• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 1,634 Views, 69 Comments

The Holy Covenant of the Triumvirate - rathgood

This records the oral traditions of the Pony races and the three celestial beings that guided it.

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Interlude 1: The Summoning

Interlude 1: The summoning

A mysterious summons from her teacher, a private escort from the royal guards, a request to bring only herself and not her friends. All of this made the lavender pony now rushing through the halls of Canterlot castle very, very nervous. “Did I do something wrong?” she thought to herself. “Is equestrian in danger again?” the latter thought leaving her mind almost as soon as it entered. “No, if there was trouble we’d need all of my friends. We’re far stronger together than alone.” Slowing her pace to a trot, Twilight Sparkle, personal protégé and student of Princess Celestia let out a drawn out sigh, going over the message again in her head.

My faithful student,

I have something to discuss with you. It is a matter of great importance, but also a very private one. Please come alone, Spike will watch the library in your absence. My two swiftest guards will be arriving shortly to transport you to the castle. I await you within my private study.

- Princess Celestia

She rolled the content over and over inside her head trying to discern a hidden meaning, some clue to why she was here. Navigating on autopilot while being so engrossed in dissecting the missive that the young mare barely noticed she had arrived at her destination. Taking a deep breath to steady her thoughts she prepared to meet her teacher. A slight purple glow covered her horn as the unicorn moved the knocker and announced herself. “Princess Celestia, I Twilight Sparkle have come according to your summon and would seek permission to enter your private study.” She gritted her teeth, waiting for the response. “Was she angry? Was she sad? Was she…” A melodies chuckle came from the other side of the door as a brief golden glow encased the door, opening it. “Happy?” Confused further, Twilight entered the study.

“Oh Twilight, you don’t have to be so formal with me. I asked you to meet me here, besides, you should know by now that you are always welcome in my private study.” “But…But.. Princess” the much smaller mare stammered, “You are my teacher and the ruler of Equestria, I need to show you the respect you deserve.” Releasing a slightly exasperated sigh, the Alicorn shook her head, her mane, all the colors of the dawn flowing about in the motion. “You never change, do you Twilight?” Looking like foal caught raiding the cookie jar, Twilight was lost for words. “Calm yourself, I believe its time I got to the purpose of this meeting.” The princess beckoned Twilight over to a cushion with the gentle pointing of her wing.

Sitting down, Twilight spoke again, “Did I do something wrong Princess?” she asked in a timid voice that would have seemed more likely to have come from Fluttershy than Twilight. Taken slightly aback, the princess once again shook her head, “Nothing of the sort my little pony. I have something very important to show you, and one that I believe you will find most intriguing.” As she finished, her horn glowed a faint golden color, levitating a large ornate book over, setting it in front of where they sat. “This is why I called you here, as a scholar and lover of books I thought you would be most interested in this one. Its from my private collection.”

Reading the title, the unicorn’s eyes grew larger than should be physically possible. Awash with amazement, and poorly hidden eagerness she turned to her head, “Thi…This is the Holy Covenant of the Triumvirate. I thought all of the copies were lost….Can….Can I read it?” Giving the largest puppy dog eyes possible she looked pleadingly at her mentor. “Yes you may, that is why I called you here, I thought you would like to read it. However, as it is so rare, I request that you read it here, with me”. All of the words after the yes; fell on deaf ears. Twilight had already begun to read before the Princess had even finished talking. Smiling sweetly the Princess levitated over a cup of tea from her table, took a sip, and watched her student eagerly devour the rare tome. Thinking to herself if this was really the right thing for her to do.