• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 12,025 Views, 170 Comments

A Wish the Heart Makes - HermitKlam

Celestia is feeling maternally nostalgic, Twilight accidentally turns her body into that of a filly, and Luna experiences the joy of being an aunt.

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Celestia watched as Twilight attempted to stifle yet another yawn, only to hide the movements of her lips behind a hoof as the effort proved futile. Pausing in her speech, she observed as the purple alicorn’s eyes fluttered slightly with the effort it took to keep them open. As she watched in silence, Twilight’s head slowly slipped forward, her violet orbs slipping shut for a brief moment before her head jerked back with enough force to send her chair onto its hind legs.

Reacting quickly, Celestia sent out a tendril of yellow magic and enveloped the toppling chair, stopping it in its tracks. Gently righting the piece of furniture, she withdrew her magic and graced her tired former student with a look of gentle concern. “Perhaps you should get some sleep, Twilight. We can continue this another time.”

“No!” Twilight’s eyes, which were slowly slipping shut once more, shot open in alarm. Bolting upright in her chair, she blinked rapidly and shook her head, attempting to rid herself of her grogginess before looking the older princess in the eye. “No, I’m okay Princess- really. We can keep going.”

“Twilight…” Celestia’s brow arched slightly as she gently chided the purple mare, her tone saying everything her words didn’t.

“Oh! Right; sorry Pri- I mean, Celestia,” Twilight grinned sheepishly, gazing up at her mentor through her lashes. “It’s just – you know what they say about old habits.” Not quite being able to hide another yawn, she quickly changed the subject before the princess was able to comment. “So! You were explaining about griffon society?”

The fact that the purple pony accurately pinpointed where she had left off and her insistence on continuing reluctantly convinced Celestia to start speaking again. Though she’d like nothing more than to send the obviously exhausted pony to bed, she instead silently reminded herself that she did not have the authority to do so. Twilight was a grown mare by regular pony standards, and while it could be argued that she was just a foal by alicorn standards, Celestia had to put aside what everypony else would think and instead consider how Twilight would react.

To Twilight, she was a princess, a mentor, and - she hoped - a friend. She was not, however, Twilight’s mother, a fact that she had to continuously remind herself of over the years. Though she secretly relished in her maternal role those times Twilight would come to her as a foal for comfort or guidance, she knew to keep her feelings to herself as the young filly quickly grew out of that phase and, as time went on, began to slightly pull away to what was considered a respectable distance between student and teacher.

Yearning to feel that closeness with her pupil once more, Celestia was overjoyed that her royal studies frequently brought the younger pony to the palace. Not wanting to overstep her bounds, however, she allowed the purple mare to dictate in what capacity they’d interact, though she was adamant that whatever they did, they at least did it as equals. The ability to do away with her title when interacting with her little pony was extremely satisfying in a way she hadn’t felt since Twilight was an excitable filly.

Thus, it was to her slight disappointment that Twilight seemed to only want to spend time with her in a student-teacher capacity.

Sighing slightly at her thoughts, Celestia looked down at the open scroll on the table in front of her and frowned. The scroll was opened to the exact same place it had been when she had stopped the first time, a fact that made her abruptly realize that her multitasking had failed her whilst she had been lost in thought. Glancing over at the purple alicorn to see why Twilight hadn’t prompted her to continue the lecture, her eyes widened slightly before softening at what she saw.

The purple alicorn was at the edge of her seat and slumped up against the table. One of her forelegs was curled up on an open book resting on the table top, her hoof acting as a makeshift pillow. Her other foreleg was dangling limply at her side along with her fluffy wings, the tips twitching slightly in response to her dreams.

Smiling softly, Celestia deigned not to wake the sweetly sleeping pony and instead gently levitated her onto her back. Ruffling her wings, she raised them slightly in order to ensure the sleeping pony would not accidentally slip off. Noting her precious bundle shifting slightly, she waited until she felt the younger pony nuzzle further into her warmth, a sigh of content leaving slightly parted purple lips. Taking this as a sign, Celestia withdrew her magic from keeping Twilight aloft on her back and quickly shelved the books and scrolls littering the table into their correct places.

Exiting the library, she slowly walked the short distance to the wing of the castle that housed the royal quarters. Nodding lightly at the guards on duty, she was not surprised that the majority of them took her actions in stride, showing no sign of emotion as they nodded shallowly back instead of bowing so as not to compromise their ability to protect her. She was lightly amused to note, however, that a particular few guards were unable to hide a slight twitch of their lips as they got sight of the slumbering pony on her back; these guards were, undoubtedly, thinking back to the times she had walked this very hall with a significantly smaller version of her the pony on her back.

It was this familiarity and nostalgia that had Celestia completely bypassing the younger princess’s room and heading to her own quarters without realizing it. About to open her own doors, a slight shift from the pony on her back made her snap out of her memories with a hint of regret. Hesitating for a moment, she ultimately sighed and backtracked the few metres to Twilight’s room.

Opening the large doors, she slowed down slightly as she approached the large plush bed, attempting to milk every precious moment she could out of having her student so close. Coming to a stop next to the bed, she reluctantly lowered her wings and levitated Twilight onto the plush surface. Bringing the blankets up and tucking her in, Celestia was just about to force herself away from the adorable sight when something caught her attention.

Twilight, subconsciously realizing that she had been separated from the warmth she had been surrounded in mere moments ago, scrunched up her muzzle in discomfort. Curling slightly in on herself, she clumsily used a hoof to pat around the bed, searching fruitlessly for the illusive warmth. Mewling in displeasure, her eyes slowly cracked open. Though her violet orbs were cloudy from sleep, she was just able to make out what looked like her mentor standing near the bed, a peculiar expression on her alabaster face.

“’lestia?” Twilight mumbled slowly in question, sleep doggedly pulling at the edges of her consciousness once more. “Wha-?”

“Shhh, Twilight,” Celestia soothed the tired pony, unable to stop herself from using a hoof to gently move a tuft of pink and purple streaked navy bangs out of her violet orbs. Feeling the younger pony nuzzle slightly into her outstretched hoof, she barely had the willpower to retract the limb. “Sleep now, Twilight. Dawn shall be along shortly and you need your rest.”

“But I,” Twilight’s weak protest was interrupted by a long yawn, her heavy eyes slipping even further closed in its wake.

Perhaps it was due to the nostalgia that had been plaguing her lately, or perhaps it was due to the familiar sight in front of her, but wherever the fault lie Celestia had, almost without realizing it, begun to lightly hum. A lullaby she had only sang a hoof-full of times in the past century sprang unbidden to her lips, gently soothing the exhausted pony before her into a restful state of slumber once more. Though Twilight had fallen asleep not even half way through the song, Celestia found herself standing at the former unicorn’s bedside until the last bittersweet note escaped her throat, plunging the room into silence once more.

Moving to the large window across from the bed, Celestia shot a quick glance up at the night sky; due to her internal clock, she was speaking the truth earlier when she told Twilight that dawn was fast approaching. Not wanting her bright sun to disturb her little alicorn, she grasped the heavy drapes in her magic and pulled them tightly shut. Shooting one last soft glance at the peacefully slumbering alicorn, Celestia walked out of the room, gently closing the doors behind her.

Deciding that there was no use in attempting to nap this close to the raising of the sun, she instead changed directions and headed to the private dining room, resigning herself instead to an early breakfast. Opening the doors, she was about to enter the modestly sized room only to stop and blink at what she saw. There, slumped against the table was her younger sister, her eyes closed in sleep and her cheek resting upon a slice of buttered toast. Standing behind and slightly to the side was a nervous sous-chef, his white hat being worried nervously between his front hooves as he debated whether to let the princess sleep in her current undignified position or wake her up.

Chuckling slightly in amusement, Celestia sent her sleeping sister an indulgent look before turning her attention to the nervous cook, startling him with her voice. “If you would be so kind as to whip up two batches of Blueberry Waffle Surprise, I’ll take care of waking up my sister.”

Jumping slightly at the new voice, the sous-chef turned his attention from the sleeping princess to the princess standing at the door, his eyes widening in surprise as relief suffused his voice. “Thank you, Princess.” Sweeping into a low bow, he realized what exactly he had said and how it could be misconstrued, causing him to stutter. “I-I mean, not that I- right away, Princess.”

Amused smile still in place, Celestia watched as the cook hightailed it out of the dining area as if his flank was on fire. Turning her attention to the only other occupant left in the room beside herself, Celestia finally entered and closed the doors behind her. Approaching her sister, a slightly mischievous look slid onto her face, her eyes glinting playfully.

“Oh Luna,” Celestia sang lightly in the shorter alicorn’s blue ear, making certain that her breath disturbed the sensitive hairs located there. Receiving a low grumble and a slight twitch of the ear, Celestia smiled. Leaning back down, she redoubled her efforts, this time extending a wing to brush lightly at the blue pony’s side as she spoke. “Little Sister, time to wake up…”

Luna frowned slightly in her sleep, ear flicking violently in an attempt to rid itself of the maddeningly light tickling sensation. Her wings fluttered up in defence at the sneak attack against her side, only to be soothed back down into a limp position by something larger yet equally soft. Sighing as the sensations slowly abated, her frown smoothed out into a peaceful expression once more.

Smothering her altogether too gleeful smile, Celestia mock sighed as she gave the stubbornly sleeping pony a faux-regretful look. “I didn’t want it to come to this,” Celestia spoke into the twitching blue ear once more, a serene mask slipping into place. “Just remember, sister, that it was you who forced my hoof.” Giving the slumbering alicorn one last chance to awaken on her own, Celestia smothered a grin as she deemed sufficient time had passed and attacked.

Yelping, Luna shot violently upwards, her eyes flying open as her wings extended fully in surprise. Wind being knocked out of her as her momentum carried her backwards and onto the floor, she blinked rapidly up at the ceiling in shock. Quickly gathering her wits about her, she rolled onto her side and folded her wings, her ruffled feathers lowering into place with varying degrees of success.

Glancing around the room with a look of dazed confusion that could only be achieved by one who had been jolted from a deep sleep, Luna’s azure gaze finally settled on her sister. Sitting quietly in her seat across the small circular table was Celestia, an angelic smile gracing her face. “Sister?” Luna shifted into a sitting position as she drew the white alicorn’s attention to her. “You… You just…”

“Hmmm?” Celestia slowly turned her head to regard the stunned alicorn, a look of concern slipping onto her face. “Oh, Luna, are you alright?”

“You… You…” Luna spluttered in shock as she rubbed her ear, not noticing the sous-chef from earlier returning with two trays floating beside him. “You bit me!”

“Oh?” Celestia’s look became thoughtful as she surreptitiously floated Luna’s half-empty tea cup closer. Refilling the cup, she took a small sip of the lukewarm tea, resolutely ignoring the once again flabbergasted unicorn at the door lest her composure finally break. “That doesn’t sound like me at all.”

“Doesn’t sound like- It most certainly does!” Her cheeks puffed up in an indignant pout as she glared at the acting alicorn. “You did this all the time when we were fillies!”

“Did what?” Celestia tilted her head to the side, blinking innocently on the outside while internally trying to smother the giggles that were fighting to burst forth at her sister’s adorable pout.

“Bite me!” Luna huffed in exasperation, hooves flying into the air in emphasis and nearly impacting the nervous cook as he swiftly placed their trays down and excused himself with a squeak.

“Come now, Luna,” Celestia gave her indignant younger sister a look, before taking another sip of tea. “I would never bite you.” Smiling angelically, she looked at the blue pony out of the corner of her eye, the slyness in her voice faint yet still barely audible. “Besides, it was really more of a nibble.”


“Yes sister dear?” Celestia finally allowed her mask to fall, a happy smile taking its place. “There’s no need to shout; I’m sitting right here.”

“You… You… Ugh!” Luna hung her head slightly in defeat and finally let go of her irritation, recognizing that she was far from being at her best at the moment and that her sister would undoubtedly win their argument no matter what amazing rebuttal she came up with. Rubbing the residual sleep from her eyes, she became aware of something wet on her cheek. Frowning, she was about to move her hoof to her cheek only for it to be encased in yellow magic. “What-?”

“You’ll just smudge it even more; let me get it.” Directing the blue hoof away from Luna’s face, she dipped a cloth napkin in a glass of water and began to gently dab at her sister’s cheek, wiping away the residual butter she had acquired from using her toast as a pillow.

Blushing slightly at the attention she was receiving, Luna nevertheless remained still, allowing her elder sister to clean her face. Noting the slightly wistful expression Celestia wore after a few minutes, all traces of huffy ire and joking slipped from her voice, her tone instead laced with concern. “Sister?”

“Hmmm?” Celestia blinked, returning from her inner musings only to find her sister staring shyly at her with flushed cheeks, the fur on her head and neck damp and sticking up from her absentminded cleaning. “I apologise, Luna,” Celestia sighed as she dropped the cloth on the table, her face once again taking on the wistful quality of earlier. “I didn’t mean to treat you like a foal. I suppose I’ve been wallowing in a bit of nostalgia lately, that’s all.”

“Do not apologise,” Luna mumbled lowly, shifting slightly in discomfort.

“What did you say?” Celestia questioned curiously, not quite being able to make out the mumbled words.

“Do not apologise,” Luna spoke clearly, yet no more loudly. Averting her eyes from her sister’s curious gaze, she cleared her throat. Her absence from Equestria wasn’t a topic she relished speaking about, but this particular chat was long since overdue; she would just make sure to get her point across swiftly so as not to linger on the subject. “I… missed this. On the moon.”


“I missed having a sister, so don’t…” Luna worried her lip lightly before taking a deep breath and gazing into Celestia’s slightly shiny magenta orbs. “So do not ever apologise for acting like one, alright?”

“Luna…” Celestia gave a slightly watery chuckle before enveloping her sister in her magic and levitating her across the table. Placing her gently down on the pillow next to her, Celestia wrapped a large fluffy white wing across Luna’s back and swept the blue alicorn flush against her side in a hug. “I missed you too, Moony.”

“Never again, Sunny,” Luna also slipped into the nicknames they had jokingly given each other when their cutie marks had appeared all those years ago as she nuzzled into the slightly larger pony. “She is gone; I am never leaving again.”

Minutes passed as the two royal alicorns sat snuggled together in the quiet room. Their food had surely cooled off by that point, but neither could bring themselves to care when the warmth of each other was all that they felt they required. Finally paying attention to the insistent tugging sensation in the back of her mind, Luna sighed and reluctantly parted from her sister’s gentle embrace. Walking back to her seat, her horn lit up in a blue light as she nudged the moon into motion with practiced ease, allowing her sister’s yellow magic to usher in the sun.

Looking down at her plate, Luna was about to take a bite of the mouth-watering ice-cream topped blueberry waffle when she caught her sister’s expression. Though muted, it was the same wistful look of earlier. Sighing, she looked at her delicious waffle in slight sorrow before setting her fork down. “It is not just about us though, is it sister?”

Celestia cocked her head to the side in question as she regarded the younger alicorn, placing her fork down as well. “What do you mean, Luna?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Luna came right out and stated bluntly. This topic didn’t impact her nearly as much as the last and so she found no reason to beat around the bush. “She is more than a student to you.”

“Of course she is, Luna,” Celestia side-stepped the obvious, intentionally playing ignorant. “I’d like to think she’s a dear friend as well.”

“Nay, it is more than that.” Luna stated adamantly. “I may have been away for some time, but some things do not change. The look a mother has for their foal is one of those things, and it is such a look that you wear when speaking to or of Twilight.”

“Luna don’t…” Celestia sighed despondently, reluctantly agreeing by omission. “I try to keep myself in check; the last thing I want is to push her away.”

“Why?” Luna asked confusedly, trying to wrap her head around why her sister would practically admit to feeling maternal towards Twilight with one breath only to state that she purposefully kept her distance with the next one. “She surely looks to you as a-”

“Student would their teacher,” Celestia cut in.

“You jest,” Luna responded incredulously. “Surely.”

“No, Luna, I’m quite serious,” Celestia frowned. “In fact, I believe she’s been distancing herself from me for a while. Though her visits are much more frequent since her coronation, it seems the only time we spend together anymore is when there is a book separating us.”

“Have you thought that perhaps that is the only way she feels she can get close to you?” Luna pointed out delicately after a moment of quiet thought.

“I…” Celestia’s expression ran the gamut from disbelief to doubt and finally settled on fragile hope before crumbling. Donning her mask once more, she averted her gaze downwards, her voice soft. “Please don’t give me false hope.”

Hating to see her sister in such a melancholy mood, Luna’s expression turned determined as an idea occurred to her. “Is she asleep?”

“Who?” Celestia sighed out as she used her fork to play with the melting ice-cream. Her appetite had abandoned her.

“Twilight Sparkle,” Luna refrained from rolling her eyes at her sister; who else would they be talking about. “Is she asleep?”

“She was when I left her,” Celestia answered, before her brows furrowed. Glancing at her sister, she inquired about the inquiry. “Why?”

“I shall be but a moment,” Luna responded, steadfastly ignoring the question.

Celestia was about to reiterate her question when she saw her sister’s head droop slightly as a shining ball of light alit on the tip of her horn. Sitting up straight, she peered intently at the spaced out pony for a few moments before her eyes widened in recognition as a single tendril of light shot out of Luna’s horn and through the wall. Not sure whether she should scold her sister or thank her for abusing her powers in such a way, she instead settled for ignoring the incident with a small sigh.

A few frustratingly long minutes passed before Luna blinked, coming back to herself with a peculiar look on her face as she turned her attention towards her sister. Celestia, not being able to place the look, decided to inquire about it. “Well?”

“My lullaby,” Luna responded slowly, still slightly lost in thought. Shaking her head, she came back to the present, locking her azure orbs with her sister’s magenta ones. “You sang her my lullaby.”

“I-yes,” Celestia answered in surprise as she blinked. “I wasn’t planning on it, but when she woke up as I put her to bed it just slipped out.”

“No, no,” Luna waved a hoof absentmindedly in the air. “Not today, as a filly. You sang it to her as a filly when she would get worked up over a storm.”

“How did you…” Celestia blinked once more in confusion before realization dawned. “She was dreaming about the past?”

“Sometimes a memory bleeds into one’s dream. When this happens, the dreamer relives the memory exactly as they remember it,” Luna informed her sister of one of the many nuances of the realm of dreams. Anticipating the next question, she continued with her explanation. “These ‘dreams’ have a different feel to them; they are almost… more tangible, and are thus easily distinguishable.”

“Alright then,” Celestia’s voice remained steady, though a hint of warmth could just barely be heard. “Twilight is dreaming of a happy childhood memory, most likely brought on by the lullaby I sang for her.”

“Yes, yes,” Luna’s eyes rolled ever so slightly. Her sister could be so stubborn. “The dream itself was most likely brought on by the lullaby as you say, the emotions however were not.”

“What are you saying, Luna?”

“I am saying, dear sister, that Twilight Sparkle does indeed love you as a filly does a mother,” Luna, seeing the white alicorn about to refute her claim, cut her off. “I am sure of it; in fact, I would bet my moon on it.”

“How can you know that, Luna?” Celestia desperately wanted to believe in her sister’s words, but she had lived more than long enough to know disappointment and didn’t feel up to experiencing it in this particular situation.

“I can feel the overall emotions a pony has when in the dream realm; how else could I aid in guarding against nightmares?” Luna pointed out, re-educating her sister about her dream-walking abilities. “For instance; earlier I felt the stirrings of a nightmare and went to help the dreamer. It turned out to be the Element of Laughter, but because I am not overly close to her, I was unable to feel her underlying feelings. Thus I was forced to dive deeper into her dream, only to end up being drafted into her ranks of militarized cupcakes fighting against an evil dentist.”

“That’s what you were doing when I woke you up?” Celestia interrupted with a question, curious in spite of herself. She always enjoyed hearing about her sister’s dream adventures, despite the breach in privacy they entailed.

“Yes,” Luna shifted slightly, a slightly disturbed look appearing on her face as she thought back to the party pony’s chaotic dream. “I must thank you for that rescue; I was, oddly enough, having a hard time leaving on my own before her dream was complete.” Blinking away the images that would undoubtedly be seared into her brain for some time to come, Luna continued. “My point is that if I had been closer to her – emotionally, not physically – I would have been able to tell that my assistance was unneeded before diving too deep. Being closer to Twilight, I can easily pick up on most of her emotions when searching for her in the dream realm. Again, I am quite sure that she does not simply look to you as a mentor or a friend.”

Celestia’s expression wavered in indecision. “I-”

A member of the day guard respectfully knocked before walking into the room. Bowing at the princesses, the stallion gave a bound scroll to the alabaster alicorn. Snapping the seal, Celestia quickly read the letter before exhaling slightly. Glancing at the guard, she nodded and watched as he bowed once more and exited the room.

“Well Luna, I am afraid that I am going to have to skip breakfast; it seems the meeting with the griffon ambassador has been moved up,” Celestia informed her curious sister as she stood up. Walking around the table, she gave Luna’s cheek a small peck before walking towards the door.

“Do not think that this is the end of this conversation,” Luna warned to her sister’s retreating back. “I shall speak to Twilight Sparkle once I awake and prove that what I say is true.”

Stopping just before the door, Celestia sighed. “If you insist on bringing the subject up with her, could you at least be sure to do it subtly?” She didn’t have time to argue with her sister, and if she had learned one thing after years of living with the other pony it was that Luna was just as stubborn as she was.

“Pshh,” Luna waved the concern away as she picked up her fork once more. “Subtlety comes easy to those who live in the night like myself.”

Waving her sister away to deal with her royal duties, Luna turned her attention back to her plate only for her expression to drop. Her once scrumptiously depicted blueberry waffle with a double-scoop of vanilla ice-cream on top had turned into a sticky soggy mess. Sighing as her stomach rumbled in discontent, she placed her fork back onto the table and reluctantly picked up her toast from earlier.

She had eaten worse before.


Across the royal wing of the castle, tucked snuggly into her large plush bed was Twilight Sparkle. A small smile stretched across her lips as she mumbled in contentment, memories of happier days flittering across her dreamscape like a movie. The memories were of times of great joy in her early life, and without conscious thought she tapped into the large pool of magic each alicorn was blessed with.

Unbeknownst to the sleeping alicorn, her heart made a wish and, in response, her horn began to glow.

Author's Note:

Since I enjoy Twilight/princess interactions, whether it be as lovers, family, or friends, I decided to take a crack at my own fluffy family story since I already have a romance going at the moment. There won't be any pairings in this one, though, just family fluff. And Trixie.

Next Chapter: Twilight's in for a surprise, The Great and Apologetic Trixie stumbles upon a chance to make it up to Twilight, and Luna loses her niece.

*EDITED 07/24/15*