• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 3,238 Views, 125 Comments

A daughters life and purpose - Punsz

Are the changelings all gone? Is Chirp the last of her kind? Taking place two weeks after [i]"A mother's choice and consequences"[/i], Chirp is now being taken care by Twilight Sparkle. As she lives her new life in Ponyville,

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Part 1 Chapter 6

The room was the dark, the only visible light was from the violet aura coming from my horn. Grunt kept his faces towards the ground scanning everything searching for the kidnapper’s tracks. The moon was raised high in the night sky, its light illuminating the area.

“Damn.” I heard Grunt mumble.

“What's wrong?” He stomped one of his hoofs on the ground.

“I’ve lost their trail.” I literally felt my heart skip a beat. “Is there any other way to track them or perhaps anything that we can use to track Chirp?” I thought in my head trying to see if there was another solution. Nothing came to mind.

“Ahh! We need to hurry, who knows what they’ll do to her!”

“Don’t you have any tracking spells?”

“Yes, but the spells require something that the target has touched.” Grunt thought for a moment, with a click from his tongue, he pulled off his helmet and started scraping his mane. Strange piles of brown sludge fell to the ground. This made me step back in disgust.

“Grunt!” He looked at me confused on why I literally screamed. “What they hay is that?” Removing whatever glump was left in his mane, he placed his helmet back on.

“This was some of the chunks from the apple Chirp shot at me.” I looked at him with sheer fear.

“You kept it in your hair? Why didn’t you clean yourself?”

“I could’ve just done it later.” I let out a small remark on how stallions could be so disgusting, but the sludge of apple paste would work. I stood in front of the now brown apple paste and concentrated, casting the spell, I focused on an image of Chirp in my head. Suddenly a teal colored star appeared, we both stared at the thing, it suddenly flew off into the dark, but was still very visible to the two of us.

“Come on follow it!” Running at max speeds we both ran after the glowing star. We arrived at the edge of town, making a sharp turn in an alleyway, it stopped on top of a cellar door. The star shattered into tiny little sparkles, we slowly crept of up the door making sure not to make a sound. We placed our ears on the door listening for anything behind it.

“Copper the damn bug won’t stay still, if she keeps moving like that the bags going to rip.” Hearing small chirps and a muffled scream I almost barged through the door, but I was stopped by Grunt who signaled me to wait.

“Will you stop whining Snark, Jimbo and the others went to get a wagon.” Hearing the stallion give out a whine.

“Why not we just get rid of the pest now? Why do we have to take it to the Everfree forest?" My heart stopped, why did they need to take her to the Everfree forest?

“Snark, just shut up alright.” I looked up at Grunt with a worried expression.

“Hey who are you?” We turned around to see three other stallions standing behind us.

“Damn!” Grunt quickly picked up a small crate and kicked it at the trio.

“Hey what's going on out here?” The door flew open revealing the two stallions inside. I quickly ran past the two pushing one of them away. I through the small cellar room, in the corner of my eye I saw a small brown bag wriggling around.

“Chirp!” I heard a small muffled chirp coming from the bag. “Chirp I’m here just hold on, I’ll get you out of there.” I loosened the knot around the bag; out came Chirp’s face covered in tears and snot.

“Twilight!” She jumped out of the bag grabbing onto me burying her face in my leg.

“Shh shh it’s alright I’m here just don’t....”

“Hey!” I turned around to see the two stallions that I past looking down at me with a menacing look. I placed Chirp behind me and readied myself, they took a couple of steps towards forcing me to take a few steps back.

“St-stay back.” I felt Chirp grabbing onto my leg even harder.

“Now now no need to that.” One of the stallions said. “All we want is the bug and we’ll let you go without a scratch.” I stared at the two stallions one was a unicorn and the other was an earth pony. I casted a protective spell around me and Chirp, the two stallions walk up to us, the earth pony poked at the protective orb around us.

“Oh, that’s pretty shiny.” His partner walked up next to him, he gave a small sigh.

“Great now you’re just being more troublesome.” His horn gave off an orange glow and within seconds the protective sphere shattered which caused me to fall back. “Now if you don’t mind I’ll be taking the bug.” With a flash of light Chirp appeared with the grasp of the earth pony.

“Let her go!” I was levitated up and thrown towards a wall.

“~sigh~ I hate to hurt a pretty mare like yourself, but I did warn you.” I looked up towards him and then to Chirp, she had a pleading look on her face. “Snark hurry and take the bug to the others, I’m sure they’ve taken care of that guard of theirs...Snark did you hear me...Snark!” He turned back to see to be his partner on the floor unconscious and an angry, bruised, large stallion keeping Chirp on his back. “How did you? you were fighting three stallions.”

“There’s a reason why I was chosen to be the bodyguard of miss Sparkle and Chirp.” Grunt ran up to Copper and bashed his head onto his. The stallion fell unconscious, cracking his neck Grunt looked down at the unconscious stallion then back to me.” Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m fine.” I ran up to his side and pulled Chirp into a hug. “I’m so sorry! Are you alright!” Chirp didn’t say anything, she just cried in my grasp

“Come on we should leave and get back to the library.” I nodded my head in agreement. It took us some time to get back, but when we finally reach the library, opening the door we were met by an angry little purple dragon.

"Where have you guys be...WHAT THE!?! WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU GUYS?" Grunt just walked past and head towards the bathroom, he had bruises and cuts.

"I'll be in the bath ~ow~ room." Grunt limped his way towards the bathroom leaving the three of us alone.

"Would somepony tell me what is going on, because dinners been ready for hours." I walked past the Spike and made my way to the couch, placing Chirp on the couch, I plopped down on the floor exhausted.

"Spike we can talk about this later…for now...let's just rest."

"Alright then, but I still want to know what happen." Spike walked off making his way back inside the kitchen. I looked up to see Chirp sleeping soundly on the couch. I gently stroked her teal mane.

"I'm sorry Chirp, I should've protected you better." I could hear her making small buzzing noises as she slept.

"Ahem." I looked up to see Grunt his face covered in bruises, and a band aid or two. "I'll be going to my quarters now." I stood up from where I sat.

"Alright then...Grunt."


"Thank you for saving Chirp, I can't thank you enough."

"It's my job Miss. Spar... I mean Twilight." He walked out the library closing the door behind him. I decided to just sleep in early, I picked up Chirp and we both headed upstairs.

"Spike, Chirp and I are going to bed early today...it's been a really long day." The little purple drake popped his head out through the door.

"Alright then...I still want an explanation later." With that I took Chirp up stair, I tucked her in bed and got ready myself, but before I would sleep I took out a sheet of paper and quill and ink pot.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today Chirp was kidnapped and her kidnappers were planning on taking her to the Everfree forest, I don't know why, but I just am glad we have Chirp back. Something still worries me though, today I realized that she has the same magical powers equal to you, Luna and Cadence since she is born to be the next Queen of the Changelings. Even with all the knowledge I have I don't think I can teach her how to truly control her powers, I can't teach the techniques you know, so I was wondering if you can help, I know Chirp is still young, but I think it would be best for her to at least start some sort of practice.

Your faithful student,
