• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,147 Views, 166 Comments

In Love and War - Rainbow_Danger_Dash

Soarin finally gets the chance to meet the pony of his dreams. But neither could expect what the future held...

  • ...

Chapter 6-The Storm Breaks

Soarin threw off his armor into a pile as sweat coursed down his body. The sun had already set by the time they had finished training. He limped towards the exit, pain coming from every step. Surprise bounded over to him, leaving Fleetfoot to catch up.
"What's wrong Soarin? Can't take the heat?"
"No, you just nailed me on the last round. I wouldn't be surprised if my leg is broken."
"Aw, don't be such a foal. I didn't hit you that hard."
"Ha! I beg to differ."
"You're just mad because I am better at sword fighting than you."
Fleetfoot had caught up with the duo by this point. "Surprise, you've have pretty much outfought everyone by this point, haven't you?"
"All but Spitfire. But she doesn't fight much, only supervises. So I guess you can say I am the best!"
"Yeah, that's the only thing you are good at."
"Hey! I am great at a lot of things!"
"Oh, sorry. I forgot to mention insanity. My bad."
"I'm not crazy!"
"I don't know, Surprise. Sometimes you make me wonder," Soarin chimed in, finding a chance for revenge.
"You're just mad because you can't beat me in sword fighting."
"Yeah, yeah that's what you say. Now, if you will excuse me, there's someone I need to see." He took a mock bow before launching into the sky, headed towards Ponyville.


Rainbow Dash was awakened by a series of knocks on her door. She had fallen asleep after exhausting herself once again on her flight training. Originally, she had planned to hang out with her friends, but exhaustion got the best of her.
"Who the hay is here at this hour?" Dash asked to no one in particular, despite the fact that it was only eight at night. Another series of knocks came from the door. "Hang on, don't rush me." She pulled herself out of her cloudbed, her mind not wanting to function. More knocks. "HANG ON, I'M COMING! JUST CALM DOWN FOR ONE DAMN SECOND!" One of the things she found the most annoying was when somepony could not be patient for a couple of minutes. And whoever at the door was taxing her patience.
"What the hay do you-" she started, but cut herself off. Soarin was standing at the door, a smile spreading across his face.
"Hey Dash. What's up?"
"Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing at all."
"May I come in? Or we just gonna stand at the door all day?"
"Sorry! Please, come in," Dash said, a twinge of guilt in her voice. She hadn't meant to snap at him, but she didn't know who was at her door at the time. 'He doesn't look affected. Hopefully he didn't take it to heart,' she thought. Dash watched as Soarin strode into her cloud home, glancing around. 'What's he doing?' she questioned mentally, 'He has been here before. It's not like I rearrange my house every week.' She made a mental note to ask him if everything was alright.
"Hey Soarin, go ahead and sit on the couch, I'll bring us some food in a second."
"Actually, I'm-"
"You. Couch. Now."
"Uh, alright. But I can't stay too long. I am actually in a mission this time around."
"You? Work? Ha, I'll believe that when I see it."
"Hey, I'm not lazy!"
"Yeah, whatever. You want some apple fritters, or maybe a hay burger or-"
"Dash, we need to talk."
"Uh, ok. Shoot."
"So, with the threat of war hanging over us, our commanders have decided to have us locate the Elements of Harmony. In case we cannot hold back our enemies."
Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. She had never told anyone about her being the Element of Loyalty. She tried to formulate a response, eventually trying to play off as innocent and unknowing. "Hold on one second! Why do you think I know anything about the Elements of Harmony?"
"Because you wield one, of course."
"And WHO told you that?"
"That's not import-"
"My ass it's not! No one, I repeat, NO ONE knows! How the hay do you know?"
"Just tell me where-"
"Who do you think I am? I am bucking Soarin, for Celestia's sake!"
Rainbow Dash did not wait for him to respond. She lunged over the couch, knocking him to the floor. Dash landed on his stomach, a hoof raised to strike.
"Who are you? What do you want with the Elements?"
Soarin's eyes flickered a different shade of green, before he kicked her off him with his back legs.
"You will regret this, Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty! Long love the Queen!" The false Soarin's voice had become a rasp. He flew out the door, morphing back into his Changeling shape.

Dash sat on the floor, panting. Questions filled her mind. How did he know she bore an Element of Harmony? Were the others at risk? How did he manage to imitate Soarin almost perfectly?
Her thoughts were cut short by the sound of a pony landing on her front porch. She flew behind the open door, right forehoof across her body. If anything was going to get her or the Element's locations, they would have to fight.

Soarin glanced at Rainbow Dash's door, which was left wide open. Something seemed wrong. He slowly approached the door, glancing around to make sure no one was watching him. "Dash?" He called out, a slight twinge of worry in his voice. "Dash? You there? Please respond." He crept up alongside the door, hesitating a second before peering in. He could see no one inside her house. "Dash? I'm coming in now, ok? If you're in here, I am coming in." He took a wary step inside the door, taking a quick glance inside. He took another cautious step, checking the left and right. "Dash?" he said into the room. Soarin's heartbeat quickened as he realized that something was definitely not right here. He had just taken another step when a foreleg wrapped around his neck, locking him into a choke hold.
"Why do you want me?!? Huh?" Rainbow Dash shouted in his ear.
"What?" asked Soarin as he struggled against her grip. He was stronger than she looked, especially when she was angry. "What are you talking about?"
"So you thought a little change-around would fool me? You really think I am that stupid?"
"What the hell are you talking about? I am Soarin, for Celestia's sake!"
"Oh yeah? Then tell me how we met, 'Soarin'."
Soarin's mind raced back to their first actual meeting. "We met at the Ponyville Inn," he started, choosing his words carefully. "I had just gotten done with practice, and headed down here with Surprise and Fleetfoot. They were teasing me the whole time about my feelings for you. So, we landed and got some drinks. Then you walked in, with two of your friends. I remember Fleet and Surprise trying to get me to talk to you. Once your friends left, I finally managed the courage to go up and ask to buy you a drink. You turned around cussing at me, thinking I was somepony else. I will never forget the shock on your face when you saw it was me!" Soarin said, letting out a small laugh. Rainbow Dash started to release her grip on him, her arm retaining its position but slacking. "So then I bought you a drink, we talked about our days, but we were forced to go our separate ways because of my schedule." At this point, Dash's foreleg was completely away from his neck. Soarin stopped talking, and turned around to face Dash. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that the pony in front of her was actually Soarin.
"I'm so sorry Soarin," she said, we voice quivering. She lunged forward and embraced him.
"Hey, Dash, it's fine." Soarin pulled away some, making eye contact. "But do you care to tell me what that was about?"
Rainbow Dash looked away, staring at the ground as she started to pace around. She took a deep breath before responding. "I am going to tell you something that nopony knows about besides my best friends. Soarin, I am the Element of Loyalty."
Soarin's jaw dropped. Everypony had heard of the Elements of Harmony, but he had no idea that Rainbow Dash was one.
"A changeling came in here, except he was...well, he was you. When he asked me to tell him where the Element was, I tackled him and tried to figure out what he was. He escaped, but I thought you were him, so I ambushed you."
"How did a changeling-?"
"That's what I am trying to figure out. How did he know?"
"I don't know, but we probably should be more careful now. They are master infiltrators, and now they know where you live, who you are associated with, and who you really are."
Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as a sudden realization came upon her. "Shit! My friends! They might be in trouble! Come on!"
Dash and Soarin took off, catapulting into the sky. "Where do your friends live?" shouted Soarin over the wind roaring past their ears.
"Go to Sweet Apple Acres!" yelled Rainbow Dash, "It's a massive apple orchard, impossible to miss. Ask for Applejack! Tell her to meet at the Ponyville library!"
"On it!" Soarin banked to the left, headed to the farmlands outside Ponyville.

Rapid pounding awoke Applejack from her sleep. "What in tarnations is goin' on out there?" She muttered a few choice words under her breath, silent enough so Applebloom couldn't hear. She opened her door to be greeted by a pale blue Pegasus with dark blue mane. "What do ya want? It's nearly midnight! What the hay is goin' on here...hey, I know you. Soarin! Whatcha doin' around here?"
Soarin paused to recover his breath for a second before delivering his message. "Rainbow Dash needs you to meet at the Ponyville library, as soon as possible!" He started to turn back but was caught by Applejack.
"Is something wrong? Is Dash ok?"
"She's fine, but I gotta go. Please hurry!" He launched back into the sky, leaving a fair blue trail behind him.

By the time he got back, the other ponies were already in the Library. They were talking among themselves, giving Rainbow Dash worried looks. Dash pulled him aside, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Nothing has happened to any of them. I have been the only one targeted. What do you think that means?"
"I don't know. Let's just try to figure out what happens next."
The door swung open and Applejack barge inside. "What's goin' on? Y'all said there was an emergency!"
"There is, Applejack! Rainbow was deceived by a changeling!" Pinkie Pie shouted. She had lost her bouncy demeanor that Soarin had seen at the party a few weeks ago, taking on a serious tone that didn't seem to suit her.
"Any of y'all get attacked?"
Pinkie was the first to speak. "No! No worries here!"
"I never saw a glimpse of any creature near my Boutique," replied Rarity.
"I-I didn't see anything. Unless they can become a small animal." Fluttershy said in her near-whisper voice.
"I don't think anypony saw a changeling or was even contacted by one." Twilight commented. "Only you, Rainbow Dash. Why might that be?"
At this point, Soarin spoke up, "Isn't it true that changelings grow in power by mimicking someone that you love and feeding off that energy?"
"Yeah, they do. But what does that-oh. That explains why they went after you Rainbow. But how did they know about the Elements of Harmony?"
"I don't know! I never told anypony! Anypony! We all agreed to that! There is no way that word could have gotten out unless changelings were here all along. Right?"
Twilight was about to respond, but Soarin cut in. "Wait, you six are each one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony?"
"Yup, all of us," replied Applejack. "Ya got me, the Element of Honesty, Fluttershy is kindness, Rarity's generosity, Pinkie is laughter, which is kinda obvious, Twi is magic, and ya already know Dash."
"Well, this is interesting."
"Ahem," said Twilight, "If we could get back to the crisis at hand, that'd be great. As I was going to say, changelings have very powerful magic abilities. They could use it to observe what is going on many miles away. So it is possible they watched us use the Elements many times."
"So I have been getting creeped on by changelings!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "That's just not cool!"
"It's possible. I'll look for something to block out an observation spell, but I don't think I will be able to find one for a while."
"Oh, that's just what I need. I am getting watched now."
"So is this settled then?" Rarity queried. "It's late, and must get up early tomorrow to finish my order."
"Yeah, yeah go ahead," Dash said. "I'm gonna go too. See ya'll around."
The meeting dissipated as each pony returned to their homes. Soarin flew alongside Dash, both not saying anything. As they neared her house, he finally spoke. "Hey Dash, you gonna be okay?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just a little creeped out right now."
"Hey, if you want me to stay, I will."
"Nah, I'm good. I'll just lock the door and the windows."
"Ok, if that's what you want." They landed side by side on the front porch. Dash stared into the open doorway, now shrouded in darkness. Even though she had never been afraid of the dark, even as a filly, the recent events put butterflies in her stomach.
"Hey Dash, you sure you're fine?" He looked at her questioningly, knowing she was feeling scared, but just too proud to admit it. Her hesitation showed that. "C'mon, let's go inside," he said in a soft, more compassionate voice. He flicked on the lights and led her to her bedroom. She leaned against him as they walked, feeling secure with his presence. They both lay down, Soarin holding her close. She took comfort in his warmth, and together they drifted off to sleep, safe with each other.


The lone changeling walked low to the ground, almost crawling. Flanking it were two massive guards, each standing a head taller than an average pony and fully encased in armor. They half dragged the changeling through the dimly lit corridor, past gargantuan marble pillars and flickering candles. Ahead, seated on a throne, was another figure, also fully cloaked in armor. The two guards threw the now-trembling frame on the ground at his feet. All was quiet for a few minutes, before the armored being spoke in its low, raspy tone.
"Where is it? Where is the Element?"
"My-my Lord Kharax, she discovered. S-she knows!"
"And do you know the price of failure?"
"Please! I tried! She-She just-"
The changeling's pleas were cut off as Kharax's horn glowed red, before evaporating the cowering figure before him. He waved away his guards, before conjuring an image of two other changelings, both in lighter armor.
"Are we ready?" he asked.
The images before him nodded their heads, before replying, "All units are in position."
"Prepare initial phase."
"Let it begin."
"May the great one watch over us."
"We shall bring his wrath."
"We will eliminate all who oppose us."
Kharax cut off the telepathic communication, and looked at the map to his side. Equestria dominated the largest portion of it. On the Southern side, small red arrows crossed a clearly defined border. The border between Equestria and the Changeling Empire.


Green lights flickered in the distance. Ponies gathered at the edge of town, on the streets, and by the windows. More lights appeared, the original light growing in size and rising into the air. Guardponies as well as civilians stood dumbfounded. The lights got bigger. And bigger. With a roar, the first of the green fireballs, almost as large as a pony, streaked into the city, impacting on one of the skyscrapers. Explosions and screams filled the air as others hit home. A skyscraper was torn by a direct hit, leaving a gaping hole in the center. With a groan of metal, the building collapsed on itself, leaving a haze of dust and plea of rubble where it once stood. More explosions rocked the city, tearing great scars in the earth. Ponies fled as skyscrapers crashed around them, only to be caught in the mass wave of terror or be pulverized by a direct hit. On the horizon, small green specks marked out where other towns or forts were being hit as well. The horizon glowed red and green. Sheer terror reigned amongst the civilians as the Guardponies attempted to organize and prepare to fight. The line just began to form as the first wave struck. The Guards met the oncoming swarm head on, fighting valiantly to ensure the lives of the fleeing civilians. But it was all for nothing. The mass armies of the Changelings tore through their line, a black wave enveloping all in its path.


Rainbow Dash buried her face into Soarin's fur, trying to ignore the sun shining through her window and illuminating her room with an orange-ish glow. Soarin mumbled sleepily at the sudden pressure and rolled onto his back. Dash opened one of her magenta eyes, letting herself adjust to the sudden influx if light. She propped herself up on a foreleg, looking at still-sleeping pony on her bed. Her mind traced back through the times they had together, from their first meeting, to their races, up until the last night. The short time they were together was perfect. Dash put her head on Soarin's chest, listening to the slow rhythm of his heart. She was just about to doze off when sharp raps at her door brought both of them back to consciousness.
"Who the hay is that?" asked Rainbow Dash, annoyed at the sudden intrusion into her peace. "You stay here, I'll be right back."
She left him trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

Rainbow Dash cautiously moved towards the door, still somewhat paranoid after the events of the night before. She opened the door and was greeted by two Wonderbolts. Fleetfoot and Surprise to be exact.
"Hey, is Soarin in here? He said he was going to see you yesterday."
"Yeah, I'll go get him."
She headed back upstairs, trying to figure out why there were two Wonderbolts at her door.
"Hey Soarin, two of your friends are here to see you."
"What? Who are they."
"Fleetfoot and Surprise." That was the one handy thing about having fangirled over the Wonderbolts for so long. She was able to recognize each member by their mane and coat. Soarin shuffled out of the door, his mane a mess.
"Not much of a morning pony, are ya?"
No, I prefer to sleep in. Especially after a hard training session."
"Yeah, you're lazy." Rainbow Dash tried to keep the mood light as she followed Soarin to the door. In the back of her mind, she knew something was wrong about this whole situation. Two Wonderbolts don't show up on anypony's door for no reason. Dash made mental note to keep watch for any suspicious behavior coming from the two ponies.
"Fleetfoot. Surprise. What's up?" Soarin said as he glanced between the two ponies. "Is everything alright?"
"May we come in? You two might want to be sitting down for this," replied Fleetfoot.
"Uh, ok. Come on in." said Dash. The two Wonderbolts situated themselves as Soarin and Dash took a seat on the couch opposite of them. Both were quiet for a minute, before Fleetfoot finally spoke up.
"So Rainbow Dash, you have already seen the reports of the murder and bombing of that train last week, yes?"
"Yeah, so wha-"
Fleetfoot cut Dash off before she could finish, being rewarded by an angry glare. "We had reason to suspect that the Changeling kingdoms were behind this, and we were correct." Dash gripped Soarin's hoof tightly with her own. She could feel what was coming next. "Last night, at 1:30 am, the cities of Trottingham, Marelington, and Manehattan were attacked, along with military installations along the border all the way to Saddle Arabia." Dash squeezed his hoof even harder. She couldn't lose him. Not now. Fleetfoot paused for a few seconds before continuing on. "Princess Celestia is giving the formal declaration of war in ten minutes. I'd turn on your TV if I were you." With that, Fleetfoot turned and left the cloud home, her head hanging lower than it had been when she had entered. Surprise followed behind her, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Sorry Soar," was all she said before walking out and taking off, flying slowly back to the HQ.
Soarin and Rainbow Dash sat in stunned silence. All their hopes and dreams for the future rested on the precipice of ruin.
"Well, let's see what Princess Celestia has to say," Soarin said, a lump in his throat. He turned on the TV just in time to see Princess Celestia take the center of the screen. Both Soarin and Rainbow Dash sat in silence as they listened to her address to Equestria.
"Soldiers and citizens of Equestria,

Our worst fears have come true. Yesterday, our nation was attacked by the Changeling Empire. As of last night, the cities of Trottingham, Baltimare and Fillydelphia, along with the forts of Hoofall and Hayseed, are under attack. I am hereby mobilizing the following units: The First Equestrian Guard,
The Third Pegasi Guard,
The Fifth Magic Support Brigade,
The First Elite Air Combat Team...."

Everything seemed to go quiet as Soarin heard Princess Celestia call out the last unit to be sent to the front. He zoned out, staring straight at the television, not paying attention to the address. Soarin felt a nudging on his arm, and turned to see Rainbow Dash nervously nudging him with her hoof. He shook his head, snapping out of his trance.
"Soarin? Is-is everything going to be fine?" she said, emotion choking her voice. "Soarin? Are you ok?"
He took her hooves in his, and stared deep into her magenta eyes. Eyes that were on the verge of tears. "Dash," he said slowly," I'm in the First Elite Air Combat Team."

Author's Note:

Ok, Chapter 6 is FINALLY done. Finally. I am terribly sorry for the long break between updates, but Calculus and Cross Country absorbed all my time. I used to write at night, but I have been so tired recently..

Anyways, fell free to point out any gramattical corrections, suggestions, etc are welcome.You guys know the drill.

Chapter 8 is about 10% done, so it may be a bit. But hopefully not as long as this one though. I got it planned out, but the problem is getting the thoughts onto the paper...well, screen.