• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Hey there, Mariacheat-Brony here, Belgian Brony writer. Favorite Ponies : Vinyl Scratch & Applejack \OCTASCRATCH FOR THE WIN/

Comments ( 68 )

In the world of people who can pull off a DAMN good Vinyl...

You're second to only TittySparkles.

Loved it.

Simply loved it.

~Skeeter The Lurker

That good:rainbowderp:?! That sure is some compliment:pinkiehappy::yay::rainbowkiss:
glad you liked it


My comments from me contain the truth as I see it. And I only ever comment after I read.

All I said? You deserve it.

~Skeeter The Lurker

im not much of a clop rater, or any kind of rater at all, so ill just use answer T. GIMME A COOKIE!

Comment posted by Crystalatrix deleted Sep 18th, 2013

If words could describe how good this story is they would be [here]

Why does it not surprise me that Vinyl and 'Tavi are involved xD

Because 'I'm the one who wrote this fic, probably :derpytongue2:

Eeeexactly :derpytongue2:
And I think it's fairly easy to find out who is the "biggest" one of them :rainbowwild:

I love you, man. I love you so fucking much.

Why thank you!:twilightsmile:What did you like best?

I absolutely love the part of Vinyl's and Octavia's reunion, and I adore how you portrayed Octavia's character. I would really like to see a fic from you about Vinyl and Octavia in high school. (Because Beatrice is a third wheel, really. I mean, it's good and hot, but Vinyl and Tavi are meant to be together, just the two of them. :heart:)

Wow I is left dumbfounded this is to good

very nicely done hehe only you can make it seem simple even though im sure it was complicated but i think you pulled this off rather well keep writing and hope for more fun along the way :pinkiehappy:

Very well done! I do so love the Vinyl Thief universe you've cooked up here, too. I want to see more of it though!

The one Beatrice interrupted? As for the highschool prequel.... maybe one day :pinkiehappy:

Already got so much to do between my other stories and the start of the uni:fluttershysad:

Well if you like Thief Vinyl I can suggest to have a look Scratchin' thieves (if you haven't) it's going to be nice normally (though without clop... normally:twilightsheepish:)

I have, actually. I read everything you write. You're one of my favorite authors here :D.

I'm just waiting anxiously for new chapters of it! I am concerned that you just gave away the ending though.
Or is this just an offshoot story?

The thief charming is an one shot without connexion to Scratchin' Thieves stories.
I simply used the robbery at Frederick's place and change how it went. In here, Vinyl works solo, and Beatrice wasn't as 'forgiving' in this fic compared to Scratchin' thieves.

Ah ok. I wasn't certain how it played out. :pinkiehappy:


The one Beatrice interrupted?

Yep. That b- b- Beatrice.:ajbemused:
Seriously, dammit, girl, Vinyl and Tavi are meant to be with each other. In a three-way relationship, two sides are always strained and displeased. Don't be a third wheel, Bea. Let them be together.

Will you be okay if I say that in my head cannon future for this story (that I never plan on writing :derpytongue2:) Beatrice tells Octavia to ask Vinyl in marriage so that they can be official and because she knows that they have a much greater connexion than the one Vinyl has with her?:raritystarry:
(she still comes whenever Vinyl wants to hear Octavia and Beatrice's special duet:raritywink:)

That would not be okay. Why?

that I never plan on writing

^Because this.

Otherwise, I love this headcanon. But seriously... Maybe a tiny epilogue? Pleeeease?

Maybe.... but not in the immediate future, must finish rewrite Apple Scratch, update GTVS and Scratchin' thieve, Lieutenant Kicker and Onward to the Equestria games

First off, whether this story has clop or not, I still truly enjoy it none of the less! I love the setup, the dialogue, the characters, the visual description, the climax (well... multiple "climaxes" in this case. HA-HA!), the ending, and practically everything else!

Admittedly, I did think that Vinyl and Beatrice would have made a great shipping couple in the other story, Scratchin' Thieves despite how I see Vinyl & Octavia as my only true shipping couple, but I'm glad to see how it all worked out in the end from this unique relationship the three characters have developed in this story.

Whether, this story is canon or not in Scratchin' Thieves, I won't care. It was an enjoyable piece of fanfiction to read, and I'll look forward to reading it again! Well done, Mariacheat-Brony! Well done!

P.S. Why hasn't this story been Featured on the Homepage yet?!

3222496 I agree! I love the touchy reunion between Vinyl and Tavi in this story! It had a lot more emotional weight between those two compared with Vinyl and Beatrice! Still, I'm glad Vinyl (being Vinyl, of course) won't abandon either one of them as she would bring forth the craziest idea to their relationship: the Answer T! Besides making Beatrice as a special exception in this story and in "Scratchin' Thieves", Vinyl & Octavia are my only true shipping pair in this crazy world of fanfiction!

Hey, look at that! I was just wondering about this story making into the Homepage, and now it's listed as one of the most Popular Stories this week!

Huh... Neat!


Vinyl & Octavia are my only true shipping pair in this crazy world of fanfiction!

Amen, brother. :twilightsmile:

We really need to set a church to preach the good Word!!:rainbowdetermined2:

I see the JFF as a foundation for such a church. :rainbowlaugh:

3223174 now see, I was confused at that point, thinking back to the robbery and remembering Beatrice's rather willing parting 'gift' for Vinyl and was a little confused but I decided to just go with the flow and see how it went.

But then you got me all hopeful as to how Scratchin' Thieves would end and then I saw the fact that this is just a side story with not much of a connection to the main story. :ajbemused: Oh well, back to waiting for updates. :ajsmug:

Were I not in a public place and limited time on a computer, I would read this now, like, right now. Unfortunately, I am, so it'll have to wait. :applecry:

Also, dat cover art.

A violinist named Viola, I am not sure what to say to that


P.S. Why hasn't this story been Featured on the Homepage yet?!

At first I was just continuously refreshing the homepage waiting for it to show up on Featured.
Now we hope. We wait and hope. :fluttershysad:

I gotta agree with Skeeter here.
You write one of the best Vinyl i've read so far.
Oh and good morning by the way.
Sure is a fun way to start your day, coffee and a story.

Damn, son.
That was one hell of a clop, not even counting it being your first. and as always, your characters are fantastic and the ways that you keep bringing them in are awesome. Yakuza!Chrysalis is definitely best princess. :pinkiehappy::trollestia:

It's official. I love you.


Yakuza clan: changeling rules:rainbowdetermined2:!

fucking amazing man. fucking amazing. I hope you do a sequel to this, not just their prep school days, but of what happens later on between bea, and Tavi. I have a few Idea's if you would like to here them, so hit me up if you can. I might nor respond immediately because Im doin MOS training for the army right now, but I will get it when I get it and I will give input where input is needed.

Anyway, it was an amazing read and I will be hoping for more amazing fics from you my friend.

That was pretty freaking amazing. Totally worth the sleep I sacrificed to read it. And now, bed.

Sanagi reminds me so much of O'ren Ishi :twilightsmile:

Your first attempt at clop?:pinkiehappy: Job well done!

I thought that this was awesome, but adding in Princess Chrysalis? that made it for me.

this was inetresting :) cute actually.

im not very into any other paring that´s isn´t vinyl and octavia beacuse well there just made for one another XD

but it did like the story under this and the moments where vinyl and octavia a together a really good :) so yeah im favin it :)

Glad you liked some parts of the story at least:twilightsmile:
and that you're checking my other stories as well ^^

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