• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,736 Views, 120 Comments

(SiC) Part 8 - They Will Know By Our Love - Brian Jacko

After fasting and giving up sports and exercise, Rainbow Dash needs to get back into shape for her training with the Wonderbolts. Her friends tag along for the work out as well, but trouble finds Rainbow Dash along the way.

  • ...

The Celebration

Applejack came out of the bathroom and looked around at the library in shock. "What in tar-nations happened to this library? It looks as if a war has broken out with party supplies. Why the heck is Pinkie Pie chasin' her tail and shakin' again?"

Twilight Sparkle put a helmet on her head. "We have no idea what's going on, but she is going bonkers over something. These Pinkie senses scare me. You might want to take cover. It's a good thing that the library is closed today. Um, I don't mean to be rude, but did you happen to clog the toilet again?"

"Nope. Not this time," Applejack said. "Yer in luck. I only had to pee. How come yer always so scared when Pinkie Pie goes nuts like this, Twi? Ya have great responsibility in this group and ya should be a better role model than how yer behavin' right now. Even Fluttershy is actin' braver than ya." Applejack turned to Fluttershy and said, "No offense, dear. I'm just bein' honest."

"No offense taken," Fluttershy said.

"It's just that every time she gets these crazy Pinkie senses, something bad usually happens to me," Twilight said. "I don't know what to expect! I have been hit in the head by falling objects so many times in the past when she goes berserk with her Pinkie senses."

Pinkie Pie continued to chase her tail in circles like a mad filly.

Twilight watched the pink pony spin in circles like crazy. "Pinkie Pie, please calm down. I know that you can get incredibly manic and high, so I can fix you up some natural Lithium pills for you in my basement."

"It's not my mania!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Something truly epic and awesome has happened! I think it might be related to Rainbow Dash's training with the Wonderbolts!"

"Well, there goes my theory that Pinkie senses are related to her mania states," Twilight said.

A few moments later the door had opened and in stepped Soarin' and Rainbow Dash.

"Hey girls, guess what, I'm now a..." Rainbow Dash's sentence was cut short when she heard a familiar voice cry out, "Dashie!"

Pinkie Pie had lunged toward her and knocked her back hard against the wall.

Rainbow Dash suddenly found herself in a death lock grip of a hug.

Pinkie Pie squeezed tighter and tighter like a snake wrapped around its prey and squeezing every last bit of life out of it before devouring it. She kissed her several times on her forehead and cheek.

Soarin' had a look of shock on his face.

"Pinkie Pie.....Stop. I can't breathe!"

Pinkie Pie gave her one last squeeze and Rainbow Dash heard her bones pop in her back. She kissed her forehead once more and then let go of Rainbow Dash and then playfully bounced around Soarin' and Rainbow Dash in circles.

Rainbow Dash was bent over gasping for air. "Pinkie Pie, you have one heck of a death grip hug. How do you do it? You're like Applejack strong, but only when it comes to hugs."

"I maxed out in weight on that machine at the gym that uses your muscles to give other ponies hugs! It's pretty neat that they'd have a machine at the gym inspired by me!"

Rainbow Dash put her two front hooves on her lower back and then stretched herself out. "My goodness, Pinkie Pie! Way to almost kill me! Why the hay were you kissing me like that too? That's really weird."

"It's cause ya'll have been actin' like funny fillies and now ya corrupted poor innocent Pinkie Pie," Applejack said.

Twilight took off her helmet and placed it on a table next to her. "Pinkie Pie? Why would you kiss Rainbow Dash like that?" Twilight asked in a concerned tone of voice.

"Well isn't it obvious!?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Everypony stared at her and did not have an answer.

"The Bible says that Jonathan and David kissed each other and their friendship was super, super, gay, magical, and awesome! I just wanted to make my friendship more super, gay, awesome, and magical with you all too! Pucker up A.J.! We should all be gay for God."

Applejack covered her face with her hat and fainted.

"I uh, think we might need to discuss these matters with Applejack later on and I can only hope that you're referring to the word gay as the original meaning, happy." Twilight said. Twilight turned her attention back to Rainbow Dash. "So, what have you done that's been making Pinkie Pie act crazy?" Twilight paused and added. "I meant to say, more crazy than usual. What's with all the cuts and scrapes on your body? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I took a few tumbles, but I'm fine!" Rainbow Dash beamed with a smile and said, "I did it, girls! I'm officially a Wonderbolt!"

Pinkie Pie raced over and shoved a cupcake in Rainbow's mouth and gave her another big hug.

The rest of her friends joined in for a group hug, except for one key member. "Congratulations!" They cried out.

Twilight Sparkle looked over at the fallen orange mare and summoned a bucket of ice cold water over her. She used her magic to dump it on her.

"Gah!" Applejack jolted up and said, "What the hay did ya do that fer?"

"Come congratulate Rainbow Dash and join our group hug," Twilight said.

"No thank ya! I'll congratulate her from here! I don't want to end up bein' kissed by Kinky Pie or fallin' into some kind of trap with ya'll." Applejack clapped her two front hooves together.

"No!" Twilight said. "None of us are like that and what Pinkie Pie did now makes sense in my mind. She was just being very affectionate. There's nothing wrong with showing love and affection for your friends and there was nothing sexual about the kiss between Jonathan and David. You can kiss a pony to express friendship. It's part of some cultures. Get over here and give your sister in Christ a hug."

Applejack grumbled some words of disapproval and joined the group hug. "Congrats, Rainbow Dash. I knew that ya had what it takes."

The ponies broke free from the group hug and stared at Rainbow Dash.

"Actually, I think I may have one problem," Rainbow said as she put her front hoof to her forehead. "Could you please get me some aspirin, Twi? My head is killing me."

"Sure, Rainbow," Twilight said and went to fetch her an aspirin. She came back and gave her the pill with a cup of water.

Rainbow Dash took it and quickly swallowed it. "Thanks, Twi. My competitors were trying to be cheap by getting dirty head starts and head shots."

Before Twilight could ask what she meant by that, Rainbow Dash looked as if she wanted to say something of great importance.

Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity and said, "Hey Rarity! Guess what?"

"Hmmm?" Rarity asked.

"I turned down the Wonderbolts offer to make me my Wonderbolts uniform. I want you to make it! Would you mind helping me out? It would have so much more meaning to me if you were the one to create it."

"Oh my stars, darling! I would be so very honored to do such an important creation!" Rarity closed her eyes and put her front hoof to her chest proudly. "Why yes, I would absolutely love to design your special Wonderbolts uniform."

"Thanks Rarity! I knew that I could count on you. You're the best!" Rainbow said. "I'll even let you play dress up with me and work on styling my mane if you want to."

"Playing dress up with Rainbow Dash and making her look pretty?" Rarity rubbed her two front hooves together greedily and said, "Oh, it is on!"

Pinkie Pie got so excited that she ran around Soarin' and Rainbow Dash in circles quickly. She moved so fast that she looked as if she were about to summon this great big pink tornado. She stopped and then looked at the couple.

They were now covered in confetti, and streamers. They were both wearing party hats and party horns were stuck in their mouths. There were also balloons tied to their bodies.

Pinkie Pie had balloons tied to her body as well and was now floating in the air before them giggling.

Soarin' took the party horn out of his mouth and looked at Rainbow with a look of worry. "How does she even float in mid air with just a few balloons attached to her body?"

Rainbow looked at him and said, "Remember, this is Pinkie Pie that we are dealing with. No pony knows how she works. Only God knows. Try to relax, she won't hurt you, but it's a good idea to keep matches and explosives away from her. We wouldn't want know the capabilities she'd have with either in her manic states."

Soarin' got a little bit closer to Rainbow Dash as if he were about to hide behind her in case Pinkie Pie did anything more frightening to him. "This is definitely not a pony who should be playing with fire," Soarin' whispered to himself.

Pinkie Pie was somehow able to come back down to the ground and raced into the kitchen. She came back with a bowl full of punch and placed it on the table. "Who wants some punch that I made?!" Pinkie Pie asked.

The ponies all gathered around for some punch.

"Um, what is that green thing floating thing inside that bowl of punch?" Rarity asked.

"Huh?" Pinkie Pie looked closer and giggled. "Oh my, Gummy just loves to get into things, doesn't he? I was looking for him too!" Pinkie Pie took her pet out of the bowl of punch. She looked back to her friends and said, "Don't just stand there you silly fillies, enjoy some punch!"

Rarity put her front hoof to her mouth and tried not to vomit. "That's very generous of you to bring us drinks, but I think that I'll have to pass. I hope Mister and Misses Cake don't get into trouble when the health inspectors come to inspect Sugar Cube Corner."

"Suit yourself!" Pinkie Pie said as she held the baby alligator in between her two front hooves. "You act like he's dirty or something. I give my baby alligator baths all of the time!" Pinkie Pie brought over the baby alligator and showed Soarin'. "Soarin', I don't think you have met my pet before!" Pinkie Pie shoved the alligator close to his face. "Look at him! Isn't he so cute!?"

Soarin' turned his head away, afraid that it may bite. "That's really nice, Pinkie Pie."

She pushed her pet even closer to his face and said, "Soarin', look! He just wants to say hi!"

"Uh, I can't really see it when it's just a few inches away from my face," Soarin' said with an awkward look on his face and his ears lowered.

Gummy opened his mouth and latched on to Soarin's ear.

"Hey!" Soarin' cried out. He ran in circles in panic mode. "Get it off! Get it off!" Soarin' paused for a moment and said, "Wait. Why am I not feeling any pain?"

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie began cracking up.

"What the heck is going on here?" he asked.

Pinkie Pie came over and unlatched the baby alligator from Soarin's ear. "I call him Gummy because he has no teeth." Pinkie Pie put her front leg out and he gladly chomped down on it. "See?"

"A pony who has a toothless alligator as a pet. I think I have seen enough for one day," Soarin' said.

You should have seen the look on your face," Rainbow Dash said in between giggles. "It was priceless!"

Soarin' looked rather annoyed that they had caught him acting like a scared little filly when he was supposed to be this big tough and fearless Wonderbolt.

Twilight Sparkle giggled and said, "Hey, Soarin'. My reaction was ten times worse than yours when I was sitting in my bath and Pinkie Pie pulled out Gummy. I nearly had a heart attack."

Soarin' sighed and said, "Just please don't tell Spitfire about this incident. She would tear me apart."

Rainbow Dash stomped her front hoof on the floor. "Darn it!" She sighed and then said, "Ok, I'll keep quiet about it."

"Enough chit chat!" Pinkie Pie said as she put a cassette tape into the player. "It's time to party!" The music began to play loudly and everypony listened to the lyrics from a song called, Jesus is Still Alright With Me.

"Rap music?" Rarity asked as she cringed a bit.

"Sure!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she grabbed Rarity's front hoof and pulled her over to the center of the room to dance. "DC Talk rocks!" Pinkie Pie then did a back flip.

"Only Pinkie Pie," Twilight said as she shook her head from side to side. "Only Pinkie Pie." Twilight noticed the bowl of punch and was thirsty. There were plastic cups next to the punch bowl and she poured herself a cup. She drank about half of the cup and put it on the table. Twilight Sparkle felt something soft clamp down on her front leg. She looked down and saw Gummy attached to her front leg. She looked at the baby alligator and then looked back at the punch bowl. Twilight's cheeks puffed up when she made the connection. She brought out her "to do" list and added one very important task to it. She jotted down the task as she spoke. "Note to self. Practice more short and long term memory games."

The ponies joined in on the party in celebration of Rainbow Dash's amazing new achievement. They all partied together until they were exhausted, except for Pinkie Pie. Nothing could seem to slow her down when there was a party going on.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' left to have some personal time together at their special spot. Soarin' soared across the night skies with his special mare friend on his back.

Soarin' reached the edge of the pond and Rainbow Dash hopped off of his back. They kissed each other and then stared into each other's eyes.

"So you did it! Achievement unlocked! Rainbow Dash is now a certified Wonderbolt!' Soarin' said.

"Oh, Soarin'! You and those video game jokes and puns," Rainbow Dash said.

"So, this is it! You have nothing to be afraid of any more. Those nagging feelings are gone now that you were so concerned about, right?" Soarin' asked.

Rainbow Dash looked down and said, "No. They are not."

Soarin' looked very confused. "Huh? But this is it! You're a Wonderbolt now! Why do you still feel afraid?"

"I'm not really afraid, It's just something my spirit is telling me. I still feel like a storm will be brewing in my life, but I really have no idea what it is. I guess that I am thinking about things too much and should just move on. Whatever is going to happen will happen."

The two ponies talked for a few hours until they both had to go home.

Soarin' had flown her back to her home and once again she was back in her room, prone on the floor in prayer. "Dear Father, I don't know how it is that I'm a Wonderbolt right now. I feel like I shouldn't even be alive right now. I took two terrible falls because those ponies cheated and wanted to kill me. Even though I could have simply walked away because they had caught them cheating that second time, something in my spirit told me to get up and finish the race even though I had already won because they were disqualified. Thank You for protecting me and thank You for giving me the courage to get back up and finish the race. I still feel this nagging feeling in my spirit. It feels like I can sense some kind of storm approaching in my life. I thought that this feeling would go away if I became a Wonderbolt, but the feeling is still there. Father, I try not to worry or be scared, especially around Soarin'. He seems to really look up to me and I don't want him to worry because You command us not to worry. I pray that You may give me the confidence and courage to do whatever it is that You want me to do and to please help me as I go through any struggles or suffering. Thank You for making me a Wonderbolt, this was one of my biggest dreams in life. In Jesus's name I pray, amen. Rainbow Dash picked herself up off of the floor and hopped into bed. She actually forgot to take a shower because of all the excitement racing through her mind, but she decided that she'd take one tomorrow morning.

Author's Note:

*Edit* Song lyrics had to be removed.