• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 11,624 Views, 2,743 Comments

The Sun and the Stars: A Twilestia Prompt Collab - Fuzzyfurvert

Student and Teacher, Servant and Mistress, Citizen and Ruler, Friend and...Lover?

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357. Arson by SongCoyote


Celestia sighed inwardly, though her face showed none of her beleaguered mental state. The Day Court had been particularly taxing, and the detritus of paperwork it had left behind threatened to overwhelm her with its endless, carefully constructed arguments, demands, and supplications.

One such hovered before her, held in her magic as she perused its contents. The flow of her mane shifted as she read, and she allowed herself a small smile, as it was her most rewarding kind of request: one of genuine need, well written, and quite reasonable. She marked it 'Approved' and set it aside, picking up the next with a bit less reluctance.

The air in the room shifted as it was displaced by the bang-and-flash of a teleportation spell. The guards around her almost drew their weapons, pausing when they saw that it was Twilight Sparkle - though when they caught the look in her eyes they decided as a body to remain alert.

"Why hello there, Twilight," Celestia said without missing a beat or looking away from the parchment she held. "What brings you..."

Her words were cut off by Twilight, her voice sharper and her tone more curt than she had ever heard. "Send your guards away."

Concerned but not rushing in the least, Celestia turned to see Twilight standing two wingspans away, panting lightly and with a crazed but determined look. She let her smile slip a bit as she responded, "That hardly seems an appropriate thing to demand, but if you would tell me..."

She was shocked in a way she had not been in decades when Twilight interrupted her again through gritted teeth. "Will you please send your guards away. Now?"

Celestia blinked, perplexed. She stared at Twilight with a slight narrowing of her eyes that would have sent a lesser pony scurrying away; the fact that it had not the slightest effect fascinated her. She slipped back into her accustomed calm smile and turned it on the guards.

"It's alright. Please, clear the room. Twilight and I have much to discuss."

By the barest margin the guards managed not to give each other questioning looks, instead bowing politely to Celestia and heading out in an orderly fashion. They carefully kept their gazes off Twilight, not wanting to set off or get between a pair of agitated alicorns.

Shuffling her paperwork with her magic, Celestia smiled at Twilight and made an attempt at some humor. "Since you have stopped me from doing my paperwork, what is worrying you?"

Twilight's eyes went wide, and her horn flared. "To Tartarus with your paperwork!" she cried, and a burst of purple fire reduced the 'In' pile to a scattering of ash, leaving a small flame dancing on the surface of the desk. "This is important!"

Celestia hid the sudden rush of horror mixed with a terrible relief that washed through her as the Court documents were destroyed. She extinguished the fire, her face turning serious. "What's going on that brings you here committing arson in the Day Court?"

"I've read all the books," Twilight said, advancing toward her on slow, stiff legs, her expression fierce. "I've made what calculations I could. I've even asked my friends, though I never told them why."

"Why what?" Celestia was starting to feel mildly alarmed, and fought not to rear her head back from the force of Twilight's regard.

"Why I needed to know. Why I've been so distracted lately. Why my more intricate experiments kept failing." She was very close to Celestia now, the light in her eyes intent.

"It’s all because of you."

Something shifted in Celestia's mind, and her wings loosened on her back. Her voice was quiet, escaping as it did through a tangled web of uncertainty, fear... and hope. "Me?"

Tears appeared in the corners of Twilight's eyes as the courage that had carried her this far started to crack. "You," she whispered, her nose inches from Celestia's. "I... I can't keep doing this without..."

The barest sound fell from Celestia's mouth, carrying with it the weight of something held back for far too long. "Yes," her voice caressed Twilight as the last distance between them closed. "Yes."

As their lips met, two sets of wings spread wide, then curled around each other, enfolding the fire they built within.

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