• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 2,836 Views, 63 Comments

Bloom - BerryBurd

A changeling drone, hatched on the edge of the everfree, begins to think for itself for the first time.

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Chapter 3: Interrogation

The creature awoke to find itself in a dark place. The air was musky and tinted by the bitter scent of its wounds. It tried to stand up, but found its legs bound together with some sort of metal contraption. An experimental flutter confirmed that its wings were also restricted from movement. After squirming for a while, the creature realised that trying to struggle against the bindings was futile, so it settled with observing its environment.

There was a small amount of light coming from under the big square thing on the other side of the room . There were plenty of odd shapes and objects inside the room, so the creature figured it was like the one with the yellow animal in it, a house. This unsettled the creature. As far as it knew, these buildings only held bad things. There didn't seem to be any danger right now, but that had the potential to change at any moment.

Without much to do, the creature simply waited in the dark room, its ears occasionally twitching at muffled sounds from beyond the walls. There was no telling what the sounds were, but it was quite obvious they were the colourful creatures that had captured it. The creature was surprised they had not killed it already. They held so much ill will for it earlier, and it couldn't think of any reason for them to spare it. Maybe they wanted to hurt it more before finishing it off.

The creature cringed at the thought, its heart rate increasing. It didn't want to be hurt any more, it had endured enough hurt. It was gripped with the sudden urge to escape, no matter how impossible that seemed in its current situation. It started thrashing against the rough things holding it in place, its efforts completely futile. It started to cry out in frustration, increasing its squirming, trying its hardest to escape the confines before hearing a sharp click from the other end of the room.

The creature froze


There was the sound of shuffling behind the door, shadows dancing across the small slit of light at the bottom. There was no doubt what they were.


There was another noise as the door swung open, a bright light flowing in and temporarily blinding the creature.


The creature was too scared to move. It wanted to move, it wanted to be anywhere but here, but it couldn't. The colourful things were bad. the colourful things would hurt. As its eyes adjusted to the light, the creature could see three of the colourful animals come into view, much to its dismay. They came in through the door one by one, making noises with their mouths at the creature.

The one in front was a striking purple, and a little taller than the other two. It was wearing a big yellow thing on top of its head with a number of purple shiny things along the top. The second was a light brown, with grey on top of its head and a green thing around its neck. The third one was bright blue, just like the sky, with a whole bunch of colours on its head. The majority of fear and distrust in the room was coming from this one. It eyed the creature and made a face that it knew was bad.

The purple one made more noises as it approached, stopping just in front of the creature. The noises coming from its mouth ended in what the creature recognized as a questioning tone. Did the purple one want to know something from the creature? It had no idea what was being asked. The sounds didn't mean anything.

There was a pause as the purple one waited for the creature to give an answer, the blue one fidgeted off to the side, while the brown one didn't give off anything besides an aura of caution and contemplation. The silence was very uncomfortable for the creature, and it wanted to do whatever it could to please the purple one as to reduce the chances of harm befalling it. The purple one was obviously in charge and would likely be the judge of the creature's fate.

The creature could remember something. Something about a very important thing that taught everything it now knew. It couldn't quite remember anything about the thing, but it knew that it was very intimidating, and it knew how it was supposed to act in its presence. The purple one seemed to hold a familiar regal air, so the creature did the only thing it knew to do.

Despite its fear, the creature managed to chirp in response, sounding apologetic, and signalling that it recognized the purple one's superiority and would comply to its demands. The bindings on its wings made the sound muffled and awkward, but the creature was sure it was discernible enough to get the message across.

To the creature's surprise and dismay, the purple one did not seem satisfied with its response and made more sounds toward it with the same tone. The creature was becoming more frightened by the second. The purple one did not accept its admittance of inferiority! That only left one thing the purple one could possibly want.

The creature began to thrash against its bindings in unbridled terror, making as much noise as it possibly could. It needed something to save it, it needed the sun, it needed to be as far away from the purple one as possible. The purple one didn't have anything left to do but kill it!

The creature's cries were reduced to muffled whimpers as the colourful one was suddenly on top of it, slamming its hoof down and making angry noises at it. The purple one made what sounded like... pleading noises at the colourful one? The colourful one released the creature after making some more angry noises.

The creature was frozen by fear, but also confusion. None of what was happening made sense. The purple one ordered the colourful one to kill it, but then told it not to? were they trying to scare information out of it? It was definitely working, but the creature didn't have any information to give. The only thing it had was a basic set of knowledge about things around it, and it was sure the purple one knew those things already.

The creature could only wait, it was far too tired for anything else anyway. Panicking was hard work, and it had done a lot of panicking. The purple one made noises at the colourful one and the brown one who hadn't said anything, before turning around and moving away. The other two did the same, and the colourful one gave the creature another bad face before following the purple one out the door. That one still held the most distrust and suspicion out of the three, and surprisingly, the negative feeling had almost completely left the purple one.

They were going to allow the creature to live! It's message was heard, which was strange since the purple one didn't seem to acknowledge it in any visual way and the colourful one still radiated anger and distrust. The creature was too tired to think about specifics. All it cared about was the fact that it was spared.

Once the three had left, the creature was left with nothing but its thoughts, and the lingering cloud of negative emotion. It stung at the creature's already starved body, but luckily faded soon enough. The void in its chest was getting deeper by the minute, and the creature really didn't know what to do about it. It may have been spared by the purple one, but it would soon die anyway.

With nothing else to do, the creature lay its head back down on the ground and closed its eyes. This floor was harder to sleep on than the forest ground, but eventually sleep came.

The creature lay awake, barely noticing the occasional noises from beyond the door. It did not know how long it had been in that room, but the emptiness in its chest was beyond unbearable. The purple one had come in a few times to ask questions, but the creature still couldn't answer. Both out of exhaustion and lack of understanding. Over time the purple one's air of uneasiness around the creature diminished, making its presence less uncomfortable.

Luckily the purple one still didn't seem to wish harm upon the creature, not that that mattered anyway. The creature wished it could see the sun. It felt lost without its warmth. The room was warm, but not a nice warm. The darkness of the room had started to play tricks on the creature's mind. Movements from the corners of its vision, frightening shapes and strange noises. It almost enjoyed the time the purple one spent with it, if just to break the monotony.

The sound of the door swinging open made the creature's ears perk up as light flooded the room. The brightness caused it to squint, but the creature welcomed another visit. the purple one held almost no distrust any more, and its presence was... nice, to the creature.

As its eyes adjusted to the light, the creature could make out what was undoubtedly the purple one, but it was not alone this time. Another shape was accompanying it, and it was strangely familiar. It was another one of the colourful animals that look like the purple one. It had a yellow body and pink on its hea-...

Oh no.

The creature tried its best to move away from the yellow and pink one it remembered so well. Last time its fear was the most intensely horrible feeling the creature had ever experienced, and if it were to experience it again it would surely die. Its efforts were futile as always, and the creature's panic drove it to complete exhaustion. It went slack against its bonds, breathing heavily and staring at the floor. It had given up all hope at this point, simply awaiting its inevitable end.

And it had just begun to warm to the Purple one...

The creature didn't even react when it felt a pressure on its withers. Turning its head feebly toward the pressure, the creature was shocked to find yellow. The yellow one was here, and one of its front limbs was resting on the creature, but there was no hurt. Why was there hurt before, but none now? Maybe the purple one had ordered it not to! What more, the yellow one's face had a nice look. What was this look?

The creature just lay there, looking at the yellow one with awe. What was it about the yellow one that felt so good? It remembered the yellow one seeming nice before its presence was made, but none of this made any sense.

After a small time, the yellow one lifted its limb off the creature and reached back to the big things hanging over its back. They seemed to be for storage, as the yellow one pulled something out of the side. It placed that something on the ground right in front of the creature's muzzle, taking a step back to signal that it meant no harm. That nice look was still on its face, and the creature felt reassured.

Sitting on the ground was a large white circular thing, but that was not the interesting part. On top of the circular thing was a bunch of light pink bits of... something, the creature did not know. What it did know, was they smelled amazing. The creature looked back and forth from the pink things to the yellow one, sniffing them every now and again. The yellow one seemed to make an encouraging noise, motioning toward the things on the floor.

The creature let its body tell it what to do, and moved forward to begin devouring the contents of the round white thing. It was too hungry to notice that its restraints had been removed. All it did now was eat, and it was the most amazing thing the creature had ever done. It felt rejuvenated and satisfied. The yellow one gave it food! The yellow one was going to save it!

Well, the purple one might have had something to do with it, since it was in charge, but the creature's gratitude toward the yellow one was incredible. As it finished all the tasty pink things, it lifted its head up and looked toward the yellow one, letting out a happy chirp, sounding much more clear without the restraints on its wings. With its happiness showing on its face, It chirped a few more times to let the yellow one know just how thankful it was.

The yellow one's nice face got even nicer, and the creature could feel... something coming from it. It couldn't identify what is was, but it felt nice so the creature didn't worry.

The yellow one made a motion toward the creature accompanied with questioning noises. The creature was confused for a moment before it realised that the yellow one was pointing at its injuries. It didn't really know how to respond, so the creature folded its limbs under itself and lay in a more comfortable position. It hadn't been paying attention to its injuries since coming into the room, and now that attention was on them, it realised that they really did hurt.

The yellow one took a tentative step forward, seemingly waiting for the creature's permission to approach it. The creature lowered its head to the ground in a display of submission. It trusted the yellow one. The yellow one was the only thing besides the sun that had been good so far. The yellow one pulled the things off of its back and placed them next to the creature.

It took some time but the yellow one was able to figure out what all the creature's injuries were and treat them to the best of its abilities at the time. It hurt a lot when the yellow one dabbed the creature's wounds with a small white ball dipped in a strange liquid, but the soothing noises of the yellow one and the warm feeling flowing around the room kept the creature calm through the whole process. When they were done the creature had white stuff wrapped around many parts of its body and a straight piece of wood strapped to its leg to keep it straight.

Time passed with the yellow one fussing over the creature and making sure the white stuff around its limbs was in order. The yellow one seemed to take huge interest in the creature, examining its various body parts with awed fascination. The creature knew by now that it was different from the colourful ones, but it felt that it could fit in if it had the yellow one to help.

The purple one made noises at the yellow one, calling its attention. They made noises at each other for a small while, before the yellow one turned back to the creature and made more noises. The creature couldn't understand any of this, but it seemed like they were discussing what would happen next.

The creature yelped as it was levitated by a glowing purple mist, the yellow one made encouraging sounds and the creature realised that it was just the purple one's magic. It made sense that its magic was also purple. The purple one levitated the creature with care and draped it over the yellow one's back, being careful of its wings. The creature wasn't light, but the yellow one seemed to be fine with the weight.

Soon all three of them were outside and the yellow one was walking with the creature in tow. It was night time, and no other colourful things were present. The purple one departed part ways through their journey and the creature was left alone with the yellow one, making their way along a dirt path. The creature wanted to walk, as it didn't want to be a hindrance to the yellow one, but the aching made it think that it was too weak to do so.

At least the emptiness in its stomach and the emptiness in its chest were soothed.

After a time, the two found themselves at the strange tree with boxes all over it, where the creature had first seen the yellow one! But it was bad that time and the creature didn't really want to think about it all that much. The yellow one brought the creature inside the building, and the various animals oozed fear once again, but the steady trail of nice feeling from the yellow one was enough to make the creature happy.

They ascended to an upper floor of the building that the creature didn't know existed. It was much more quiet up here without the animals. The creature wasn't sure why the yellow one had animals in its building, but it didn't think too hard about it. The yellow one set the creature down on a big thing that was really really soft. Softer than anything the creature had felt before. It was amazing!

The yellow one pulled some soft white things over the creature and everything felt really good! The creature could scarcely believe it had gone from misery to elation in such a short timespan. The yellow one made some nice noises at the creature and the creature chirped in agreement. they stayed like that, the yellow one making small checks of the creature's injuries and making nice noises.

But then the yellow one started to leave the room! The creature cried out in protest, causing the yellow one to stop. The creature pleaded with its eyes for the yellow one to stay. It wanted the yellow one's company more than anything else in the world right now. Luckily for the creature, the yellow one stayed! It sat itself down next to the big soft thing and looked at the creature, a nice look on its face.

Everything about yellow is nice

Suddenly there were noises coming out of the yellow one, but not the normal nice noises. These noises were even nicer. They were melodic and soothing, causing the creature to relax further into the big soft thing.

The creature simply lay on the soft thing and listened to the yellow one's sounds. It listened to those sounds for what seemed like hours. Soon enough the creature felt itself slipping into sleep, lulled by the yellow one's melodies.

A far better sleep than any it had experienced before.