• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 12,716 Views, 447 Comments

The Janitor - RainbowBob

Hey there. Name's Discord. I'm the janitor at a high school. I clean up after bratty teenagers and the odd drama queen or two that turns into a demon and wrecks up the school. Ain't my job grand?

  • ...

Chapter 3: Quite Impressive

“You ready for this?” Discord asked his companion.

“Isn’t this your date?” Sunset Shimmer pointed out, crossing her arms and tapping her foot against the sidewalk. “What do you need me here for?”

“So I don’t get in trouble for not keeping an eye on you,” Discord reminded her. “Once it’s five o’clock, you can buzz off. In the meantime, stick with me.”

Rolling her eyes, Sunset said, “And what exactly are we going to go for your date?”

“The thrift store.”

“So… you’re taking a girl to the thrift store.” Sunset groaned under her breath and facepalmed. “Yeah, that’s surely going to be romantic. Who are you going out with, a hooker?”

“Hey now, that’s no way to talk about your principal,” Discord tutted, entering through the thrift store doors with a swagger to his step. “And potentially your mother if I am so inclined and she looks presentable enough to me.”

“Wait… you’re going out with Principal Celestia?” Sunset asked, complete awe in her voice as she followed him in. “But she’s… and you’re… what? This is just too unbelievable to be true.”

“Oh it is,” Discord assured her, hands on his hips as he inspected the assembly of used and extremely cheap clothes before him. The smell of old and worn out and mildew surrounded him, the scent familiar and comforting. For Sunset, it just smelled like the inside of a retirement home. “Kinda. She said I can ask her out next time if I wore something more presentable.”

“So you took me out of detention for a date you don’t even have?” Sunset asked angrily, arms straight at her sides as she frowned deeply at the mad janitor.

“A date I don’t have yet!” he reminded her, patting her head just to egg her on. “Besides, don’t you kids hate detention? You should be thanking me.”

“What about if I get expelled or something for ditching school with you?” Sunset pointed out, slapping his hand away from her hair. “Or if you get fired?”

“Aww, you do care about me!”

“That’s not what I meant!” Sunset shouted at him, but Discord simply waved his hand at her as he went off deeper into the store. Groaning, she stomped after him and asked, “Are you even listening to me?”

“Of course I am!” Discord turned back to her, a flamboyant hat of multiple colors and luxurious feathers atop his head. “I listen to your opinions. Such as your opinion on this hat?”

“It’s… colorful,” Sunset said squeamishly, grimacing at the ridiculous piece of headwear. “You’re not seriously gonna wear that, right?”

“But shit, it’s only ninety-nine cents,” Discord said, tugging at the price tag hanging from the hat. “How can I give up a sweet deal like that?”

“By having taste, of course.” Sunset inspected the clothes hanging on the aisles at her side, glancing over them for something more appropriate than what Discord chose. “How much money do you have to spend?”

“What’s one divided by zero?”

“Um… nothing, I think.” Sunset shrugged. “Doesn’t it make the universe explode or something?”

“Theoretically and magically, of course,” Discord agreed, putting his arm over Sunset’s shoulder and bringing her in close to whisper in her ear. “But basically, I ain’t got jack shit. Spot me a fiver?”

“I am not going to spend money on you!” Sunset said, pushing him off and grimacing at his rank body stench. “It’s not my problem you spend all your cash on porn or drugs or whatever the hell you buy.”

Pfft, like I’d spend money on porn,” Discord laughed, going through a hanger containing several coats. “Especially considering all the free shit you can find at the computers back at the school. Took me forever, but I finally got the porn blockers down.” Pulling out a leopard skin coat, he smiled and asked, “How would this look on me?”

“It’d make you look like an unfashionable thug,” Sunset sighed. “Or a really poor pimp. Don’t you know what girls like?”

Discord dusted off the coat, shrugging it on while adjusting his feathery hat. “They like confident ladykillers who have tons of money and swag.”

“See, there’s your problem,” Sunset said, tugging at his horribly furry coat with distaste. “You don’t have a ton of cash, you definitely aren’t a ladykiller, and that last thing isn’t even real.”

“Are you saying television and the radio has lied to me once again?”

Sunset nodded, having to fight off the urge to repeatedly slam her head against a wall. “Yeah.”

“Damnit!” Discord shouted, throwing his hat on the floor and stomping it under his heel. “Now what am I gonna do to get into Celestia’s pants?”

Ewwwww,” Sunset gagged, the thought of Discord and the Principal being together making her brain retch. Holding back vomit, she muttered, “If you really want to impress Principal Celestia, just ask me. I’m an actual girl, so I’d have a better time at making you look somewhat presentable.”

“Great!” Discord said, grabbing her by the shoulder and dragging her deeper in the store. “You’re buying!”

“I did not agree to that!”

“Do you want to go back to the school and do algebra equations instead?”

“... I’m not spending more than five bucks,” Sunset sighed.

“Damn, I look fine.”

“I do think believe a ‘thank you’ is in order,” Sunset said, glancing up at the new and slightly improved Discord.

“No apologies necessary. You’re just young and naive.” Peering closer into the window of the coffee shop, Discord slicked back his greasy hair and smoothed out his unruly beard. Leaning back, he checked to make sure he was ready. Button up blue shirt with with only a few stains, black jacket that itched like crazy, and blue jeans that had so many holes you couldn’t tell if that was just from wear or intentional from the designer.

“Fine, whatever,” Sunset said, holding back a curse. Looking in through the window, she spotted her Principal alone at a coffee table in the center of the room. “So you’re just going to drop in unannounced for a date she didn’t even agree to have with you?”

“Now Sunshine, you wound me. My plan is more sophisticated than that,” Discord replied, walking up to the door and grabbing ahold of the handle. Glancing back at her, he flashed her a devious grin. “I never drop in unannounced.”

Sunset looked nervously into the crowded coffee shop. “Please tell me you’re not going to do something stupid.”

“Just follow my lead,” he whispered to her, throwing the doors up with a well placed kick. Jumping through the entrance and into the shop, Discord spread his arms out wide and shouted, “GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD EVENING CAFE!"

Sunset facepalmed.