• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 166 Comments

In Love and War - Rainbow_Danger_Dash

Soarin finally gets the chance to meet the pony of his dreams. But neither could expect what the future held...

  • ...

Chapter 16-Yours Again

Rainbow Dash let her head lightly tap against the small window of the train car as she idly watched the land roll by. The rolling green hills and small cottages that dotted the land by the tracks seemed almost idyllic, almost as if the war had never existed. Yet every so often she would catch a fleeting gaze of an isolated pony, the painful frowns serving as a reminder that the war was prominent even at home.

Feeling a dull headache start in her forehead, she pulled away from the window with a sigh. She missed Soarin already. Dash knew he was stuck somewhere along the armored cars on guard duty; but he still wasn't with her. She needed to see him, to spend every waking minute with him if nothing more than to blot out the rest of the chaos of the world.

Yet the green pastures of Equestria continued on as if nothing had changed. In a sense, nothing had. Her friends would still be living their normal lives when she got back. She'd get a "welcome back" party from Pinkie, a bunch of questions and support, and that'd be it. Everypony would continue life as if there was no threat on the border. Dash choked slightly as sudden realization came over her. How could she return to that? How could she forget? Would everyone still accept her? She'd changed a lot, perhaps they'd act different around her and-

The sound of somepony dropping into the seat beside her cut off her thoughts. She paused for a second to clear her head, and turned just slightly as if to give a simple recognition.

"This seat taken?"

Dash whipped around, catching Soarin in a crushing embrace. She pulled him as close as she could, ignoring the cold metal armor pressing against her chest as she buried her face against the exposed crook of his neck. A smile crossed her face as she felt a wing wrap around her a second later and pull her even closer.

"I take it that's a no then?"

Dash looked up into his eyes, all troubles forgotten in his loving smile. "Well, I guess it is now..."

"Oh, guess I'll have to move then," Soarin said with a mischievous smirk. "I don't want to take anypony's seat or anything."

Dash smacked his hoof lightly, hiding a wince as her wound stung. "Don't you dare. I just got you here and I'm not letting go."

"Don't make that pouting face. It's too cute to resist."

"Hey, whoa there mister!" She pulled back slightly, placing a hoof on his chest. "I'm not cute. Awesome? Yeah. Sexy? Hell yeah-"


"Shut up."

"There it is again!"

"I-I wha-" Dash stammered, then huffed dramatically and looked away, crossing her forelegs.

"Aww, c'mon Dashie. Don't be like that." Soarin pulled her closer with his wing as he planted a light kiss on her cheek. "I was only messing with you."

Dash turned back around with a frown, trying her best to hide the playful glint in her eyes. "You'd better be. And you'd better take back what you said."

"What'd I say?" Soarin poked her lightly in the side, making her jump slightly and earning him another lighthearted glare. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, you're so funny. How about I just help you remember-"

Dash was suddenly cut off by a harsh shush from the chair behind her. She ducked down slightly as she felt her face quickly begin to heat up, earning a quiet laugh from Soarin.

"Y'know, I don't think I've ever seen you that shade of red before. It goes well with your eyes."

"Shut up! I wasn't aware somepony was listening!"

"So what? Let 'em listen for all I care. I'm not about to let a single second slip by with you."

"Yeah but it's just...just..."

Dash stopped talking as the sound of movement came from the chair. She lowered herself more, only to see Fleetfoot's head pop up over the edge.

"Y'know, Soarin's right. It's damn adorable how you get so embarrassed like that! Not to mention how absolutely SAPPY you two are." Fleetfoot grinned cheekily, then disappeared back over the edge as Dash buried her face in her hooves. Soarin burst out into laughter, only making Rainbow Dash hide her face more.

"What's wrong Dashie?" He grinned as he poked her side, making her hop again.

"I freaking hate you. I hate you so much."

"But do you really?" He pulled her against his chest with her wing, smiling wider as she let out a defeated sigh.

"No...I guess not."

"Hey now, no pouty face or I will tickle you until you smile"

"You wouldn't dare." Dash narrowed her eyes at him, trying to hide her playful smile.

"Oh, wouldn't I?" He traced up and down her back lightly with the tip of his wing, laughing as he felt her tense up. "Why are you so nervous, Dash?

"I don't trust you one bit, mister."

"Wow, right in the heart with that one. Cut me deep." Soarin faked a sniffle and bowed his head dramatically. "Crushed all my feelings right in front of me. Oh how hurt I am!"

"Oh shut up." She wrapped her forelegs around his neck, laughing lightly as she leaned closer. "You know what I mean." She softly kissed him several times and pulled herself against him, . "I'm glad you're here Soar."

He wrapped his wing around her, his playfulness replaced by softness. "I'm glad you're with me Dashie. I don't think I could wish for anything more right now."

Dash pushed herself even closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder. She led out a content sigh as she closed her eyes, secure in his warmth. As she drifted off into sleep, Dash muttered three simple words. Three words that have reason for the pain they both had felt, and for the strength they now held. Three words that bore the weight of the world to Soarin.

"I love you."


Soarin lightly rested his chin on Dash's head as he calmly watched Equestria pass by. Despite the initial ferocity of the Changeling invasion, the majority of Equestrian lands remained unscathed. It was such a chance from the front lines that still tugged at the back of his mind...

His attention was drawn back inside as Rainbow Dash shifted slightly in her sleep. They had been reunited for only a short time, yet it felt as if they had made up years. Everything seemed move so fast, and yet so slow at the same time.

Admittedly, he was still trying to wrap his head around what he had heard Dash say. Part of him reckoned that she hadn't really meant that much by it; just a combination of tiredness and the past had caused her to say it. Yet he wanted to believe it was so much more. That she actually, truly loved him. Granted, she wouldn't have put herself at risk if there had not been a strong connection in the first place, but to hear her say she loved him filled him with an almost childish glee.

So here he was, wide awake with Dash cuddled up against him. He couldn't help but smile at her soft snores. She seemed so peaceful asleep; nearly a complete opposite of her conscious self. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered quietly, careful to not wake her.

"No matter how much you deny it, I still think you're cute." Soarin smirked slightly and returned to staring out of the window, content to silently embrace with Rainbow Dash for as long as he could.


Dash snapped awake as Spitfire's voice boomed through the train car, immediately frowning slightly as she noticed that Soarin had left. She'd hoped he would have been able to stay with her for the rest of the return home, or at least to Canterlot.

"ALRIGHT EVERYPONY, LISTEN UP! We are five minutes away from the castle of Canterlot, which is our one and only stop! Everypony will disembark from this train in the following manner! Out of the left door will go injured military; there will be medics and whatnots on that side for you specifically. Out of the right will go you civvies; you guys got your own docs for those of you who are injured."

"Now, before you lot start getting all excited and whatever, we have to go over a few standard rules. First! No running! I don't want anyone to get trampled or otherwise hurt here because then you'll just look like an ass. Second! You WILL pass through the security checkpoints before going wherever the hell you're going! Third! Follow my rules or I will personally KICK YOUR ASS! Have a nice day, blah blah blah. Get your shit and get ready to roll."
Dash couldn't help but smile at Spitfire's bluntness. While the orange pegasus always had a reputation of being harsh, she still typically acted polite in front of civilians. Even in the entry academy, Spitfire hadn't been particularly harsh. To see her true persona was amusing to say the least.
Rainbow Dash hopped off her seat, stretching her legs with a loud groan. She stepped impatiently, only to be jolted into the back of the chair in front of her as the train stopped. Muttering a swear under her breath, Dash stepped into the line in the right side of the aisle.
Covering her face from the glare of the sun, Rainbow Dash stepped off the train onto the Canterlot Royal Station boarding platform. She fell into line, glancing across the station in hopes of seeing Soarin. Yet as the line continued to move forward her efforts remained unrewarded; not a single Wonderbolt seemed to be in the station. She jumped as a blue light flashed in her eyes, and turned to see a ray of magic scroll down to her hooves then back up to her face. A guard motioned for her to move, and she continued to follow the line to a set of white tents. Almost immediately, she was pulled aside and led to a padded mattress, where nearly half a dozen unicorns in white medical gowns scurried about, removing old bandages and cleaning old wounds quietly. She sat in awkward silence as the injuries on her legs and wings slowly healed in a soft green light cast by one of the medical ponies. Dash waited until the medical team seemed finished with their work to finally speak up.

“So…is that it? Am I good to go?”

“Yes, but don’t do any heavy flying, or too much exercise,” the unicorn who had cast the healing spell said flatly. “Just because I repaired most of the damage does not mean you can start zipping around Canterlot. Your body has to complete the healing cycle naturally in order to ensure natural muscle and tissue repairs. Magic can only do so much.”

“Believe me, that’s fine by me. Now where do I go from here?”

“Wherever you want. I just don’t want to see you back here because you tore one of your injuries back up, understand?”

“You got it boss. No fast flying for a while. Not a problem.” Dash hopped off the table and exited the medical tent, blinking in the bright sunlight.


“Soar, where are we going?” Every turn she had followed him around only disoriented her more, and left her with unanswered questions. Even worse, Soarin refused to answer

“You’ll see Dash. Just be patient, okay?”

“Because you of all ponies know how much I LOVE waiting.”

“Well fortunately for you, it should be right around this corner. Fortunately for me, I won’t have to put up with your questions anymore. You’re as bad as a filly on a train ride.”

“Well excuse me for wanting to know where I am going. Seriously it feels like we’ve been walking in circles…” Her voice drifted off as she turned the corner to be standing in front of The Prancing Pegasus, one of the more expensive hotels in Canterlot. She stood in the middle of the street in stunned silence, staring at the ornate building in front of her.

“Well Dash, you coming?”

She couldn’t help but get caught in his warm gaze, a soft smile lighting up his face. Slowly she walked forward, trying to find something to say; yet she found none. All she could do was mumble as he wrapped his wing around her and walked beside her through the large crystal doors into the lavish lobby.

By the time they had entered, the staff already had a key ready, one handing it off to Soaring before stepping away. Dash soaked up the sight, never dreaming of even being able to enter a place like this in her lifetime.

“You, uh…come here often…?” She was still in awe of just exactly where she was. The price of staying here for one night had to have been enormous.

“Every now and then, typically during the Canterlot shows. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no…no reason. No. None at all.”

Soarin laughed lightly, content to watch her look around. He quietly guided her down hallways, letting her take in the sights of each new room and passageway.

“Rarity would be so jealous if she found ou-” Dash was silenced again as Soarin opened the door to the room. A large bed was placed against the far wall, golden sheets draping off the side. A twin pair of elegantly designed dressers sat on either side, a bottle of champagne resting atop either one.

“Soar…you didn’t have to do this. This had to cost way too much. I would have been fine with something less.”

“Dash, you don’t have to worry about it. Wonderbolt, remember?”

“Yeah, but still…”

“Hey. You don’t think I would settle for anything less for our time home?”

“So…how long exactly are we gonna be here, hmm?”

Soarin laughed and kissed her cheek lightly as he wrapped his wing around her. “As long as you want, Dash.”

“No, seriously. How long do we have before you have to go do…whatever it is you do with the Wonderbolts?”

“As much time as you want.”

“Wait, so you’re saying…”

“Yup,” Soarin answered, already knowing what she was going to ask. “We’re assigned here for an unspecified amount of time. All we have to do in garrison is report for accountability once every five days. City guards will handle the rest. Now all that’s up to you is to decide when you want to head back home so everypony there knows you’re alright.”

“Oh.” Dash muttered quietly as she hung her head slightly.

Soarin raised her chin with his hoof, while wrapping a wing gently around her. "What's wrong Dash?" Her sudden mood shift concerned him. He replayed what he had just said, trying to figure out what he had said wrong as Dash gathered herself.

"Soar...I..." Dash choked slightly, leaning against him for support. "I don't know how I'm supposed to go back. All that happened, all that we went through...How can I look everypony in the eye with a smile while...while still knowing that?" She choked as the slightest glimpse of tears formed in her eyes.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Come here." He pulled her close, letting her bury her face in his chest while he rubbed her back slowly with a hoof. "Everything's going to be fine. I'm here for you. We'll make it work."

"B-but everything's gone so wrong, and I can’t do anything like I used to, and you got hurt, and...and..." She placed her head back into his shoulder as she lost her composure again.

"Dash, it's okay. I mean look, we're home. Nothing can harm us here. We still got each other. Everything's gonna work out quicker than you'll believe."

"This is all my fault..."

Soarin stepped back slightly, looking her straight in the eyes. "Rainbow Dash. None of this is your fault, okay? You were there when I needed you most. I know we hit some bumps, but we are both here now, and to me that's all that matters." He smiled reassuringly as he wiped the last few tears off her cheek. "You're all that matters to me. I can’t blame you for what happened."

“Soar, I don’t know how I could do this without you.” She pulled away from him as she wiped the last remnants of tears from her eyes.

“Believe me Dash, I don’t think I would have made it without you either.” Soarin wrapped her in a tight hug once more. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

They broke apart silently, a somberness hanging heavily in the air. Soarin knew she still blamed herself, as she would for a long time. Her loyalty had its faults; unfortunately self-deprecation was one of those. He just wanted her to be happy again, to forget the recent past and enjoy the time they had. All he needed was a way to cheer her up…

Soarin’s face lit up as a sudden epiphany stuck him mid-thought. Of all the things to do in Canterlot to possibly help Dash, this was by far the best. “So Dash, Spitfire’s getting the rest of the ‘Bolts together tonight down at the Lucky Horseshoe for a round of drinks. Want to come along?”

“WhaaaAAAAAT!” Dash shrilled, nearly tackling Soarin as she dove into a crushing hug. “ME?!? WITH ALL THE WONDERBOLTS! OHMYGOSH YES! HOLY SHI-THANK YOU SO MUCH SOARIN! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Dash

Soarin burst out into laughter as he watched the complete flip in Rainbow Dash’s attitude. She continued to ceaselessly spew out thanks, almost exploding with newfound energy. He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. It was sure to be a night to remember.


“HEY HEY, LOOK WHO IT IS!” Fleetfoot drunkenly shouted from across the room, holding up a mug of hard cider in the air. “Ladies and gents, the one, the only Soarin…with Rainbow Dash! Hot damn, the feathers are gonna fly tonight!”

“Wait Fleet, is that before or after they leave?” Surprise chimed in from behind.

“Well I sure HOPE it’s later!

Soarin looked over with a grin to the slightly embarrassed Rainbow Dash, who shifted uncomfortably at the sudden spotlight. “Ignore her, Dash. They’re not the brightest flyers on the team.”

“Hey! Rainbow, control your stallion!”

“I’m sorry, but who’s to blame him if he speaks the truth?” Dash smirked as a chorus of “Oohs” rose from around the table. Immediately the initial nervousness from being around the entire Wonderbolt team left, replaced by lighthearted happiness.

“Hot damn, someone give that mare a drink. Pull up a seat you two!” Fleetfoot scooted her chair over as Surprise pulled up two more. “So, Rainbow Dash. Did Soarin tell you to say that before you came here because he knows me so well, or are you just that good?”

“Well, I like to think I’m ‘just that good’-”

“-And Fleet is just that easy to have comebacks for.”

“Now listen here mister, do you really think it’s a good idea for you to be insulting the one who set you up with this lovely mare in the first place?”

“Hey, you didn’t set me up with Dash! Are you that drunk already, or just-“

“Wait Soar,” Rainbow Dash said, tugging on his shoulder slightly as her first empty mug dropped to the floor. “I wanna hear this.” She turned to Fleetfoot, who now had a smug grin plastered across her face. “What did you mean when you said you set Soarin up with me?”

“Well, it’s really a long story-“

“Really long!” Fleetfoot frowned as Surprise interjected, then continued once the white Pegasus returned to her seat.

“Well, in short, ol’ Soar was basically head-over-heels for you since the last time you two had met. When was that, the Gala a year or so ago?” Fleetfoot paused for a second, then resumed before anyone could answer her question. “So, Surprise and I figure out that Soar is crushing hard on this mare, right. I mean, HARD. So, we do a little digging, found out who exactly you are and all that good stuff from your Young Fliers info. It was very convenient that Ponyville happened to be nearby on our show circuit, so Surprise and I did a little recon beforehand of the place. We made sure Soar knew of the one Inn in town, and figured we’d join him after a long day of training. Lo and behold, you’re there as well. And you will not believe how much pushing it took to get him to go talk to you! He was so nervous! You’d think he was trying out for the Wonderbolts all over again!”

“Oh is that s-” Dash said as she turned to face Soarin, but stopped as she saw an embarrassed blush cross his face. She snorted, then burst out in laughter, pounding the table as Soarin looked away and crossed his forelegs.

“I wasn’t that nervous.”

“Soar, you were nervous to ask me out? That’s SO adorable!” She hugged his foreleg, laughing harder.

Soarin scrunched up his face and looked away from Fleetfoot, earning a cry of mock outrage from Dash.

“Soarin, don’t be all pouty! It was just a joke, right?” She forced back another laugh as Fleetfoot shook her head rapidly. “C’mon Soar, don’t be mad.”

“I’m not mad….just…”

“Embarrassed by the truth?” Surprise quipped with a smirk. The three mares all stared down Soarin eagerly, who let out an exasperated sigh but said nothing. His response was greeted by another chorus of laughter

“Just remember who’s your boss, Fleet.”

“OOOH, I’m SO scared,” Fleetfoot shook her hooves in mock fear, before letting out a sly grin. “You have no dirt on me, big boy. I have nothing to worry about!”

“If that’s what helps you sleep at night, sure.” Soarin winked at Dash and headed over to the bar, leaving Fleetfoot stammering in confusion. Rainbow Dash followed behind him, sitting down beside him with a carefree smile.

“So this is what the Wonderbolts are really like, huh?

“More or less. Fleet and Surprise are like that all the time, if not worse. But they’re really great ponies, if you can get past the airheadedness. Of course, you’re not stuck on a flight team with them.”

"True, but they seem like a lot of fun. You have a good team with you Soar."

Soarin looked over to the table, where Fleetfoot was engaged in a drinking contest with several other members of the Wonderbolts. "Yeah, they're pretty great." He paused, then nodded towards the table. "C'mon, lets go join 'em"

The party carried over into the early hours of the morning, slowly dissipating as the Wonderbolts left one by one. Parting remarks were said, and Dash and Soarin returned to the room. As drowsiness set in, the two held each other close as they slowly drifted to sleep, worries gone in the comfort of each other.


Soarin blinked open his eyes, glancing around the darkened room. His gaze fell on the silent form Rainbow Dash cuddled up against his chest. She had needed the night out with the Wonderbolts. They all needed a chance to unwind, but she had still been hit hard by what she had went through. Yet Dash still had a defiant spark of life she clung too; Soarin couldn’t help but admire her tenacity.

Flashes of light on the horizon caught his attention. In the distance, the clouds glowed with unnatural flashes that faded as quickly as they appeared. Common sense dictated that it was a thunderstorm, yet the closeness of the flashes of light to the frontline left a weight in his gut. Just as Soarin began to turn away, he felt as if he caught a glance of bright red flashes among the lights. He shifted slightly, causing Dash to mutter drowsily as her head slipped off his chest. He looked down at her, lightly brushing a strand of mane off her face. She had been through so much, and he hadn't been there for her. He wasn't there to help her when she needed it; yet she hadn't left him. And after what she'd said on the train, he couldn't help but feel slightly guilty. He'd been the cause of her pain, yet she still loved him. Whether it was love or loyalty, he was grateful to have her by his side.

Soarin looked out the window one last time, the lights in the distance beginning to appear with slower frequency. Perhaps it was a storm after all. Yet despite his attempts to convince himself, he still remained unable to shake the feeling of worry in the back of his mind.

Sighing, he laid down beside Rainbow Dash, wrapping a wing around her as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She was here with him now. That's all that mattered. Besides, there was nothing to worry about. It was just a storm.

Just a storm...

Author's Note:


This chapter was such a pain to write. Got plenty of SoarDash, but I feel like I'm better at combat writing.

Anyhow, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things. Next semester will be much easier, as I will not have military obligations; I will instead be in Vienna. I hope to have a lot more time to write.

Told you guys I wouldn't leave you hanging.

Stay Awesome