• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 10,587 Views, 322 Comments

What Brings Us Together - Hyzaku

Rainbow Dash has been spending more time at the library hoping to get closer to Twilight.

  • ...

At the Party

Applejack stared at the large building in utter amazement. “Pinkie, how in the hay did you manage to convince the mayor to let you use the town hall for a party?”

“I dunno, I just asked her.” The party pony replied with a giggle. Pinkie promptly hopped away into the innards of the massive public building. There was still some time before the party began and that meant more time to decorate.

Mere moments later, Twilight and Rainbow Dash emerged from the town hall. Even from a distance Applejack could tell something was going on. The farmer decided to check on her friends and trotted over.

“Ug, can you believe her? I mean why do we need clouds inside?” There was an obvious tone of frustration in Rainbow’s voice. “But no, we can’t just have clouds. That would be easy. She has to have decorative cloud sculptures.” The pegasus grumbled. She continued to mutter various complaints about her working conditions.

“I know what you mean. Between Pinkie and Rarity I’ll be surprised if they aren’t still decorating after the guests show up.” Twilight interjected between Rainbow Dash’s flurry of complaints.

Applejack finished her approach with a smile. She had hoped the preparations were going smoothly, but from the sound of things it was still a mess in there. “So, have they gotten anythin’ done yet?” Her tone indicated a sense of cautious optimism.

Twilight turned to face Applejack, “Oh quite a lot actually. In fact, they could have been finished two hours ago if they would both stop trying to improve on each other’s additions with their own additions.” The unicorn managed to keep a rather cheerful tone despite the obvious frustration she wore about her like a cloak.

“Oh, well as long as everythin’ important is set up, we can get em to stop once ponies start showing up.” Applejack voice was filled with relief. “Ya’ll sure you won’t mind missin’ out on one of Pinkie’s parties?”

“It’s fine. We can use the time to catch up on some reading.” Rainbow Dash replied as she leaned closer to Twilight. “We were planning to make up for lost time after last night’s interruption.” The pegasus gently nuzzled Twilight.

“Oh, alright, I guess I’ll see ya’ll later then.”

Applejack watched her two friends trot off towards the library. With nothing to do but wait for the guests to arrive, Applejack decided to head inside to check on the preparations.

The large double-doors opened to reveal a myriad of decorations and party related accoutrements. Just as Rainbow Dash had mentioned, several clouds floated around the higher open areas of the room. Some had been shaped into different festive designs including hearts and balloons. Actual balloons of all different colors were tied to various spots around the room while glittery, colorful banners were hung from the elevated balconies. A multitude of tables lined the walls. Each one was overflowing with various food and drinks, some of which Applejack had made herself. Yet, amidst all the potential good times was an argument.

“I’m telling you Pinkie, if you just take some of that glitter off you could make all sorts of amazing patterns with it.” Rarity mentioned as she magically removed some of the excess glitter from a few of the banners.

Pinkie Pie frowned, “No, more glitter is better because it makes the whole thing uniform.” She reasoned, shooting a mass of glitter everywhere with her party cannon.

Applejack sighed. She was already tuning out the discussion. No sense getting worked up by getting between those two so close to the start of the party. Her nerves were already frazzled. Talking to her friends the previous night had certainly helped, but she was still nervous about this whole ordeal. Applejack decided to wait outside in the fresh air until the party began.

Everything was going well so far. The guests were showing up on time and everypony seemed to be eager and excited. A massive blast from Pinkie’s party cannon showered the room with streamers and confetti to signal the start of the event.

The pink party pony had outdone herself with the preparations. She had managed to fill up a most of the available space with ponies, food, and decorations. She was at the top of her game.

Pinkie Pie was all over the place as she zipped around the room to check on guests and refreshments. She decided beforehoof to make notes on who was hooking up at her party. It was her self-designated duty to throw parties for special occasions and happy relationships were a great source of party-worthy occasions.

It was a good thing Pinkie didn’t have to worry about trying to find a date for herself or she would have had trouble keeping up with everything going on at this massive event. Oh yes, the one she had her eye on was supposed to be in town tomorrow. Pinkie had been planning for his arrival for weeks. But there was no time to think about that, she had a party to run.

Applejack looked around the massive room, taking stock of how the different ponies were arranging themselves. Normally at Pinkie’s parties ponies would simply intermingle without a care in the world. Once the objective was altered to finding a date, she noticed that earth ponies and unicorns were dividing themselves into separate groups. The pegasi were mostly up in the air or on the higher balconies in the room. There was nothing wrong with intermixing, but somehow it seemed easier to find a date by sticking to your own type of pony.

No sense in puttin’ it off, Applejack decided. She waded right into the crowd of earth ponies that had gathered on the left-hoof side of the room. As she began to look around the group, the farmer found herself considering things that she had placed little importance on before. Physical features were among the first things that she discovered herself examining. Croup, dock, haunch, shoulders, and hips. So many areas seemed important, or at least pleasant to stare at.

Finally, she spotted a pony she recognized. He was a black-maned, gray-coated stallion with clovers as a Cutie Mark. He was one of the ponies that helped out at Sweet Apple Acres during Winter Wrap Up. She trotted over with a smile, “Hey Lucky, how’s it goin’?”

The stallion turned his head in response to the familiar voice calling his name. “Hi Applejack.” Lucky replied with a smile to match hers. Hay, yes. A few minutes in and I’ve already got a mare after me. I’m living up to my name already. Lucky thought.

Applejack stood silently for a moment, not entirely sure what to say. She never was very good at striking up idle chatter. Work at the farm didn’t leave much time chit-chat and her brother was rarely working close enough to her for a conversation to be viable. It was like stretching a seldom used muscle, awkward and a bit painful.

“So, uh, great job with that last Winter Wrap Up, Lucky.” Applejack blurted out in desperation.

Lucky blinked a few times. He was certain that he remembered Applejack being more sociable than that. “Um, thanks.” He replied awkwardly.

Many more moments passed in silence between them.

When in doubt, talk about apples Applejack thought. “So, how do ya like Sweet Apple Acres?” She asked suddenly, breaking the awkwardness with a hammer forged of confusion.

“Oh, it’s…nice.” Lucky responded slowly. Was Applejack always this bad at conversation?

“You, uh, ever think about wantin’ to work for me full time?”

What the hay? Was she interviewing him or asking him out? Lucky really couldn’t tell at that point. He already had a full time job that didn’t involve working himself to the bone with physical labor every day. Besides, the only reason he helped her during Winter Wrap Up was because he wasn’t a good enough skater to help Pinkie Pie score the lakes. Better safe than sorry he thought. “No, I’m quite happy with what I’m doing now.” Lucky slowly backed away from Applejack with each word. “Oh I think I hear somepony calling my name.” He remarked before swiftly slipping off into the crowd.

Dagnabit. Way to scare him off AJ.

Ditzy Doo strolled up to the town hall with a smile on her face, a spring in her trot, and a cheerful tune in her head. The grey pegasus couldn’t help but hum the tune aloud. She always enjoyed Pinkie’s parties, but this was the first time she would be attending one with somepony. It had been a wonderful surprise when the Doctor hoofed her that invitation personally and asked her to go with him. They had been together for so long and this was the first time Ditzy could remember that he had taken the initiative.

The Doctor trotted cheerfully next to the grey pegasus mare. It was already shaping up to be a good day. Ditzy had been delighted to receive an invitation. He only hoped that he could make up for his bout of ignorance over the past two years. It had been difficult explaining everything to her the previous day. He had spent nearly two hours admitting his feelings and explaining how foolish he had felt for not simply asking her how she felt in the first place. Despite all his worrying and agonizing over the situation, Ditzy just laughed. You really are silly sometimes Doctor, she told him with that beautiful smile of hers. And she was right. Nothing had changed between them. If anything, the Doctor was much happier now that he no longer had to worry about suppressing his feelings.

The two ponies stopped just in front of the door. They turned to each other and smiled as they opened the large doors together. The pair entered the town hall to find the party was already in full swing. Not terribly surprising since they were a tad bit behind schedule. Making sure her youngest daughter was taken care of for the evening had taken longer than expected. Without hesitation, the two ponies waded into the crowded room.

Rarity turned to Fluttershy, “Fluttershy, darling, you simply cannot stay hidden under that table the whole time.”

“But it’s nice under here.” Fluttershy replied meekly as she stuck her head out from under the table.

Rarity sighed. “Look, I know that stallion was being a bit forward, but how do you expect to find a date when you dive for cover every time you get asked out?”

“But you said it was the stallion’s job to come after the mare. I-if he really liked me then wouldn’t he have come after me?” The pegasus retorted.

Rarity was stumped. She had said that, but it never occurred to her how that concept might apply if the mare was running away from the stallion. Taking the time to look after Fluttershy was proving to be quite the challenge. It was severely hampering Rarity’s attempts at flirting when she would have to excuse herself every few minutes to coax the meek pegasus out from under yet another table.

After looking around for the next potential target, Rarity finally spotted an opportunity. There, all by their lonesome, were two stallions she recognized as her neighbors. Lucky, and Caramel, if her memory served, had lived next to her for a few years. They had even been kind enough to offer to pull Rarity and her friends’ carriage to the Grand Galloping Gala, even if it did take a bit Rarity’s charm to make it happen.

“Fluttershy, come on out. I’ve just spotted two nice stallions we can go talk to.” Rarity used her most comforting tone of voice.

“A-are you sure?” Fluttershy asked, retreating slightly back under her table sanctuary.

“Yes, I know them both. They are two of my neighbors. Trust me, they are both nice stallions.” Rarity replied calmly.

“Okay, if you say so.” Fluttershy answered as she crawled out from under the safety of the empty hors d'oeuvres table. If Rarity said they were nice then they had to be nice. Fluttershy had already hindered Rarity’s courting attempts a few times and she was feeling a bit guilty about it. If nothing else she had to try one more time, for Rarity’s sake.

“Hey, Lucky, isn’t that Rarity over there?” The brown earth pony asked his friend while nodding his head in the mentioned mare’s direction.

Lucky turned casually to glance in the indicated direction. Much to his surprise, it was indeed Rarity that Caramel had spotted. Even more surprising was that the beautiful mare and that cute pegasus friend of hers were walking straight towards him and Caramel.

Rarity cantered over to the waiting stallions with her most inviting gaze on display. “Good evening boys, how are you two doing?” A slight flutter of her eyes with her question was all that was needed to capture the two stallions’ attention.

“Just fine.” The two answered in a somewhat awkward unison. They briefly glanced at each other before grinning and turning back to the gorgeous mare addressing them.

Rarity acknowledged their response with a token nod of her head. “Well I noticed you two standing here all by your lonesome and assumed you might enjoy a bit of company.” Rarity reached out with her magic and dragged Fluttershy right in front of Caramel. The pegasus squeaked in protest, but the deed was already done. “I thought you might like to meet a good friend of mine, Caramel. This is Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy and Caramel smiled awkwardly at each other, neither was quite sure what to say.

Rarity took the opportunity to slide up next to Lucky. “So, Lucky, how have you been? I really don’t see much of you these days.” Rarity was making use of every bit of charm she could. She would readily admit that she may not always be the most sociable neighbor to the nearby colts and stallions, but she did try her best to be friendly whenever she remembered their existence.

Dear Celestia, I hope this isn’t just a lead in to another request for manual labor Lucky thought. Some ponies might be jealous of Lucky for living next door to such a beautiful mare, but to him it was practically a curse. In all his years living next to Carousel Boutique, he could not recall even a single time that Rarity had talked to him that did not end up with him, and usually Caramel too, doing some form of manual labor for her. One day it’s lifting something really heavy, even though she has magic for that, other times it was doing her landscaping or washing her shop’s windows. Every. Single. Time. Just once he wished for a normal conversation with her. All the better if it lead to a date. All that labor would be totally worth it if he could wake up to that lovely mare every day.

“Um, Lucky, is something wrong? You seem to be staring off into space.” Rarity commented with a slightly worried tone.

Lucky snapped out of his little daydream. Come on Lucky, you’ve had nothing but crazy mares come onto you all night. Your name has to stop being a sick piece of twisted irony one of these days the stallion thought. “Oh, uh, I was just admiring the decorations over there.” He managed to blurt out with what he hoped was his most unsuspicious tone.

Rarity’s eyes lit up as she caught a glimpse of where Lucky had indicated he was looking. Those were some of the banners she had managed to de-glitter while Pinkie Pie wasn’t looking. She had never imagined that Lucky had an appreciation for good taste. “Oh, well those were one of my spur of the moment ideas, but I think they came out quite nicely.” She replied as a slight blush warmed her face.

YES! Finally a stroke of luck, and it’s good luck for once. Maybe this day won’t be terrible after all.

Caramel noticed his friend smiling as though he had won a bet. If Lucky can hit it off with Rarity, then there is no reason I can’t get a date too he thought. Caramel was usually timid when it came to dealing with mares; however he had nothing on the mare that stood in front of him. The cute yellow pegasus shyly fidgeted in front of him, never making eye contact for more than the scantest of moments. If he didn’t know any better, Caramel might have thought she would be afraid of her own shadow if it snuck up on her just right. “It’s nice to meet you, Fluttershy.” He finally managed to force the words past the lump in his throat. The stallion really wished he could more confident.

Fluttershy remained silent. She chose to coyly scuff her right-front hoof against the floor rather than reply to the stallion’s attempt to start a conversation. He seemed nice, but for some reason she just felt really, really nervous. She could feel her heart pounding faster every time she glanced at him. Something about him was making her feel so strange. Fluttershy didn’t like feeling strange. Strange feelings could mean she was getting sick and that wouldn’t be good for anypony. Who would take care of her animal friends if she was sick?

Caramel noticed that the cute pegasus was acting a bit more antsy than before. Perhaps he needed to be more aggressive to break the tension. “You look beautiful.” He mentioned with hints of his own shyness bleeding through his words.

Her face flushed, her heart was beating faster than ever, and her entire body was heating up. That confirmed it. Fluttershy knew for certain that she was getting sick. She could be running a fever and not even know it. Maybe if she hid under a table she could keep from spreading her illness to everypony. With one her more audible squeaks, the worried pegasus evacuated the scene with speed that would make Rainbow Dash proud.

Rarity sighed heavily. Not again she thought. She was doing so well with this one too. No matter, her duty as Fluttershy’s friend demanded that she attend to the obviously frightened pegasus. “So, sorry boys. It seems I’m needed elsewhere.” There was no malice in her voice, only a tone of pure frustration mixed with her normal charming accent.

The two stallions watched in befuddlement as the beautiful fashionista trotted off after her friend.

Lucky turned to Caramel, “Nice going idiot. You just blew my only chance at getting a date with Rarity.” A pony could almost hear the venom drip from every word.

Caramel’s face distorted in anger, “I just told her she looked beautiful. I thought mares liked hearing that, but apparently your ‘good luck’ seems to have rubbed off on me.” He retorted with an equal amount of spite.

The two stallions argument swiftly grew out of control. Caramel and Lucky became so caught up in blaming each other that neither one noticed being escorted out of the party until they landed squarely on their heads outside.

“And don’t think you’re getting an invitation to my next party with big meanine-pants attitudes like those!” Pinkie Pie shouted before walking back into the party. She made sure to slam the doors shut on her way in.

Applejack mentally chided herself, again. She was having no luck at all keeping up a good conversation. It seemed like every time she talked to a stallion the topic somehow managed to drift to Sweet Apple Acres. Inevitably, the moment ‘hard work’ came up every stallion seemed to shut down or just outright excuse himself from her company. If only she could figure out what she was doing wrong. That or maybe she just needed to find a stallion that wasn’t allergic to work.

The farmer wandered around the room looking for another potential date. The party had been going for a few hours already and a fair chunk of the stallions had already been claimed. She was pleasantly surprised to run into Doc Smith and Ditzy Doo. It was a good thing too. She hadn’t seen Rarity or Fluttershy since the party had started and she was in desperate need of a friendly conversation.

“Well, you two seem to be gettin’ along.” Applejack trotted over to the dancing couple.

Ditzy perked up at the sound of that familiar accent. There was no mistaking Applejack’s voice. And what good timing too, she needed a break from all the dancing and a friendly conversation was the perfect reason. “Hey Applejack, you wouldn’t believe what happened.” A giddy expression washed over the pegasus. “Doctor and I are officially dating!” She exclaimed.

“Well congratulations you two.” Applejack replied. It was good to know that Doc Smith had owned up to his actions.

The Doctor grinned, “Actually, Ditzy, I had something else I wanted to ask you. I figured the party might be a better location for the question.”

Ditzy could feel her heart racing. Was he really doing what it sounded like he was doing? She felt her cheeks flush with heat as she waited with bated breath for his next words.

The Doctor gazed deep into her gorgeous golden eyes. Those eyes were locked in his direction. He knew he had every bit of her attention. “Ditzy Doo, would you do me the honor of becoming my assis-”

The grey mare leapt forward as fast as she could manage, wrapping the Doctor in her forelegs. Her lips landed squarely against his as though they were guided by the magic of fate to be there. With closed eyes, the pair remained locked in their romantic embrace for several seconds that could have passed for an eternity. As Ditzy finally pulled back from her kiss the Doctor could see the tears welling up in her eyes. “Of course I’ll marry you.” She leaned in close and rested her head against his.

Okay, that wasn’t exactly the response I was expecting the Doctor thought. It’s alright, Doctor, you are a master at improvising. You just need to take charge and make sure this doesn’t blow up in your face. “There is just one teeny, tiny problem.”

Ditzy let go of her soon-to-be husband and stared straight at him. “Did you forget the diamond?” she asked playfully.

“Well, yes. You see this was a rather spur of the moment idea and I didn’t have a lot of time to-” Ditzy gently placed a hoof over the Doctor’s mouth.

“Doctor, you are my diamond.” The Doctor leaned in and stole a sweet, warm kiss.

Once more he gazed into her eyes. “And you are my everything.”

Those words hung in the silent air for only a few moments. Suddenly, a massive burst of confetti and streamers covered the area. A close inspection of the streamers would have revealed the words I love you repeated all over them, but nopony was paying that much attention to them. “Oh my gosh, this is so wonderful!” Pinkie Pie shouted at the top of her lungs.

For a few brief moments, the entire party had come to a halt. Every pony in the room was eagerly awaiting Pinkie’s next outburst.

“Doctor Smith and Ditzy Doo are getting married!” The pink party pony announced through the microphone that she had mysteriously acquired. Her announcement was followed by the thunderous sound of excited hoof stomps as every pony whooped and cheered for the happy couple. Excited shouts of congratulatory phrases echoed throughout the room as the two ponies simply smiled and embraced in a passionate kiss.

“Honestly, Fluttershy, how long do you intend to hide under this table?” Rarity had already lost count of the number of times her shy friend had managed to hide somewhere.

The meek pegasus remained silent.

Rarity sighed. She had hoped that she could keep Fluttershy from being too nervous at the party, but that plan had fallen to pieces in a matter of seconds. Her shy friend had squeaked and dove under a cloth-covered table the first time a stallion looked in her direction. To make matters more complicated, this had been her reaction to every stallion she talked to. If only Rarity could figure out what was bothering her friend so much.

This was easily the second most terrifying moment in her life; the time she faced a real adult dragon was firmly at the top of that list. Fluttershy cowered silently under the table. That her pink tail stuck out from under the draping tablecloth served as the only evidence that she was even at the party. If only this had been a normal Pinkie Pie party. She wasn’t sure why, but the thought of dating was just plain unsettling. Every time a nice stallion would talk to her she began to feel ill again. It was always the same symptoms too. Racing heart, flushed face, and feeling hot all over. Not even having Rarity there with her had helped to stem her nervousness.

Rarity noticed a fairly large red stallion who was constantly glancing around the room. She recognized him as Big Macintosh. She beckoned for the stallion to approach and he obliged. Perhaps it was the atmosphere that was present at those types of parties that encouraged looking at him in a different light. As he approached, Rarity found herself, rather shamelessly, examining his physique. While Applejack may not be much to look at, her brother was easily worth a second look.

“Good evening Miss Rarity.” The stallion greeted her as politely as always. He continued to cast glances around the room, almost as though he were looking for somepony.

“Hello, Big Macintosh. I noticed you seem to be a bit preoccupied.” Rarity mentioned casually.

Macintosh ceased his vigilant glances and looked straight at Rarity. “Oh, sorry about that, I’m just keepin’ my eyes open.”

“Was there somepony you were looking for?”


Short and concise, how typical of him she thought. “If you don’t mind my asking-”

“Takin’ notes.” He interjected.

Notes of what? Rarity wondered. “Hmm, yes. Since you are here, can I take that to mean you are looking for a mare?” This might be her only chance that night; no need to beat around the bush.

Macintosh was silent. He already knew where this was going. “Nope, AJ says we get more work done if we just accept Miss Pinkie’s invitations.” Truth of the matter was that declining the invitation meant more Pinkie Pie at the farm. As nice as that pink pony was, things just had a tendency of not getting done when she was around.

Rarity breaks her eye contact with the stallion. “Oh well, that’s a shame.” She replied with a melancholic tone.

“No offense Miss Rarity, but if I was lookin’ I’d prefer a mare that doesn’t mind getting’ dirty or sweaty.” His voice was as calm as always, but his tone granted a certain sense of sternness to his words.

“None taken, of course.” How wonderful, to be shot down by the one stallion that even bothered to talk to her without overt flirting involved. She doubted if he could have chosen words with any more finality.

Big Macintosh bowed his head slightly, mostly out of respect, and took his leave. He could almost have sworn he heard a sigh as he merged with the remaining throng of party-goers.

“Come on Fluttershy, let’s go.” Rarity huffed. “I think it’s time we did something fun today.”

Fluttershy poked her head out from her hiding place to see Rarity trotting towards the door. With a nearly inaudible squeak, the yellow pegasus swiftly emerged from under her hideout and bolted to Rarity’s side. She was a bit upset that she had ruined Rarity’s chances of mingling at the party.

The two friends made it outside without interruption. It was still early in the evening. The Sun was about halfway through its dip below the horizon. The sky was a brilliant wash of warm colors that made the nervous pegasus feel a bit calmer. “So, um, what should we do now?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“Why don’t you come over to my place? I can whip us up a fresh batch of tea and some snacks.” Rarity suggested. Her tone was more pleasant than Fluttershy had expected. The unicorn was intent on not wasting the day. Just because Pinkie’s party didn’t work out so well, did not mean that she and could not make the best of her time with Fluttershy.

Thunderlane was perched at the edge of a balcony overlooking the main room of the town hall. He had been keeping a watchful eye over a certain party-goer the entire evening. He had assumed that staying out of the way would have kept him from being interrupted, but that was simply not the case.

“Hey little bro, are you still ogling that same mare?” The cheerful white pegasus asked as she landed on the balcony next to the black coated stallion.

Thunderlane recognized that voice. There was only one mare that addressed him that way. “Blossomforth, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” he continued his vigilant watch over that same mare, not even turning to acknowledge Blossmforth’s arrival.

The pegasus mare giggled. “You don’t have to tell me at all silly.” Her tone was as cheerful as ever.

Thunderlane sighed, “Well I’m not your brother and I happen to be bigger than you. That makes you wrong on both counts.” He remarked in a snide fashion without breaking his gaze.

“I see you want to avoid answering my question.” Blossomforth retorted as a sly grin encroached on her lips.

The stallion groaned, “Yes I’m still watching her.” Why did she have to bother him about this? Sure he had casually mentioned that he had a slight crush on a certain mare a few dozen times, but that didn’t make it any of her business.

“I’m glad you are finally willing to admit that you are a perverted stalker.” The playful mare quipped as her grin continued to encompass a larger portion of her visage.

Thunderlane broke his gaze to give his teasing friend a very nonplussed expression. “I am not.” He retorted. “I just like her, that’s all.”

“Then go talk to her.” Blossomforth replied.

A faint blush appeared across the stallion’s face. “What if she says no?” His tone was filled with doubt.

“What if she says yes?” Blossomforth countered.

“You’re not gonna let this go are you?”

“Look, now she’s leaving!” Blossomforth snapped as she pointed a hoof towards the mare in question. “This is your last chance before I buck you out the door after her.” Her eyes narrowed a bit as her grin eerily vanished. The result was the most serious expression Thunderlane had ever seen on his friend’s face.

“Alright, I’m going.” Thunderlane replied hastily. He quickly turned and took flight after the object of his affections.

Blossomforth smiled once more at the sight of her ‘little brother’ finally taking action. Stallions can be so stubborn sometimes. I wonder where he’d be without me to buck him into action now and then? Blossomforth wondered.

Applejack milled around the crowds in a vain attempt to find a decent stallion that she hadn’t already driven off. Much to her dissatisfaction, she failed to locate any suitable candidates. Well this was a bust she thought as her head drooped. I may as well head home.

Applejack glanced around the room looking for any signs of her pink friend. She really didn’t want to try explaining to Pinkie that her party had not done its job. Seeing no sign of the party pony, Applejack slowly slinked her way out of the town hall completely oblivious to the pony that was following her.

Applejack stopped outside the town hall to take stock of the time. She gazed up to find the Moon still relatively low in its ascent for the evening. The slight breeze felt relaxing as she continued to gaze upon the stars.

“Hey, wait up.” The voice called out from behind the orange farmer.

Applejack turned around to find a black coated pegasus with a silver-grey streaked mane landing on the ground. She knew she had seen him at her apple stand before, but she had no idea who he was.

“Hey, I saw you leaving all by yourself.” Thunderlane remarked.

“Yeah, so what?” the farmer mare snapped. Applejack was not in the best mood at that time. The last thing she needed was some sleazy fella thinking she needed ‘company’ for the night.

“Well, would you like some company?” Thunderlane replied, trying his best to sound confident.

Oh great, just what I needed she thought. Applejack glared sternly at the stallion, “I’m not that desperate for a roll in the hay.” She growled angrily.

“Ah, no that’s not what I meant.” Thunderlane replied in a panic. Okay, that failed. Time for plan B he thought. “Wait, just let me start over.” The stallion pleaded.

Applejack held onto her glare for a few moments. “Fine, just don’t think you’re gettin’ ‘lucky’ with me tonight buck-o.” She released her angry stare and noticed the stallion visibly relax as a result.

Okay, you can do this. Just be nice and stay calm. “My name’s Thunderlane.” He put on a pleasant smile in the hope that it might lighten the mood.

“Applejack.” She replied shortly. A few moments passed in silence. “So why are you followin’ me?” Applejack asked, finally breaking the silence.

Well, at least she hasn’t bucked me in the face yet. “Oh, well, I just…” Thunderlane trailed off. He had to pick his words carefully. The stallion paused for a moment and took a deep breath to relax himself. “I just wanted to ask you out.”

“Oh really? You think it’s funny to tease me?” She remarked with and accusatory tone.

His eyes darted left, then right in hopes of finding some other pony that had infuriated her. Unfortunately, the town square was empty, save for himself and Applejack. “What? No!” Thunderlane exclaimed while taking a step forward.

“Then why didn’t you just come up and says so earlier?” Applejack retorted. She wasn’t that intimidating was she?

“I was afraid of you saying no.” Thunderlane replied with a stern gaze.

Applejack froze. As angry as she was, she could still tell when somepony was being honest. Her body relaxed as she stood up straight. The expression she wore became one of calmness. She listened intently for what the stallion had to say next.

“I wanted to say something but you just kept going around and talking to every stallion you saw. Then I saw that every one of them kept running off and I thought you were just too daunting to approach.” Thunderlane responded with more energy than Applejack had expected. He had already worked up the confidence to talk to her; there was no point in loosing that momentum by sulking or backing down.

“So what changed your mind?” Applejack asked calmly.

“Well, I asked around and they thought you were trying to hire more hooves to work at Sweet Apple Acres. It didn’t make sense that you would come to that type of party to look for workers.” He answered. Thunderlane may not have actually asked around as much as he overheard stallions talking about it to each other, but it still helped him make up his mind in the end. Okay, maybe it was just Blossomforth threatening him that solved his courage problem, but what he said sounded way better.

Applejack sunk back. She knew deep down that she had been pushing the idea of working at her farm too hard all evening. Hearing somepony say that to her face made everything click into place. “Did you think I was here to hire more help?” She asked cautiously. Even if it was what driving stallions away, it was still an important part of her decision. She had to try to broach the subject slower this time. Perhaps that would make it less off-putting.

“Even if you were, it’s still worth a shot to ask you out.” He answered as a genuine smile spread across his face.

Applejack couldn’t help but brighten up at the mere sound of those words. Her face flushed a bit, but the effect was hidden by the dull light of the moon. “Just one more question then,” She looked at the stallion with eager eyes, “Do you mind hard work?”

“No.” He replied without hesitation.

Applejack beamed a smile at the stallion, “How’s lunch time tomorrow sound?”

Thunderlane’s eyes did little to hide his enthusiasm. “G-Great. Should I pick you up?”

She could feel her heart fluttering at the thought. She finally had date. “Sure, I’ll be waitin’ for ya.” She replied with a nod of her head.

Thunderlane’s wings shot open with excitement. Buck yes! I did it. He released the sudden burst of energy with powerful flap of his wings, sending him into the air. He gave in fully to his enthusiasm. The pegasus flew around in circles and loops the same way he had when he discovered trick-flying as a colt at flight camp.

Applejack watched as the pegasus zipped around happily above her. It was obvious that he had been serious about thinking she was worth some trouble to ask out. She didn’t want to ruin his fun, but she still had one thing to clear up with him. “Hey, I just want to be clear before this goes anywhere.”

The stallion abruptly stopped his fanciful flight. He could tell this was serious. Thunderlane decided to land, he could burn off his excitement later.

The farmer took in a slow relaxing breath before continuing. “I’m interested in a fella that won’t mind workin’ with me at the farm. Sweet Apple Acres is really important to me, so if we get hitched I’d want you to move in with me. I don’t think I could stay with a stallion that won’t be there with me every day.” She tried her best not to make it sound too serious, even though it was a serious topic. Please don’t run off she thought.

“I’m okay with that. It’s not like you could move in with me in the sky anyway.” He answered with a playful smile. “Besides, after some of the things the guys at the party said, I was expecting you to make me work at your farm before you’d even go on a date with me.” He continued.

He made a good point. Wait, did he just… she thought, “So, you’re saying you’d be willin’ to help out at the farm just for a date?” Her voice was a mix of surprise and curiosity.

“Well, I did ask you out with that in mind.” He replied with a chuckle.

Had Applejack been a bit more socially savvy, she might have recognized that the stallion was not actually offering his services. Unfortunately for him, all the farmer heard was ‘when can I start?’ “How about Monday then?”

Thunderlane realized that he had all but volunteered to help. “Oh, well, I have weather duty on Monday.” He swiftly mentioned.

“Oh forget about that, I’ll talk to RD for ya and get ya outta that so you can help me out at the farm.” Applejack countered in a nonchalant manner.

“Oh, you really don’t have to do that.”

“Nonsense, now come on Sugarcube, I’ll bet Rainbow Dash and Twilight are still up. Let’s go get this cleared up right now.” The happy mare trotted off towards the library.

What did I just get myself into? Thunderlane thought as he followed.