• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 21,087 Views, 1,607 Comments

Lazarus: The Rise of Man - Immortan Joe

When the Cataclysm struck, Earth was plunged into an eternal darkness and Mankind was assumed to be extinct, left in the forgotten books of history. But what if they never truly died out? What if they're asleep? And what if they woke up?

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Ace of Spades

Slipping his limbs into the tyvek suit, Johnny Conway quickly yanked the zipper up his chest and pulled the respirator over his face. His heart pounding, he nearly sprinted out of his quarters and towards the stairs. Originally he would have taken the elevator, but due to the propeller’s failure Horizon found herself crashing into the ground a lot harder than they expected, thus damaging the elevators in the process.

Johnny pushed open the stairwell doors and began making his way down to the airlock, stepping through and letting the doors shut behind him. He gave the order for the outer door to open, causing the sound of clanking metal to echo throughout the small chamber as the door slowly hissed open, revealing a world of darkness.

Johnny was practically dripping with anticipation as his hand slowly clamped around the edge the ship, his head slowly edging itself out as he craned his neck around the opening. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness he could see the outlines of trees and shrubbery that surrounded the ship with their ghastly branches. Not too far away, he could hear the bustling activity of crew members and soldiers moving about, already unloading the ship’s cargo. To his left, Johnny could hear the grinding, hissing gears followed up by the steady thumping of a panzer stomping its way towards him.

“Excuse me sir,” a loud, nearly robotic voice said as a large metallic foot, the width of a small car, came smashing down a few feet in front of John, its foot sinking into the mud.

Johnny nearly fell face first at the sight of the foot, and its sudden proximity towards him. His hands tightened around the edge of the ship. The foot then lifted and the pilot continued his patrol down the side of the ship. John took a deep breath, releasing his grip as he jumped down to the ground a few feet lower than the doorway. Upon landing on the ground, his feet slid a little on the damp mud. John paused, the mud taking the shape of the bottom of his shoe felt alien to him. It was nothing like the hard metal floors on the ship. John hadn’t walked on mud in what felt like years.

Regaining his balance, Johnny carefully followed behind the lumbering mech. “Hey!” John called up to the pilot, but whomever was in there didn’t hear him. He called again, this time gaining the pilot's attention. The head of the mech turned and glanced down at Johnny, who was only able to keep up by jogging.

“What do you need, sir?”

The pilot slowed the mech, allowing the officer to briskly walk alongside him. “Have you heard back from Sergeant Conway and his squad?”

The two walked for a few moments, allowing the pilot to think before responding. “Matter of fact I have, sir. His team should be showing up in a matter of a few minutes. Head to the clearing up ahead. That’s where they should be coming in. Now if you would excuse me sir.” The mech began to speed back up. “I’ve been ordered by the admiral himself to patrol the area, and he won’t be happy if he finds out that I’m wasting my time talking. No offense meant to you, sir.”

“You do that then,” John yelled to the mech but it was already too far away to hear him. Doing as the pilot suggested, John made his way to the small clearing just outside the hangar bay’s massive hatches. Inside the hangar the doors that lead to the rest of interior have been air sealed to keep the crew isolated from the pathogen that had been confirmed to be floating around outside. The clearing itself was brightly lit with large construction lights scattering about the area, already some crew members had managed to pitch a few tents that were being used to protect the outside equipment. In the center of it all however was the command tent, seeing his new objective Johnny walked towards the tent.

Pushing the flap open John was greeted by Chief Engineer Ronald Davis, and Chairman Richard Carmichael who was assisting in the planning phase of the reconstruction. Both men were standing in the center around a large table with a make shift map that was printed off one of Horizon’s computers. The map was cluttered with tacks and rubber bands, just by the sight John could see that the two men had been working for a while now.

“What I’m saying, sir,” Ronald said dragging his finger across the map away from Horizon, which was indicated by a large red cup. “We should build away from the native settlement.”

“Who cares about the natives, Ron?” Richard sighed. “We came first before them, and I say we stay where we are now!” His finger came down hard on the map. “We have a healthy supply of water and trees, and we’re right by the mountains. We can use them when we begin our mining industry.”

Ron raised an eyebrow. “Who said we’re going to start a... nevermind, we have no clue if these mountains even bare any useful ores, sir.” Ron scratched the back of his neck. “But you’re not seeing my point, we aren’t supposed to even be in this thick of the woods, matter of fact we should be further down south. If we stay here and things go off without a hitch, what happens when we wake the others and our population booms by the thousands?”

Richard shook his head. “So what if we’re going to have problems with the locals! What are they going to do? They probably haven’t even invented the wheel yet for Christ’s sake!”

Ron immediately face-palmed. “Who in the right mind paired me with this idiot,” He mumbled.

Richard went to say something but was stopped by Johnny clearing his throat. “Pardon me, guys, but have you happened to see Sergeant Conway around here?”

Both men stared at John as if he was some sort of ghost. “Eh...” Ron and Richard shared a look with each other .”No not yet, they’re probably at the Jap’s storage cooler, if not, they’re probably on their way back now.”

Johnny nodded his head. “Alright, thanks,” He said as he ducked his head through and out the tent flap again. John stepped back outside his face nearly colliding with a stray soldier's chest.

“Hey watch it!” The soldier snapped and went to push him out of the way, but stopped when he noticed John’s face. The man immediately changed attitudes and saluted. “My apologies, sir.”

John shook his head. “It’s alright, have you seen Sergeant Conway?”

The soldier brought his hand down. “Yeah, him and his squad just arrived not even a minute ago with the infiltrators in tow. You’ll find them right over there.” The soldier pointed in the direction where a large set of tables and equipment were located.

“Thanks,” John said and turned to leave, he stopped. “Wait.” He looked back at the man. “They brought them back?”

“Yeah,” The soldier replied. “Under Dr. Hassel’s orders. The crazy twat thinks we can learn something from these horses. Possibly a vaccine for the pathogen and maybe even these creature’s language.”

“For fuck's sake!” Johnny turned and stomped away. “Not even one day and we’re already abducting people!”


“Come on people, make some room!” Shouted Arin Conway waving his arms, trying to make some room for the five armed men that were carrying four armored, unconscious, and restrained equines.

As the men entered the clearing, all around; soldiers, engineers, and scientists, dropped what they were doing and crowded around them, each driven by curiosity.

“Seriously people, move out of the way!” Arin shouted this time.

Johnny Conway being one of the last people on scene fought his way through the crowd. “Arin!” He shouted but went unheard. “Arin!” He called again, “What the fuck are you doing?” John gently pushed past a scientist and stepped in front of his younger sibling.

Arin took a step back, shocked at his brother’s sudden outburst and appearance, quickly recovering he frowned. “I’m following orders that's all. After incapacitating four of the five infiltrators, Hassel ordered us to bring them back for examination.”

Johnny’s mouth fell open. “Examination? Jesus, Arin, this is abduction!” John shot a hand out towards the unconscious equines, that were now lying on the ground. “And what do you mean four of the five?”

Arin looked back at his squad mates who were standing there watching the two, he motioned for them to move on ahead. Nodding their heads the men hoisted the creatures into their arms carrying them ahead. “Look,” Arin said staring John in the eyes, “I’m not too fond of this idea either, but if Hassel’s right, he and his men might be able to figure out what the fuck is up with the air, and hell when they do they might be able to fix this.”

“You haven’t answered my question yet.” Johnny’s face hadn’t changed, his eyes were still and a his brow formed massive crevices just above them. “Where’s the fifth?” He asked.

Arin sighed and broke eye contact. The crowd around them began to disperse and return to their previous activities. “It got away and flew back to the settlement.”

“Ah for fuck's sake!” John turned away his hand covering his eyes. “Watson isn’t going to be happy at all.”

“Come on, John, it can’t be that ba–”

“Can’t be that bad? Are you fucking kidding me?!” He spun back and spat, “We haven’t spent a day on this rock and we’re already attacking and abducting natives!”

“We didn’t attack them! They broke into the Japanese storage cooler!” Arin said, trying to defend his actions.

Johnny gave Arin an unimpressed look and cocked an eyebrow. “Impossible. Nothing can break through a three foot steel door, not unless they hacked into the module or produced a key card.”

“I’m not yanking your chain, John, somehow they got in.”

Johnny rubbed the back of his head. “So what now? One escaped and is now probably alerting the herd.”

Arin shrugged. “We just carry on with what we’re doing, and if worst comes to worst...” He sighed, stepped past John and began walking to the ship. “I dunno... what the hell is a species that hasn’t even invented the wheel yet gonna do anyways?”


Forty five minutes had passed since the hostages' arrival, at least that’s what John saw them as. He was sitting in a chair right outside the door to the research department, his eyes drooping, he forced himself to stay awake. He hadn’t slept in what felt like years, but in all reality it had only been a few days; Johnny continued to sit in the chair waiting for Dr. Hassel to get back from his short errand he was running.

He was waiting outside the door because the good ol' doctor wanted him to participate in a little “experiment” he had planned since the arrival of the “specimens”. Quite honestly John didn’t see why the doctor needed him when he could just use anyone else, but he didn’t mind. The old geezer did tell him that it wasn’t anything that involved too much work, and it would provide him with something more interesting besides sitting in a chair watching a transparent globe spin around.

The sound of shoes clanging against metal stairs made its way to John’s ears. His head perked up at the sight of Hassel coming down the small staircase to his right, rising up from his seat he saw the senior carrying a box full of wires and other pieces of technology.

“Ah, Officer Convay, glad to see you made it, here take zese–” Hassel shoved the box of electronics into his arms and immediately whipped out his key card and began entering the code for the door. “Don’t vorry about zee specimens zay are already in zee containment room.”

“Eh, okay, uh so what do you need–” Before John could finish the door slid open and Hassel hurriedly walked in, again John John was interrupted by two guards in uniforms and loaded rifles that passed by him and followed Hassel into the room. “–whoa, whoa what’s with the grunts?” John quickly stepped in before the door closed on him.

The lab was dark and empty mainly because it was after hours and the lab coats were either off sleeping or working outside, the light issue however was quickly solved by Hassel flicking the nearby switch.

“Zey are just a precautionary measure Officer Convay.” John placed the box on a white table filled with built in sinks, microscopes, beakers, and many various types of equipment.

“I thought you said this wasn’t going to be dangerous,” Johnny said, his eyes starting to wander around the room. The room was filled with multiple rows with a similar type of table he had just set Hassel’s items on, along with computers, shelves that held files, and jars that were waiting to be filled. However, In the far back the lab were two sets of doors each leading to a multitude of rooms. One of those doors was in the process of being opened by Hassel, the largest door of the four that was second to the right.

“Heh,” Hassel chuckled as he punched a code into the door panel and glanced at the guards behind him. “Zere is no vay to predict zat, Officer Convay.” The door slid open and Hassel walked in, the two guardsmen following shortly behind. Johnny stood in the center of the lab debating on whether this was a good idea or not. Deep in his chest he knew it wasn't. He stole a quick glance back at the exit wondering if he could still back out, but he knew it wouldn’t be worth it. John closed his eyes, sucked in a deep breath and forced himself to follow Hassel.

“This better be worth it.”


“I’m telling you, Officer convay,” Hassel turned the lights on, and locked the door behind them so that no one would disturb them. “Zat zee short period of time I has had vith zese creatures vas truly remarkable.” Hassel was beaming with joy while quickly moving about the room; cleaning off his desk, flipping switches on a control panel. The whole time the old man held a slightly crazed look in his eyes, he placed the box of electronics on the desk and smiled.

The room the two men, along with the guards, stood in was rather small, matter of fact it appeared to be an office. Yet it wasn’t really, Hassel’s desk was pushed up against a wall that held a window, through the glass Johnny could see a white room with a lone white table and chair. Beside the desk were speakers and above that were monitors, displaying colored charts and graphs that held no data yet, he supposed. On the table below and beside all the geek tech were four T.V.s that showed off camera footage broadcasting from each corner of what John could only guess was an interrogation room. They were in an observation room.

John noticed that while his eyes ventured around his surroundings the doctor had been rambling the entire time. “–I been vanting to run zee CT Scan on zem but vith all zee ozers resting, I haven’t been able to. Vich is a shame...” Hassel’s mind ventured off for a brief moment, then he grinned. “But if zere is one sing I haf learned about zem, Officer Convay, is zat just like vee humans. Zay haf races!”

“Races what?” Johnny finally tuned in. “You mean like relays?”

Hassel gave John a dead look, the two guards by the door snickered. “Fery funny, Convay.” Hassel took a seat at his desk. “But zat is not vat I meant, vat I mean is zat just like how vee haf vites und blacks, zese equines haf... hm, how should I put zis. From vat Sergeant Convay brought back, I vas able to take a blood sample from two specimens. One bearing resemblances to bats, and zee ozer one zat bared normal equine traits, safe for zee horn zat is.”

“And what did you uncover?” John was beginning to grow impatient.

Hassel beamed. “Zere zee exact same species! Judging by zere appearances, with zee bat’s larger eyes, and its darker colors, I’m able to conclude zat zis specimen must be nocturnal in nature. But vat really intrigues me is its eyes, zere slits! I vonder why...” The doctor's smile widened even more, the corners of his lips carving massive wrinkles into his already cracking cheeks.

“You’re not going to cut them open doctor, these are sapient creatures here.” John wrapped his arms like he use to whenever he was disappointed in his daughter. “For all we know they’re terrified beyond belief.”

Hassel waved an arm to the side. “Bah! No one vill know zey vere even gone.” He chuckled. “Especially ven vee are done vith zem.”

John cocked an eyebrow, his mouth slowly falling open. “Eh, yeah... Doc? I think you’re taking this discovery a little too far.”

Hassel laughed out loud. “Don’t vorry, John my boy, I’m only playing. Now!” He nearly shouted the last word. “Time vee start zee experiment don’t you sink?”

Johnny lightened up a little bit. “Finally. What do you need me to do?”

Hassel looked out the window and into the other room, his right eye still trained on the officer. “I vant you to go in zere and talk to it.”

Johnny’s face fell immediately. “Really? That’s it?”

Hassel nodded his head, and pulled open a drawer to his left. He reached in. “Also–” He grabbed out a pack of cards. “I want you to take these.”

John took the pack and opened it, just like the cover showed, it was just an ordinary deck of cards. “You want me to play cards with it?”

“Somesink like zat.” Hassel bent back over the drawer and took out a pair of headphones and placed them on the desk near the speakers. “I Vant to see if vee can use zis as some form of communication, via symbols, pictures, zat sort of sing.”

Johnny shrugged. “I guess I can see where you're coming from, doc. But how do we know if this thing will even understand what we’re trying to do?”

“Vee don’t,” Hassel said rather enthusiastically, “and zat is zee fun part!” He rose up from his chair, grabbed the electronics, and turned towards the guards, he pointed at the rather largely built man on the right. “You zere, come vith me, and Convay–” Hassel turned around. “–vait in zat room vith zis lad.” He pointed at the smaller guard on the left.

John nodded, watching as Hassel and his guard left through the door they came in. The smaller guard cleared his throat. “Permission to speak sir?”

“Permission granted, what is it private?” John glanced at the boy, the kid literally looked like he wasn’t even a few days out of camp. His bright blue eyes were small, his figure in general was small, everything about him was small. If it wasn’t for his uniform and gear the lad at first glance would have appeared anorexic to John.

“Do you think this is a great idea?” He asked, his voice having a slight feminine tang to it.

“Can’t say I do.” John glanced around. “Quite honestly I don’t want to go in that small ass room with whatever Hassel’s about to bring out.” He chuckled nervously.

The kid giggled. “I can agree with you there, sir.”

John smiled. “Hey, at least you got a gun.”

He gave a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. “It helps I guess.” The boy frowned, his eyes wandering down his uniform. “Say sir,” He spoke up, “If you’d like I can lend you my sidearm.”

Johnny thought about it for a moment. Looking back at the small room he was about to be locked in, Hassel would be back any moment with the test subject. “Yeah, hand it over please.” He turned to see the small boy was already holding the nine millimeter in his palm.

Johnny grabbed the gun, as he pulled back though, he noticed how boney the boy’s hands were. “Say, private,” Johnny said as he instinctively took the magazine out to check how much ammo he had, “what’s your name?”

“Susan Walker,” He(she) said, “can I ask why?”

Ramming the mag in; John’s face distorted into confusion, then realization, and finally embarrassment. “Oh...” He mouthed never taking his eyes off the gun.

“Is something wrong, sir?” Susan asked.

He couldn’t believe he'd mistook this soldier for a young man. Looking at her now, Johnny couldn’t really see this as a surprise for her, it was highly likely that this wasn’t the first time either. As long as he kept his cool he would hopefully be able to avoid an awkward conversation.

Johnny quickly regained his composure and smiled. “No, not at all. I was just thinking about what I’m going to say when I’m putting in a nice report for you.”

The girl’s face immediately lit up. “R-really?!” She said, her eyes filled with joy, “I mean–” she cleared her throat and nodded her head. “Thank you, sir.”

“Thank you.” John corrected her, “Because of you I feel much safer.” He buried the gun in his back pocket and turned to the door. Inside the room he could see Hassel already hooking an equine up with a multitude of wires he had gotten from the box he had been carrying. “Well,” he said looking back. “Can’t keep the good doctor waiting any longer.”


The room's bright walls nearly blinded the poor officer, from inside the office, the room appeared to be a lot dimmer. He soon realized why, as he took note of the tinted windows. John squinted his eyes, letting them slowly adjust to his environment. He sat in a small metal chair beside a cold metal table; his elbow resting on it, his head in his palm, while his free hand toyed with the deck of cards.

Opposite of him was a grey equine with a horn protruding from its head. Its massive eyes were closed, head hung low, and legs restrained, somehow, Hassel and the guard had gotten it into a larger chair. The equine sat there unconscious, at least at the moment. Before Hassel went back into the office, he had told John and the two guards standing at the door, that he had injected the equine with something that’d help wake it up.

After that it was time to start playing the waiting game. Ten minutes had passed. Nothing had happened, John was beginning to think this was all a waste of time. That is until their little friend began to stir and snort itself awake. Its gigantic eyelids fluttered open, its eyes held a look of calmness, then confusion struck. Quickly raising its head the equine made a sound that added to its confused state, and it began to look around the room. First at the two guards, then the cameras, the walls, and finally John.

John’s eyebrow was raised, a frown firmly planted on his face, the equine's eyes were at a comical size when they met his. Its lower lip began to twitch, trying to move its legs, the equine realized it was in restraints, grunting, it tried to pull itself free. No luck, it tried again, same results.

The inner-com above the door chirped. “Sorry to bother you Officer Convay, but vee do not haf all day.”

Sighing, John lifted his head off the palm of his hand and released the deck of cards. Popping his neck he lowered both hands onto his lap and straightened himself out. “Okay,” He mumbled quietly, watching the equine that was trying to figure out where the loud mysterious voice came from. “Where do we begin?” He asked no one in particular.

Immediately the equine's eyes locked on Johnny’s, its eyes shrinking, even more, it tried to move again but the restraints held. The equine made more sounds as if it was trying to speak to John, while doing so it glanced over his shoulders and watched the two guards by the only exit.

Johnny took note of this and scooched his chair into its line of sight, blocking the view of the door. He took a deep breath and shook his head, raising a single, open hand he spoke softly, “Hello there,” he waved his hand side to side. The equine stopped its struggling, its eyes matching up again with John's the softness of his voice immediately calming it. He smirked. “My name.” John tapped his chest with his index finger and spoke slowly, “Jon-a-than. Con-way.”

The equine tilted its head and looked at John stupidly while he repeated the gesture a few more times. Johnny sighed once again and rested his arm onto the table. “This is a waste of time,” He said to himself, “we aren’t going to get anywhere with this.”

“Joh.” The equine muttered, John raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?” He said, wondering if the creature was just muttering to itself or actually trying to say his name.

The equine nodded his head. “Joh?” It said again more questioningly.

Johnny smirked. “Heh, maybe we are getting somewhere.” He planted his hand back on his chest. “My name is Jon-a-than.”


He shrugged and leant back in his chair. “Close enough.” John thought for a moment, leaning back forward he pointed at the horse. “What is your name?” He asked.

Again the equine gave him a look as if it didn’t understand, Johnny lowered his arm onto the table. Breaking eye contact he stared at the metal surface trying to figure out a way to get this creature to understand him. He looked back to the horse, he purposefully made a confused expression and pointed at the equine and shrugged. That didn’t work either. Johnny ran a hand across the top of his head, the rough sensation of his buzz cut sending a chill through his fingers. He let out a deep breath, and let his eyes wander across the table as he went deep into thought, in doing so he noticed something in particular.

The deck of cards.

An idea sparked from within him. It wasn’t anything special, probably something that wouldn’t even advance Hassel’s studies, but instead it would give John a chuckle or two, to brighten things up.

He’s going to show this little creature a magic trick.

Snatching the deck of cards off the table John undid the packaging and gently, so that he wouldn’t have to play fifty two pickup, slid the cards into his hand. The equine watched him with a curious eye the entire time.

Throwing the empty box aside John placed the deck on the table, now John wasn't always great when it came to games. That would’ve been his father’s specialty, the old man always knew how to wow a small crowd whenever he had a deck in public. Over the years John was able to pick up a few tricks and techniques, nothing really applause worthy, but just a bit that helped get him through basic training.

Flashing the equine a tooth filled grin, Johnny whipped three cards off the top of the deck and laid them face down out in front of it. Opening both arms out wide he gestured to the confused animal pick a card. Surprisingly the equine caught on rather quickly, without the help of its legs the horse nodded to the center card.

Johnny’s smile widened as he snatched the card in between his middle and ring finger, bringing his arm back fast enough that he was able to catch a glance at what it was. The Ace of Spades, thankfully the pony hadn’t noticed, then again it probably didn’t even know what was going on. John faced the image on the card towards the horse, he held it there for half a minute allowing the equine to engrave it into its memory.

Nodding his head Johnny gathered the other two cards and threw them into the deck. Hoping that his memory serves him well, Johnny began to shuffle the deck, even though he should’ve been focused on the shuffling so that he wouldn’t mess up, John decided to take a quick peek at his audience. As of yet, the equine’s face was contorted into something rather amusing.

Its lips were pursed, eyes half lidded, and its head was tilted whilst leaning in closely for a better look. Johnny’s hands moved swiftly and efficiently, splitting the deck into two, he placed both halves across from each other and quickly riffle shuffled the two decks into one. This caught the equines full interest.

Once the two decks had become one. Johnny slowly, for suspense, placed the deck out in front of him. Opening his hand out wide he, ever so slowly, reached for the top card. Knowing that, so he hoped, it was the equine’s Ace of Spades. He grasped the corner of the card and lifted it upwards, the image reflecting the light off its painted surface.

Squinting its eyes a picture of a black arrowhead like figure came into view along with the letter A in the top corner. As it dawned on the slack jawed creature, its eyes widened and immediately looked at Johnny.

He dropped the card that glided smoothly onto the table’s surface, the officer was struck by a fit of light laughter as he sat back in his chair. The creature’s face alone was priceless, the equine broke contact, its eyes focused on the lone card with sudden interest. Squinting its eyes the pony watched the flat piece intently, the corners of its mouth curving into a frown.

Johnny, who was still laughing, stopped abruptly when he noticed a faint hum in the air and a tingling sensation deep in his gut. It felt as if he had butterflies all of sudden flapping around down there, he always hated that feeling. Immediately he was struck with confusion, his mouth fell along with the rest of his features. Another feeling in his gut told him to leave right now! Looking back at the two guards, he noticed both shared a similar look with him, diverting back to the equine he saw just how concentrated it was on the card.

Its features twitching occasionally, the hum was growing louder now, Johnny had a sudden headache, the feeling in his gut was growing worse. Something bad was happening, whatever it was he needed to leave. Now.

Johnny rose from the chair, never taking his eyes off the horse. He had an idea that whatever was happening it was coming from that thing. Johnny cringed as a sudden surge of pain formed in his skull, behind him he heard the guards groan too. The headache had turned into a migraine, the tingling feeling had turned into nausea. He felt like he was going to throw up.

The hum began to crescendo into something much bigger, his ears began to ring and it felt as if they were going to bleed. It was beginning to drive him mad!

“Hassel!” John cried. “Open the door!” He turned to the one way window, to him it only appeared as a mirror. But he knew Hassel could see them, Johnny stumbled to the mirror and pounded his fist against it. The guards had begun trying to force the door open. “Open the door!” He pleaded, the nausea and the stinging pain forced his eyes to water. “Open the goddamn door!” John repeatedly pounded his fist against the window. His own voice going completely unheard by the deafening hum that tormented his ears. The hum grew into a high pitched ringing that forced tears to roll down his cheeks, the nausea caused his knees to buckle, his vision blurred and John felt as if he was going to faint. Clutching a hand to his stomach John let out a pain filled cry for help.

Abruptly, the sound ceased.

A bright green flash of light, followed by a terrifying sound of twisting metal reached their ears. Playing cards were scattered across the room, a few landing beside the three humans that held their backs against the wall. Their eyes focused on the one creature standing in the center of the room, what was once the metal table, was now a hunk of shredded scrap metal. The restraints that kept the creature from moving laid charred and burnt just below its hooves, the chairs they sat in were strung across the room in pieces.

And floating in front of its terrified face, wrapped in a green magical glow. Was The Ace of Spades.

Editor's Notes:

Am I the only one still doing this.....? Well, if the editors' notes aren't here another time I won't do it again. Even though I know how much ya'll love the sou-...... text of my voi-.......... my eloquently put opinions/advice on life.

Anywho (that IS a word), I'm happy to finally see first contact, even though it's a little limited right now, but lord knows shit's going to hit the fan soon enough, and I'll be there, munching on popcorn and laughing maniacally the whole while. And it will be beautiful. Once again, I am going to futilely remind people that I'll be at Nan Desu Kan in a vain attempt to...... actually I'm not too sure why I'm doing it.... whatever, hit up "Star Swirl the Bearded's Journal Entry 6-13" for that info.

Last thing, Dark, PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE FOR DESTINY ON THE 9TH FOR ME. IMMA BE A HERMIT .Also, I will be busy with NDK that weekend so... yeah. I mean I'll still pull through for a chapter if you need me to (I'm just that amazing).

Author's Note:

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I deeply apologize if there are any major mistakes hidden with in this chapter's text. By mistakes I mean grammar, spelling, and so on. A lot of my editors since the beginning of this school year have been... side tracked. Therefore my usual legion of editors have been dumb downed to only about three-four people. At least that's the amount I've been able to check off my list, my might have gone through it but haven't notified me.

Which by the way is really annoying and actual post pones posting time!


Anyways, I also hope the ending to this chapter was interesting and entertaining. Not only did it provide some crucial information, in a rather confusing (which it's meant to be) and bizarre way, but also in a positive way. I also hope this helped with a small bit of John's characterization, wasn't much, and I know he can be quite boring, but the lad needs more screen time.

I'm sorry this isn't the exact type of first contact you guys were hoping for, you know. Luna and her hundreds of guards, along with the humans and their militia. I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen I'm going to need to push your gunfight/first contact gone wrong fantasies a little further. Why? Because I'm still in developing the scene in my head.

Who's to say first contact will go negatively anyways?

*Eyes slowly drift towards captured ponies*

*Whispers creepily in their ears*

Say anything and I'll fucking kill you...