• Published 21st Sep 2013
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The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab - Fuzzyfurvert

Student and Teacher, Servant and Mistress, Citizen and Ruler, Friend and...Lover?

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115. Defenestration by Fuzzyfurvert


Ponyville Courthouse Lockup


Twilight Sparkle frowned.

“I never imagined that I would have to bail you out of jail under such circumstances.”

Twilight frowned harder and crossed her hooves as she sat on the hard bench against the cell wall.

“I always thought, that should I ever need to get you out of an incarceration, it would be because you finally let Luna take you out drinking. She does know the best bars in Canterlot.”

Twilight hunched and tried to think of a way to get her muzzle to convey an even greater frown, glowering as she did, at the opposite wall. Anywhere but at that angelic face on the other side of the bars. Her cellmates were crowded into one corner, doing what the could to stay away from the enraged alicorn and out of her line of sight.

“You are lucky that the other pony wasn’t badly injured.”

“It was the same one.”

“Excuse me?” Celestia lifted her one visible eyebrow slightly.

“It was the same stallion as last time. He did it on purpose.” Twilight ground her teeth together audibly. “I was reshelving the library. He came in and asked for more cheap poorly written drivel while I was doing it.”

“Ponyville Golden Oaks Library is a public library and you are the librarian.”

I KNOW!” Twilight rose to her hooves and started pacing inside her cell. “I know, I know. You told me that last time. And I tried. I really did try this time.” Twilight stopped in the middle of her laps and took a calming breath “But he was just so…”

“Annoying?” Celestia ventured.

“More like aggravatingly antagonistically oblivious to the infuriatingly obviousness of interrupting me while reshelving over two hundred books - all of them better than the crap he wanted to check out!”

“And so...you attacked him?”

“Not at first! I gave him a warning!” Twilight started to pace again. One, two, three, turn. One, two, three, turn. “I told him I was busy and the books he wanted were clearly located on the shelf labeled ‘Wastes of Paper; Gn-Gu’ and he didn’t even have to sign for them or bring them back! But noooooo...he just couldn’t take a hint, so I had to expand his vocabulary!”

“Is that when you telekinetically threw him out the window?”

Twilight stopped pacing again and spun to face Celestia, leveling a hoof at her. “Precisely! He might have been a tactless clod when he came into the library, but when he left I made sure he knew the very definition of defenestration!”

Celestia sighed and hung her head for a moment before turning to the constable pony beside her. “I’ve heard enough. Release her into my custody, please. My student needs a fresh lesson in calming the fuck down.”

Author's Note:

Number of events in my life that could by summed up by this chapter's title: Defenestration by Fuzzyfurvert?


Three times have I physically thrown someone out or through a window.

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