• Published 27th Feb 2012
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The Holy Covenant of the Triumvirate - rathgood

This records the oral traditions of the Pony races and the three celestial beings that guided it.

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Book 4: Trials Within

Book 4: Trials Within

Turning back the clock to the dawn of unity, the focus shifts to the tribes. At the behest of the advisors, the united tribes took upon them the name of the Harmony tribe. Three parts had become one, what was broken had been made whole again. Such a reunification does not come without issue. Millennia of distrust; of suffering; of fear; of greed; of manifest destiny does not resolve itself over night. A blade that was broken and made whole can not be used again until it is tempered in fire.

Tribulation 1: Settlement

As more of the tribesman migrated to the new land an immediate problem presented itself. All but the Earth-born, as they now referred to themselves now, were not accustomed to living outside. Even then, the Earth-born had the sick and elderly who required shelter. At first the Weather-born and Magic-born agreed the sick and elderly should be sheltered over the others. However, as the numbers swelled, so did the shelters dwindle and arguments increase. Each tribe wanted the other to construct additional housing, as it was their tribesman who took up the most room. Tensions ran high and the new bonds were tested. Deep beneath the land the beast fed.

The three sisters watched, aware of the fragile peace; poised to intervene if need be; but hoping it would not be needed. The Weather-born were the first to act. Thinking only of themselves they hatched a plan to move their entire metropolis from the old land to the new one. Then, at least they, would have shelter. Leaving those unfit for the task behind, they left for the task, leaving the Earth-born and Magic-born to their own devices. The Moon, after consulting with the others once again touched the dreams of the tribes. The Moon granted them the inspiration to create; The Sun granted them the devotion and fervor to follow through; The Twilight merged them together with a purpose. For without a purpose creativity stands idle and devotion is meaningless. From this seed a city grew.

Plans were laid as the aesthetically minded Magic-born worked with the practical minded Earth-born to design a city for both. All that remained was to find a place to construct it. On the dawn of the equinox, when the Sun and Moon were in perfect harmony, they reached their answer. As the night faded a lone woman danced across the sky, beams of moonlight shrouding her form in an ethereal dress, as she alighted upon a cliff side. Shortly thereafter she was joined by a second, younger woman, from whom's back streamed wings of energy, mixing the color of night with the light of day. Finally, as the sun fully rose they were joined by an older woman who radiated primal power. The two older ones took to the sky, spiraling around the third, creating a brilliant rainbow as they vanished from sight. It was there the tribes decided to construct their city, believing the All-Seeing herself had sent her divine guidance to them.

Stone by stone, brick by brick, the city rose. The hardy Earth-born helped carry the blocks needed for the foundations and walls; the Magic-born, using their powers carved the blocks into every shape imaginable; and the Weather-born that remained, used their mastery of the wind to raise the blocks high. Together the spires of the central castle rose into the sky, piercing the clouds. It was to this sight that the absent Weather-born, with their city in tow returned to. Astonished at what had been accomplished in their absence, they laid their city at the convergence of winds in the area and joined the others to finish constructing the city. Upon its completion, all of the tribes were invited to stay. The Weather-born, still proud, chose to stay in the city they had so painstakingly moved. Some of the Earth-born stayed as well, many did not and took to the fields of the land as they had before; working it. A celebration was still held to commemorate the realization of the dream. On the following Equinox a grand party was thrown at the central castle, where all were invited. The Moon blessed the night with a glorious meteor shower and it was agreed that every year this celebration would repeat, to honor all they worked for.

Tribulation 2: Commerce

The Earth-born who tilled the fertile new land that first year shared of their bounty to everyone. For everyone had helped to construct the new capitol. The Weather-born and Magic-born thanked them for their generosity as otherwise they would have starved. It was a lean first winter and food was tight, but the harmony tribe survived. On the day before the spring equinox the three groups once again joined forces to speed the arrival of the growing season, ushering in the end of winter. The Earth-born cleared the ground of lingering snow, planting the seeds and seedlings needed for the crops. The Magic-born used their gifts to remove the snow and ice from the trees, rivers, and castle spires. Lastly the Weather-born cleared the lingering clouds to let the rays of the sun warm the air and ground. Watching this, the three sisters smiled; the Sun raising the temperature of her namesake to aid the tribe's endeavor.

The harmony displayed on this day and in the previous harvest would not last however. The three groups still had not melded enough to overcome all of their differences. The Weather-born still respected martial skills above all else; each member being given ore and precious metals, which they either traded for other goods or used to construct spectacular weapons and armor. The Magic-born likewise rewarded gems for services among their people. Not only were they used to adorn their cloths and homes as signs of prestige, but also some of them made exceptional foci for magical spells. The Earth-born were the opposite to the others. They had always shared the spoils of the work with all those who worked. If you worked you received a share, if you did not, you received nothing. If one needed anything they either made it themselves or worked for another who could, trading their own labor for the labor of the craftsman. As such the Earth-born had no use for the trinkets of the other groups. If the others wanted anything from them, be it food or a strong back, they would have to work for it.

The less physically inclined Magic-born, whom specialized in entertainment and artistic pursuits were left hungry, unable to meet the demands on the stubborn and plain Earth-born. The Weather Born fared differently. One member of the upper military crafted a plan for two organized groups among them; one would bring weather on demand, trading clear skies or rain for a portion of the harvest; another group would, using their enhanced speed, deliver goods and news across the land. The Earth-born readily accepted the aid of the first group, allowing for an accelerated harvest. The Magic-Born, while capable of transporting items with magic, could not do so over long distances with out exhausting themselves, utilized the second group to spread the news of their performances and to deliver the finery they crafted throughout the land. Thusly the Weather-born gained food to feed their people and precious metals and gems to adorn and craft into armor. The Magic-born were still left to barter more of their gems and ore for the extra food the Weather-born procured.

Unrest grew among the magic-born as they had been freed from controlling the celestial cycle and thus no longer had that to hold over the heads of the Earth-born for food. One of the elder mages saw what the Weather-born had done and himself, crafted a plan. Working tirelessly he crafted a series of enhancement spells. With them he could make blades and tools that did not dull for years; Rope and bindings that could take twice the strain; and balms, splints, and bandages which could heal injuries magnitudes faster than they would naturally. He organized his students into three groups; one for the enhancement of objects; another for healing draughts and tools; and the last to further the research. From this seed sprouted the answer the Magic-born had sought. The Earth-born, while normally hardy, still suffered injuries and the medicinal aid allowed the swift recovery of many. The Weather-born, always looking for an edge, readily traded for the enhancements for their armor and weapons, further strengthening their soldiers.

The three currencies; food, gems, and ore worked to maintain the united tribe. Seasons passed, years passed, the tribe survived. Still issues arose. When traveling a tribe member, regardless of their origin, could not anticipate what would be needed to barter for goods and thus either brought everything they would need, or relied on the kindness of others. The Twilight looked upon this system questioned her sisters.

“We three are marked of all the tribes, three things in one body. We three are all aspects of the All Seeing, united by her, three things in one spirit. The three tribes use three different goods to trade, could not a bit be used of each to make one? Three pieces to make one whole. Is this not what we strive for the Tribes as well?”

The elder pair saw the wisdom in the Twilight’s words and the three united to guide the tribes to this, as they had with the city. Each took on the form of one of the groups; The Sun took upon herself the guise of a Weather-born; The Moon shrouded herself as Earth-born; and The Twilight returned to pre-ascension as a Magic-born. Each approached the leaders of the respective groups, appearing as elder woman to be as least threatening as possible. The Moon spoke before the Earth-born council.

“We trade food for labor, but what of the times between harvests when there is no work to be done? How do we then barter for what we need? Would not a system like the Weather-born or Magic-born, which use gems and ore solve this? We could trade our food and labor for a trinket like those, saving them for when we need extra labor or better weather during planting or harvest. To store food for an occasion when we might need the aid would leave the food to rot.”

Using her magics the Moon opened the minds of the council to this idea, calming their fears before they could be voiced. The council saw the crone’s wisdom and agreed to meet with the other two groups to decide on a common currency. The Sun did not need such a speech as her sister as the Weather-born already used such a system. Instead she proposed to the High Commander that a universal currency, lighter than ore and gems would allow his brethren to move faster, accomplishing the missions faster and more efficiently. The commander agreed, that at the next Harmony council meeting, he would approach the subject. The Twilight spoke plainly to the king of the Magic-born of the necessity of the united currency. She spoke of using gems and precious metals as a reserve currency; there would never be more of the currency than valued in the central gem treasury. The king agreed.

As planned and promised, at the next council meeting, held each quarter at the equinox and solstice, the three leaders discussed the thoughts of a united currency. Each leader having forgotten the crone who told them of it, each believing they had come to it of their own thoughts. Together they agreed that each of their people would be given one third of the gems and ore to be used for the treasury, so that no one group would control it all. Taking a bit from each group a coin was made. A golden disk, enchanted with magic to never tarnish, emblazoned on one side the symbol of the Weather-born, the other the symbol of the Earth-born. The meeting ran late into the night as the plans were finalized. Another council was created, with ranking members of each group to control the currency, so that no group could gouge the others. The new group would meet monthly to air any issues or resolve any problems. The three’s work done, they left the gallery and departed for the castle. Those that looked outside that morning saw the same three women from the equinox those many years ago dancing through the sky, chasing the moon as the sun chased them.