• Published 12th Sep 2013
  • 2,836 Views, 63 Comments

Bloom - BerryBurd

A changeling drone, hatched on the edge of the everfree, begins to think for itself for the first time.

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Chapter 4: Mending

The creature spent many cycles of the sun inside the yellow one's tree building. The yellow one kept it from doing much other than lie in the big soft thing, but that was OK. It was probably to help the creature's injuries heal faster, as it had been feeling much better as time went on. Soon enough the creature was following the yellow one around, curious as to what it did while outside the room with the big soft thing. The yellow one protested at first, motioning toward the big soft thing, but the creature could move around very well now. So with persistence the yellow one allowed the creature to follow. The downward slope with lots of platforms was a bit scary at first, but the creature managed to get the hang of moving up and down them eventually.

The yellow one did all kinds of things around the tree building. It tended to the creatures wounds, it looked at strange blocks that opened up in the middle and had lots of black marks on them, it gave food to all the animals (which were warming up to the creature slowly but surely), it even went outside the building every now and again, but the creature wasn't allowed to follow it out there, no matter how many times it tried to follow.

Sometimes the yellow one went outside for long periods of time, which made the creature really anxious and frightened. There wasn't much to do during those times, and the creature couldn't help but worry for the yellow one. what if something happened to it outside? The creature shuddered at the thought. The yellow one's demise was likely the creature's demise, and it could do nothing about that.

But sure enough, every time the yellow one left the tree, it returned some time after. The creature was very happy when the yellow one came back and was sure to make it known.

The purple one and the colourful one often came by to visit the yellow one and the creature, among various others. They always talked a lot, and the creature didn't really know what was being said. It liked having new things to listen to anyway. They never came by together, and the purple one seemed to come for the sole purpose of examining the creature. It would look over its body, cast spells on it and make little black lines on the weird square things that opened up in the middle. The colourful one seemed to visit only to protect the yellow one. The creature could feel the bonds that tied those two together, like the strongest stone wall imaginable. Impenetrable without a large and very powerful thing, or a small thing with a lot of time. Perhaps they were companions? The colourful one was still distrustful toward the creature, but it was becoming less so each time it visited.

One day the yellow one got the creature to try eating some slightly yellow stuff, that the creature had seen it eat many times before. The creature was excited to try the same things that the yellow one ate, but was disappointed to find that the yellow stuff was dry, thin and tasted very bad. How could the yellow one eat this stuff? The creature even threw up a small while after, much to the yellow one's distress. The creature wasn't asked to eat anything other than the delicious pink stuff it usually ate from then onwards, which the creature was very happy for.

Perhaps the yellow stuff was only for the yellow one. It ate many other things but maybe the yellow stuff was more beneficial to the yellow one. It made enough sense. But why would the beneficial thing for the creature be pink? the creature's body was not pink. That was likely part of why the colourful ones were so distrustful of the creature. It knew it was different but had yet to figure out the extent of that difference.

The creature's thoughts swam at the possibilities of this, the purple one would likely eat those small round things on the bushes the creature saw in passing and the colourful one would eat all kinds of things! There were so many different colours that the creature had to stop and think of other things. Its head was starting to hurt.

The colourful ones were very protective of their own kind. The creature could tell just by feeling. It knew that it was different, plain as day, but it was obviously similar enough to bring out some nice feelings. The yellow one was just so amazing, if not for its actions the creature would have perished without any doubt.

The creature could still scarcely believe how fortunate it was with its current situation. There were no predators to worry about. There was no more hurting and fear. The steady stream of nice feeling from the yellow one kept the creature from feeling sad or lonely, and there was a clear view of the sun at the start and the end of the day out some of the various holes in the building. The creature may have been given many other comforts, but it never forgot the sun, with its glowing warmth and its yellow light.


When night fell and the sun was out of the sky, gone to some place the creature could only dream of, it could sometimes see another presence in the sky from its resting place. It was just as big as the sun, if not bigger, and it was pure white. It cast a much less intense glow than the sun did, and was always a different shape whenever the creature spotted it. Sometimes it was round like the sun, and sometimes it was only half that size. It was quite mysterious to the creature, and it wondered if the sun and this 'night sun' were related in some way. It would have to try and find out from the yellow one.

The creature was sitting on the floor watching the animals go about their business. They still mostly kept their distance from the creature but it didn't really mind. The little white one with the long things on its head was a bit more brave around the creature, and seemed largely protective of the yellow one. The creature didn't know what to think of the little white one so it did its best to ignore it.

The yellow one had finally taken the white wrappings off the creature's body after so long, and it was enjoying the freedom of movement it now had in its wings. It hadn't tried to fly with them yet as it had before crashing in the huge group of colourful things, but it was getting a little closer to that point every day. It was actually a little scared to try.

The creature was startled from its thoughts as it heard the front door click, signalling that someone was coming in. the creature knew that the only one who came in when the yellow one wasn't home was the yellow one! The creature got up as quickly as it could and rushed toward the door, excited that the yellow one was back.

The yellow one was pleased to see the creature, making that one noise it always did when it saw the creature, or wanted the creature's attention. The creature liked that noise. The yellow one didn't use it with any of the others and that made the creature feel special. The creature couldn't help but feel like that one noise had some sort of meaning. It had vague memories of creatures using different sounds to tell each other things, and the noises all the colourful ones made sounded very organised.

Perhaps it was some kind of communication? Perhaps that noise was a greeting!

The creature tested the waters with small noises, trying to replicate that noise that seemed to hold so much importance. The yellow one was confused for a moment before getting really excited. The positive feeling radiating from it was elating to the creature, urging it onward. It was a bit hard to practice sounds with so much excitement! With coaxing from the yellow one and plenty of experimentation, the creature eventually made a sound that was as similar as it could get to that sound that was used so much by the yellow one.
