “So what’s up with you, sir?” He said motioning with one hand over at Will’s attire. “What’s got you so dressed up?”

William once again crossed his arms. “Unlike you and the moshpit you had going, I used my spare time volunteering to help out some of the soldiers clear out the fallen trees.”

“Commander, I’m sorry okay,” Michael sighed but couldn’t help himself to smiling as he slipped on his boots. “What about them horses? Any news about them after they pulled out?”

“Yes as a matter of fact. That hacker boy, Nelson Grimes, was able to reposition one of our remaining orbital satellites right above our AO allowing us a sight range of over thirty klicks.”

“And what did it see?” Michael’s voice was muffled by the fabric of his shirt as he pulled it on.

“Well, the company that pulled through here with that leader figure is still around us a couple of klicks out. They appeared to have formed a cordon of some kind, probably trying to keep us pinned in.”

Michael pulled his head through the top hole of the shirt and began to straighten out any wrinkles he saw. “I’m sensing some trust issues here.” He grinned.

William shrugged. “You aren’t the only one. After they relayed the footage to the council members, there’s already talk going around about a worst case scenario.”

Michael cracked his neck and flashed William a look. “And what’s that?”


Michael’s mouth made an O shape. “Oh. Okay then, don’t you think those suits are just jumping to conclusions too quickly?”

“They’re just doing what Admiral Watson says, ‘Prepare for the worst, hope for the best’.”

Michael nodded and started walking towards his locker on the far side of the room. William followed shortly behind him. “Did the Admiral say anything about this discovery?”

William chuckled. “He’s the one who called it really. ‘Saw this coming from a mile away,’” He said in a mock voice of Watson.

Michael nodded and took his I.D. card and slid it into his lockers console, the machine hummed as it scanned the card and then beeped once the light above it turned green and the latch came undone. Michael opened the locker and began dragging some of his gear out.

William sat down on the nearby bench just a couple feet away from the wall of lockers. Michael was standing in front of him, bent over and rifling through his backpack making sure he had everything. “Commander,” Michael called, his head deep within his bag searching, “have you heard what happened to Officer Conway recently?”

Will raised an eyebrow and glanced over at the half submerged soldier; it was as if the bag had eaten half his body. “Central? No, what happened?”

Michael pulled himself out of his bag, a confused look crossed his face and turned back towards his locker and dove into it. “Well.” He began tossing a few miscellaneous items behind him. “I couldn’t help but overhear a couple lab coats mentioning that he’s been quarantined with Shaun.”

“Quarantined?” This caught William by surprise. “Since when?”

“Some time yesterday, I heard that if he shows no symptoms they’ll release him some time later today–AH HA!” Michael cheered happily, leaning out of the locker he held his respirator up high above his head. “I had a feeling it fell down there!”

William ignored the boy’s cheers, his mind stuck on the fact an officer on board somehow contracted the pathogen. “W-why is Johnny infected with the virus–let me rephrase that–how did he contract the disease in the first place?”

William frowned when he noticed the marine had already flung the mask over his face and was looking at him strangely. “Are you going to answer my quest–”

“Are you my mummy?” Michael said in a poor English accent.

William shook his head and snatched the mask off Michael’s face. “Hey!” The boy protested.

“How about you stop acting like a goddamn child and more like a marine dammit!” He growled.

“I was just playing around, man–”

“First of all, Junior, I am not your man. I am your superior. Now answer the damn question!”

Michael sighed and reached over and took the mask back. “Dr. Hassel was running a series of unauthorized tests on the four subjects that were detained. He claimed that those creatures were somehow in cahoots with the Sleeper Virus.”

“Cahoots?” William raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, y’know they corresponded with one another... they’re related, sir.” Michael clarified. “Anyways, one of the tests required something to do with one of the creature’s brain or something.” He placed the last of his gear in the backpack and zipped it closed, he stood up and sat beside William. “I guess most of the other lab coats were on break and Hassel needed an assistant or something. So he asked Conway if he could help out, well it just so turns out that the situation got out of hand.”

“What do you mean, got out of hand?” William asked quietly, leaning forward.

“Remember what we saw back in the woods when we were watching over that town?”

William slapped his hands down on his knees and straightened himself out. “I don’t think I can recall,” he said sarcastically, “I saw a lot of things.”

Michael shook his head and leaned towards William. “What I mean, Commander, is: Do you remember how those things were picking up buckets with their mind and shit?”

“Yeah, of course I do, how could I forget something like that? Hell I just saw their leader not too long ago magic a goddamn feathered pen out of thin air!”

“Exactly, and it just so happens that when Conway and a few guards were locked in a room with one of them. It attacked them!”

William frowned. “Attacked them?”

Michael nodded quickly. “So I heard, some of the folks around here said that he and the guards were blasted by some kind of radiation.”

“And that’s why he’s quarantined?”


“What about the two guards?”

Michael leaned back and scratched his neck. “I don’t know about them. I assume they’re probably being held somewhere else, or they hadn’t shown any symptoms.”

“Huh...” Is all William could say.

“Sucks to be him man.” Michael said as he got up, “Well, Commander, I guess it’s time I get my ass into gear.”

“What are you going to do?” William stood up beside him, Michael brushed past and began heading towards the exit.

“I dunno, ask around, maybe help some of the lumber jack fellas. It was nice talking to ya.” He waved over his shoulder.

“Same to you too.” William gave a small wave as the armory doors slid shut, cutting his view of Michael off.

William gulped and turned to notice the Junior Lieutenant had forgotten to shut his locker. He shook his head in disbelief and closed it, how could the U.N. select such an irresponsible lad? He asked himself, Whatever their reasons was, he must be good at something. He turned his head to look over his shoulder and a small glistening light caught his eye. Turning his body he noticed a small, partially dried puddle of blood shimmering beneath the rays of the overhanging light.

Will chuckled. “Fight Club? You gotta be fucking kidding me,” He said walking out of the armory.


“Open the gates!” The voice of a guard shouted over the din the crowd of ponies beyond the castle walls produced.

The guard in the tower above nodded and pulled the large wooden lever beside the window. A noisy clank, loud enough to silence the crowd outside, echoed. “Make way for the Princess!”

The crowd beyond the gates parted like a great sea, allowing a band of guards and one lone pony passage. Twilight Sparkle was that lone pony, surrounded by the many guards that had greeted her at the Canterlot station. When Twilight had heard the news that a meteorite had nearly wiped out the Equestrian Capital, she departed from her castle home and immediately went to investigate.

Twilight had arrived in Canterlot earlier that afternoon by train, when she had stepped off the car she was swarmed by reporters. “Princess Sparkle!” A unicorn mare dressed in blue photographer outfit had approached her, she was levitating a notepad in front of her. “Do you have any news on what had transpired over the course of last night?”

Another reported then added: “Have you heard anything from Princess Luna and her brigade?”

“What about the piece of the debris that had fallen into Celestia’s garden?”

Twilight had responded to the reporters by saying that knew nothing of the matter, and that honestly she had actually slept through the whole thing. Thankfully before the reporters could push even further, the group of guards Celestia had sent to retrieve her came through and broke up the crowd, thus bringing her to where she was now. Passing through the castle gates and entering the front lawn.

“Close the gate!” The same guard as before shouted. The stallion in the tower pulled and released the lever, unlatching the locking mechanism and allowing the gate to slowly swing shut behind them.

“Princess Twilight!” An accented voice boomed far ahead drawing Twilight’s attention away from the gate. Standing at the top of the landing in front of the castle, was an old unicorn clad in purple and gold armor, overlooking the beautiful lawn. The stallion’s eyes wandered towards Twilight’s as she proceeded her way towards him. The stallion went to meet her halfway.

“I am Captain Kebler of the Royal Guard,” He said stopping a few steps away from her, bowing.

Twilight bowed with him. “Thank you, Kebler.” Twilight straightened herself and examined the stallion in front of her. Kebler was an old unicorn with a faded grey coat and black mane, his eyes were a light sky blue. His muscles were well defined and from what Twilight could see in the space between his armor’s plates they were also well toned. His muzzle was inlaid with wrinkles, denoting his age, giving him a more somber and serious look, in his bearing she could see strength and bravery.

“Mistress, are you ready?” Kebler said, Twilight blinked, she hadn’t noticed that the stallion was speaking to her.

“Y-yes.” She said absentmindedly.

Kebler gave her a soft smile. “Then allow me to take you to them immediately.”

“Sure thing.” Twilight smiled back.

Kebler nodded and motioned for her to wait just a second as he turned to the rest of the guards. “All of you,” He said, his voice and accent gaining volume. “Take your leave and tend to the gates, do your best to calm the crowd!” The guards originally escorting Twilight nodded and gave the captain a brisk salute. Kebler smiled once more and looked to Twilight, “Well,” he said quietly, “shall we proceed?”


“It was pretty funny because after I had incapacitated him, I bent over the colt to offer him a hoof. He then looks up at me and says, ‘I-I think I’m just going to lie here for two maybe three hours’,” Kebler finished his story in a fit of giggles alongside Twilight. The older stallion continued to lead Twilight through the castle corridors; taking her to Celestia’s private study.

“That... that is pretty funny,” Twilight said in between her giggles, she cleared her throat. “Can I ask you a question, Captain?”

“Aye,” Kebler looked over his shoulder and smiled, “What would you like to know?”

“I’m sorry if this seems a little rude. But ever since I heard your voice, I can’t seem to pinpoint your accent? Surely you’re not from Equestria.”

A massive smile rose onto Kebler’s face and he laughed out loud. “Indeed, you are correct Mistress Sparkle, I am not from this realm. Instead, I was born and raised in the west, on the other side of the sea.”

“Interesting, do you mind if I ask what country?”

The two rounded a corner, at the far end of the hall was a large door guarded by two pegasi guards. “My mistress, I was raised in South Zebrica.”

“Ah, I take it one of your one of your parents was a Zebra then?”

“Ha!” Kebler blurted, “That would not be the case, Mistress, both of my parents were ponies. Though I was born in Zebrica, I was born in an Equestrian owned territory.”

“Interesting.” Twilight mumbled, the two of them were nearing the door. “Wasn’t Equestria’s occupation of the Mareabique district lifted thirty years ago?”

“Pardon me Mistress,” The two of them stopped a few yards from the door and Kebler looked at Twilight with a frown. “But are you calling me old?”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “Oh, no, no that’s not what I meant!”

Kebler laughed out loud again. “I be jesting with you, Mistress Sparkle.” He chuckled and looked at the door to Celestia’s study, “Before we go any further though. Would you mind if I asked you a question of my own?”

Twilight shook her head. “Not at all, Captain, go ahead.”

Kebler looked to the mare with a serious look. “Does my accent bother you at all?”

Twilight frowned a little. “Not at all,” She said reassuringly, “to put it frank, I enjoy it really.”

Kebler’s expression relaxed right away. “That is fantastic to hear! You know, Mistress, you remind me exactly of my wife.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Really now, how so?”

Kebler leaned forward. “Because that is the exact same answer she gave me when she followed me home for the first time,” He laughed.

“Aw, how adorable.”

“Okay now,” Kebler turned to face the door. “Let us not keep the other Mistresses waiting.”

The guards nodded towards Twilight and Kebler before turning to face one another, both then raised one of their hooves to the door and slowly pushed it open. Kebler flashed a quick look back the mare and grinned, Twilight replied with one of her own, and the two entered the study.


“SIR KEBLER!” Luna practically shrieked with excitement.

“My beloved Mistress!” Kebler replied sitting on his haunches his fore legs wide open, ready to embrace the alicorn that came bounding towards him. Luna stopped just inches from colliding into the captain and she leaned forward for a gentle hug. Both ponies had large smiles and they were giggling like fillies.

“Ah, Twilight,” Celestia said looking up from a large book levitating in front of her, she was sitting in a large, red cushioned seat. “I’m happy to see you’ve gotten my letter?”

Twilight frowned. “Letter?” She said questioningly, she took her eyes off of the two hugging ponies. “Sorry, Princess.” Twilight started to make her way over to her previous mentor, and took the seat across from her. “But I don’t recall receiving any letters from you.”

Celestia pursed her lips and closed the book, placing it aside. “Strange, I could’ve sworn I wrote to you not too long ago–” A bright light flashed right beside Celestia’s head, as soon as the light appeared, it disappeared and in its midst: a small white scroll with a red seal. Celestia curled her lips in confusion and levitated the scroll from off of the floor and undid the seal, she quickly skimmed over it and snorted when she tried to hold back a laugh.

Twilight was growing slightly worried due to not knowing what was happening. “What does it say?”

“Nothing much.” Celestia placed the letter aside with a smile. “Just Spike letting me know that I happened to send my letter a few hours late because you were already on your way.”

Twilight straightened herself up in her seat and pushed herself back a little so that she was more comfortable. “Oh heh, yeah, I left really early this morning so that I could catch the first train.”

Celestia nodded. “I take it you saw the meteorite last night?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. I didn’t actually, I slept through the whole thing.”

“You were up the previous night researching weren’t you? Oh, before I forget, would you like some tea Twilight?” Celestia said turning in her seat a bit so that she was leaning over a small tea table in which sat a kettle alongside three cups.

Looking at the kettle and the small bits of steam that rose from the cracks, Twilight raised a hoof to the base of her throat. She hadn’t drank anything since the train ride. “Thank you Princess, yes I would. And to answer your–no sugar please– to answer your question I was actually reading a new book I had purchased for mine and Spike’s new library,” she said taking a small sip of her tea, the second the warm liquid touched her tongue a small pleasure filled smile appeared on her face. She levitated the cup away and examined it, Twilight let out a sigh of relief as the warming brew traveled down her throat. “This is wonderful.”

Twilight saw Celestia take the cup away from herself so that she wouldn’t laugh into it. “I’m glad you enjoy it. The leaves were freshly picked and cleaned a few days ago. So you weren’t studying? I must say Twilight.” Celestia sat her cup down. “It isn’t often I hear that coming from you.”

“What can I say,” Twilight said, “Spike offered me a really good book.”

“It was Spike that recommended it to you?”

“Yes. But he hasn’t read it, when we were at the bookstore he saw and read the cover, after that he wouldn’t stop bugging me to buy it.”

“So you bought it, and started reading it?”

“Not at first.” Twilight took another sip of the delicious tea. “For awhile I sorted it onto one of our shelves and returned to my studies. A few days later I happened to stumble on a minor situation in which I couldn’t figure out the exact amount of magic I needed to channel through the quartz crystal to generate enough condensed energy to heat homes without melting it or causing it to combust.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like you're working with some dangerous material there Twilight.”

“Don’t worry, Princess, whenever I start one of these experiments I make sure that I’m standing behind a protective barrier,” Twilight assured her.

Celestia nodded. “Interesting, now where did you get the idea for heated quartz crystals?” The princess took her cup and sipped from it quietly.

Twilight beamed. “From the book Spike recommended to me.”

“Really now?” Celestia questioned, “What’s the name of the book?”

Twilight began to grow with excitement. “It’s called, ‘The Return of a Fallen Race’ By: Winter Dawn.”

Celestia frowned and brought a hoof to her chin, her eyes lowering her teacup in thought. “I’m afraid I’ve never heard of that one.”

Twilight nodded in understanding. “That may be because it is a fairly recent novel.”

“What’s it about?” Celestia asked.

Twilight bit her lower lip trying to recall everything she had read up until now. “It has a strange plot I’ll say that, nothing I’ve really read I’ll admit. That may explain why I’m so interested in it. The story follows an extraterrestrial species that highly resemble insects, primarily grasshoppers. Anyways, these aliens as the author likes to call them, are highly intelligent, I mean far beyond anything we ponies have developed. The author explains from the alien’s perspective that their species were thrown into a ‘galactic civil war’ which nearly drove them into extinction.”

“Oh dear,” Celestia said with intrigue. “A war that spreads to galactic proportions?”

Twilight nodded. “The war lasted for millennia on end, and that the war was fought with massive battleships made entirely out of metal. Well during one of those battles, a battleship was knocked off course.”

“And I assume the ship’s course was accidentally directed towards Equis?” Twilight nodded. “What happened when they arrived?”

“At first it didn’t go so well. The book described you as not being very trustworthy towards them.” Twilight motioned a hoof towards Celestia, she didn’t notice it at first but Celestia had cringed and immediately went back to her tea in order to hide it. “Though, after the aliens learned our language relations between us began to warm up.”

“I take it that things end happily?” Celestia lowered her cup and dabbed her lips with a napkin.

Twilight looked at Celestia and smiled deviously. “Spoilers,” was all she said.

Celestia smiled. “I must say,” She said sipping from her cup, “this novel sounds very intriguing.” Celestia placed her cup on the table beside. “I might actually take a peek at it whenever I get the time.”

The two smiled at each other and sat in silence for a few moments.

“What brings you back here so soon, Sir Knight?” Twilight overheard Luna. “I thought you were back home visiting your family?”

“And indeed I was tending to my family, Mistress,” Kebler said, the two were sitting by a desk that had a large black chunk sitting on it. “But when I caught news of the meteorite, I knew it was in my duty to come and assist you and all of Canterlot.”

“Well I am glad to hear that you know where your responsibilities lie, Sir Knight.” Luna’s head tilted slightly. “But what about your family? How is Jade?”

Kebler only smiled and shook his head. “She’s doing wonderful, Mistress, thank you for asking. And yes, she was alright with me returning to my line of duty.”

Luna realigned her head and nodded. “That is good indeed.”

“It’s amazing isn’t it?” Celestia quietly asked snapping Twilight’s attention away from the princess and her guard. “Luna finally interacting well with other ponies aside from me and you.” Celestia smiled and sipped the last of her tea. “She’s always been good when it came to her guards. A few millennia back before Nightmare Moon’s banishment, Luna’s one and only friend was her escort. Moonlight Blade I think his name was.” She chuckled at the distant memories. “The two of them always stuck to each other like sap. Always traveling together even when Moonlight was off duty.”

“Wow, I’ve never known about that. Those must’ve been great years.” Twilight said imaging how Luna must’ve of been years before.

“They were.” Celestia’s smile faded. “Up until the war.”


“Yes.” Celestia’s eyes flickered towards Twilights. “Those years of Luna and Moonlight were the same years in which the Cyclopean war erupted.”

“Oh...” Twilight’s ear’s folded back, despite knowing the answer, she couldn’t help but ask: “What happened?”.

“When the Cyclops’ fleet first touched down on Equestrian soil, Luna and her army were the ones to make first contact.” Celestia’s eyes were downcast as she let out a quiet breath. “It was only because of a miracle that she and a hoofful of guards were able to make it out alive.”

“That... that’s terrible.” Was all Twilight could say.

“The incident not only scarred my little sister, but also took away her best friend.” Celestia’s eyes closed.

“Princess, I’m sorry,” Twilight said, “I shouldn't have asked.”

Celestia opened her eyes and her expression warmed up “There is no need to be sorry, Twilight,” Celestia looked at Luna, the mare was laughing at one of her guard’s jokes. “What had happened then is now something of the past, and looking at Luna now I believe that is how she wants to keep it.”

Twilight shared Celestia’s smile. “Well, I’m glad that story has a happy ending.” Twilight sipped at her tea, it had gone cold.

Celestia glanced at Twilight’s tea. “Would you like a refill Twilight?” She asked, her mood brightening again.

Twilight smiled and shook her head. “No, Princess that will not be necessary.”

Celestia smiled. “Alright then.” She levitated her own cup to the kettle and refilled hers. “Twilight,” She said blowing lightly on her drink, “would you like to know the reason as to why I requested that you come here?”

“Of course.”

Celestia levitated the book she had been reading when Twilight had first arrived over to her. “Please, take a look at this.”

Twilight took the book in her magic, scrutinizing the cover, she tried to make out the title of the tome. After staring at the title for a few moments longer, she poked her head out from behind the book. “I-I can’t read what it says,” she said looking back at the title, “I don’t even know what language it’s in.”

“That’s because, Twilight, it’s not in any language that we know of.”

“Pardon me?”

“What you hold in front of you Twilight, is part of what came out of the sky,” Celestia said.

“Wait a second, you’re saying this book fell from the sky?”

Celestia’s chuckle turned into a laugh. “No, my dear–I should have worded that better–it was given to us by the creatures that came from the meteorite.” Celestia grinned when she saw the look her fellow alicorn was giving her. “Twilight, that book is not from this world. That meteorite that nearly struck Canterlot was actually some form of transport that carried a species of bipedal creatures we’ve never seen before.”

Twilight eyed Celestia as if she had just received news that Equestria was orbiting the sun. Her mind couldn't even begin to comprehend what the Princess was telling her, a new species? Aliens? A meteorite That fell from the sky and could've destroyed an entire city? What?! Twilight lowered the large book and continued to give Celestia that same look of disbelief. “Celestia,” She said calling the princess by her first name since her arrival, “What are you trying to–”

A knock came from the study door. Slowly, the door crept open. “Pardon me your majesties,” the young voice of a mare said, “but dinner has been prepared and is ready to be served.”

“Really now,” Kebler said with a large smile, he looked to Luna, to which she looked to her sister.

Celestia looked at Twilight. “Shall we take this conversation to the table?”


“My wife and I have been thinking of naming her Kudu,” Kebler said to Luna as he placed his glass of water down on to the table, “the same name my mother bore.”

Both Celestia and Luna held pleased looks at the sound of the name. “When is she due?” Celestia asked, taking a knife to the salad on her plate, she began to slice the pieces of lettuce into smaller bits.

Kebler seemed to be taken aback by the question. “N-nine more weeks. Why do–I mean if you don’t mind, Mistress, why do you ask?”

Celestia smiled a small smile and returned her attention onto the plate. “I was just wondering at what time I could stop by and see her, that is all.”

Kebler’s jaw nearly struck the table. “Indeed sister,” Luna nodded, “what time would be good, Sir Knight, would Tuesday be appropriate?”

“Now, sister,” Celestia said taking a small bite of her meal, “remember that nine weeks from now we have that trip to Germaneigh we need to take.”

Luna’s face lit up. “That’s–” she started with a mouthful of bread, but quickly swallowed when she noticed Celestia’s warning glare. “–That’s right! Sir Knight, please tell me you’ll be available for the trip!”

Kebler was still recovering from Celestia’s previous words. “Well... um.. I... eh.”

“Sister, please,” Celestia intervened, “the stallion will be having his first foal around then. There is no way that we can deprive him of that.”

“Oh, yes.” Luna chuckled and dipped her spoon into her soup. “I guess I got caught up in the moment.” She sipped it and looked at Twilight. “What about you Twilight, do you think you’ll be able to come?”

Twilight sat in her chair. Eyes locked on her untouched food, her thoughts were moving a million miles a minute. Constantly replaying the entire story Celestia had told her prior to dinner, all the way from the meteorite landing up until Luna telling Celestia about the experiments some creatures performed on the guards. Twilight didn’t know what to think, some part of her couldn’t help but feel skeptical, whereas the other half was as giddy as a school-filly at the thought. Could it be that those crazy theorists in Manehatten were right all along? Could some form of alien beings really be walking amongst them? It sounded bizarre and something that’d be completely ripped from fiction. Just like the book she had been reading for the past couple of nights! Quite honestly, it sounded exactly like the bo–


Twilight shook her head, along with her thoughts. “S-sorry what?”

Celestia was looking at her with real concern. “You haven’t touched your pasta since it was first brought to you, do you not like it?”

For a second Twilight felt lost. “Eh.. yes–I-I mean, no, no it’s alright–” the levitated her fork off the table and scooped a forkful of cold sauce and noodles into her mouth. “–mmmm, it’s delicious!” The two alicorns and guard looked at her their heads slightly tilted in confusion. Twilight dropped the fork onto the table. “S-sorry, Princess, I’m just trying to wrap my head around all of this.”

Celestia gave Twilight a genuine smile. “Take as long as you need Twilight. I can assure you things will clear up as time pass.”

Luna nodded and swallowed her food. “Oh sister,” She looked to Celestia, “The staff said that the preparations will be ready by tomorrow morning.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Luna, what are you–”

“Those creatures my sister has been telling you about.” Luna turned her attention towards Twilight. “During my encounter with them there was no actual way to communicate with them at the time. Aside from an exchange of gifts, which was the book and globe.”

Twilight nodded. “Alright, I think understand.”

“So in return I gave them a map of Equestria with directions leading to Canterlot. If things go accordingly and they were able to read my markings correctly, they should be arriving here sometime tomorrow.”

If Twilight’s mind hadn’t been thrown askew previously, it was now. “... So... what do you know about them?” She asked.

“Plenty.” Celestia’s voice was quiet.

“Excuse me?” Twilight looked at her, Celestia’s hooves were crossed over each other and resting on the table, her dinner pushed off to the side.

“The guards I told you about that were detained...”

“Yes. What about them?”

“The one thing we haven’t told you was that the experiments they performed on the guards.... they weren’t pleasant.”

“And from the book they gave us,” Luna added on, “So far what we have been able to obtain from it. These beings appear to have a very, very dark history.”

“My apologies, Luna, but can you elaborate on that?”

“A large portion of their history seems to be entirely made up of war, and other types of conflict. Though there have been points of peace and harmony, they come far and few between each other.”

“What about when you first met them? Were they harsh at any point?”

“No, not at all.” Luna shook her head. “However, they did seem paranoid.”

“Though,” Celestia chimed in, “Luna and I believe that is because of her sudden appearance.”

“So you caught them off guard?”


A brief silence fell over them as the four ponies returned to their meals. Twilight spooned her pasta, running her utensil along the outer rim of her saucer deep in thought. Her mind still trying to process what she had heard. Twilight stopped her spoon halfway around the plate and allowed it to sink down into the sauce. “Princess Celestia?”

“Hmm?” Celestia hummed into a forkful of lettuce.

“May I go examine that book you and Luna mentioned?”

Celestia swallowed. “Of course you can Twilight.”

The mare nodded and got up. “Thank you,” She said and stopped in mid-turn. “Oh and one last thing, could you please relay a message to the chef that my food was terrific, but I’d appreciate it if he could ease up a little on the spice.”

Celestia smiled. “I’ll make sure I do that.”


The board room was filled with the voices of angry, debating, members of what remains of humanity's government. Debates that were being flung to and fro across the room varied between the recent encounter with the Equine species, to how said species should be dealt with, and of course: How to continue from here on out with the operation. The operation being the revival of the human race.

When it came down to it, in most cases, the council members were practically useless hunks of living flesh. In Watson’s eyes that is. Humanity’s council members served to only do three things, sleep, argue, and consume food. Lather, rinse, repeat. The actual reason on why they’re supposed to be here is to help the remainder of the crew make rational decisions. Sort of like a committee.

The council’s job was to come up with a handful of decisions, either it be bad or good. Fish out the bad ones, find one that seems right, knock out any kinks, and present it to Watson. From there, Watson would have to make a decision, act on what they have presented, or deny it and maybe make a few suggestions of his own.

At least that’s how it was supposed to work. Unfortunately, most of the councilors would get uppity if their suggestions were weeded out. Even to the point of acting like children at times; because of this, Watson could only sigh at the fact that even after thousands of years, politicians still remain the same.

The members of Horizon’s council appeared to be reasonable gents, most of the time. Save for a few individuals Watson wanted to wrap his hands around and strangle. But ever since the encounter with the new natives, a strain of paranoia had sprouted up. When word about the recent captures and Hassel’s stunt with the experiments got out, the members became skittish, and proceeded to become more and more paranoid.

Watson would admit that wasn’t a bad thing. But there propositions were.

“For the fifth time, Mr. Takanao.” Watson leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his table he placed his forehead in the palm of his hand. He sighed deeply. “We are not going to wage war with these things.”

“Please just listen to us, Sir.” Takanao scooched his chair in closer and leaned forward.

Watson placed his hands flat on the table and looked at the committee representative, he was a short Japanese man in his mid forties. His hair was combed gently to the side, he wore a nice black suit with a pair of black rimmed glasses that sat nicely on the bridge of his nose. “I’ve been listening to all of you for the past five minutes,” Watson blatantly stated, “And all of you keep yapping on about how we should just BLOW the fuckers up!”

Takanao raised both hands in his defense and nodded his head. “And I agree with you sir, we, the members, have come up with a solution.”

Watson looked at the man unconvinced. “Really now?”

Takanao nodded. “We shall attempt negotiations first.” Watson took in a breath of relief. “However,” Takanao continued, “if things do not to go as planned. We’ll continue on with the operation, disregarding any complaints the natives may have.”

Watson raised an eyebrow. “And I assume if there’s any form of retaliation?”

“Then they shall regret ever crossing us.” Takanao finished.

The door at the other end of the room opened. “Admiral?” A man poked his head in.

“Is he ready?” Watson stood up from his chair, the man by the door nodded and leaned back out. “Ladies and gentlemen,” Watson said stepping out from in front of his chair, he pushed it in and motioned for everyone to look at the door. “I’d like for all of you to focus your attention on our chief astrobiologist, Dr. Hassel.”

Dr. Hassel stepped into the room along with a few of his assistants. The trio of scientists made their way to the front. Dr. Hassel then gave Watson a brief handshake before turning away and walking towards a large, mounted television. The two assistants went off to the side, one of them who had been carrying a brown leather bag, sat at the table and opened it. Inside she pulled out a silver laptop, which she began to set up while the other took the cables and applied them to the television screen.

“Greetings everyone, as you all know from Admiral Vatson’s introduction, mein name is Dr. Ludvig Hassel. I am not only zee chief astrobiologist of zis operation, but also zee head biologist. I ofersee all experimentations and any ofer project my team may be conducting.” Behind Hassel the television flickered and came to life, revealing the image of a powerpoint that looked to have been made up in a short period of time. “Ofer zee past day mein team and I hafe been conducting a series of experimentations, vich I had been granted permission by Vatson personally.” Hassel looked over at his assistant and nodded for her to start the presentation, the woman by the computer pressed the enter key, opening the first slide.

The title card behind Hassel transitioned into an image displaying three of the four captives the soldiers had recovered previously. The one on the far left being a winged, bat like equine, the middle appearing to be almost normal aside from the horn protruding from its head, and finally the one of the far right showing no differences from any normal horse. Despite the difference in the height, weight, and size of the eyes compared to any other horse every man has seen.

“From vat you can see.” Hassel stepped aside, allowing the committee a clear view of what was being displayed. “Zese sree equines were part of zee trespassers who had broken into zee Japanese storage unit.” Hassel looked at his assistant. “Nancy, could you please move to the next slide.”

The next image to appear were three black and white MRI scans of each creature's skull. “Zough each of zese animals appear to be much different from each other, zey all fall under zee same species, and family. After vee had ran zee blood tests from each of our subjects, vee had learned zat zey are able to procreate.” Hassel stopped when he noticed a few confused looks coming from the audience. “Zey can produce offspring.”

Again Hassel looked to his assistant and the slide changed. Though the image was much similar to the one showing off the three slightly different skulls, this time it revealed the brain of each equine. At this point Hassel was now smiling, he was reaching his favorite part. “After vee did zee blood tests, mein men and I analysed the scans of each of our subjects in order to study how zese creature’s brain works.” Hassel couldn’t contain his excitement any longer and his smile was now stretched from ear to ear. “Vat vee had learned was truly remarkable. Like us humans zis equine here.” He tapped the image on the far left. “And here.” He pointed at the one on the far right. “Zere brain has a dominant side, meaning zere are primarily using zere left or right. However!” His eyes were wide and he was chuckling lightly he placed his hand over the one in the middle, the equine with the horn protruding from its forehead. “Zis one here is much more special! Za reason being, it uses both sides of its brain. Again, just like us." He stopped himself as if for dramatic effect, seeing that he received no response, he continued, "Zough, I must clarify, zat zay use it in a vay zat ven compared to myself, it could potentially be using it’s brain far beyond ansing we sought vee could imagine.” A few members of the committee raised an eyebrow while a few others leaned back in their chair, unimpressed.

Hassel leaned forward and smirked as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Zough zat isn’t all vat makes it different from zee ozers.” He looked back at the image of the equine’s brain. “From vat I had taken from mein own obserfations out in zee field, is zat zees creature here poses some sort of psionic ability.” A few committee members looked at Hassel unconvinced, the ones that had previously sat back now leaned forward with intrigue. “Ven I said zat zis equine brain is different from zee ozers, it’s not only because it is able to control it more effectively, but zat it also holds a section zat no ozer race has.”

The image on the screen revealed a new slide only containing a single image of an equine's brain. However, the image looked to have been taken from a different angle; allowing the people in the room to look at it from a different perspective. “Right here.” Hassel tapped his knuckles lightly on the screen. “You’ll notice here between vat I presume to be zee creatures occipital lobe and its cerebellum, is somesink highly bizarre.” Once again the slide above transitioned, now displaying two brains side by side, each containing slight differences. “Ven I compared each diagram vith zee ozer subjects, I noticed somesink interesting about zis structure in particular.” He pointed at a rounded bit wedged between the pieces of the equine’s brain. “Vile zis lobe does appear to be present in zee vinged one, it looks to be underdeveloped not to mention zat zee normal type zeems to lack zis structure entirely.”

The committee erupted into a bunch of quiet whispers with one another, which was quickly silenced by Admiral Watson clearing his throat. “Vat I’m saying,” Hassel continued “Is zat aside from zis one here.” Hassel gestured towards the odd brain out. “Zis creature is zee only one zat has zis point fully developed and is able to bend zee environment to its own vill.”

“Wait a second doctor.” Takanao stood up with a raised hand. “So you're saying these things can defy the laws of physics? That, they can do practically anything?”

Hassel frowned a little in thought. “Just to clarify, Mr. Takanao, you're asking about zis one here, or all of them?”

“All of them.”

Hassel immediately snorted and shook his head. “Nein!” He chuckled, “Only zis one here is able to conduct such acts, and from vat I haf experienced down in zee lab, zere actions appear to be very limited.”

A woman holding a small notepad stood up beside Takanao. “Doctor, didn’t you say that the winged one also appeared to have a similar lobe?”

“Yes, Dr. Kentley, I did. However, the cytoplasmic substance, zat we presume to be vat allows zese creatures to perform such abilities, we found passing through the lobe look to be getting stopped by a wall of tissue zat looks similarly to a septa found in hypha. Vee assume zis wall of tissue acts as some kind of filter. Only allowing very small amounts of the substance to pass through.”

“So what you’re saying is the horned equine does not have a septa?” Kentley asked while jotting down everything Hassel had said.

Hassel nodded “Richtig, Dr. Kentley.” He looked around the room. “Any more questions? Or shall I continue?”

“Yes Doctor.” Watson raised his hand, he was leaning back in his chair and he was looking at Hassel with a cold look. “Does this ability pose any kind of threat to us?”

Hassel bit his bottom lip. “Not zat vee know of, no,” Hassel said, returning Watson's look.

“Alright then, people!” Watson leaned forward in his chair and looked at the clock above the door. “Judging by our time that concludes our meeting for today, dinner will be served in 18:30.” He stood up from his chair and looked over the committee members who were already rising up and out of their chairs chatting with one another. Watson raised his voice, “Tomorrow we'll resume the meeting and discuss our next turn of actions with the native equines. Dismissed!”

Editors’ Notes:

Isaac3924: Things are slowly moving forward to a meeting point with the ponies and humans, and I know what’s going to happen next! The humans are going to fly to Canterlot, get out of the ship in an orderly fashion, and then this will happen:



PhiliChez: Things be happnen’. beware all ye who be quadrupeds of the quasi aliens. They can be nefarious.

Nuclear Grenade: Well, readers if you thought this chapter was interesting the I have news for you SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET REAL... eventually. Take it from someone who’s seen the basic plotline, there is gonna be a shit ton of awesome new stuff headed your way. Hopefully our lovely humans take kindly to the weird and totally awesome hell hole they are about to find themselves in. Or else this will happen: http://goo.gl/VOgKSu AGAIN!

Author's Note:

My apologies to everyone for the most likely lack of quality. One of my grammar gestapos was unable to make it due to the amount of homework he's been issued during Spring Break, because of this, he's given the green light to post anyways.

Other than that, all I can say that this chapter was like passing a kidney stone. It was slow, painful, and down right irritating to write! However, when the kidney stone finally passes, you get the feeling of success! Hopefully, with this chapter I'll get that same feeling.

Like always read and then chat about what you thought was good or bad, also what'cha guys think of my introduction of Twilight? Was it too brash? Should I have even brought her into the story? What about the rest of the mane 6 should they all come along?

And of course, how'd ya like the pseudo science Nuclear Grenade and I worked on relating to pony magic?

Just food for thought.

Next chapter maybe a while (slightly larger gap between this one and the next), my brain is a little tired from working on this story back to back and my school tests are approaching. Hope you all understand.