• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 10,587 Views, 322 Comments

What Brings Us Together - Hyzaku

Rainbow Dash has been spending more time at the library hoping to get closer to Twilight.

  • ...

The Visitors, part two

“Is she always this cute?”

“As long as I’ve known her, she has been quite adorable when she sleeps.”

“Perhaps I should acquire my own at some point.”

“It would do wonders for your sociability, not to mention it is like gaining a close friend.”

“Oh, look, she stirs, sister.”

Twilight groaned as her mind tried to process the sensation of waking up. She had thought there was a conversation going on, but the voices seemed to have stopped. Her eyes refused to open, despite her pleading. If it wasn’t such an important day, Twilight would likely have just gone right back to sleep.

“Are you awake now, Twilight Sparkle?” The serene voice asked.

Who uses my full name around... Twilight’s eyes burst open as she sprang up from her resting place. There, standing by her bed, were the two regal sisters. “P-Princess Celestia! Luna!” She exclaimed in a mix of surprise and excitement.

Celestia turned to glance at her sister, “Why does she not address you formally, sister?” The alabaster alicorn asked.

A smug smile snuck it’s way onto Luna’s visage, “Perhaps we are closer than you thought, dear sister.” The alicorn of the night mused.

“I see, so you requested that she address you informally as a show of friendship.” Celestia responded with a smile. “I’m glad to see you making friends, sister.”

“Hey, Rainbow, you need to wake up.” Twilight called to her partner as she shook the pegasus a bit in an attempt to rouse her.

The cyan pegasus groaned, “I’m not done sleeping.” Twilight refused to relent; Rainbow was getting up one way or another. The shaking continued to the point where Rainbow Dash could no longer ignore it. The pegasus decided to roll away from the source of irritation, however, she rolled a little too far for her own good.

There was a loud thud as Rainbow Dash rolled off the bed and onto the floor. “Ow, that hurt.” The pegasus complained as she rubbed the new sore spot on her head.

“Rainbow, quit goofing around.” Twilight’s voice carried a sense of irritation. “We have guests and you need to get up.” The unicorn peered over the edge of the bed at her partner.

“Well I’m up now.” The pegasus grumbled. She allowed a few moments to pass in hopes that the pain of her sudden fall would diminish. Finally, she stood up to address the guests, “Oh, hey Princesses. You sure are up early.” Rainbow knew it sounded stupid the moment it left her mouth, but she was still groggy from her sudden awakening.

The sisters chuckled. “Well, Rainbow Dash, it would be odd for me to be asleep at sunrise.” Celestia replied with a soft grin.

“Indeed, sister.” Luna chimed in happily.

“So, my faithful student, is there a reason the two of you were curled up together?” Celestia asked, her tone never deviating from the soft, melodious tone she always used.

“Oh, well you see my guest bed is broken...”Twilight responded, trailing off as her mind scrambled to think of an answer for the next question, the one she knew would be coming from the start.

Celestia glanced over to the mattress sitting atop a pile of broken wood. “I see. Then would you mind explaining why Rainbow Dash is here when I had specifically requested that this be a private visit between us?” The Princess of the Sun asked, her tone still soft and pleasant; her visage was noticeably sterner than usual.

There it is, the question I never actually wanted to answer. Twilight thought. “Are you kidding? Of course you wanted to answer it! Why else would you have let Rainbow Dash sleep here last night?” The voice in her head reminded her. “You can’t keep hiding this from her. You have to tell her at some point.” The voice continued.

What if she doesn’t approve? Twilight responded to the voice of reason. “Why would she not?” The voice countered.

Twilight’s mind was at an impasse. On one hoof, she really wanted to tell her mentor about her relationship. After all, she had been hiding it from the Princess, even her own family, for the past seven months. On the other hoof, she was afraid of their reactions. Not even all of her friends had openly embraced the idea of two mares being in love. Sure, they had all come around to accept it eventually, but Twilight had no way of knowing how Princess Celestia or her family would react to the news.

“This was supposed to be a private meeting?” Rainbow Dash asked in surprise. She turned to Twilight, “You didn’t tell me that.”

Great, more trouble. Just what I needed. The unicorn thought. She was certain that she had glimpsed a small frown on her mentor’s face, but all she could see was the same stern, emotionless gaze of her mentor’s violet eyes. “Well, you see... there’s this thing I’ve been meaning to tell you, and Rainbow here is sort-of... involved with it.” She managed to piece the words together at what felt like a snails pace. Her mind was racing, her heart beating faster, and she could feel the familiar tingle of sweat beginning to form on her brow.

“I’m listening.” Celestia replied.

“Hey Twi, are you gonna tell her that we’re a couple now, or is that coming up later?” Rainbow Dash interjected.

Twilight's mind came to a halt. Well, I guess it’s coming up now, Rainbow. Thank you so much. She thought.

Celestia’s stern appearance suddenly vanished, “Oh that’s wonderful, Twilight Sparkle. I’m happy to know you’ve found somepony you care deeply for.”

“You are?” The unicorn asked quizzically.

“Why wouldn’t I be happy for you?” Celestia replied, “Finding love is one of the greatest things in life.”

Twilight sighed, “Oh, that’s a relief.”

“I’m more concerned that you haven’t sent me a letter about this development, or anything else for that matter, in seven months, Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia continued as her visage changed to reflect a sense of concern.

Twilight shrunk back a bit at the remark. “I’m sorry, Princess. I guess I wasn’t thinking very clearly about it.” She replied, her embarrassment showing through as she averted her eyes from her mentor’s warm gaze. “I should have known you would understand.”

Celestia simply smiled, “Twilight Sparkle, I always look forward to whatever news you have for me. I truly enjoy watching you grow, learn, and succeed.”

“Tis true, you should see how she pours over your letters after a stressful court day.” Luna chimed in.

Twilight blushed visibly, “Wow, Princess, I didn’t really think about that.”

“So, why have you chosen a mare for a partner?” Luna asked suddenly.

Celestia turned to her sister, “Luna, it matters not the physical traits of those a pony chooses to love.” She retorted with a hint of concern.

Luna’s face contorted mildly in confusion. “Perhaps, but does such a union not seem wasteful, sister?”

“How would you say that love is being wasted?” The white alicorn replied calmly.

“Well, for one thing there is nothing to insert. How can they possibly have sex?”

The room fell silent. Nopony quite had an answer prepared for such a question. Finally, Celestia spoke up, “Luna, that’s hardly an appropriate question.” For all her grace and years of practiced serenity, Celestia was honestly struggling not to feel embarrassed by her her sister’s actions at that moment.

“It is a perfectly valid query, sister.” The younger sister retorted with a strange enthusiasm.

Suddenly, it dawned on Celestia what her sister was trying to do. She knew that it was already too late to stop the incoming social disaster. That didn’t stop her from trying, “Luna, please don’t do thi-”

Luna swiftly interrupted her sister before she could raise any objection. She had been desperately hoping to find an actual couple for her idea. It was strange how nonexistent romantic relationships were at the castle. This opportunity was too good to pass up. “Twilight Sparkle, WE REQUEST A DEMONSTRATION OF THY MATING PRACTICE!” Luna exclaimed, accidentally slipping back into her Royal Canterlot voice from the sheer excitement.

Celestia’s hoof found her face with practiced ease. Twilight and Rainbow Dash, however, were sitting there silently; the two were completely dumbstruck by the Princess’ outburst.

“W-w-what!?” Twilight exclaimed, her pupils contracted to the size of pin pricks.

“LUNA!” Celestia shouted, visibly irritated. “It is bad enough that you’ve been trying to push our castle staff into deviant relationships based on those ridiculous novels you’ve been reading, but I will not have you bringing such behavior outside the castle.” Her visage had returned to its stern appearance as she berated her sister. “The rumors are bad enough as it is.”

“Yeah, even if you wanted us to, it wouldn’t do you much good. We haven’t actually gone that far yet.” Twilight chimed in.

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash piped up, “We don’t know the first thing about sex, with mares or stallions.”

“Speak for yourself.” Twilight snapped.

The room was silent once more. It lasted an uncomfortably long time for Rainbow Dash as she glanced around at the confused stares aimed in her direction.

Luna turned to her sister, “I see thou has made great strides in educating the young during my absence.”

Celestia wanted to respond. She really did. Unfortunately, she could not conjure a single counter to her sister’s verbal jab.

Wait a second... did Rainbow just- Twilight thought. Suddenly, the realization of what had just been said sunk in. “Um, Rainbow,” She spoke up, “Do you really not know anything about sex?”

The pegasus’ eyes darted around the room, desperate for some sort of clue to provide an answer that wouldn’t make her sound like an idiot. As expected, there was nothing. An awkward grin of embarrassment crept onto her face, “Um, it involves kissing and moaning?”

Twilight had a lot of experience - thanks to Pinkie Pie - in comprehending nonsensical statements. This one, however, she was utterly unprepared for. “T-that’s...I don’t even know where to start with how uninformed you are.” She finally blurted out.

“We have a vast collection of materials that can aid in thy education.” Luna interjected.

“Oh no, your romance novel collection is not educational material, sister.” Celestia remarked, growing all the more irritated with her younger sibling.

“They are most certainly educational! I have learned much about modern society from them.” The midnight alicorn retorted. “If not for such material, I would not have known how often secret romances bloom between friends and enemies. And how else would I have learned-”

“Luna, every bit of that is wrong. All of those books are fiction.” Celestia replied, finally faltering a bit as her usual serene tone grated with frustration that she had not show her subjects in hundreds of years.

The two sisters began to argue over the many intricacies of romance, love, and other such common themes found in the type of novels Rarity was so fond of. Twilight and Rainbow Dash sat quietly, unmoving, as they witnessed the rulers of Equestria squabbling over the legitimacy of a fictional story. Back and forth the sisters argued, sometimes raising their voice to near Royal Canterlot levels.

The argument was very heated, and lasted much longer than either Twilight or Rainbow Dash thought was possible, considering the subject matter. The only thing that made sense was that Luna’s ‘hobby’ must have been causing problems at Canterlot Castle for Celestia to be this fiery about the subject.

One Week Earlier

The Canterlot Gardens were typically a very peaceful place for the royal guards. It was a wonderful place to simply hang out and relax when they were on break from duty. It was common for pairs of guards to have particular spots to meet up at and simply engage in idle chatter.

“So, I heard you had a bad day last week.” A particularly deep-voiced Guard remarked to his patrol partner. The two were hidden away in a rarely visited corner of the garden that was almost totally obscured by the decorative flora and shrubs.

The other Guard sighed heavily at the mention of his ‘bad day’. “Like you would never believe.” The smaller Guard cringed a bit as the memories of failure came washing back in like a tide. “It was supposed to be a simple delivery pick up. There was some package being delivered to Princess Celestia from the Mayor of Ponyville.” He began, his body was nearly shivering. “There was this wall-eyed pegasus that showed up with the package and everything was going fine until some chef ran by with a plate of muffins. That mare screamed ‘MUFFINS’ louder than I’ve ever heard and darted off after them.”

“So I take it you had to chase her down?”

“You know, I’ve never seen a pegasus run that fast before. She kept zipping around corners and sliding into things.” The Guard’s eyes shrank just a bit, “I don’t know how, but she managed to leave large cracks in the castle walls wherever she slammed into them. Not to mention all the paintings, pottery, and other valuable decorations she managed to knock over.”

“That sounds rather dangerous.” His tone reflected his disbelief of the amount of destruction that a single pegasus could cause.

“Yeah, I finally caught up to her, but apparently all that damage she caused is coming out of my pay for the next... forever...” The Guard’s head buried itself in his hooves as the tears began to flow.

The larger pegasus Guard moved over to embrace his partner. “Hey, everything will work out. You can come stay with me if you can’t keep up with your rent.”

“T-thanks...” He managed through a series of sniffles.

“Now tell him you will always be there for him, then slide it in.” Luna was suddenly peeking her head out from behind one of the shrubs.

The poor guards sat there in awkward silence.

“You know, Rainbow,” Twilight finally decided to tune out the argument, “If you really want to know about sex, I’ve read quite a few things in some of my books.” The pegasus could feel the excitement coursing through her body as the sultry tone of her partner drifted into her mind. “I’ve been dying to try some things out with you.”

“See, sister, thy student is perfectly eager to acquiesce to my script.” Luna interjected.

“How many times do I have to tell you, romance novels are not scripts to be acted out in real life.” Celestia countered.

How did they hear me over all their shouting? Twilight wondered.

“Well, maybe if those worthless colts in my harem did their job, I wouldn’t have to indulge in idle fantasies for entertainment.” Luna spouted with irritation.

“Luna, you don’t have a harem.” An equal amount of irritation bled through Celestia’s words.

“Just because mine is smaller than thine, dost not mean it is nonexistent.” Luna rebutted as she glared angrily at her sister.

“I do not have a harem!” Celestia shouted, half in anger, half in embarrassment. “Where are you even getting such an idea?”

“We have all those attractive stallions in armor that follow us around all the time. What else would you call that?” Luna asked, certain that her statement would give her an edge in the argument.

The elder sister’s eyes drooped to a half-lidded state as her expression deadened. You have got to be kidding me. “Those are the royal guards.”

Luna backed up a few steps. Silence - as was becoming a trend for the day - hung heavily in the room as the embarrassing realization sunk in. “Well, that explains why they always look so confused when I tell them to attend to me.” Luna remarked as her hoof thoughtfully tapped against her chin.

“I really need to get you a new hobby.” Celestia quipped rather unenthusiastically.

“Well, maybe we could find a new kind of genre for her to read?” Twilight chirped excitedly at the thought of browsing her collection.

Celestia grimaced, “No, Twilight Sparkle, reading is what started this mess. If Luna hadn’t ignored the helpful selection of books I left in her room, she would not be so uninformed about modern laws and culture.”

“How was I supposed to know that bookshelf wasn’t a simple decoration?” Luna snapped back.

“Maybe you could have at least looked at the titles of the books, sister.” Celestia responded with more sarcasm than Rainbow had ever seen, even from Twilight.

“Alright, why don’t we all just calm down for a moment.” Twilight interjected, hoping to quell the tempers in the room before another argument began. “It’s still early, and Rainbow Dash and I haven’t had anything for breakfast yet. How about I go get Spike up and see if he’s willing to cook something for us?” The lavender unicorn offered.

“That would be delightful.” The regal sisters replied in an almost eerie unison. The pair swiftly glared at each other before breaking out in a small fit of giggling.

The smell of heavily buttered toast filled the air, much to the delight of Celestia’s nose. It was a simple pleasure, but the solar alicorn had always enjoyed the many uses of butter. Buttered toast, buttered muffins, buttered stallions, it was always a good thing. I had best make some idle conversation, I shouldn’t allow such thoughts distract me. Though she would never admit to such fantasies, mental tangents about the wonderful uses of butter did tend to become distracting. “So, Rainbow Dash, do you spend time here often?” She asked with her usual politeness.

“Huh?” Rainbow mentally stumbled, not expecting a question to be aimed at her. “Oh, um sorta. I mean, Twi and I read together a lot and sometimes I stay over for the night, but it’s not like we live together.” She managed to piece together a coherent answer.

“Thou art a couple, why would thee not live together?” Luna asked, a confused look on her face.

“Well...” Twilight paused in thought. She knew a few different reasons for a couple to live separately, but none of them seemed particularly appropriate for her current situation.

“Aside from me having a rather nice cloud-house, I guess it’s mostly that we haven’t been together that long.” Rainbow took the chance to answer after seeing her partner fumble.

“Seven months is considered a short time now?” Luna asked quizzically. “When last I recall, it was customary to be engaged by seven months.”

“Times have certainly changed a lot, sister. Many relationships are more casual and last much longer in these early stages before the couple considers making that final commitment.” Celestia answered calmly.

“It would seem that peace does cause drastic social changes.” Luna commented, more to herself than to anypony else.

Twilight could see the reminiscent look in the younger alicorn’s eyes as she idly chewed a piece of waffle. Somehow, the conversation had taken a rather depressing turn. Perhaps a story will liven the mood. “Say, why don’t we tell you about how we fell in love?” Twilight posited to the sisters.

“Oh, that sounds like a wonderful idea, Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia replied, a wide smile filled the normally empty space of her expression.

“Hey, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash called out as she casually flew into the library through one of the many open windows.

“Rainbow, I do have a door you can use.” Twilight remarked teasingly.

“But that takes more effort.” The pegasus countered. “Why does it bother you so much that I use your windows anyway?”

“Just a sense of formality, I suppose.” Twilight responded with a playful laugh. She had been seeing Rainbow Dash a lot more often since she had been released from the hospital. The pegasus had really taken a liking to the Daring Do books and was coming over nearly every day to read them. It was actually rather funny how the first time Rainbow Dash had asked to borrow one of the books, she ended up taking the whole series home. Twilight had scolded her a bit about proper library procedures for checking out books the next day. It certainly wasn’t fair to everypony else if a book was checked out that wasn’t going to be used for several weeks.

After that, the pegasus had decided it would be easier to just read the books at the library instead of trying to check them out. Surprisingly, that had become the normal daily routine for Rainbow Dash. Every day, after work she would visit the library.

Twilight had been secretly enjoying the little ritual. She always felt like there were too few visitors to her library. Sure she had a few ponies that would come in every other week or so, and the occasional frantic visit from somepony who just needed a book on some particular subject, but Ponyville just did not seem to have many avid readers that came by. It was a real delight to finally have somepony in town who was as avid about reading as she was, even if her preferences included only a single series. Twilight knew that, eventually, Rainbow would come to her asking for new reading material. Oh how she eagerly awaited the moment when she could show off some more of her personal favorites.

“So, what can I get you today, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked happily.

“Actually, I needed to talk to you about that.” The pegasus replied, her mannerisms showed she was hesitant to broach whatever subject she was about to bring up. “I was kinda needing something new to-”

Rainbow Dash was unable to even finish her sentence before the ecstatic librarian had pounced on her. She knew this would happen. She could see the unbridled excitement in her friend’s eyes. It only took a matter of seconds before the pegasus was dragged off into the depths of the library in search of new reading material.

Twilight pulled her friend all over the library, listing off one book after another. This was more an exercise in showing off her collections than making any real suggestions, not that she wouldn’t be happy if Rainbow’s interest was piqued at any point.

After what felt like several hours of browsing, the giddy unicorn finally settled down a bit. She trotted over and pulled a single book off a shelf. The reddish cover contained a depiction of a large, evil looking creature with wings. The monster appeared to be wreathed in flames as it stepped out of a massive looking magical gateway. Unfortunately, the title was bit too hard to read from where Rainbow was standing. The unicorn happily thrust the book into her face. The pegasus stared blankly at the back of the book. “Um, don’t you usually show ponies the front of the book first?”

“Just read the synopsis, Rainbow.”

The land of Nalimiir was always under the threat of demonic forces from the gate of Opterron. But when their line of defense falls and hellish armies pour into the great eastern empire, the two western kingdoms quickly take up arms to fend for themselves, while the forces of the Underworld begin their massacre of the innocent.

However, not all is lost! When the earth pony Holk Farrunner, the son of a merchant, witnesses his father killed in front of him, he realizes the only thing he can do now is to unite the fallen empire and the western kingdoms in one last struggle against the demonic forces. Maybe this time though, just driving them back won't be enough.

“Well, that does sound kinda interesting. Are you sure it’s any good? I mean it all sounds really bleak.” Rainbow remarked.

“Would I be recommending a bad book?” Twilight asked rhetorically.

“Good point. I guess I’ll trust ya on this.” The pegasus answered before taking the book in her mouth.

“You know, Rainbow,” The pegasus paused, looking toward her friend, “I’m actually wanting to read that one myself now. Thinking about it, it’s been a while since I’ve read it...”

The pegasus set the book down on a shelf, “Then why did you suggest it?” Rainbow Dash asked, slightly confused at the turn of events.

“That’s not really important, right? Why don’t we just both read it?” Twilight responded. Oh come on, say yes. It’s been forever since I’ve read together with somepony.

“How would that even work?” Dash’s brow furrowed. “You read, like, five times faster than I do!”

“Oh, we’d just read it out loud to each other, you know, taking turns with who reads.” Twilight’s excitement was beginning to bleed through her, her smile grew ever larger as she tried her best not to hop around excitedly.

“Hmm,” Rainbow Dash only made the noise because she thought it made her sound like a deep thinker, “Well, I do prefer reading aloud anyway, but isn’t that against library rules?”

Drat! The one time I expect her to forget that and she actually remembers... The unicorn mentally groaned in irritation. “Well, my room isn’t technically part of the library, we could always read up there.” She swiftly suggested, not thinking about the social implications of such an invitation.

Rainbow felt her cheeks warm up a bit. She isn’t seriously doing what I think she’s doing... Nah, there’s no way Twi’d do that. She’d probably come at me with some set of charts and junk trying to convince me that ‘according to my research, you’re the perfect match for me, Rainbow!’ The pegasus giggled slightly at the notion.

“If you really want to, I guess we can try it-” Rainbow Dash was surprised to find herself suddenly being dragged up the stairs by a telekinetic force. The book floated just to the side of her head.

“That first time was slightly awkward, but it was kinda neat.” Rainbow Dash added. She was enjoying inserting her own flare to the story.

“True, it was rather enjoyable.” Twilight remarked. “After that day, it quickly became a routine activity for us.”

“Yeah, I actually learned a bit just listening to Twi read. I managed to pick up on some of the little tricks she had and made myself a faster reader... Though I’m still way slower than her.” Rainbow conceded. If there was one field where she was comfortable admitting that she wasn’t the best, it was pretty much anything Twilight was good at. Okay, that’s more than one thing, but she was content knowing that Twilight would never be athletically on par with her.

“So, this went on for a few months. We went through a few books and managed to have quite a bit of fun beyond just the reading.” Twilight continued.

“Yeah, Twi here is the meanest tickle-fighter I’ve ever met.”

Celestia raised a brow in curiosity, while Luna’s eyes began to sparkle with a feeling that Rainbow Dash found just a bit unsettling. It was almost as if she knew the midnight alicorn was planning something really awkward.

“Well, something else of interest must have happened. Surely you two didn’t become this close just from reading together.” Celestia mused, hoping to prod the couple into continuing their tale.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash were perched on Twilight’s bed, sharing a view of their current reading project. It was Rainbow’s turn to read that night. The cyan pegasus was still leagues behind Twilight’s reading ability, but she had managed to reach a point where she didn’t need help with every large word that came up. Thankfully, when reading aloud, most of a speed reader’s advantage was nullified by the speed required for understandable speech.

The caravan was about four hours in now, deep inside the heart of the Haxi Desert. The komodos that flanked each of the twenty wagons were starting to feel the fatigue under the beating sun.

Rainbow Dash had been feeling quite distracted that day. She was trying her best to focus on reading, but her eyes kept stealing glances towards Twilight. She had been struggling with her thoughts for the past few days, attempting to reconcile the unusual, and rather awkward, feelings she had become newly aware of.

Their fatigue could not have come at a worse time, as in one swift moment, a large, scaled tail shot out of the sand and smashed a cart carrying their water supply.

It was becoming progressively more difficult for the rainbow-maned pegasus to focus on the text. The time between her furtive glances became shorter and shorter. Rainbow Dash had made her mind up the night before, this was to be the day she would finally confess.

"By the Gods!" One swore to the air.
"Basilisks!" Another called out, and to the west they could see seven of the great beasts jumping in and out of the sand, straight towards them, with hunger written all over their faces.

Rainbow Dash tore her eyes from the tome, gazing straight into those sparkling violet eyes.

“Er, is something wrong, Rainbow?” Twilight asked, curious why the pegasus had suddenly ceased reading. She only just started reading, there’s no way she would already want to take a break.

Rainbow Dash had been waiting for this moment all day. Every idle moment she had had had been spent preparing herself, working up her courage. This was her moment!

Rainbow’s mouth opened slightly, though no words escaped. Damnit brain, don’t you lock up on me now! She continued to stare at her friend, somehow, completely speechless. Hayseed! … I’m so gonna get AJ back for getting that stuck in my head... The pegasus shook her head briefly, trying to reorganize her thoughts. Come on Rainbow! You didn’t work up all that courage just to let it blow away the first chance you get to talk!

The silence lasted for what felt like an awkward eternity. Twilight was seriously beginning to wonder why Rainbow Dash was just staring at her. “Rainbo-” Twilight suddenly found Rainbow’s lips pressed against her own.

Rainbow Dash had needed to close her eyes to finally feel confident enough to do something. Strangely, it wasn’t words that came from her lips, but action. It felt good. Really good. Something about it just felt so right! After a few seconds, she pulled away from the embrace and opened her eyes. She wanted to see how happy Twilight was.

Twilight was not happy at that moment. Confused? Yes. Definitely confused. She reached a hoof up to cover her lips, as if to protect them from further incursion. She turned her head, those sparkling violet eyes were swiftly averted to some nondescript point on the floor, somewhere as far as possible from Rainbow Dash. “W-why... Rainbow, w-w-what was...” For all her usual composure, the unicorn was unable to string together a coherent question.

This was it, her life was ruined. The moment she opened her eyes to witness the soul-crushing look on Twilight’s face, all the excitement and hope she had just moments ago was gone. Oh, Celestia I totally blew it... Once more, the pegasus’ mouth refused to expel any words. She had to respond, to say something. She had to make this right! But how? That was the moment the tears began to flow.

Twilight felt her bed shift. She briefly glanced over to see her friend standing up like she was about to take flight. Her magic flared to life as the large window in her room latched closed. “You can’t just leave without telling me what that was about, Rainbow.” Her voice was much calmer than either pony was expecting.

Her tears continued to flow like the grains of sugar into one of Pinkie’s cupcakes. Without a word, she turned and bolted for the door. The wooden barricade slammed shut in her face.

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted, she was on the verge of anger. How can she do something so brash and expect to just walk out without an explanation?

“I’m so sorry, Twilight.” The words finally came to life in her throat. “I’m so sorry. I know I screwed up; I know I ruined everything.” The pegasus managed to force the words out through her increasing sobs. “I just... It just felt right. I don’t know what else to tell you!”

Twilight sat motionless on her bed, taking in the scene playing out before her. She had never seen Rainbow Dash so sad, so broken. In all the time she had known the pegasus, the idea of seeing her break down in tears had always seemed... implausible.

“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, Twilight.” Rainbow turned to face the silent unicorn, but simply could not bring herself to look her in the eye. She settled her gaze for the nice, non-judgemental piece of wood that made up the floor. “You’ve always been there for me, even when I’m being an idiot. You’re the only pony who's ever made me want to slow down.” Another massive set of sobs escaped as the bawling pegasus began to shudder. Her legs gave out, dropping her to the ground.

Twilight watched her friend collapse and bury her head beneath her hooves. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond.

“Ever since I started reading up here with you, I’ve felt like I found something I’d never thought was possible. I never even considered that it could be so much fun to sit still for hours on end. But it’s not the books, Twilight... It’s you! I tried reading at home last week and it just wasn’t the same.” Rainbow felt her throat lock up, the words ceased once more. Damnit! Damnit! You’re such an idiot Rainbow! I can’t believe I- The pegasus’ thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of something wrapping around her neck.

Twilight held her tightly, pulling the pegasus off the ground. Cyan forelegs swiftly returned the embrace. “Rainbow, I don’t know where all this came from,” Twilight paused briefly to consider her next words, “But if you think one awkward kiss is going to ruin everything we have together, then you really are being an idiot.”

Rainbow wasn’t sure how, but her tears managed to flow even more. Those soft, calm words echoed through her mind. Of course I’m being an idiot. “Twilight... I’m so sorry-”

“Stop saying that. I don’t need to hear that you are feeling sorry, I can see that just fine.” Twilight felt relaxed, oddly enough. This whole scene felt familiar, like she had lived it before. It’s just like that first time I messed up a spell and blew a hole in the wall, except I’m playing the Princess’ part this time. A warm smile grew across her face as she remembered the serene embrace of her mentor all those years ago.

Rainbow Dash finally opened her eyes. She was greeted with, quite possibly, the warmest smile she had ever seen. “Twilight... I-I don’t know what else to say...” She could feel her tears were drying up, “I screwed up and...”

“How about next time, you ask before you kiss?” Twilight craned her neck around Rainbow’s as she pulled her friend closer, tight against her body.

“Okay.” It was all she could think to say. No more words came that night, for either pony. The two friends simply enjoyed each other’s company in peaceful silence.

“That still does not explain thy situation.” Luna protested, bringing the story to a halt.

Celestia could see the disappointment on her sister’s face. “Were you hoping for something more erotic, sister?” The older alicorn teased.

“Yes.” Luna answered bluntly.

Celestia sighed, “I’m removing your access to the Royal Library’s romance section when we get home.”

A fire erupted in Luna’s eyes, “Thou shalt do no such thing!” She exclaimed, a mere octave or two from her Royal Canterlot tone. “How will I spend my free time?”

“Perhaps you could start doing some actual political work? You know, actually help me run the country like you used to.” Celestia shot back with more venom than Twilight had ever heard from the Princess.

The sisters lock glares once more. It was a silent contest of wills. Eventually, one would concede.

“Uh, Twi, are they gonna...”

“I have no idea.” Twilight replied flatly. Honestly, she wasn’t feeling up to watching another shouting match, so at least the staring contest was a bit less stressful for her.

“Maybe we should leave them alone for a while.” Rainbow suggested nervously.

“Actually, I have an idea.” Twilight took a step forward, clearing her throat, “Who wants to hear the rest of the story?”

Within moments, the two alicorns were sitting quietly, eyes wide open, eagerly awaiting the continuation of the story.

Twilight smiled proudly.

Rainbow Dash stared in amazement, “Wow, you’re good.”

It had been several weeks since the event that had catalyzed the deepening of their friendship. The pair had continued their daily reading sessions, much to Rainbow’s enjoyment. It was certainly worth noting that a few changes had happened, though.

The first, was that the two ponies had begun to sit much closer together when reading. The closeness increased rapidly until they often found themselves resting against one another, both out of comfort and personal enjoyment.

The second, was that the time they spent together - alone - in that bedroom had slowly increased. More often than not, Rainbow found herself heading home well after dark. It had become yet another custom for her to have dinner with Twilight and Spike, a custom she quite enjoyed. Rainbow noted that Spike was a much better chef than she was. Though, it wasn’t really saying much considering that Rainbow Dash was one of the elite few with a talent for burning water.

The most noteworthy change, was the inclusion of additional activities, beyond reading, that the two engaged in. Games, of both the board and card varieties, minor bits of research, dabblings in art, and other slower paced activities that Rainbow had grown curious about trying were just a few of the ways the two passed the time.

“Thou art taunting me now, aren’t thou?” Luna asked bluntly.

Twilight responded with a giggle, “No, that’s pretty much exactly what we did. I mean, I could give you more details about it, but-”

“Get to the kissing!” Luna demanded, her frustration seeping through her words as her hoof slammed into the floor.

“You really have an obsession with the kinky stuff don’t you?” Rainbow spoke up. Celestia’s right, she needs to stop reading those romance books.

Twilight and Celestia drowned the room in their collective laughter. Luna was not pleased with the turn of events. The younger alicorn grimaced. She was not fond of being the butt of such a joke. That Rainbow Dash does have a nice... Okay, maybe sis is right. I do have a problem. Luna realized as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at where her mind had tried to go.

“A-actually, Rainbow,” Twilight spoke up as she forced her laughter to recede, “Plain kissing isn’t exactly kinky. If you want to know about some kinky...” Twilight trailed off as soon as she noticed a rather cold glare from her mentor. “I can tell you about that later.” She finished with a small squeak.

Rainbow Dash sat eagerly on the soft bed. Her eyes watched the only real thing of interest in the room, Twilight. Sure there were plenty of trinkets and things to look at, but nothing was quite as captivating to the pegasus as the perky, lavender unicorn who was currently retrieving a book from one her many bookshelves. The magic flowed around the tome as it found its way to the usual spot on the bed.

Twilight hopped up not a second later and took up her now traditional spot, leaning up against Rainbow. It had been a stressful day of studying and experimentation as Twilight had been working on crafting a new spell for her repertoire. She had recently been working out the kinks of temporary eye augmentation spells, the latest of which would grant a pony accurate long-distance vision up to a mile away. There were still some side-effects to deal with, the least of which was the strain on the recipient’s eyes after the spell wore off. Twilight knew she would need to do something to make it up to Spike the next day. The poor guy couldn’t see straight after just a few tests. Whatever it was, it would need to likely involve gems and Rarity.

Rainbow Dash’s day had been much less stressful. Probably because she had managed to have no weather-work scheduled that day. She hated admitting that to anypony, it made her sound like a total slacker. She had known Twilight was busy, so she had spent most of the day goofing off at Sugarcube Corner with Pinkie. Dash still wasn’t fond of watching the twins, though. She just didn’t feel like kids were worth the effort. Still, it wasn’t one of those days. Pinkie had actually been off that day, instead of telling Dash she was off only to rope her into diaper duty and other boring/nasty things relating to the twins. Nope, this had been a fun day of experimenting in the bakery. Rainbow never really understood how the Cakes made a profit while allowing Pinkie full access to their kitchen any time she wanted. Maybe it was because the pink pony was always coming up with inventive new treats, many of which often ended up becoming regular stock for the bakery.

By the time Twilight had finished her work and fetched Dash from the bakery, Rainbow had already worked out a sinister plan for the evening. She wasn’t in the mood for reading, or board games, or any of that stuff. It was time to have fun, physical fun. She was going to get Twilight to wrestle with her.

As soon as the unicorn plopped down, the sly pegasus made her move. She quickly shoved the book off the bed, Twilight would probably kill her if something happened to it. Suddenly, she propped herself up on her hind legs and came back down, draping her body over Twilight’s. “I’m so gonna pin you, Twi.” The cocky athlete grinned. It was quite a shock when she found herself sprawled out on her back a second later.

“Oh, you wanna play rough, do you?” Twilight replied playfully. “Well, I’ll have you know I’ve read quite a bit about you physical types. I was expecting you to try something like this, Rainbow.” It was the unicorn’s turn to grin as she pounced on her surprised opponent.

Rainbow had not expected Twilight to expect her attack, nor had she anticipated that the unicorn had spent time researching physical activities - like wrestling - to practice and prepare for the pegasus’ eventual attack. And Dash had most definitely not been prepared for Twilight to actually tickle her.

She knew Rainbow would try to play rough at some point. She had prepared well for it. The best part, was when she found a section in one of her ‘study materials’ indicating spots where pegasi tended to be ticklish. It was her time to prank the prankster! Twilight’s hooves moved in on the unprotected belly, lightly glazing over a few choice areas that she had memorized. All the practice and study was worth it when the first of many squeals of laughter erupted from Rainbow Dash.

This was not fair! Totally, absolutely, unfair. The laughter came in waves. Just as the feeling began to subside, Twilight would move to another spot and begin her assault anew. It was bad enough being ticklish, but Rainbow swiftly found out that she actually had over a dozen places where she was vulnerable to Twilight’s relentless hooves. This was not fair at all.

Belly spots one through three, check. Base of neck, check. Spot just under the base of the wings, double check. Oh was Twilight so glad that she made a checklist for this occasion. Checklists made everything better. Unfortunately for the studious unicorn, the additional mental effort was just enough of a distraction for Rainbow to find a gap in her attacks. Much to her surprise, Twilight found herself on her back.

Rainbow, still giggling a bit from the rampant tickle assault she had endured, was staring down at Twilight with a devious grin. So many ideas raced through her head, so many way to get revenge; yet one idea stood out from the rest. It was absolutely perfect! Rainbow leaned her head down closer to Twilight’s ear, “Is this a good time for a kiss?” The pegasus whispered.

Twilight simply smiled as she reached up, embracing Rainbow’s lips with her own. Rainbow was right, this does feel good when you actually want it. Twilight was distracted from her thoughts by a sudden wet feeling on her cheeks. She opened her eyes to find tears dripping down from Rainbow’s eyes.

The pegasus pulled away from the kiss as soon as she realized she was crying. It took her a moment to stop the tears. With eyes dried and clear, she looked back at Twilight to find nothing but a warm smile and those same sparkling eyes she loved to lose herself in. “Twi...” Rainbow hesitated, her thoughts were racing. This was what she wanted, but she couldn’t help but feel a slight tinge of doubt. What if she’s just-

“Rainbow, I wasn’t finished with you, silly.” Twilight interrupted the pegasus’ thoughts with another kiss, all doubt pushed from Rainbow’s mind as fell into the embrace.

“That was very touching, my faithful student.” Celestia gently wiped a few tears from her eyes.

“That was much better than my scripts-”

“Books.” Celestia swiftly corrected her sister.

Luna gave her older sister a soft glare, “than my books.” She finished with a hint of irritation.

“Yes, well I think it is time we found you a new hobby, sister.” Celestia remarked with a grin. “Twilight Sparkle, do you have anything around here that we could let Luna try out?”

Twilight thought carefully about the question. I need something completely different from a romance novel... maybe a dark historical-fiction adventure. “Well, there is this one book series-”

“Why don’t we move away from more books for now.” Celestia interjected as forcefully as a pony could without raising her voice. “Perhaps something that my dear sister would have difficulty emulating in real life.”

Twilight immediately took the hint. “In that case, how about a board game?”

“Why would we want to be bored when playing a game?” Luna interrupted quizzically.

Twilight managed to stifle her laughter, for the most part. Celestia, thanks to centuries of practice dealing with idiots, particularly the brand known as ‘politicians’, had no trouble keeping a straight face. Rainbow Dash and Spike, however, were rolling on the floor laughing.

Much to Luna’s chagrin, the pair took several minutes to calm their laughter. A very large part of her wanted to whisk the two jesters away to some far off location and possibly imprison them there as well. Sadly, that was not an option.

“No, you see a ‘board game’ is a game that you play with a ‘board’, typically one designed specifically for the game.” Twilight explained once the laughter had died down. Her magic reached out and retrieved a group of boxes from a less-than-noticeable alcove behind one of her bookshelves. The boxes opened to reveal a set of books, a large rolled up grid mat, numerous small, metal figures, and more dice than Luna had ever seen in one place.

Twilight wore a confused look as she rummaged through the contents of the boxes. “Oh, where did it get off to?” Irritation bled through her voice.

“What are you looking for?” Spike asked.

“My notes, blank character sheets, and pretty much every piece of paper that should be here, but isn’t!” The frustrated unicorn exclaimed.

“Oh, I put all that in a separate box for you.” Rainbow chimed in. The pegasus flew over to the alcove, retrieved a red box and flew back to the table. She looked at the table that was now covered in a strange mix of gaming materials and empty dishes, trying to find a place to set her box. “Hey, Spike, think you could start clearing these out?”

“Oh gosh, sorry about that!” The dragon yelped. “I guess I was so caught up in that story that I forgot to clean up after breakfast.”

Twilight opened the box, smiling with relief at the sight of her papers.

“Spike and I took some time to organize all your papers and put them in their own box. Figured it might help since they always got jumbled up between games.” Rainbow commented proudly, her chest inflated and a grin on her face.

Twilight hugged her pegasus tightly, “Remind me to do something special for you later, Rainbow.” She whispered. The pegasus blushed, mind racing with possibilities.

“How does one play this game?” Luna asked, breaking the happy embrace.

“Oh, it helps if you read this rulebook before we start.” Twilight answered, the blue book floated over to the Princess of the Night who took hold of it with her own magic.

“I know it’s a lot of information, so I’ll just point you at the essential parts for now.” Twilight added cheerily.

“What dost thou mean we cannot cast our spell?” Luna protested.

“That’s because you’ve used up your magic power for the day, Luna.” Twilight pointed at a spot on the sheet in front of Luna, “See, right here. This shows you’ve used up all your spells for the day.”

“How can one run out of magic power?” Luna retorted with a glare.

“That’s because your character is a regular unicorn. Unicorns don’t have unlimited magic.” Twilight countered flatly. “Now, you still have a standard action left, what would you like to do?”

Luna simply glared at the character sheet that sat defiantly before her. She searched it several times over hoping to find something useful to do with her last action for the turn. “Fine, we wish to gouge the creature with our horn.” She muttered reluctantly as her magic enveloped one of the dice and sent it rolling across the table.

“Okay, with your modifier... You miss.” Twilight stated matter-of-factly.

“Why dost our avatar have to be so weak?” Luna grumbled, not particularly expecting an answer.

“Well, you’re the one who didn’t want to take the Improved Horn Attack feat, despite all four of us suggesting you take it. And I explained at the start that not taking a Cutie Mark related to magic would limit your spell casting ability. Furthermore, I also-” Twilight began to ramble.

“We realize thy points.” Luna interjected. “We feel like we should have taken more time to study the rules.”

“Or you could have just let me show you how to build a character.” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

“That might work if I didn’t have to give you pre-made characters every time we play just so you don’t break my encounters.” Twilight snapped.

“Hey, if they didn’t want ponies to take those feats, they wouldn’t have put them in the rules.” Rainbow Dash retorted.

“It’s not just the feats, Rainbow. You make completely overpowered characters every time.” Twilight shot back at the pegasus. “If I banned everything you use to break the game, I wouldn’t have a game left.”

“Not my fault I’m awesome.” Rainbow replied confidently.

Twilight sighed. It had been a nightmare trying to balance encounters around Rainbow’s monstrous creations. It seemed like the pegasus had some kind of natural talent at crafting completely broken characters; it may as well have been her Cutie Mark. Most of those builds would be forever burned into her memory. The nightmare that could hurl dozens of thrown weapons in a single turn, the unicorn abomination that was impossible to hit, the insane teleport-happy rogue that could attack multiple times with a single action for hundreds of points of damage... Every single creation was beyond balancing.

“I believe it is my turn now” Celestia spoke up, as much to take her turn as to stop the bickering. Her horn glowed, one of the small, metal figures moved across the grid. “I’ll use my mace, which is still enchanted with holy-light, to crush the imp’s head.” She declared in a surprisingly nonchalant manner. The dice rolled, stopping on a side emblazoned with a familiar looking sun-like shape, indicating a result of ‘twenty’ as was the case with decorative dice.

“I’m still surprised you have your own set of gaming dice, Princess.” Spike remarked. “Though it was more surprising how well you know the rules.” He continued.

Celestia gave a small chuckle at the young dragon’s comment. “I’m well versed in many hobbies, Spike.”

“Well, that’s a natural-twenty, Princess, roll again to confirm the critical.” Twilight stated calmly as her eyes darted around to check several charts and notes she had made. The dice fell, landing once more on the sun emblem. “That’s a crit, you’ll kill the imp instantly since you aimed for it’s head.”

“Are you certain that die is not weighted, sister?” Luna quipped accusingly. Her frustration certainly had nothing to do with her sister never rolling less than a ten, while she was lucky to roll above that same threshold. No, Luna wasn’t jealous at all. She merely wanted to chuck the cursed dice into a certain star...

“It’s called ‘having lucky dice’, sister.” Celestia replied with a soft smile. “Any tabletop player will tell you that certain dice like certain ponies. As nonsensical as it sounds, you’d be surprised how often it holds true.”

“You mean like Fluttershy’s dice?” Spike chirped.

“Yeah, I swear I’ve never seen luckier dice in my life.” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Well, to be fair, they only seem to be lucky outside of combat. It’s quite fitting for her actually.” Twilight added.

“Yeah, and she uses them to keep us out of combat! It’s so boring to run into something cool to fight only for Fluttershy to ‘save the day’ with some dumb diplomacy or handle animal check. Heck, even her intimidate attempts never fail. And that skill is supposed to suck.”

“It doesn’t suck just because you can’t abuse it to automatically win an encounter.” Twilight snapped.

“Well she doesn’t seem to know that.” Rainbow countered. “Just because she can intimidate a real dragon doesn’t make it fun when she scares the things off in our games before we can kill them! Do you have any idea how much experience we miss out on because of her?” Rainbow’s tone intensified as her rant continued to grow. “We could be several levels higher if she’d stop scaring or making friends with everything we meet.”

“Oh come on, at least she doesn’t derail the game like Pinkie does when she uses her Bard songs!” Spike interjected.

“That’s just one reason I don’t let her play bards anymore, Spike.” Twilight visibly cringed at the thought. Bucking seventy-two bluff checks...

“Hey, don’t forget that time Pinkie screwed up that massive ritual room by writing out the entire lyrics of I’ve got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts across the ritual inscriptions.” Dash chimed in. She knew Twilight hated that particular event, but it was worth bringing up just to see the look on her face.

“You still have no idea much work that ruined for that campaign.” Twilight replied, her left eye twitched nervously at that particular memory.

“Anyway, I think it’s your turn now Spike.” Rainbow remarked after glancing at the turn counter.

“Alright, I’m gonna use Smite Evil on that last imp.” Spike hopped up on the table to move his character miniature next to his target. Returning to his spot on the floor, he picked up his dice and made his roll.

“Looks, like you hit, Spike.” Twilight stated. “Don’t forget your extra damage dice this time.” She added with a slight grin and chuckle.

“Oh, ha ha.” Spike deadpanned. “It was one time! Why can’t you all just let it go?” The dragon grumbled as he made a show of rolling the additional dice.

“Hmm, looks like that’s enough to finish that one off. Good job, Spike.” Twilight had learned quickly that it helped Spike enjoy the game a lot more if she offered occasional praise when he succeeded at things. That, and she always liked seeing him smile. “You seem to be doing much better with a paladin than you did with that ranger.”

“Yeah, I feel like that character was just cursed.” Spike replied solemnly as he recalled the death of his previous character. It wasn’t graceful, or even heroic. No, being knocked out by a rock trap because of a failed reflex save while on an incline was never a good thing. Even worse when your unconscious body slides down the slope and off a cliff into the villain’s spiked pit trap. Yeah, that guy was destined to suck. He couldn’t even hit anything with his bow once combat started unless I used it as a bludgeon.

“Alright, Rainbow, your turn.” Twilight glanced toward the pegasus, then back to her notes.

“Aw yeah, step back everypony, I’m about to be awesome.” Rainbow moved her miniature figure a few spaces, “Okay, I’ll teleport here with my prestige class ability, then activate my rage.”

Twilight mentally groaned, even when I restrict her builds she still pulls off ridiculous stuff.

“Okay, gonna use my spiked chain for a trip attempt.” Rainbow rolled her dice.

Well, I may as well kill that one off now... Twilight thought before the dice even finished rolling.

“Truly, that was entertaining, Twilight Sparkle.” Luna exclaimed happily as the lavender unicorn put the game’s materials back into their respective boxes. “It was a bit frustrating at first, but things became much more delightful later on. We would love to play this game again.”

The game had its usual ups and downs, but overall it had been a success. Luna had enjoyed the game enough to declare it her newest hobby. Celestia was delighted for the chance to dust off her old dice, while Spike simply enjoyed not having to do any chores for the afternoon.

“I’m glad to know everything is going well for you, my faithful student.” Celestia beamed at Twilight. “I trust I can expect our regular correspondence to resume?”

Twilight blushed a bit, still mildly embarrassed at how silly the whole incident was. “Of course, Princess. I’ll be sure to keep you updated more regularly.”

“I’m happy to hear that.” Celestia replied. The alicorn lifted her head slightly as solar magic channeled through her horn, “Farewell for now.” The regal sisters disappeared in a bright flash light.

“Well, I don’t know about you two, but I’m beat.” Spike broke the silence, punctuating his remark with a loud yawn. “I’m going to bed, you probably should too. I know you said something about wanting to get up early tomorrow, just don’t count on me to get you up.”

“It’s cool, Spike. We know you’re a horrible alarm clock.” Rainbow replied playfully as she gave the little dragon a pat on the head.

“You got that right, every button I have is a snooze button.” Spike quipped. He may have been tired, but that didn’t mean he’d lost his wit. “Well, goodnight then.”

Twilight watched as her assistant sleepily trotted off to bed.

“So, Twi, are you ready for some fun tomorrow?” Rainbow nudged her partner with a hoof.

“I don’t think you ever told me exactly why you want to get up so early, Rainbow.” Twilight nudged the pegasus back.

“Oh, yeah. Well, you remember how AJ was trying to get Thunderlane to work with her tomorrow?”

“Yes.” Twilight raised a brow, not quite sure what Rainbow was implying.

“Well, I know AJ pretty well. Everything I know about her is telling me that she just wants to use ‘work’ as an excuse to spend more time with her new coltfriend.” Dash replied, her familiar devilish grin creeping onto her face.

“Okay, so what?”

“We are gonna make sure everything goes just right for them tomorrow.”

Twilight’s expression soured as she realized what Rainbow was wanting to do. “You just want to go and prank them to get back at Applejack for messing up your weather schedule, don’t you?”

“Well, it’s not as fun when you put it that way, but yeah...” Rainbow replied. Even though her wordplay didn’t get past Twilight, not that she expected it would, she couldn’t help but continue to grin as her plans for the next day repeated in her mind.

Twilight sighed, “Fine, but if I help you with this, then you,” Twilight poked Rainbow in the chest, “will owe me a favor.” She finished with a sultry tone.

“Right, sure. Anything you want.” Rainbow replied quickly. She knew whatever the unicorn came up with would be worth the price just to get back an AJ a bit. Honestly, the nerve of that pony, just waltzing in and demanding she totally reorganize her weather schedule because she wants to have a date!

“Anything? Well, I won’t turn down such a generous offer, cutie.” Twilight continued to make use of her seductive tone. Unfortunately for the unicorn, her partner was completely oblivious; the pegasus was so thoroughly engrossed with her plans for revenge that she failed to notice her partner’s advances.

“Come on, Twi we’ve got to get to sleep. AJ gets up early and we need to be over there before she gets out to the field.” Rainbow trotted up the stairs to their bedroom, leaving a certain unicorn feeling a bit neglected.

Alright, no excuses tomorrow Rainbow. I didn’t read all those books just for you to be totally oblivious every day. Twilight mentally grumbled. Oh well, I’ve gone this long without it, what’s another day? She thought, hoping she could convince herself to be even a tad less bothered. At least I can still cuddle up with her. The unicorn finally found a comforting thought before joining her partner upstairs.