• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 12,716 Views, 447 Comments

The Janitor - RainbowBob

Hey there. Name's Discord. I'm the janitor at a high school. I clean up after bratty teenagers and the odd drama queen or two that turns into a demon and wrecks up the school. Ain't my job grand?

  • ...

Chapter 2: Wise Words... Sort Of

“So, what are ya in for?” Discord asked, leaning back heavily in his desk with both boots kicked up high.

The girl with the fiery hairstyle wearing a black leather jacket crossed her arms and glanced to the right with a frown on her face. “None of your business.”

“Oh, I do believe it is,” Discord chuckled, rubbing his unruly goatee with a devious grin. “I had to clean up your mess after all, Little Miss Sunshine.”

“It’s Sunset,” Sunset Shimmer reminded him, scooting her desk farther away from him. Glaring at the clock, her spirits were dejected to find that her time in the classroom still wasn’t close to being over. “And since you already know the answer, would you mind buzzing off?”

“No can do, girly,” Discord said, swinging his boots off the desk as he leaned on his knees in Sunset’s direction while sitting down. “I got hired for the jig of watching you in detention. So might as well as get used to me.”

“Like that’s possible,” she muttered, slinking lower in her seat. Discord just continued to smile at her, waving in an extremely eerie manner. “And will you cut it out with being such a creep?”

“How’s staring creepy, my dear?” Discord asked, resting his chin on his hand. “I’m just gettin’ a look at the cute little demonic abomination that tore up the front part of the school.”

“Oh.” Sunset bit her lower lip, droplets of sweat running down the sides of her head. “You, uh, know about that?”

“Know, clean, repair, fix up. I did it all.” Discord got up from his seat, stretching out his lean body while sighing in content at the sounds of cracks in his back. “All because of you, of course.”

“Listen, I’m really sorry about that,” Sunset said, not looking him in the eyes. “I was a different person then.”

“A real bitch, eh?” Discord guessed, chuckling mildly under his breath.

“Uh… kinda.” Sunset sighed and laid her head in her arms on the desk. “I was a jerk. I manipulated people, got whatever I wanted, and treated everyone like dirt.”

“Hmmm… that reminds me of a certain someone,” Discord whispered, golden eyes glowing with a dark intent for a quick moment. “But you said you’re different now?”

“Well, I’m trying to be. I mean, I have new friends now to help me out for that.” Sunset looked up from the desk, just to see Discord leaning against one hand on the wall in the front of the classroom. “But I don’t know if I can really change.”

Scratching his head, Discord said, “Well, you don’t really have the best track record so far. Turning into a demonic monster, transforming your fellow students into a brainwashed army of evil, being hellbent on taking over another world using said army… you’re making most mad scientists look bad with the levels of wickedness you’re pulling.”

“That’s all behind me now!” Sunset assured him, resting her chin on her desk with her eyes drooping down. “I’m sure it is. I have new friends now. A new future. I’m not going to repeat my mistakes.”

“Because you learned from them?” Discord snorted, barking out a laugh. “I’ve repeated my mistakes dozens upon hundreds of times, and I never learned any better. It’s how you learn from those mistakes that count. It isn’t about knowing not to do them in the first place.”

Sunset frowned at the apathetic janitor. “Oh really? How do you know what I’m going through?”

“I used to be young once too,” he pointed out, staring at his fingernails with more interest than her. “Though I never pushed my luck so far with taking over another world like you tried. I’m more of the ‘roguish trickster’ variety of badness. Which, I might add, is the coolest ever.” He flicked his ratty jacket outward and winked at her, the effect kind of ruined over the fact that the number of holes his threadbare jacket possessed were too numerous to count.

Sunset arched an eyebrow at Discord’s antics. “Um… yeah… are you high right now?”

“The correct question to ask is when I’m not high,” he replied, lifting a finger upward in the air. “For in this grand world of ours, are we not all high off our asses? From life, stress, happiness, and every other friggin’ emotion on the big ol’ rainbow spectrum that makes up humanity? Are we all not high just by being alive?”

Sunset backed away from Discord by pushing her chair as far away as possible while staying seated. “Yeah, I’m going to take that as a yes.”

Discord turned his back to her and waved his hand in the air over his shoulder. “Fine, don’t take my ramblings with any tact. Not like anyone else does. All I know is that you’re stuck in detention after school for the next two months for damaging school property, and I’m the guy who has to watch you.”

“Can I press sexual charges against you to avoid that?” Sunset asked with a glimmer of hope.

“Nope!” Discord laughed, turning back forward while beaming a wicked smile at her. “But don’t worry, Miss Sunshine. If you don’t want any advice, just say so.”


“Nope!” he answered again, sauntering over to her desk with a hop to his step. “But what you have to realize is that I’m doing this for your own good,” he explained, stopping at her desk and leaning on both arms before her frightened face.

“Uh… why exactly are you trying to help me for my own good?” Sunset asked, leaning on the back legs of her chair away from Discord’s dementedly smiling face.

Rubbing his chin, Discord said, “Because you remind me of a bit of myself at your age. And it’s not just the cool jacket. Good eye for realizing black leather is always stylish.”

“Is there any point to your advice at all?” Sunset crossed her arms and scowled at Discord disappointedly. “Because for the past five minutes you’ve been babbling like a moron.”

“Exactly the point,” Discord said excitedly, holding up a finger for her attention. “What my advice gives is knowhow on how not to act. Basically, you are in the same type of situation as I was when I was younger. Though my problems involved the cops and stripsearching. Yours involve evil magical powers, and probably stripping of some sort in your future if this type of behavior continues. What I’m trying to help you understand is that you still have a chance.”

“A chance at what?” she asked, sick of all the repeated questions with not many answers.

The corners of Discord’s lips rose upward to new levels of creepiness. “A chance at not becoming the janitor of some random high school filled with manipulative drama queens like you.”

Sunset stared at Discord silently for a few moments, then changed her view down at the floor at her boots. “I guess you’re kinda right. I don’t want to be like you when I’m older.”

“True. You couldn’t handle the amount of sexiness someone like me has to go through each day.”

Sunset looked back up, confused that he wasn’t standing in front of her desk like before. Glancing left and right, she glanced backwards to discover Discord leaning on his back in the corner across the room where she was.

“How did you do that?” she asked, unable to comprehend how he managed to move so quickly from his previous position.

Winking and waving at her, he said, “Like I said, you can’t handle this amount of sexiness. With great sexiness, comes great responsibility.”

“... Wait, say what again?” Sunset blurted out, completely lost.

Slapping his hands together, he hopped across the room and slid to a stop before the door leading out of the classroom. “Luckily for you, I’m a pretty irresponsible guy. Ready to take detention to the streets?”

“Seriously?” Sunset said, standing to her feet and making her way to Discord.

“Only if you believe it.” Opening the door, he snapped his fingers for her to hurry up. Smiling at her confused expression at her feet suddenly moving faster not due to her own movements, he said, “Now, let’s get going. I have a date I’d rather not miss.”