• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 3,238 Views, 125 Comments

A daughters life and purpose - Punsz

Are the changelings all gone? Is Chirp the last of her kind? Taking place two weeks after [i]"A mother's choice and consequences"[/i], Chirp is now being taken care by Twilight Sparkle. As she lives her new life in Ponyville,

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Part 1 Chapter 4

I woke up to see the sun blaring down me, I tried to cover my face with anything. I tried to use my own hoof, but alas these holes of mine betrayed me. Grabbing something warm and furry, I used it to cover my face from the sun, I then heard someone give out a giggle. I tried to go back to sleep, but the warmness left me, as my temporary cover removed itself away from me.

“Chirp it’s time to wake up come on.” Said a familiar voice, I looked up to see a lavender color pony looking back down at me. I gave a sleep smile, my eyes were still closed, I was still very drowsy. She stepped out of bed, I followed shortly after standing at the edge of the bed, I crouched down and made a small jump on top of her back. We walked past a big purple dragon, who was still sleeping soundly on his own basket bed. “Come on Chirp it’s time wash up for the day.” We headed downstairs, arriving in the bathroom, I was placed on top of a something that looked like a bowlish basket. The pony in front of me was brushing her teeth, levitating the brush, rinsing her mouth she turned to me with another toothbrush levitated next to her. “Alright it’s your turn Chirp, say 'ah'.” I gave out small chirp opening my mouth. After we left the bathroom, we came to the kitchen, I saw Spike preparing breakfast. I happily jumped off Twilight buzzing my wings to get his attention.

“Hey Chirp.” He turned towards me greeting me with a smile.

“It’s looks like you two have bonded pretty well huh?” Spike looked back up at Twilight.

“Well I guess she just rubbed off on me.” There was a moment of bliss, suddenly a rock smashed through the window, causing everyone to jump in surprise. I ran toward Twilight and hid behind her, Twilight stood in front of me taking a defensive stance. Broken glass fell on the floors, a rock with a note tied around the rock. Twilight picked up the rock removing the note. A frown appeared on her face.

“Who would do something like this.” Twilight removed the note from the rock, it said Filthy bug. I looked up at her having no idea what the problem was. I only saw her read whatever was on the note.

“Twilight....mad?” I chirped. She looked down back at me.

“No, I’m not mad...I better send a letter to the princess later.” Twilight placed me on one of the chairs, Spike was busy cleaning the broken shards of glass from the ground. “Come on, let's get some breakfast hmm.” Twilight placed me down in front of the kitchen table where a plate full of pancakes stood before me. My eyes looked in amazement as meal was place before me, preparing to pounce on the meal, I was stopped by Twilight who placed me back down on my seat. “Chirp you can’t just eat your food just like that, you have to have some manners.” Twilight pull up a strange object, it was shiny and long, it had three long narrow lines on the end.

“What...that?” Twilight placed it next to my plate.

“This is called a fork Chirp, it's used to picking up your food.” She pulled out another object this one looked about the same at the bottom, but had a large curve at the top. “This is a knife and this is used to cut your food.” With both utensils at her disposal, she cut herself a piece of her meal. “See you use it like this.” She brought the fork with a piece pancake in front of me, I made a large chomp for the food, but as soon as my teeth met the fork, a small pain came to my teeth. Pulling back, I looked back up at Twilight with pleading eyes. “Chirp sweetie you’re not supposed to bite too hard or you’re going to hurt your teeth.” I nodded, Twilight brought another sliced piece with the fork, but this time I gently wrapped my mouth around and removed the piece from the fork. This it wasn’t so bad, I happily chewed on the meal. “Hmm I think I'll start your magic training when you get older, and maybe Fluttershy & Rainbow can teach you how to fly perhaps, I’ll probably ask one of them later.” I just look at Twilight as she kept on talking and happily eating my food.

After breakfast, Twilight and I went outside the library, everything was so colorful, everyone in the town were so happy, I felt a little tingling feeling as if it was surging through my body. Going into a daze, I forgot that I was on Twilight's back, I didn’t realize that she stopped moving. I looked around and didn’t recognize anything.

“Where we....are?” We were inside a small room; the shelves were covered with different colored...feathers? Other shelves held papers and black glass bottles.

“Hello? Is someone there?” I looked up to see a grey unicorn stallion with thick round black glasses.

“Hi Mr. Quinn, it’s me Twilight.” He made a small smile.

“Ah Twilight my dear, how are you?” He levitated a silver stick next to him, and tapped the floor in front of him. “It’s been some time since the last time you came and bought some supplies.”

“Sorry, I've been busy with a few things.” I let out a small chirp as the he came closer. Stopping in his tracks, he turned his face towards Twilights.

“Did you hear that? I think there might be a cricket in the room.” Twilight let out a nervous laugh.

“I think you heard Chirp, she is sitting on my back right now.” The stallion before us had a blank expression on his face.

“Oh, is this the same Chirp that everyone is talking about.” He asked.

“Yes, she is the changeling filly I brought back with me.” He started to make his way next to Twilight, tapping his silver stick on the ground in front of him. He turned his head to look at me, I started to hide in Twilight's mane, his gaze somewhat frightening me. He took off his thick black round glasses, I looked back into his eyes they were completely grey. This scared me even more, I completely hid my face in her mane scared of the stallion in front of me. After a minute or so I popped my head back out to see the old stallion smiling at me.

“Why hello there little one.” The old stallion pulled out a small colored ball. “Would you like one?” I looked up at Twilight to make sure if it was alright.

“Go on Chirp.” I sniffed the strange ball, it had a fruity smell to it.

"It's alright little one, it's a tasty treat." I listened to his reassuring words, I gave it a small lick, to my surprise it tasted like sweet apples, I quickly took the small treat in my mouth. The old stallion made a small smile. "Hmm she doesn't seem that bad." I heard Twilight give out a relieved sigh. "I don't see what the all the fuss is about."

"Thank you, Mr. Quinn a lot of ponies would usually scowl at, her or say something." He gave a small nodded, turning around he walked up to a shelf.

"So, what will it be today miss Sparkle?"

"Oh, the same thing as usual." As Twilight and the old stallion conversed I jumped off her back and started to wonder around the store. "Chirp don't touch anything alright?" I let out a small chirp and continued to look around. There were quills, paper, and black glasses; as I browsed through the shelves I started to hear something.

"Lost." I looked around to see if there was someone else around, but there was only Twilight and the grey stallion. "Lost, come." It sounded like a multitude of voices, all of them speaking in union.

"Chirp?" I started getting nervous, the voices began to get louder and louder.

"LOST! COME! HIVE!" This made me run, running through the shelves I made my way to Twilight,

"Twilight!" I ran up to her, grabbing onto her leg, my body was shaking.

"Chirp what's wrong?"


"Loud voices?"

"Is there a problem?"

"I don't know something is scaring Chirp." I pulled my head back out, I could no longer hear any of the voices. I was picked up from the ground by Twilight and placed on her back. "Sorry Mr. Quinn I'm going to have to come back next time." Saying our goodbyes Twilight and I left the store. Later as the day came to an end, I laid in bed next to a sleeping Twilight, as sleep started to take over my eyes began to close, I didn't realize a hazy figure that stood before me.

"Sleep well my child, for when the time is right you will do great things."

Author's Note:

Well here's the next chapter, hope ya'll like it!