• Published 22nd Sep 2013
  • 12,026 Views, 170 Comments

A Wish the Heart Makes - HermitKlam

Celestia is feeling maternally nostalgic, Twilight accidentally turns her body into that of a filly, and Luna experiences the joy of being an aunt.

  • ...


The first thing Twilight became aware of as her mind lethargically began to surface from the depths of deep slumber was just how utterly comfortable she felt. It was an extremely pleasant sensation, one which was intrinsically linked to happy memories of living in the castle and strongly brought to mind the feelings of being safe and loved. A slow, muzzy smile slid across her face as she contentedly sighed through slightly parted lips; for some reason it felt like it had been so very long since she had last felt this way, and she hadn't realised just how much she had missed the blissful sensations.

Arching her back and stretching her hooves and neck languidly with a slight yawn, two more sensations managed to filter through her groggy mind as she was met by a peculiar resistance, causing her earlier smile to grow. She was beginning to realise that her high comfort levels were due in no small part to the delightfully warm softness that surrounded her, the sensations somehow reaching to that secret part of her deep inside and transforming her into a giddy, gooey mess. Eyes still firmly closed, Twilight couldn't resist the urge to rub her head slowly yet firmly against the warm lump beside her, a near purr escaping her lips at the delightful sensation of a soft coat gently caressing her face.

A slight groan rumbled through the mass of fur beside her at her actions, causing Twilight to start slightly, the small jump making the warm barrier across her back twitch lightly in response.

After a brief pause, Twilight insistently nuzzled the body next to her once more with a poorly concealed giggle as the light tickling sensation continued along her back and side. A few minutes passed as Twilight amused herself at the expense of the sleeping pony beside her before she felt another yawn fighting to escape and finally gave in to the urge to open her eyes. Blinking blearily, she slowly tilted her head from side to side only for a slow frown to slide onto her face at her unexpected surroundings; she had expected to be greeted by the soft white coat of her princess - or even the pastel colors of her beautiful flowing mane - but instead her eyes were met with a blurry black expanse.

Lifting up her front hooves, Twilight rubbed insistently at both eyes before looking again, her frown only deepening in response; her vision had cleared enough at her actions for her to discern that what she had previously thought of as black was in fact a very dark blue, something that confused her sleepy mind greatly. Turning her head and staring intently at the dark figure before her, Twilight wanted to make doubly sure that her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. With no small amount of confusion, it was mere moments later that she confirmed to herself that she was, in fact, snuggled up to a dark blue pony and was using one of said pony’s large wings as a makeshift blanket.

A large, dark blue pony.

A large, dark blue, stranger pony.

A large, dark blue, stranger pony who was definitely not Princess Celestia.

Twilight blanched.

Wiggling frantically, she attempted to escape from the unfamiliar pony's embrace only to freeze as the pony in question grumbled lightly and shifted. Waves of panic began mounting within her as she stayed stock still, fervently hoping that the pony did not wake up. Breathes coming out in short gasps as her ears lay flat against her head in fear, it was with no small amount of relief to Twilight that, after what seemed like hours, the blue pony settled down into slumber once more.

Continuing slowly onwards once her panic had subsided to a manageable level - this time being infinitely more careful - Twilight was able to reach the edge of the bed and all but detach herself from the pony's embrace. Feeling the large wing begin to move inward and a searching hoof lightly brush against her side, Twilight impulsively jerked forward in an attempt to escape its reaching grasp. Not having taken into consideration just how close she was to the edge of the bed, the purple pony ended up tumbling over the side only to – thankfully - land on a pillow laying discarded on the floor.

Staring dazedly forward, Twilight slowly wobbled to her hooves and peered cautiously around the room. It appeared to her that she was in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar pony, and yet she couldn't help the niggling feeling at the back of her mind insisting that not all was as it seemed. Deciding to listen to the voice – if only to sate her stirring curiosity – Twilight unsteadily rose onto her hind legs; the urge to investigate narrowly beat the urge of putting as much distance as she could between herself and wherever she was. Resting her front hooves on the edge of the bed, she warily poked her muzzle atop the mattress and began surreptitiously studying her apparent captor.

The pony appeared to be a larger than average mare and had, as she had determined earlier, a silky dark blue coat. Moving on, Twilight slowly took in her large blue wings, the warm remembrance of being embraced by them unconsciously jumping to the forefront of her mind. Catching herself as a little smile began forming on her muzzle, she shifted in discomfort at associating being held by a stranger with such warm feelings and quickly continued her inspection, only for her eyes to land quizzically upon the blue pony's mane.

The mane in question was both achingly familiar and infinitely strange; like her mentor's, the mane - and tail, she confirmed after quickly checking - was ethereal and seemed to billow in a non-existent breeze. Unlike like the princess' flowing aurora of soothing pastel colors, however, the blue pony's was a star-spangled blue – it was almost as if she carried the splendor of the cosmos within her flowing locks. It was with an equal mixture of confusion and curiosity that Twilight tore her gaze from the mesmerizing mane; her eyes continued their inspection only to halt as she caught sight of the large conical protrusion jutting forth from the pony's forehead.

Eyes snapping back and forth from the wings to the horn to the beautiful flowing mane, Twilight began to mouth the words 'alicorn' and 'princess' as her confusion skyrocketed. The incessant feelings of familiarity returned with a vengeance, and Twilight struggled to remember exactly what it was that she had forgotten and seemed to plague her so. As she adamantly shook the last vestiges of sleep from her mind, that meek little voice from earlier returned as a mental roar and forced a single word to the forefront of her mind which then rolled along her tongue and fell unbidden from her lips.


As if the word itself were the key to a lock, a dam within her mind burst open causing her to stagger back onto her haunches, a roaring deluge of memories being released all at once. Memories of growing up, meeting her friends, her many adventures and of course growing a pair of wings and being crowned a Princess all flittered chaotically throughout her mind in a confusing jumble. Groaning at the sudden torrent of information, Twilight frantically shook her head from side to side in a vain attempt at forcing the misfiled memories into their proper mental slots only to stop suddenly after a few moments.

Raising a hoof to her -now - spinning head, Twilight closed her eyes and attempted to rub the resulting dizziness away. A few moments of gentle ministrations against her head later had her opening her eyes carefully only for her to let loose a relieved sigh at the fact that her earlier light-headedness had passed.

“What an odd dream…” Letting loose a wry chuckle, Twilight looked around her room from her position on the floor with new eyes.

“What did I eat before going to bed?” Smacking her lips together and immediately wrinkling her nose in disgust at the taste in her mouth, Twilight continued to gaze around at her – seemingly normal – room with a bemused frown. “Whatever it was, it must have been spoiled. I mean, why else would I dream something crazy like being foalnapped and then cuddled by Princess Luna, and-?”

A sudden snort followed by a few intelligible murmurs from above caused the rest of her words to die in her throat. Eyes widening to the size of saucers, Twilight cautiously poked her head over the edge of the bed and unexpectedly came muzzle to muzzle with the sleeping lunar princess. Not being able to do anything but stare in disbelief for a few long moments, Twilight was finally drawn from her shock as the princess mumbled once more, Luna’s breath – which Twilight disgruntledly noticed was far more minty fresh than her own – puffing warmly against her face and causing her to blink.

“…Unless I actually was cuddling with Luna…” Twilight’s voice was faint as she fell slowly to her haunches once more in absolute befuddlement. Like a lightning strike, a frightful thought made itself known and wormed its way to the forefront of her mind.

Eyes popping wide for the umpteenth time that day, Twilight frantically scanned the room and found her missing mirror propped up against the far wall. Stumbling to her hooves, she took a few shaky steps before her gait steadied enough for her to move them without conscious thought. Trotting over to the mirror with purpose, the purple alicorn looked to her reflection and faltered as her nagging suspicions were confirmed; staring back at her was an overall frazzled looking, sleep-rumpled alicorn filly with an impressive – and horrifying - case of bed-mane.

A twitch developed in her right eye.

“There… there has to be a completely logical explanation for… for this.” The twitching in her eye became more pronounced as her mind jumped frantically from farfetched excuse to farfetched excuse. Teeth grinding together in growing panic as her mane and tail somehow became even more frazzled than it already was, a sudden thought occurred to her, one her mind latched onto with a desperate fervour. “O-oh! Of course! I’m still asleep and this is all just some crazy, bad-food-induced lucid dream. I knew there was a perfectly reasonable explanation.”

Eye now twitching at a steady rate, Twilight squashed down the little voice inside – the one that insisted her dabbling in lucid dreaming had never procured such realistic results – with a ferocity that would have surprised her at any other time. Frantic gaze alighting on the reflection of the shrouded window behind her, Twilight’s voice rose hysterically. “In fact, I bet if I looked outside I’d see crazy Discordian dream effects, like flying inkwells and dancing scrolls… and…”

Taking the barest of moments to think over what she had just said, Twilight dashed over to the window as fast as her stubby little legs could carry her. Momentarily forgetting her new stature, she attempted to leap over the low bench beneath the window only for one of her hind hooves to catch the lip of the seat and send her tumbling forward. Crashing into the windows with a light yelp, Twilight instinctively scrambled for purchase and grasped one of the drapes in a vice-grip with her front hooves. Hearing a low creak and feeling a light breeze against her back, Twilight’s eyes widened in mounting horror as three things became suddenly clear.


Her windows must not have been latched correctly.


Her stumble and subsequent crash must have had sufficient force to push the unsecured window panes wide open.


She was now dangling precariously outside her window, the only thing keeping her from falling to the gardens below being the – on closer inspection rather flimsy – piece of cloth clutched tightly in her small hooves.

Twilight tried to get her panicked mind and heaving breaths under control even as she shook in fright at the situation she found herself in. Chancing a peek down at the ground many stories below her, Twilight let out a weak whine before tightly clenching her eyes shut. Heart pounding in abject horror at how high up she was and how precarious her position was, both the pessimistic and realistic parts of her brain decided to band together and come to one terrifying conclusion; this felt, as she had suspected earlier, far too realistic to be a dream.

Whining once more, Twilight attempted to frantically shimmy up the curtain in the hopes of being able to climb back into her window only to freeze as a sound reached her suddenly perked ears. Eyes popping open, her violet orbs stared upwards in shock as the drape she was dangling from began to rip just above where she was gripping. Her attempts at climbing became even more frantic and hurried, a fact she belatedly realised only exacerbated her current dilemma. With an altogether too loud snip the piece of fabric Twilight was clutching like a lifeline broke off from the rest of the curtain and uncaringly sent her tumbling into a free-fall.

Plummeting head-over-tail to her doom below, Twilight attempted to scream only for the sound to get caught in her throat and instead come out as a strangled whimper. With the wind whipping her unruly mane into her face and her heart in her throat, Twilight desperately attempted to focus on using her magic to save her. It was not to be, however, as each attempt at using her magic – from a simple weightless spell to a teleport – resulted in a flurry of useless pink sparks from her horn and a stab of pain; it was as if there was some sort of block keeping her magic from flowing effectively to her horn and outwards.

Still trying to force her magic through her horn, Twilight was suddenly reminded of her new appendages as a particularly violent downdraft pulled at her feathers. Clenching her teeth at the pain in both her head and her back, she forcefully opened the wings that were tightly clenched to her sides due to her fear. Knowing her momentum would put too much of a strain on her fledging wings if she even attempted to fly, she instead painstakingly angled her wings in a quasi-glide towards a hedge – as opposed to the dirt path fast approaching below her. With a last strangled cry she flung her magic against the invisible block with all of her might, breaking through just in time to summon a weak personal barrier.

With a mighty rustle and thump, Twilight impacted the large bush with a jerk, its many leaves and branches acting as a rather hard cushion and successfully breaking the suddenly limp filly’s fall.


Celestia walked sedately down the marble hallway, a serene smile on her face as she glided by the odd scurrying maid and stoic guard. Having finished her meeting with Ambassador Sharp Eye for the day she had decided to take a detour; instead of heading to the kitchens for a midday snack she was on her way to answer her sister’s summons. Her serene mask slipped minutely as a twisting sensation made itself known in her stomach, her mind reflexively flashing back to her earlier conversation with Luna before she forcefully buried such thoughts.

She wasn’t sure if she was more anxious to hear if Luna had failed or succeeded – and, if so, whether or not the answer was favorable - in her self-imposed quest, both thoughts equally settling into her mind and chest with a surprising heaviness.

Mask once more firmly in place as she finally reached her destination despite metaphorically dragging her hooves, Celestia swallowed a sigh as she came to a stop in front of a pair of large doors sporting Twilight’s cutie mark. Taking the time to let her eyes roam over the beautifully carved and painted mark with a proud smile, she finally admitted to herself that she was stalling after tracing the purple star with her gaze for the fifth time. Pushing all apprehensive thoughts from her mind, she straightened slightly and raised an alabaster hoof to knock on the door.

A white brow rose slowly as silence greeted her. Clearing her throat, she glanced inquisitively at the lone earth pony guard standing rigidly at his post beside the door. “Princesses Luna and Twilight Sparkle…?”

“Are inside Princess Twilight Sparkle’s quarters, Your Majesty.” The young guard spoke swiftly and firmly, answering his monarch’s unasked question to the best of his ability. “Nopony has passed through these doors since Princess Luna entered at oh-seven-hundred. That is, I mean-”

“That’s quite alright Private,” Celestia winked at the suddenly fumbling guard, gentle humor audible in her voice. “I’m more than capable of understanding military time. Thank you for your assistance.”

“O-of course, Your Majesty!” The flustered stallion snapped once more to attention, his eyes staring intently forward as he attempted to regain his practiced stoicism. “I-I mean, it was my pleasure, Your Majesty!”

Fighting back an amused chuckle, Celestia lit up her horn and attempted to open the door only to be met by a surprising resistance. Momentarily nonplussed, she recovered quickly and sent a tendril of magic into the lock; it was a matter of seconds before a faint click was heard and the door inched ajar. She wouldn’t normally invade her student’s privacy, but in this case she had been summoned, a fact which was excuse enough to sate what little guilt she may have otherwise felt. Pushing the door open until it was wide enough to accommodate her larger than average frame, Celestia slipped inside and closed the door behind her.

“Twilight?” Celestia looked around the room for her student and her sister from her position at the door. The lights were on and the message – and guard - had stated that they would be here, and yet she couldn’t immediately see either of her alicorns. “Luna?”

Moving away from the door with a quizzical frown, Celestia came to a stop in the middle of the room as something registered in the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she wasn’t sure whether to roll her eyes or snort at the sight that greeted her, and so exasperatedly settled on an indulgent sigh. “Luna…”

There, sprawled atop Twilight’s bed with a pillow clutched tightly to her chest, was Luna. The blue mare was mumbling nonsense with every fourth or fifth breath, her wings sprawled out haphazardly and twitching erratically at her sides.

It took only a hoof-full of seconds for Celestia to quickly come to the same conclusion she always did when watching her rumpled younger sister sleep; though Luna exuded a certain amount of grace and mystery, it was moments like these that made it hard for the elder alicorn to view her younger sister as anything other than absolutely adorable.

“Come now Luna,” Celestia walked up to her dozing sister and nudged her with a hoof. “Must we really have a repeat of earlier?”

The blue alicorn’s response was a rather dismissive sounding snort and mumble combo as she buried her head further into the lavender pillow clutched between her hooves.

Magenta orbs zeroed in on a dark blue ear as she began to lean forward. Stopping inches away from the now twitching ear, Celestia frowned and rethought her plan of action – she had already used that tactic once today. Blinking mischievously seconds later as an idea occurred to her, Celestia shifted her position until her muzzle bumped lightly into Luna’s. Tilting her head slightly, she made a small golden spark travel up her horn and jump onto Luna’s, causing the younger alicorn to snort and twitch as she was suddenly faced with the sensation of being thoroughly tickled.

Celestia grinned unrepentantly as Luna’s wings fluffed up in defence as she whined; this was another of her favored methods of waking her younger sister.

Luna groggily cracked her eyes open with a groan, blinking blearily as her vision was obstructed by warm magenta surrounded by bright white. Blinking again and yet receiving no changes to her vision, Luna furrowed her brows slightly and spoke, her voice heavy with sleep and confusion. “Sister?”

“Mhmm,” Celestia hummed in agreement, rubbing their noses together lightly in a quick butterfly kiss before pulling back and straightening up from her hunched position. “Did you sleep well?”

“I-yes,” Luna replied after a large yawn, her sleep-lidded eyes still staring at the white alicorn before her in light befuddlement. “Why are you here?”

“Well I was hoping you could tell me,” Celestia responded with a small smile, her amusement only growing at Luna’s resulting blank stare. “You did send for me, did you not?”

“Send for…” Luna trailed off blankly before a metaphorical torch lit up in her mind, causing her head to shoot up in remembrance. “Twilight!”

“Yes, where is she?” Celestia cocked her head slightly to the side and glanced around the room once more. “I was under the impression that she would be here with you; this is, after all, her bedroom.”

“Ah… Right…” Luna cleared her throat somewhat nervously. Though she knew the situation they found themselves in wasn’t her fault, she was unsure as to how her sister would react at first. “Sister, we ask that thou brace thyself posthaste. The news we impart may shock thee.”

“Oh?” Celestia questioned, her amused smile vanishing in the face of her sister’s serious demeanor and unconscious dialect slip. “Should Twilight be present for this news?”

“Twilight Sparkle is the subject of this news.” Luna hesitated only slightly before deciding to bite the arrow and get it over with. Flaring one of her wings with an unconscious flourish, she spoke. “Behold!”

Celestia stared blankly at what Luna’s wing revealed, her mind running in circles as it tried to process what she was seeing.

“Now sister,” Luna started, her nerves mounting as she tried to decipher her sister’s expression. “Remember that there is most certainly a solution out there and we have only to find it.”

“Luna,” Celestia started only to stop. Taking one last long look at the object on display beneath the blue wing, she slid her lightly quizzical gaze over to her sister’s obviously nervous one. Quickly smothering her confused expression into a careful smile, she tried again. “Lulu. Would you… like a purple covering over your pillows instead of your blue and silver ones?”

“What?” Luna blinked blankly at her sister. It took a long moment for her to get over the seemingly random subject change, though it crossed her mind that Celestia may be trying to cope with the situation through avoidance. “No… we’re quite content with our-my pillow casings.”

“Of course,” Celestia nodded slowly as she continued to eye her sister oddly, though her carefully constructed smile hid all but a slight glint in her eyes.

“Sister,” Luna started before deciding to change tactics, her serious teal orbs locked onto her sister’s magenta ones. “Celestia. Avoidance is not an option; whilst far from dire, this is a situation that requires your undivided attention.”

“I see…” Celestia glanced beneath the wing once more and nodded, despite having no clue what her sister was going on about. “Is this… Are you lonely? Would you like another plush toy? Or perhaps for us to spend more time together?”

“What! No! Nonononono!” Luna couldn’t help but reflexively glance around the room for eavesdroppers as she hissed, her cheeks reddening. “We are the Bringer and Guardian of the Night! We have no use for such childish things as children’s toys.”

“Oh?” Celestia allowed a slight smirk to curl her lips as she gazed at her huffily blushing sister. “What about the plush rabbit I-”

“Mr. Nibbles is a collectable,” Luna interrupted with a sniff. “As are all of the other, ah, plush occupants of my chambers. I have told you this before.”

“Of course they are, Lulu,” Celestia humored her sister with a smirk before her voice and expression softened perceptibly. “Would you like for us to spend more quality time together then?”

“I, well,” Luna averted her eyes. “I would not say no, but-wait! That is completely besides the point!”


“No!” Luna huffed and poked her sister with a hoof in agitation. “Cease your incessant distractions and look at what is beneath my wing!”

“Luna, I’ve already-”

“Look!” Luna interrupted once again with a stubborn scowl on her face. “Look and tell me what you see!”

Celestia sighed and just barely contained an eye-roll. Exaggeratedly turning her whole head to face the object beside her sister, she scanned it with her eyes for a full minute before swinging around to meet her sister’s teal gaze once more.

“Well?” Luna asked, successfully hiding her nervousness behind her impatience.

“It’s one of Twilight’s purple pillows,” Celestia stated dryly with a raised brow.

“Yes! It is one of Twilight Sparkle’s- wait! What?” Luna blinked in confusion before snapping her head to the side and gazing at the pillow nestled beside her in complete befuddlement.

“Is everything alright Luna?” Celestia asked in slight concern as she watched her sister search the bed with her eyes before standing up and looking at the bed beneath her. “Also, what were you saying about Twilight?”

“Hmm,” Luna mumbled concomitantly as she walked to the edge of the mattress and leaned over. Peering into the shadows beneath the bed for a moment, she then raised herself up with a preoccupied frown as she confirmed the transformed alicorn was not hiding within.

Luna!” Celestia spoke loudly to get her sister’s attention even as she moved to intercept her. Gazing down at the surprised pony who had just bumped into her, she softened her voice. “Twilight?”

“A-ah. Yes. Twilight Sparkle.” Luna giggled nervously as her eyes continued to scan the room before her sister’s hoof gently yet insistently guided her head upwards. Connecting nervously with her sister’s furrowed gaze, she swallowed. This was not going according to plan. “She… that is…”

“Yes…?” Celestia prompted gently though her concern was mounting, both for her student and for her sister. Perhaps she should spend more time with the blue alicorn, as well as make sure she gets plenty of rest; the last time her sister was this skittish around her had been when she was cleansed by the Elements of Harmony. “Go on.”

“Twilight Sparkle is…” Luna trailed off and slid her gaze to the side only for her eyes to widen suddenly as she caught sight of the open window. Snapping her gaze back to her sister’s increasingly worried orbs once more, she attempted a reassuring smile only for it to come out slightly wobbly. “S-she went for a, uh, a visit to the marketplace.”

“I was under the impression that she hadn’t left her room,” Celestia mused with a raised brow.

“Yes, well, she left by the window,” Luna smiled harder, praying for her sister to just accept the excuses she was making up and stop with her incessant questioning. “She wanted to gather more experience flying with her wings.”

“Is that so?” Celestia hummed thoughtfully. “I’m glad she’s getting used to her wings; I was afraid it would be quite some time before she fully accepted them as a part of her body. Did she say what she was going to buy?”

“Why yes, yes she did,” Luna nodded decisively. It was only after a few moments of silently staring at each other that Luna realized her sister was waiting for further information. “…Quills.”

“Quills?” Celestia watched her sister nod affirmatively before sliding her gaze over to the desk in the corner, a canister of no less than fifteen finely crafted quills standing proudly atop for all to see. “She seems to have plenty at the moment.”

“Yes… Well…” Luna floundered for a moment as she stared blankly at the numerous chinks in her excuse. Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to pass it off as a quirk of Twilight’s. “She is your student.”

Celestia seemed to think on that statement for a few moments before, to Luna’s relief, accepting it with an indulgent sigh. “She always was excited to go quill shopping; she passes through them absurdly fast.”

“Perhaps you should just give her a few of your feathers; I guarantee such a quill would last longer in her hooves than the norm.” Luna glanced once more at the window as she tried to think of a way to get rid of her sister so she could search for and retrieve the wayward filly before she was found out.

“Hmm…” Celestia tilted her head slightly; an intrigued look settled onto her visage as she thoughtfully brought the tip of one wing in front of her face. “There is that…”

“Yes, yes,” Luna’s eyes caught the clock in her ocular sweep of the room. “Ah! Is it that time already?”

“What?” Celestia’s wings twitched in surprise as Luna suddenly started to bodily herd her towards the door.

“’Tis time for your midday snack, sister. Thou wouldst not want to keep Chef Gateau waiting, now would you?” Luna opened the door with magic and closed it firmly behind them. “Go forth and enjoy thy cake; Twilight and I shall seek you out once she returns from her, ah, outing.”

Luna smiled brightly at her bewildered sister before teleporting away in a blue flash of light. Reappearing in the center of the guard barracks, the smile quickly slid off of her face. Gazing around the room at the half a dozen frozen solar guards, as well as the two lunar guards surprisingly still in their armor, she spoke, her voice reflecting the direness of the situation.

“Guards. We have a situation.”


Author's Note:

I was going to cut the chapter off at the first page-break... but then I realized that would be kind of mean and continued... which is kind of moot since I didn't say what happened to Twilight anyways... Ah well. You'll find out next chapter. And so will Celestia.

This took longer than I thought it would; I came to a crossroads about halfway through which left me stumped for a while. I finally decided, after much deliberation and head-scratching, to take path B. Path A - and Trixie - will come about later on in a roundabout way; it just won't be for a few more chapters. To that effect, I've removed the Trixie tag until she actually shows up. Discord's and Spike's tags will eventually show up as well.

Er... There was something else... But I forgot......... And now I remembered! Happy New Year!

*EDITED 07/24/15*